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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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Hi, everybody - well, like Scooby, I finished a charity project. Pic to come tomorrow - along with one of my little tree:lol


I hope everyone has a good night :hug

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Awww, I missed a chat! We went out Christmas shopping. Now I think we are done for the girls, except one thing for Mia and one for Eva. I still need to get dh's gifts, though- I have to order one online but can't until Friday. I hope it will arrive in time. :worried


Leanne, it's so good to hear from you! WTG on quitting smoking! :h5 Sorry about the computer problems, and the babysitting jobs. You're right, though- you were not meant for those jobs. Good luck seeing about the part-time one in January. Wow @ your niece! My MIL has "F"s and she has nasty back and shoulder pain. I can't imagine an L. Thank goodness she got them reduced, though- I was so sad to hear that she had to wrap herself up just to go out. :( I'm sure she will feel much better after she heals. :manyheart Good luck with that Christmas shopping. Have fun at the Nutcracker- I have never seen it. I'm doing as best as I can without a car. I've only had one for 2 years- before that I didn't have one, either. But we lived in an area within walking distance of the school, grocery store, Target, etc...so it wasn't nearly as bad.


Shannon, I am so happy for Big Girl Janna!!! :woohoo :cheer:clap (There really needs to be a Cabbage Patch smiley.) Best of luck for the wedding tomorrow, and with Christmas shopping. Strawberry Shortcake stuff was on Mia's list this year, too. We got her the doll with the hair that can be styled, and my mom got her the Berry Cafe. The pieces are small but she knows better than to put anything in her mouth. :2nono Hungry Hungry Hippo is a fun game! :clap


Vicki, sounds like you had a nice day with dd. :manyheart


Joanne, good luck to dh on Monday! The job sounds perfect for him, and cutting the commuting cost is always a plus!


Judy, can't wait to see your little tree! :yay


Mary, Tena, Beth, Frogger, Scooby, Colleen, Victoria- Hope you all had a great Saturday!


Dh is going to a birthday party in about an hour. He invited me but we don't have a sitter for Eva. Plus I have a bunch of stuff that still needs to be finished. I told him that I can use the time away from him and he got a little worried. :rofl I will work on his x-stitch while he is gone, then I need to finish some squares. Losingmymind2 is making comfortghans for the families of the fallen officers in Lakewood. I have a friend whose dh is on the same shift but wasn't on duty that day, so I was really moved by it. I am almost done, then I can get back to the other projects. I think I only have 1 more strip left for my dad's 'ghan, so I will be joining the club, too! :yay


Ok, gotta get going. Eva is crying and Jorge is about to leave. Have a great night! :hug



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Good morning Besties!


Stacy- WTG on getting most of your Christmas shopping finished!! Welcome to the Just one more strip CAL!! LOL


Colleen- Hope you had a good time at the parties- how's the dress? And, please, update on the Advent calendar goodies! Sounds like the Lego Village is coming along nicely!


Shannon- Have fun at the wedding today!


Judy- Cant wait to see your lapghan and your tree!


Vicki- It's football Sunday- and I have to wait until 8:30 to watch the Giants- and of course work tomorrow so it'll be another Monday on very little sleep. Sounds like I'll need to take a nap this afternoon so I can stay up to watch!


Beth- How was your IRL meet-up? Are all the problems of the world resolved?


Tena- How are you feeling? And has the snow stopped falling? We are supposed to get rain today and then it is supposed to be 52 and sunny tomorrow (of course, that is because I'll be at work!) This weather is crazy- warm one day, freezing cold the next!


LeaAnne- Hope you get lots done today- don't forget about all the Christmas gifts you were planning on making- don't we all have these grandiose ideas and then b/4 you know it, we are only 12 days away from Christmas!!! I made 2 hats last night b/4 heading to bed. And one of them is a little snug so I think I will donate that one to our mitten/hat tree at work that we have. The second one came out just right for an adult. I changed up the pattern the 2nd time around and did it in the round. The pattern is from Lion Brand and they have you crochet in rows and then sew it together. It came out nicer in the round. And went really quick. I see a few more of them on my hook!


Scooby- you got a lot done on your charity crocheting so far- WTG- I bet it's nice to have that comfy craft room to crochet in!!


Mary- Hope all is well and that you are surviving the snow, snow and more snow! Good opportunity to stay indoors and crochet to your heart's content.


Frogger and Victoria hope you are well.


Well, another early day for me- can't get these early wake-ups out of my system, even on an Sunday- got up at 5 today!



I hear DH up , so I am going to start the laundry, which is the only thing I didn't get done yesterday.


Have a fabulous day everyone. (I hope I didn't forget anyone!)

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Good morning and happy Sunday! I think I caught up on my sleep! I actually slept 7 hours last night plus the couple of hours that I slept on the chair before I went to bed! I feel much better today!

It is quite foggy here today. It is supposed to clear up a little and the sun is supposed to come out. I hope so. I can't get my Christmas lights back on at the moment. They are too wet from all the rain the other day.

I need to get my laundry going and the grocery shopping done today. Tonight for dinner is turkey breast. I told DD I would get some potatos and make her and hubby baked potatos to go with it. She has recently discovered them and now she loves them. Speaking of the little monster, she has just risen. Gone to watch some t.v. before she comes down and asks for breakfast.

I need to get to work on some or my projects. I haven't picked them up in a week! I have done nothing but fall asleep after dinner, so I need to get a fire lit under my badorkus. I also need to pull my paper out and get some more stuff done on that. I have to set up a conference time with my study chair to go over the methods section with him. Hopefully I can start the IRB process soon.

That would be nice!

Anyway, have a great Sunday all and be careful in all the snow and ice that is around. Enjoy the day and I will check in later to see how everyone's day went!

TTFN besties!


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Some pics for you....a 42 inch lapghan, a chenille scarf I made for my sister, my baby tree with my fav 'ville friends' ornaments and then Sparkie and Susie this AM.... Sparkie lifted his head at the last minute. He loves laying next to his big sister.:manyheart

Oh, he's 4 yo today:)

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Judy- Your pics are great! Love, love, love that lapghan! Your dogs are cute and your tree looks very crochet friendly! Funny you made a chenille scarf. I'm in the process of making a chenille hat!


If anyone can help me with the hat I am making: It is from Lion Brand and is marked easy- Ok, so maybe i'm math challenged?


It says under the instructions for the brim:

Next Rnd: Work in sc, inc 9 sc evenly spaced- 44 sc


work even in sc for 2 inches more (get that part)


Last Rnd: Work in sc, dec 5 sc evenly spaced-39 sc.


My question is how many sc do you do in the Next rnd before you do a sc inc? and how to figure it to be evenly spaced? Same for the sc dec on the last round.


Guess I'll get dressed and go to the wake now (about a 1/2 hr drive each way) since I'm stuck at this point on this hat.


Here is the link to the pattern, but you have to join LionBrand to get the pattern http://www.lionbrand.com/patterns/cctq-hatScarf.html?noImages=0



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If anyone can help me with the hat I am making: It is from Lion Brand and is marked easy- Ok, so maybe i'm math challenged?


It says under the instructions for the brim:

Next Rnd: Work in sc, inc 9 sc evenly spaced- 44 sc


work even in sc for 2 inches more (get that part)


Last Rnd: Work in sc, dec 5 sc evenly spaced-39 sc.


My question is how many sc do you do in the Next rnd before you do a sc inc? and how to figure it to be evenly spaced? Same for the sc dec on the last round.

Here is the link to the pattern, but you have to join LionBrand to get the pattern http://www.lionbrand.com/patterns/cctq-hatScarf.html?noImages=0




You are going from 35 to 44 stitches. inc in the first stitch, crochet 3, then increase, then crochet 3, etc. You'll increase in the 33rd stitch, and just crochet in the 34th and 35th.


To decrease, you are going from 44 stitches to 39, so you need to decrease 5 times over 44 stitches. That's roughly one decrease every 9 stitches, so decrease over the first two, then crochet over 7 stitches, then decrease over the next two, then crochet into 7, then decrease over 2, etc.


I hope that makes sense. I love math!!!

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I finally got caught up on the past couple days!


First and foremost, some wonderful news:


LeaAnne - :dance:elle:clap:yay Congrats on quitting smoking since Nov. 22! I am SOOOOOO proud of you! Sorry about the babysitting jobs, but like you said maybe something even better will come up :yes


Shannon - :dance:elle:clap:yay for Janna in her big girl panties!That is fantabulous! What an amazing girl! You could get her Strawberry Shortcake panties for Christmas :wink I hope the wedding is fun for everyone! Good luck with your Christmas shopping.


Joanne - :dance:elle:clap:yay for your DD getting into the program at Kean and moving closer to Mama! That is awesome news! How many years is the program, just one or is it two? Good luck with your hat!


Stacy - :dance:elle:clap:yay for Isabella's wonderful report at school! I am so proud of her! Good job getting most of the Christmas shopping done! I hope you got lots of x-stitch done while DH was at the birthday party.


And now for other catch ups:


Judy - Your little tree is so cute and I love that 'ghan, scarf and your furbabies.


Tena - How are you feeling and how are all the little darlings at your house today?


Beth - WTG with those motifs! You will get it done! :cheer So what problems of the world did you and your IRLs solve? :lol


Scooby - I hope your DF feels better. Nice preemie blanket!


Vicki - I'm so glad you had a good sleep. You needed it :yes 5 days of school left before the break :yay


:hi Mary and whoever else I missed :hug


The Christmas parties were lots of fun. My pants and Christmas top made it through both without spilling :lol It was nice to meet my DH's co-workers at the first one and to see mine at the 2nd. Lots of fun!


Advent calendar updates :think Here's what I remember. A Lego chef with a big lego mug of cocoa. More hair elastics. Another chocolate Santa. That's all I can remember right now. Sorry that I'm slackin' on the updates. It was a VERY busy weekend, what with my full social calendar :rofl


As for the rest of my life.... :crocheting? what's :crocheting? Haven't done that in a while. I still haven't come up with a teacher's gift, although DD and I made the little reindeer clay pots this morning so those are ready to be filled.


:hug to you all! I've been thinking about you. I'll go get a pic of my tree here in a bit and share it.

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Hi, all, and Happy Sunday!


I wanted to pop in quick to say :hi and send some :hug:hug...


Colleen - :yayglad your parties were great, and that your outfit survived:whew... are you relaxing today?


Joanne - :xfin for your Hat... did you see the new CAL just for hats? Darski started it. It begins on Boxing Day! I wish I was good at hats, but alas... they are my nemesis


Judy - :ty for sharing pics of your lapghan, scarf, tree and babies! I enjoyed seeing them all.


Vicki - I hope it dried up enuf for your lights, and that you are enjoying a terrific day... did you get to pick up any projects to play with?


Beth - How many motifs do you have left? I am :cheer:cheer:cheerfor you for your Christmas 'ghan!


:hi and :hugto Stacy, Scooby, Tena, Mary, Shannon, Victoria, Frogger, Jenn and everyone!


I am a whirlwind of clean-ness today, and don't want to break my groove (might as well clean while i listen to the Pats, right?)


so far:

groceries put away, and dinner started (sauce with chicken)

2 cabinets and my utensil drawer purged.

floors swept

and 3 loads of laundry washed, dried, folded and put away.


I feel sooo good:manyheart


oh! and no butts, no urges, no munchies! :clap:clap


I'll try to check back later tonight:U


Hugs, my peeps! :wink

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Back from the wake and I knew I'd have the answer to my hat question! Thanks Beth yes I understand now. I was never good at math!


I am going to take a quick nap since I got up so early, then get back to this hat.


Colleen- the program is 2 years- glad you had fun at the parties and thanks for the advent calendar updatees

LeaAnne- WTG on all you are getting done today!!! I was thinking about joining that hat CAL. I'm not great at them yet- but I keep plugging away....as DH's flannelghan sits in waiting! LOL


Everyone else- hope your Sunday is going well.


Time to get some rest so I'm awake for the Giants game tonight!!!

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Hi all. The sun never came out here so it was cold and cloudy all day! This is one of the 15 coldest Decembers on record in Texas. And it is supposed to rain again tomorrow and Tuesday! I need some sun! I miss my vitamin D!

I got the grocery shopping done and put away this morning and the laundry washed and dried. It just needs to be folded. I have one load of towels folded already. Hubby can fold the laundry tomorrow since he will be home. I just finished cleaning up from dinner. All I have left is to turn the dish washer on.

LeaAnne - Yes, I did pick up the baby sweater and work on that today. I had 2 rows done and now I am on the 15th. I will continue to work on it in a little while. But we did get the Christmas lights back on!

Colleen - Yes, I did need the good night's sleep. I haven't been getting many of them lately, so it was nice to finally get one! I am hopeful that I will get one in tonight.


Joanne - Are you ready for some football? This should be a good game!


I hope everyone else had a great day! Talk to you all on the flip side!



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Hey ladies!

Guess what? I fell asleep last night! :angry About 1/2 hour after dh left, I laid down with Eva (not even tired) and the next thing I knew, dh was standing over me, asking how long I had been asleep! I was so mad!! This morning I finished 1 square and nothing else. I cleaned the girls' room and got rid of 2 bags of trash/broken toys, and 2 bags of unloved toys. Their toybox is so much cleaner now. Then I unloaded the dishwasher, wrapped some gifts, and dh took me grocery shopping.


Joanne, I'm glad someone could help you with your hat! I'm not good at math and I remember getting frustrated with that one and just giving up. :lol What color is yours? I can't remember if I said congrats to your dd yet so- Congrats! You must be one excited Mama. :manyheart I hope you had a very enjoyable 2 days off. How much longer 'til your next "vacation?"


Vicki, I'm happy to hear you got some sleep last night! :clap WTG on the baby sweater and getting the lights back on.


Colleen, :clap for having fun at the parties, and the clothing making it through! Can't wait to see a pic your tree.


Leanne, WTG on getting everything done! You are on a roll today! :h5 And also on no butts, munchies, or urges!!! (That just sounds so wrong but you know what I mean. :rofl) You go girl! :cheer


Shannon, I hope the wedding went well today! :manyheart


Scooby- I love your blanket! Hope df is feeling better today.


Beth, Mary, Judy, Tena, Frogger- hope you all had a wonderful Sunday! :hug


Tomorrow I need to get dog food and ornament hooks- can't believe I forgot them when I bought the ornaments! :blush I "misplaced" our ornaments in the move and I think they are somewhere in the rafters of the garage. There are black widows out there so I told the girls we will just use the new ones this year. :blush:lol They seem to be fine with that. Oh, and I just remembered that Isabella needs blue pants for her program.

Well, I better get going. I need to finish up those squares so they can be mailed tomorrow. Have a great night! :hug

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My nap turned into a 4 hours long! Do you think maybe I needed some sleep?? LOL. I woke up only to find the Giants down 14-0. Now the score is 24-10- c'mon Giants- get your game on! This is a huge game against the Eagles!!!


Oh, well, it's lmost the half so I'll work on the hat. YAY TD Giants!! We have game now- Score 24-17- still losing, but only a touchdown back


Congrats to LeaAnne on Pats win and Vicki on the JEts win. Beth- how did the Skins do. And of course- Congrats to Shannon's Saints- still undefeated on the season!!!!!


Have a good one, besties.!

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:manyheart:hugGood morning, Besties,


Joanne, Vicki, and Stacy, sounds like being sleepy may be contagious over the internet! I'm glad you all got some bonus rest. I hope you feel wonderful today.


LeaAnne, :cheer on the butt-lessness. Keep us posted. We're cheering for you.


Colleen, I'm glad the parties were fun, and your clothes made it through unscathed.


Judy, thanks for sharing your pictures. What types of puppies do you have? How old are they? I have a 2 year old german shepherd/beagle mix (supposedly - SPCA special.)


Shannon, how was the wedding?


Tena, is everyone feeling OK at your house?


Mary, is everyone feeling OK at your house?


Scooby, I joined the hat boxing day CAL, too. What a great idea!


I'm sorry if I forgot anyone. Did I mention it's before 6 a.m. here?


I have 28 1/2 motifs to go. I am almost done with the first color. It's exciting to have something telling me I'm getting done with it. I feel like I've been spinning my wheels on it forever.



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Good morning Besties! Another work week begins (and hopefully only a 5 day work week at that~)


the Giants lost- but I have to say it was a good game. I just feel like the Giants receivers dip their hands in grease or butter or something b/4 the games- there were a couple of good throws by Eli that the receiver should have caught!


I finished the hat- Thanks Beth for helping me out on that one. Stacy the color of the Chenille is called Amethyst Print. I had gotten tons of Chenille on clearance for $1.00/skein.


I think I'll sign up for the Boxing Day hat CAL too since I have all this chenille and have figured out how to make two different types of hats. I'm going to try Dot Matthews Ugly but Warm hat pattern too.


Well, I better get skedaddling and get ready for work. Fingers crossed for DH's interview at 8:30 this morning.


Cya on the flip side. Remember your vitamins ladies!:hug

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Beth, both dogs are GSDs...thought Susie, the older, at 11, (she's a pet store dog...long story) is very light colored with the black. Sparkie is the baby - got him from a family who owned mom and dad...not professional breeders, but he's a tank, square hips - not that exagerated, American line. His mom was an import, though. Both dogs had greta dispositions, as he does.


are you sorry you asked:lol? I love my babies:c9


Have to dash - time to let them out.

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Hi all! It is a :2rainMonday here. I wish the sun would come out for a little while. We need it and we could use the drying out!

Fingers crossed for Joanne's hubby today as he goes for his interview. I hope it all works out! It would be great if he could keep the same salary and cut commuting costs to almost nothing! That would be sweet! We are hoping to hear something this week about the job that hubby interviewed for last week. Keep fingers crossed for that one please!

I am almost finished with the body of the baby sweater. I need to do the button bands, the sleeves, and the hood, but it shouldn't take all that long. Then I need to start the blanket. That will take a little longer. Then I need to sit with DD and get her to pick a scarf pattern. Not to mention the RR that I haven't worked on in ages! Too many projects; so little time!


The bell is going to ring and I must run. I will talk to you all later. Have a good day and I will check in later!



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Vicki, I wish your DH good luck!!


Easy for me to say, but try not to stress out over what's not finished yet...

As a last resort you can always show a pic of the project and promise it for a New Year's gift or something.


Take care - I'm off to Toms River this AM (almost an hour away) for a grocery shopping excursion with my FIL (Step FIL) He's 92 and does very well, but we had to take his car away almost 2 years ago. We worried too much. Fortunately he listens to me.

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hey, good morning!


Beth - WTG on the Christmas 'ghan! You are almost there!:cheer


Joanne - prayers are being said for DH today, and :xfin


Vicki - Prayers and :xfin for your DH, too!


Stacy - I hope you make some progress on your gift, and that today is great for you.


Colleen - are you baking again today? I need to start making some cookies. I always think of you when I need to bake:hug


Mary - :hi:hi:hi up there! How are you??? are you getting a ton of snow?


Shannon - How was the wedding? Did you get to see our Saints play yesterday? It looked like a scary game... but dey did win!!!:cheer:yay:cheer


Judy - Safe travels to you today... it's good that FIL will listen to you, and that at 92 he wants to be out and about:yes


Tena - How are you holding up? Hopefully everyone is well, and you are not stressed out. :hug


Scooby - What's on your :crocheting agenda today? Anything good?:devil


:hi Vickietoria, Frogger and Jenn... I hope that you are all well:)



I have 2 cabinets and 1 drawer left to do to finish my kitchen purge and re-org. I already :manyheart it. It feels good to be able to quickly find what I need. Also on the agenda today is to vac, do 3 washes, and bake a stuffed chicken for dinner. Other than picking up my prescription for month 2 of my Chantix, that's about it.


Here's hoping you all have a terrific day!


Lots o' love:hug:manyheart:hug:manyheart

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Hey Besties! I'm waiting for the :coffee to kick in and feeling very Monday morning-ish. The walk to school was icy to the point of dangerous, but I'm home safe now. DD's Christmas concert is this afternoon :manyheart I am so excited. She let me put her in a dress :yay and she looks adorable. She's been practicing her songs for weeks. I can't wait to see it!!!


I won't write to all you just now. Gotta finish my coffee and have a shower and all that stuff. Have a great day! Love ya!

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:yay Christmas concert was adorable. Just the kindergarteners at this one. So cute!!! :manyheart


Almost forgot the advent calendar update: Lego hot cocoa stand and a chocolate snowman.


LeaAnne - I'm not baking today. Too busy. Concert, some shopping and that's about all I've accomplished. I've bought my ingredients though, so you can think about me this week because it is time to get going!


Beth - :cheer Cheering you on with those motifs! :cheer


Judy - I hope the shopping with the FIL went well.


Joanne - I've been thinking about your DH today. I hope his interview went well. It is nice to be in the position to be choosy about whether it is a good move for him or not.


Vicki - Thinking about your DH too. I hope you have a good last week of work.


:hi Stacy, Shannon, Mary, Scooby, Frogger, Tena and whoever I missed. Off to pick up the kid and skate back down the hill. Then supper to make.

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