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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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Hi all! Happy Sunday! The weather is warming up here. It is up in the 40's here this morning instead of the 20's like it was yesterday. MUCH better. And no, Beth, this cold snap does NOT make me home sick for NY. It reminds me greatly of what I do not miss about living there! I was telling my principal that the flaky white stuff was not supposed to be in Texas!

I have the first load of laundry done, the second one going, and the third waiting to go. I need to vacuum again. Hubby did it for me the other day (a definate advantage to him being home at the moment!) and the dogs made a mess of the floor again. I need to load the dish washer and start that up also and make a quick run to the store. DD needs cake icing and hard candy for ginger bread houses and I need rolls for sausage.

I am feeling better. The Dr. did give me some samples of meds to take to help my stomache feel better. I am waiting for him to call back with the blood work results. That should be tomorrow. If he doesn't call me I will call him. I actually slept fairly well last night. I have not been the last few days. I think I am finally just relaxing and it is what it is and we will get through it. Hopefully all will be well on Tuesday. That is all I can do!

Beth - Glad to hear that the Nutcracker was wonderful! Good for DD doing a great job on her solo!

Joanne - I can't find the camera cord! I looked every where but have no idea where it is. I will keep looking because I have things to show!

Stacy - Glad to hear that your lasagna got rave reviews! How was the roller derby?

Shannon - How are you? Did you get any of the snow from the system that brought us snow?

Colleen - The mittens are so cute! You did a great job! I hope they like the mittens that go on the mitten tree!

Judy - Thanks for stopping by!

Tena - The decorations sound so cute! I hope they are all staying put now!

My washing machine just beeped. I need to go change loads! Have a great Sunday and I will try to come on later and see what everyone is up to!



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:hi all!


Colleen, your mittens are adorable! They will be a wonderful addition to the mitten tree. As for Klaus- we do have a furnace that we use at night and he does sleep inside, but he shakes if he is not covered and it is below 75. :think:shrug I certainly can't keep the thermostat at that temp, at all times!


Vicki, you are on a roll today! :h5 I am glad that the med samples are helping you to feel better. :hug


Beth, I'm happy that you got to see the first scene! :clap for your dd getting applause during her solo. Klaus was a year old in October. He has plenty of chew toys but I'm thinking he probably just tried to get the sweater off and ended up chewing it instead. :lol


Well I am frustrated. I tried to do some shopping online and everything I want is out of stock. Dh is writing papers today so we can't go shopping, yet he wants to have all of it done by this week. :sigh Hopefully FIL will let me use the car this week so I can finish up.


I'm going to sit on my badorkus and :crocheting for a little while. BBL! :hug

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Hi everyone- I'm home!!! YAY!!! Stopped on the way home for a Peppermint Mocha Latte-yum!


Colleen- those mittens are so cute- especially the turquoise ones! DD will be so proud to bring them for the mitten tree! Yes, DD emailed about the Bruins win! Thanks for the updates on the Lego advent calendar. I'm as exited to see what each day brings as your DD is!! Keep us posted on how much fluffy white stuff comes through your neck of the woods!


Stacy- how frustrating about the online shopping---can you drive DH's car/truck? But, I guess if he is writing papers for school, you need to keep the DD's out of his way--duh!


Beth- Kudos to your DD and the applause- Enjoy this afternoon's production!! Love, love, love the Nutcracker.


Judy- glad to stopped by to say hi


the snow is just about gone so no pics this time Stacy. It is really sunny and there is just a smidgen of snow on the grass. It is about 44 degrees out!


Vicki- glad you got a good night's sleep and that the meds are helping. I have another load of laundry in too (where did that come from? Was DH hiding some clothes???) I vacuumed and I am done cleaning.


I'm going to watch some football and crochet a while.


I feel like I've got a whole day ahead of me and it's already almost 2:45!!!


Hugs to all


(can't wait to hear about the bye bye boobie bash---just love that name)

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:clap for being home early! How was your latte? Peppermint gives me a stomach ache, especially when combined with chocolate, but that one sure does sound yummy. What are you going to do with the rest of your day?


No, I cannot drive dh's truck. It is a manual and I have only driven one a few times- about 12 or 13 years ago! :eek He has been taking me out to practice, though, and I'm doing well with the shifting- it's just finding the right combo of clutch and gas that is not working too well. :lol


I really, really, really want to complain about how much it sucks not having a car...but I am trying not to. Roomie and the Terror are driving me insane today. Oh well...if I can just stick through today then tomorrow I will get a little break once they are both at school. :tup Maybe I'll just go and :crocheting in my room. I made a penguin bag today and it is so cute! The camera battery is charging so I should be able to have pics by tonight. :D

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It has been a lazy Sunday since lunch time. I never did pull the vacuum out. I finished the laundry. It is waiting to be folded. I am watching Shannon's Saints try win in over time against the Redskins. The Saints came back from ten points down to win this one! It was an exciting game to watch and I am glad the Saints won it. If the Saints are going to lose their perfect season, I wouldn't want it to be against a team with a losing record (Sorry Beth!).

Now it is time to watch the Giants and the Cowboys. Let's go Big Blue!

Stacy - I hate when I am on line shopping and I can't find what I want. That is the point of shopping on line! So I don't have to go to the store! I hope you can find it all. And I hope you get the car situation resloved soon. It does suck not having a car!

Joanne - YAY for getting home early! You can watch the game! Enjoy the G-men and the 'boys! They always put on a good show!

I need to go work on the scarf I am making for my niece. It is almost done. And I need to read my friend's paper for her and send it back to her. It has been sitting in my inbox for a week!

Have a great rest of the day all!


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Ok, the Cowboys are winning and I am not happy. What is with the Giants receivers that they can't catch the ball? Did they grease their hands again b/4 the game????


Well, I am making the Snowman gift bag from Crochet World and I did the base. Then it says to repeat Rnds 1-19 for the Snowman- but it doesn't make sense to me. Rnd 1 Ch 2, 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook (6 sc). But I already have 36 sc around from the base pattern. What am I missing? Stacy? Colleen?


Oh, well, back to the game and also see if I can make sense of this pattern. I even checked online to see if their was a correction. There wasn't, but there was one for the Penguin bag- It should say Rnds 20-29 (not 25), then Rnd 30 (not 26) an then Rnd 31 (not 27.


Saints/Skins game was a good one. Glad the Saints won (sorry Beth) but I am liking the Saints this year. (that is besides the Giants) I also see that the Pats lost (sorry LeaAnne)

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Joanne, the Base Pattern is the first 19 rounds of the pattern for both the snowman and the penguin. So, you would continue onto row 20 now. You're well on your way! Enjoy!


Interesting about the correction. I worked on mine from the magazine and didn't know about the correction. I think mine is on the short side, but it'll work out fine.


I am fighting a cold. I've had 2 naps today (one of them 1.5 hours long :blush) and I haven't gone out of the house at all. I've done 2 loads of laundry - one still to fold and finished my mittens. I have to work tomorrow, so I'm trying to rest up so that I am not too sick to work. The good news is DD is getting better quickly. She has a bit of a stuffy nose but that is it and will be able to go to school tomorrow :clap I did vacuum the laundry room.


Stacy - Hang in there! I hope you can make it through the day. Is there somewhere you can take the girls for a walk just to get out of the house? If not, crocheting in your room sounds like a good plan. :yes

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Thanks Colleen! I started repeating the base pattern since the directions said Rpt rows 1-19--and then all of a sudden a:idea!! Sometimes, I think I think too much!!! Yes, I am on my way on this one. But it is not only taking me an hour and a 1/2! I think maybe once I get one done, the rest will go faster. I want to try the penguin too!

It's nice that you got to take a nap. Hope the rest is nipping the cold in the bud! Glad that DD is feeling better too!


Well, back to this bag. And The Giants just scored a Touchdown!!! Giants are winning!!!! 21-17!

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WTG Joanne! I just finished the penguin. If you do it, I would recommend sewing on the belly and doing the embroidered beak and eyes before you add the red hat. Mine was tight at the top and it was difficult to do the embroidery, etc. I'll try to get a pic soon. He's cute! I want to give it to the co-op student that helps in DD's classroom, but DD wants it for herself. We'll see. I think if she keeps it it will just gather dust. I thought it would be a cute gift filled with candies/chocolates. Plus it would be nice to cross one off my list.


I now have a splitting headache :angry I think I'll spend the rest of the evening in the dark and quiet of my room.

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Feel better Colleen! Alone in a quiet, dark place sounds good!

YAY, Joanne, the Giants are doing well against the 'boys! Did you see the kick off return?

The hockey game comes on in a little while. I am tired and would love to just fall asleep right where I am! I will work on my niece's scarf and then DD wants one. She can pick some yarn from my yarn stash. I need to start a baby sweater also.

Have a good night all! Talk to you on the flip side!


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Hi Besties!:hug


Colleen, I hope your headache feels better soon. A dark, quiet room sounds like a very good prescription. I may actually try that myself.


Vicki, Isn't it great when the dd wants what you make! I hope you get some rest.


Joanne, I hope you will post a pic of the snowman bag when you are done. I like Colleen's idea of filling one with candy as a gift.


Stacy, Hooray for the bag! I will enjoy seeing the pic when you get your camera charged.


My leg hurts, so I'm being brief. The Nutcracker is over. We sold out both nights, and the dancers outdid themselves.

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:manyheart Hi Besties!!! Not a whole lot going on here today. We finally got some :2snow:yay. All the :wash got done today, I scrubbed the tile in the front foyer, loaded the dishwasher, cleaned one of the puter chairs and that was about it. We went out to dinner this evening and called it a day :lol. I still have to put the laundry away, but at least it is all washed and folded.

:cheer:clap Beth with the sell out of the Nutcracker. Congrats to DD for doing a spectacular job.

:yayLove the mittens Colleen. Wow, DD is getting some neat stuff in the Calendars. :lol I was looking yesterday to see what she got, thought I missed it.

:wooGlad you got home early today Joanne. GL with your bags.

:( Stacy. Sorry the online shopping isn't going well for you. Hopefully you can get the items you were looking for at the good price. I remember when I learned how to drive a stick shift. I didn't have a teacher, I jumped in the car and taught myself. It was :lol, as my mom and step dad sat and watched me drive around and around the block until I got it right. It will come to you and then it will be just second nature.

:hug Vicki. Hope all goes well with your report from the DR and that the meds help you.

:2hug Mary in hopes that you have your voice back and you are feeling much better.

:hug to LeaAnne, Shannon, Judy, Tena, and Frogger. Hope you all are having a fantastic Sunday.

I worked in the craft yesterday afternoon and almost ready to take pics. Hopefully I can get it done tomorrow but it is coming together very nicely. Hope you all have a great :night with lots of :hugand :manyheart to you all.

This is just a pic that I thought I would share with you all that DF took of me and Saturn as we were coming in from the back yard this afternoon.




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Okie dokie, I got a pic of my bags! I made another one while watching "V for Vendetta" with dh. He is a gingerbread man- I used the snowman pattern with brown :yarn. The gingerbread man looks a little crazy with the red eyes. LoL I am going to get bags of mini chocolate bars from Trader Joe's, to fill them.


Colleen, I hope your headache feels better with a little rest and darkness. :hug I like your tips of sewing the penguin's belly and embroidering the face before adding the hat. I actually thought to mention that myself when I posted last time, but I forgot. :lol


Vicki, good luck getting all of your projects finished. did you get the laundry folded?


Beth, yay for selling out both nights! WTG to all of the dancers. Hope your leg feels better soon.


Leanne, I hope you had fun at the booby bash and that you are feeling better. :hug


Well I am going to figure out dinner. Talk to you all tomorrow!



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Stacy- I love your bags! I am almost done with the snowman-I need to do the drawstring on the hat and then the scarf and then just put his eyes, nose, mouth on. For some reason I had difficulty slip stitching between the head and hat!! I hope to finish it tomorrow night and then I'll post a pic


I went to AC Moore around 8:15 and didnt' get back till around 9:30(DH didn't want to go, but I can't pass up a bargain- the art easel came to 28.00 with the coupon!!!) And of course, who am I to pass up yarn- I got 2 skeins of LB Organic cotton on clearance and 4 skeins of Paton Classic Wool (2/$8.00 plus the 20% coupon). I am stocking up for after the holidays to try felting). I am going to make a hat and fingerless mitts out of the organic for DD who is all about organic everything) I learned how to drive a stick shift when I was 17! My Dad insisted that we all learn how to drive a stick shift since we'd never know when we would need to drive one. My middle DD had bought a VW Bug when she was still in NJ and it was a stick. She was like Scooby- she taught herself to drive one! Hope you get your shopping done!


Colleen- WTG on making the penguin and thanks for the tip! I will finish my snowman tomorrow night since my brain is too tired to follow directions now. Hope your headache feels better in the AM


Vicki- YAY the G-MEN beat the Boys!!!! What a game- and the minor shake-up of personnel on the Defense seems to have lit a fire on the G-mens badorkus's!!


Scooby- Nice pic of you and Saturn!!! And love the snow- ours is gone now. Nice that you and DF went out to dinner. Can't wait to see your craft room!!!


Beth- So happy to hear that the Nutcracker went so well. And rest that leg- you probably didn't keep it elevated all weekend did you? LOL. Take it easy the next few days!!


Well, off to bed!

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Joanne, great deal on that easel! Why is it that men just don't have the same enthusiasm for sales that we do? :lol


Scooby, what a cute pic of you and Saturn! What do your pupperoos think of the snow?


I completely forgot to glue on the buttons to my snowman. I'll have to do that tomorrow. As for the stick...I told dh I would feel much more comfortable learning on a smaller car, which of course, isn't an option. :lol His big ol' truck just seems bulky and way too big. :shrug Oh, well. The only way to learn is to just do it. :D

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:cheer:clap:yay Those are way toooo cute Stacy!!!!! I love them. I didn't notice that the snowman didn't have any buttons :lol. The pupperoos love the snow. The try to bite it as it is falling, then they stick their noses in it, eat it, and just run around and around and around. They would stay out there in the snow forever if I could stand it but I get :wbrr. We emptied their water dish and filled it with snow and they ate every bit of it :lol. I guess there noses and mouths were getting cold and they were taking turns.




:yayNice savings on your trip to AC Moore Joanne. :lol Just out of curiosity, I got online to see where the nearest one to me was and you will never guess. :thair:bang:yell:rant KNOXVILLE TN, which is like 913 miles when before it was like 300 :rofl. When I was in TN I didn't even know that AC Moore was there. Go figure. I am going to try really hard to get the craft room done tomorrow or Tuesday. I am just running out of room to put everything. I ended up having to store my fleece in the spare bedroom. I have like 6 large totes of yarn and no more shelves to put it on. So, I guess they will have to go in our bedroom closet.



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Good morning and welcome to Monday!


Hope that everyone has a great day.:yes


Love the pics of the Titan and Saturn, Scooby- and their bowls of snow!! Can't wait for the craft room pics


Cya on the flip side :manyheart

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Good morning all! That is a great picture of the dogs eating the snow, Scooby! Love it! Hubby said that on Friday mine were running around in the falling snow not knowng what to make of it!

I didn't finish the scarf because the dogs decided to jump in my lap and want some love. Their muddy paw prints don't need to be on there, so I put it away. No big deal. I will finish it tonight. There's not much left. I ended up falling asleep any way. I have been doing that a lot lately. Stress I guess.

Anyway, nothing else going on here. YAY for the G-men winning over the 'boys. They needed that!

Have a great day all and talk to you all later!


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Hello Everybody!:hug


Maybe it's the chocolate chocolate-chip cookies I just ate, but I'm feeling :D. Or it could be the 100 skeins of yarn I just got from Herrschners. :devil Christmas has arrived at my house!!! I am not allowed to play with it until the 25th.:( But that's just around the corner!


Scooby, I LOVE the pics of your pups in the snow. My dog leaps like a deer when we get snow, about once a year here in SE Virginia. It's funny to watch her.


Stacy, I learned to drive on a stick shift. It made my driver's ed teacher very angry, because i had a hard time adjusting to driving the automatic that he had me driving. My first new car was a little stick, one of the first Hyundais back in 1986. The little ones are easier to drive.


Vicki, loving on pups, or crocheting -- tough call! I think I would have picked the dogs, too! The scarf will be there when you get back to it. I hope you are taking care of yourself. I hate to hear that you are so tired.


Joanne, will this be a 5-day work week, or do you have another working weekend?


Stacy, those bags are SO cute!!! How tall are they? I think that would be an awesome delivery system for my nieces' Christmas presents (we usually give them cash, because they don't like anything we'd pick for them.)


Shannon I'm waiting for you to tease me about your Saints and my dh's Redskins. The skins had to work very hard to lose that game! (Did you notice how I'm not claiming them as mine?)


I'll just say Hello to everyone else: (let's see how I do:)


LeaAnne, Mary, Jennifer, Tena, Victoria, and Judy, HELLO!!!:hug I hope you have a splendiforous day!!!


I have to get ready for work. I am glad I only work a couple of days this week. I need to get crocheting on my sil's afghan again!!!

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:hug Hi Besties!!! Oh my I have been plugging along in the craft room most of the day trying to get it finished and :ohdear:blinkI just keep finding more and more and more. Scratching my :think like Steve Urkel and saying "Did I do that?" "Did I really buy all this stuff" :rofl But needless to say I am almost done :whew. I also got the laundry put away, the bed made, a fire started in the wood burning stove, supper is planned, I cleaned out some boxes in our closet (only to make room for the plastic totes full of scrap yarn :lol), cleaned out the craft room closet, and I guess that is it so far. I hope everyone is having a great day today. We still have :2snowand it is :wbrroutside. I am hoping to get some :crocheting time in this evening, but whenever I plan that it never happens. So I am :xfin. :hug and :manyheart to you all!!!!! Will :check in later.
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Hi, ladies....got some Christmas shopping done, did some stuff around the house, took my dog to the vet.


I think that was it:think


AMazing how much you can get accomplished when you're working off a "mad":lol

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Hi everyone- only 4 more days till a day off. I am off this weekend!!!


I was really dragging around 3 today and when I came home I told DH, I am getting into my comfy pj's, going online and then heading to bed! I don't have the energy to even finish my snowman bag. He'll be here tomorrow night. I think all this working is finally catching up with me and the best thing I can do is spend the evening in bed- I'll bring my book and then put on House and either I;ll watch House or House will watch me!!!


Scooby you got a lot done today WTG!!!


Beth- 100 skeins of yarn????- WOW that is some Christmas present!!! What kinds did you get???


Judy- sounds like you had a productive day!!


Vicki- did you get your blood test results back? Hugs to you for less stress!


Colleen- hope your day at work went well and that you are feeling ok. What was the advent surprise of the day?


Shannon, LeaAnne, Stacy, Mary, Victoria, and Frogger- hope you all had a good day


Have a great night everyone!:hug

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First things first, the advent surprises were a Lego Policeman with a megaphone and a charm for DD's Italian Charm bracelet with a snowman hat on it (my mom put a lot of effort into that advent calendar!).


Work was good, pretty uneventful. I got another Christmas gift bought on my lunch. It has been snowing here all day, but it isn't sticking around. Too warm, but we are expecting some more serious snow by Wed.


Beth - 100 skeins of yarn :eek Wow! Have fun with that after Dec. 25th.:clap I like your idea of using the bags to house cash. Originally I had planned to use them to hold gift cards, but then I got the coupons for the board games and changed plans for the kids. They would be perfect for some dollar bills and a candy cane.


Joanne - Rest well, you'll need it. :hug


Scooby - Good job spending so much time in the craft room. I can't imagine finding room for all that yarn and stuff.


Judy - Does working off a "mad" mean you had some angry energy to work off? I haven't heard that expression before. If it does, yes that is a good way to get stuff done :yes


Vicki - It sounds like you need some puppy lovin' and sleeping during this stressful time. You DH will be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow that his interview goes well. Do you get some time off of school/work over the holidays?


Stacy - Your little bags are cute. It occured to me to do variations as well. I was picturing a puppy or a kitty, but I love the gingerbread man :clap


Mary - How is your voice? Are you feeling better yet?


Shannon - I hope the wedding plans are going well.


LeaAnne - I hope the bye bye boobie party was lots of fun and that you are feeling better too!


Tena - How are things at your place today? How are those kiddos doing? Any more dishcloths?


:hi Frogger and Victoria :hi


Have a great evening all!

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Colleen, yup - that was the only way I could think of to explain the energy level I had...it was either clean and run errands... or explode.

I chose the better way:D

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