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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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Awww Joanne. :hug I'm happy that you had such a wonderful time with all of your dd's. Sounds like the game was lots of fun. :cheer Hope you make a lot of progress with your flannelghan.


I spoke with my mom and she is going to move in with my aunt for a little while, until she can find an apartment. Her husband is verbally abusive, which is just as bad as physical, IMO, but she will not go to the d/v shelter. I used to work there, and I've told her repeatedly to go there, but I think she is embarrassed. :blush I knew my aunt would help her, though- we had a long chat about it while we were in MI and she said she would help anytime it was needed. :manyheart


The concert we went to was definitely rock. I don't know why I slashed it with metal- I cannot stand metal. But it was heavy rock. LoL And the little rocking smilies were actually supposed to be :2rock. Oh well. :heehee


I had a very nice afternoon. I didn't fold the laundry, so that is on the list tomorrow. As we were about to leave for the grocery store, BIL came over and dh decided he wanted to stay and play video games. Roomie had to go anyway, though, so I rode with her. After we came home and put it away, the b/f came over and we all went to Michael's. Good times. LoL I think dh was just happy that he didn't have to take me. :rofl


Anyway, it's bedtime so I better get moving. Have a great night!



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Good morning!

DD made it home safely to Boston.


Stacy- IMO, verbal abuse can sometimes be worse than physical abuse. I'm glad that your aunt is going to help your mom out. I'll keep her in my prayers. LOL about the heavy rock (not metal). Did you get anything at MIchaels?


I did not work on the flannelghan last night. I started reading the new book by Mitch Albom-Have a Little Faith. I loved all his other books: Tuesdays with Morrie, The Five People You Meet In Heaven (that came out shortly after my Dad died), and For One More Day. I got about 1/2 way through and then went to sleep.


I am bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning as the saying goes- Laundry is in and I have cleaning to do. Want it done early so I can just relax the rest of the day and gear up for what promises to be some very busy weeks at work.


Hope everyone has a great day!!!!

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Hi all! Build a Bear was very cute! I took pictures and need to get them made for DD and her friend. DD slept over her friend's house last night, so we wrapped her Christmas presents last night! The only thing I have left are the stocking stuffers! Shopping done and all wrapped too! I love it!

The furniture arrived and it looks so pretty! A little more rustic than I would have liked, but it still looks great. Hubby needs to look for my camera cord so I can show you all pictures! Leave it to a man to not find things like that important.

I need to get my butt in gear and get the laundry going and the grocery list done so I can get the shopping done.

Stacy - Glad you had fun at the show! Did you get anything good at Michael's?

Mary - Are you feeling better?

Joanne - Glad you had a good time at the game! The Rangers lost last night again. They always start out strong and then they fall flat.

Colleen - Glad you had fun at the craft show! Will you join in the fun next year?

Must run and get myself in gear. Have a great day ladies!


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Happy Sunday!


Vicki, I hope your hubby finds that cord soon- I am itching for :photo!! :clap for finding furniture that you like and having fun at Build-a-Bear. You are definitely ahead of the game in your Christmas shopping. How awesome that you have it wrapped and all! :h5 I have one thing bought for each girl, and one for Isabella's b/day. Hopefully I can finish next weekend.


Joanne, my mother loves Mitch Albom books, also. I've only read the first one- it was for a school project- but she raves about them. Yes, I think verbal can be worse than physical sometimes and he has definitely done his work. I'm so glad she is getting out of that situation. Good luck with your cleaning and relaxation. :hug


Beth, Colleen, Leanne, Shannon, Mary, Scooby- hope you all have a fabulous day! :hug


I bout a skein of blue and 3 skeins of white, to finish Isabella's flannelghan and start Mia's cat pillow. They didn't have the Caron Pounder in the blue I needed, so I got a skein of RH that I thought was close to the right color. It is the right shade, but far from the right color, if that makes sense. :think I also needed one more skein of green for my dad's, which they didn't have. Not a huge selection at that store. My FIL may let me borrow his car for tomorrow (since Monday is my busy pick-up day) and I will have to drive to Joanne's to get the correct blue and the green. So I just might start that cat pillow today, since I at least have the colors for that. :devil:blush



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Cleaning done, sheets from the beds washed and beds re-made, vacuuming, dusting, and floors done. Last load of laundry is just finishing up in the dryer. I also took out some Christmas decorations. We are doing minimal decorating this year- just enough to be festive, but most of my decorations are staying in the totes in the crawl space. I like the way it looks actually.


As soon as the laundry is done, I'm going to put that away, and then sit on my badorkus and watch some football and crochet.


Hope everyone is having a good Sunday!

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Good morning, Besties,


I'm sorry I'm not talking much lately. I'm not crocheting much, either. I think I need a vacation, but I don't really work...:think Next week, when the Nutcracker is over, things will be smoother here.


I hope you all have a wonderful day!

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Good morning Besties!

Beth- No worries about the not talking- I don't think you are alone on that front- it's the time of year when things get really hectic- plus you had other things going on too. How are you feeling and do you still have to keep your leg elevated? Good luck with The Nutcracker!


Shannon- Hope you have an awesome-ness time at the game tonight. Geaux Saints! I'll be watching! (sorry LeaAnne, but this game belongs to Shannon- it is her birthday present after all..:lol)


Stacy- Good luck with finding the yarn you need today.


Colleen- Is today the day that you are officially full time homemaker or do you have to fill in for the office manager?


Vicki- Congrats on the JETS win yesterday! DH must have been a happy man!


Scooby, Mary and LeaAnne- hope you have a good monday....well you know as good as a monday can be :yes

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Morning all! It is a cold, rainy Monday here. Yucky.

Shannon - Are you ready? I am rooting for the Saints tonight! I hope you have a great time at the game! Where are your seats?

Joanne - Yes, the JETS actually won a game! Their record is not as abad as I thought. They are 5-6. They have the Bills Thursday night in Buffalo. They can beat the Bills. They should have beat them the last time they played them. I don't remember why they didn't. Something stupid I am sure.


I managedto get the grocery shopping done and all put away yesterday and three loads of laundry washed and dried. It just needs to be folded. Now I just have one more load of towels to do and I will be done for a couple of days! I have an IEP training that I was supposed to work on over the weekend that I need to prepare for tomorrow. I will work on that today durin my off periods and if I need to I will bring it home. I can always work on it tomorrow as well if need be. I don't think it will take me that long. I need to get back on the horse and work on some other stuff tonight. I did nothing over the weekend. I did clean and straighten up stuff. But I didn't work on anything. I had no drive to. This is a new week. I will get stuff done this week. I think I wear too many hats and I have too much to do.

Talk to you all later and have a good day. Shannon, have a great time tonight and be careful at the game tonight! Enjoy the birhday present!


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Shannon, have a fabulous-ness time at the game tonight! Geaux Saints! :cheer (I don't like football, of course, but I will cheer them on just for you. :hug)


Joanne, have a great Delta Force-ness day! :hug


Beth, don't worry- it is that crazy time of year! We all have had days/times when we didn't say much. I hope you are healing wonderfully, and that the Nutcracker goes smoothly. :hug


Colleen, Mary, Vicki, Scooby, and Leanne, happy Monday! :hug


Well FIL's car isn't working either. So onto plan B. Roomie will take Mia to school and hopefully dh will be able to pick her up. Otherwise Isabella will have to wait at school for an extra half-hour, while I take the bus with 2 4-y/o's, a 2 y/o, and a car seat. :lol Tues-Thurs won't be as bad because Roomie will be here to pick up Isabella, and I will just have my younger 2. It's just the next 2 Mondays that I am :xfin work out.


I started the cat pillow last night. Mia wants it to to be smaller than her old one, so I am using one strand and a 4.5 hook. It's pretty cute. I am thinking of using a travel neck pillow as the form, instead of Poly-fil. Oh, I forgot to tell you all- SIL loved dh's flannelghan and asked how much it would cost to make one. I told her how much the yarn was (when not on sale) and she almost fell over. :lol So...in addition to the ones I have in progress, I am going to make one for her as a Christmas gift. I must be nuts. Thankfully we will not see them until sometime in January so I have a few extra weeks to finish hers. :whew


Ok, I am off to finish my chores, so I can get to :crocheting'ing. Be back later!

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:waving... sorry for not being around too much... I am just not myself lately. I have been :lurking to keep up with you all, and please know that I think of each of you and say a prayer for you every day.


Stacy - :xfin that your transportation issues get cleared up soon. I can speak from experience... it SUX to be without a car! I hope that roomie, terror and paws are treating you and your family well.

I am also praying for your mom... verbal abuse is worse than physical, because of the healing... I hope she remains strong:hug


Beth - I hope you are mending well, and that your 'spirit' feels better soon! Please don't ever say that you don't work, 'cause from this view, you have at least 3 full-time jobs! :hug I hope the Nutcracker is a grand success! (And :jumpyay:dance:elle:dance:jumpyay for that great report of cancer-clearness that you got! :whew I was worried for you)


Shannon - Have a blast at the game tonight!!!:yay:yay (shhh... DH can't hear me say this: GEAUX SAINTS!:cheer) :rofl I hope you have a great time!


Joanne - it was so nice to read that you had a wonderful holiday weekend, filled with quality DD time! ...and that they enjoyed so much raiding your bucket of finished goods! It has truly warmed my heart to know that you are so happy!:hug:hug


Vicki - How cool is Build-A-Bear??? that place is so much fun! Maybe I should suggest a GDO to my DD's! How is your DD doing? ...and DH? I am happy that you had a nice Thanksgiving, and got to see your sister:hug


Mary - How are you and DH feeling today, dear? Did you have to go back to the doctor? Bronchitis is very scary... I hope that you nipped it in time. Get well prayers are being sent your way each day:hug


:waving Colleen - How is your day today? Are you still working? How is the office manager recovering from her surgery? I hope you are hanging in there! :hug I loved reading about your trip to the craft fair, and would like to say that you have got some really great ideas to have a successful table next year:wink... :thinkMaybe There is a certain "local" Bestie who could share a space with you???:shrug:devil


Scooby-dooby-doo... HOW are you? :lol Your furbaby's are so cute! I also like their names. :yes Titan looks like he has some mischeif in his eyes:wink.

I hope everyone is well out your way, and that you are finding lots of time to play in that craft room! :hug:hug


...well, I am almost caught up with my chores from the last week, and made turkey soup for dinner with the extra "brown and serve" rolls i bought last week(YUMMY!)... It looks like I will be able to sit and :crocheting while I watch an AWESOME Monday Night Football game!!!

I hope you are all well, and will be holding you in my thoughts/prayers:manyheart


Until later.... HUGS, Besties!

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LeaAnne - Yes, Build a Bear is very cool! DD had a GREAT time and her friend was SO excited to go. She had never been there and was very overwhelmed by the whole experience. It was very funny to watch at first.

Hubby is having his first day back to work today. He is not happy. His day is going okay. But he needs to get back into the swing of things. The good thing is that the boss who was causing all the problems was fired a while back and he was moved to a different department while he was out on leave, so he doesn't have to work with the other idiot. We'll see. He's still a man. We all know how they can be!

I just got an invitation to a baby shower for one of the guys here at work and I am so not ready to make the gift for it! I still have Christmas presents and square ghans to make! I have the yarn for this one. Now I need to start it. The sweater will be quick to make. The baby blanket will be a little longer. I need to get crackin'!

I got most of my presentation done for tomorrow. I need to make some additions to it, but for the most part it is done. I will add to it tonight and get it ready for tomorrow.

How is everyone else doing today? I hope Mary is feeling better and I hope Beth is keeping her leg up as the doctor ordered!

Have a great rest of the day all!



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Hi everyone

Stacy- so sorry to hear that FIL's car is on the fritz too- Hope it all worked out today-whew- I don't know if I could survive without a car--at least not where I live!! Speaking of flannelghan's, I didn't work on it last night either- I feel burned out a bit- but am determined to work on it tonight while I watch the Saints game and look for Shannon in the stands!


Vicki- you got a lot accomplished. So how did DH's first day back to work go? Hope his health won't suffer this time around. Yes, I think your Jets can beat the Bills- and I hate to say this, but the way the Giants are playing, I don't know if they can beat anyone- and now an important linebacker, Antonio Pierce is on injured reserve-out for the rest of the season. Good luck with your presentation


LeaAnne- glad to hear from you- sorry to hear that you haven't been yourself. :hug Did you ever finish Petey's flannelghan? How is he feeling?


Mary- hope you are feeling better-:sick worried about ya-LeaAnne is right- bronchitis is not fun.


Colleen- how was your day? Did you have to go to work today or were you able to sit around and eat bon-bons?:rofl


Beth- Hope you are taking time to rest between all the craziness of all that you do- I'm with LeaAnne- you do work alot (between home-schooling, working at the ballet studio, taxiing and a myriad of other things!!!)


Scooby- Hope you had a great day today and that you were able to get to the craft room- but hey, if not- there is always another day!!!


Shannon- I'll be looking for you in the stands tonight- Have a blast!!!! GEAUX SAINTS!!!


Tena- :welcometo the "Some Good Clean Fun HAL/CAL" You do like to clean, right??:rofl (that was the initial purpose of this group- it has evolved into so much more- hope you like it here as much as we all do)


Well, off to fix something for dinner- and then pick up the flannelghan.


It will be a very busy long week for me- working all week and the weekend!


Have a good night everyone!:manyheart

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I saw the link to this thread in Joanne's siggy line...looks interesting, and would certainly help keep me structured.

DH would also thank you:lol

Self-diagnoesed, but I must have ADD....cannot stay on track or organized and always flit from thing to thing.

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:welcome Judy! Boy the group is growing in leaps and bounds- how fun! And it looks like we live pretty close to one another! We do try to keep each other on track- we have lots of fun:yes

Thanks! I need all the help I can get in staying on track!

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I like the idea of using crochet as a reward for cleaning.


I have been working on xmas dishcloths for gifts for teachers, bus drivers, aids etc...

I have 25 in all to do and have 15 done.


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I like the idea of using crochet as a reward for cleaning.


I have been working on xmas dishcloths for gifts for teachers, bus drivers, aids etc...

I have 25 in all to do and have 15 done.


How are your hands holding up?:hug I just made a thread bookmark and 4 coasters...both can be tough on the hands.

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:welcome Judy,



Nice to "see" you again!


...signing off for the night now. Will be refreshing my memory in the morning by reading the first post.. I like the cleaning tips there - a lot!

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:welcome, Judianne!


No, Joanne, I didn't finish Pete's 'ghan yet... i did no :crocheting over the weekend:eek. But I will be joining you tonight in stitchin' while I watch the game... I have it all lined up already:yes:clap



Joanne is right, Tena & Judianne, we sure do have a lot of fun around here! It is nice to have the support of such great friends, and :yes, once in a while we even clean!:rofl...


Have a fun night, everyone....



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