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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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Scooby- I still have ends- I can't figure out what Stacy meant when she said that you drop a color and pic it back up later- so I guess I'm not doing it the way she was saying. But I love how thick it is doing it with 2 strands together- I thought that would be difficult, but its easy. And I am so glad that DH likes it and it's not even finished yet.


I think I know what she means and I have a picture diagram of a way that this lady came up with but don't remember where I got it. I will hunt it down and see if I can find the link and show as I think I know but not sure. :lol

BRB gotta take the puppy out real quick

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Oh, good, we'll get to see before and after pics of the craft room!!


Oh, the hats I made? Two of my DD's claimed them- and I have to make another one this weekend for my other DD (the youngest- she said that she could wait since she lives close by). It warms my heart that they like what I've been making and go through my finished things and claim them from themselves

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Joanne I love having my kids here too but they do wear me out. LOL


Scooby did you say you were going to a craft show soon?



I went to one the other day, but it was in this lady's garage and she had a few things, but the town has a big one at the end of the summer/beginning of fall so I am going to go to that one and see if I want to try to get a booth for the next year.

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Iam hoping to try some new things for the next show. Just not too sure what yet. You have to be always thinking LOL


I did do a few when I was in TN, and did really good especially with my plastic canvas corner bookmarkers, hotpads/pot holders, scrunchies and my bows and jinglebell doorknob hangers. I also sold all the christmas wreaths I had there.

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Well, the team that DD and I were rooting for just lost- We wanted Pitt to beat W Va since Rutgers is playing W Va next weekend. It came right down to the end and Pitt lost. At least Rutgers beat Louisville today! Next weekend is the last regular season game for Rutgers ! They did ok this season (a rebuilding one with a freshman quarterback) and I think they'll do much better next year

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Well, the team that DD and I were rooting for just lost- We wanted Pitt to beat W Va since Rutgers is playing W Va next weekend. It came right down to the end and Pitt lost. At least Rutgers beat Louisville today! Next weekend is the last regular season game for Rutgers ! They did ok this season (a rebuilding one with a freshman quarterback) and I think they'll do much better next year


:( So Sorry. But I have to admit I am a WV fan, as that is where I was born and raised. :lol

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Scooby- I think I'll call it a night too- and spend a little more time with DD! It's been great chatting, and now that the game is over, we'll do some chatting ourselves- got to grab the time while I can!


Have a great rest of the night!

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Well, I am not a W Va fan since they are also in the Big East and being from NJ all my life, I gotta go with Rutgers (even though they were terrible for so many years). So next weekend, I'll be rooting for RU (although I'll hand it to you- W Va usually has a good team)

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Good morning everyone! Hope you all have a great Saturday. DD and I are going to the Devils game today!!!:) We'll probably leave here around 11- game is at 1 and then after the game, she'll be heading home:(


But first, I have to go buy some bagels (we have an awesome bagel shop-the owner has 2 in Brooklyn and one by me) DD wants to bring some back to Boston- She has told me that the one (ok, two) things she misses the most are good bagels and good pizza! You really can't beat NY style bagels and pizza


Remember your vitamins and enjoy today!

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Good morning Besties!:morcoffee


I got up bright and early to the sound of my oldest ds going outside to get the newspaper, and the puppy crying in her cage to get out. He left her in the cage. I need to get a ladder out and :kick So I'm up and I've been out in the cold. But he made my coffee, so I'll probably forgive him.


I'm still supposed to keep my leg elevated, so I'm not doing much, but my kids are keeping the dishes and laundry done. And we are eating. I guess that's pretty darn good. Oh, and I'm cleaning the oven. (I have it on autoclean.) The turkey boiled over, and we get lots of smoke every time it's used.


My oldest works today, but that's all we have planned. I'm looking forward to another relaxing holiday weekend type day.


Mary, :hug It sounds like you are so sick. Please take care of yourself, and get lots of sleep. Is your dh feeling any better?


Joanne, I hope your hockey game is entertaining. It sounds like you had such a great time with your family all at home.:c9 I love to hear about your times together. It warms my heart. I also like the way the girls ask for things you've crocheted.


Scooby, Your craft room will come together before you know it. It will be nice to see the pics.


LeaAnne, Stacy, Shannon, Colleen, Vicki, I hope you are all having awesome weekends.

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Hi ladies. Happy Saturday to all! I completely forgot about chat last night. We were having a movie night here. Star Trek.

I didn't do any crocheting done yesterday. We started to pull all the Christmas decorations out and sort them out. I made dinner. We watched the movie, then I fell asleep on the chair. I need to go out and clean out my car this morning before I take DD to get her Build a Bear. Then I need to help clean out the living room before the new furniture arrives later today.

Mary - I hope you are feeling better today. Rest today and follow up with the doctor if you need to!

Scooby - Glad that Titan is feeling better and is back to playing with your other furbaby!

Colleen - You made it to the weekend! Good for you!

Stacy - I know it didn't have an egg. That is what I mean when I looked at the recipe and I thought to myself "that's it"? I thought it was strange.

Beth - Glad the patient is healing so well!

Joanne - Have fun at the game! The Rangers lost last night.

Shannon - Monday is fast approaching! Are you ready for some football?

Have a great day all and I will talk to you all later!


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:hi everyone! Sorry I missed chat. My friend who was sick with the H1N1 called and we had a nice long chat. She is much better now but says that was the sickest she has ever been.


I am trying to have a relaxing day. Laundry is on the go (I have tons of it!) and I still have some cleaning up to do in the kitchen, but I'm trying to relax.


DD and I walked down to the craft show. It is a very good one. 80 vendors. I always enjoy looking at the crafts and this year, given that I'm home full-time (in theory :lol), I thought I'd pay attention to prices and think about whether this is something I'd like to try next year. There was A LOT of crocheted stuff. More crocheted than knitted for sure, but a lot of both. Towel toppers were definitely popular, hats, mittens, baby blankets, barbie clothes, baby hats. Not a lot of sweaters or wearables. I thought the prices were really low. Towel toppers were $5 or $6, which isn't too bad. Dish cloths $3 (you can't really charge more than that). I saw crocheted baby blankets for as low as $15 :eek There was a lady that had soap savers made out of crocheted cotton and they were subtly shapped like a turtle. They were very nice. There was one table that had knitted and felted purses, but otherwise I didn't see a lot of bags/purses, so that might be a possibility. Not a lot of cutting edge colours. Mostly traditional colours, so that is something to consider too. Maybe some brights and blacks, because there were no brights or blacks. So, lots to think about. There was a lady that had crocheted placemats taht looked like the Canadian flag, and the maple leaf wasn't embossed it was crocheted right in. She told me it was difficult but once she got the pattern down she was happy with it. They were really neat! I was so busy looking at the stitches that I didn't ask her how much they are. :lol


Well, I've babbled enough. Gotta go switch out the laundry and clean up the kitchen. Maybe I'll :crocheting this afternoon. I started the prayer shawl I'm making for the church. Have a great day :hug

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Good morning!

The concert was awesome-ness last night! :rock :rock We went to see Flaw- it is the one metal/rock group that I love. The singer has such raw emotion in his voice, and the lyrics are actually understandable. That is the major difference in my and dh's tastes in music- I like to be able to understand what is being sung. :rofl There were a couple of opening acts that were really good, too, and I'm going to see where I can buy the cd's. My mp3 player is in need of new music. :lol Afterward we went to Mel's Drive-In for coffee and pie. I think it is grossly overrated, but SIL loves it because it is well-known by the stars. :rolleyes We had a fun night, though- lots of laughs. :yay


As for the flannel-ghan, Mary is right- I meant cut one strand and pick up the other color. That only leaves one color to be woven at the end instead of both of them. Sorry if I worded it incorrectly, before. :blush


Vicki, sounds like you had a fun family movie night. I've never seen Star Trek but my aunt and cousins are huge Trekkies.


Beth, sounds like your inventions are taking good care of you. How is the pupperoo doing, aside from being forgotten in her crate?


Colleen, the craft fair sounds nice. What did your dd think of it? Good luck figuring out if you will join next year. I think other color combos would be a good idea, too. I :manyheart black and brights, especially together. I've noticed at the craft fairs here, they mostly use pastel colors. Bleh.


Joanne, enjoy your bagels and the game! I know you are soaking up this time with your dd. :hug


Shannon-ness, how are you feeling? Is Janna-ness feeling better?


Scooby, I'm happy to hear Titan is feeling better and back to playing! :clap


I don't think we have much going on today. I have some laundry to fold. BIL is coming over to spend time with dh before they leave. I'm waiting on one more package from my mom that should contain the girls' gifts. It was supposed to arrive with the other one yesterday. Speaking of my mom, can you all please keep her in your prayers? She is getting a divorce, which is good, (her husband and step-kids are abusive) but she is very scared and unsure of what to do next. When she left my dad, she had a plan and wasn't worried at all- this time she is just a mess. :(

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Well, my nest is empty again:(


I had such a great couple of days spending time with my DD's- the time just flew by! I feel a little empty right now- but I'll get over it.


We had a great time at the Devils game and the Devils Rocked the Rock (that's the nickname of their new arena The Prudential Center aka "The Rock". The score was 6-1- and DD and I had a great time. Then she took the bus to NY to grab the bus to Boston and I headed home.


Stacy- Your mom is in my thoughts and prayers- I know what it is to go through a divorce- and like your mom the first time, I had a plan. It must be a little disconcerting to not really have a plan, but if the situation is abusive, she is doing the right thing. Has she considered talking to someone at a Women's crisis center? Glad you had a good time at your concert. I am not a fan of heavy metal, but am a fan of being able to understand the lyrics:lol


Colleen- The craft fair sounds like fun and glad you got some ideas- I like the idea of bright colors and black. Did you see any fingerless mitts or legwarmers? My DDs love both of those items. How is the prayer shawl coming along?


Mary hope you are feeling better today. My DH spent the day on the couch (I'm sure he was glad for a quiet house). He said he is feeling a little better although he has started coughing (not sure if it is from the cold or from his CHF or both). But he can stay right up there and away from me! I will not get sick, I will not get sick, I will not get sick. I figure if I can keep saying that, mind over matter will win out!


Shannon- you must be getting so psyched to go to the Saints game. I know how fun it was today at the hockey game!! DD bought me a shirt with the Statue of Liberty and a Devils motto that says There's no doubt where this Lady Stands ---NJ! The back of the shirt has a map with picture of the Statue of Liberty on the NJ side (where she actually is) and the Rock. Even though the Giants actually play in NJ they are called the NY Giants (go figure) and the NJ Devils actually play in NJ and are a NJ Team!!! Even the NJ Nets baskeball team who plays in NJ removed the NJ from their team jerseys, probably because they'll be moving to Brooklyn in a couple years. the Team went downhill since Bruce RATner bought the team a few years ago. Enough of that rant.


Vicki- How was "build a bear" today- Did DD have a good time?


Beth- Hope the pup isnt forgotten again. And glad that your inventions are helping out. It is important to keep your leg elevated! Any crocheting getting done?


LeaAnne and Scooby- hope your Saturday was a relaxing one.


Well, I think I'll pick up the flannelghan and continue on with that so that can be done and I can start on some more hats, fingerless mitts and legwarmers. Oh, oldest DD spotted a scarf she liked today- so she wore it today. My stash of finished items got a little depleted- but I'm glad that my DD's like them.


Have a great evening everyone:hug

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