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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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:bday:bday:birthday Joanne's DH, :bday!!


Sorry! I just can't keep up with everyone this week! I've felt behind since we went to NOLA! I hope he has a wonderful day!

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:birthday Joanne's DH.


I get to wash all my bedding today. Did I mention that I'm babysitting a bassette that's not entirely housebroken?


I'm so happy to hear about everyone's progress with their projects. I wish I was getting more done. I'm having trouble concentrating on things.


Gotta run, ds is done with work in a bit, and I need to get on base to pick him up. (Lift from the knees, not the back!)


:hug:hug:hug:manyheart:manyheart:hug:hug to all

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:rofl:rofl:rofl Joanne, who knows what FBBs are and who knows what I was thinking or typing, it may have just been a typo. Sorry my dear HBBs.I have been in a huge whirlwind the last couple of days I don't really know if I am coming or going. Well I have some :(:(:(:cry:cry:cry news. I had to take my new furbaby, Simba, to the vet again today as he wouldn't eat and started vomitting. He has Parvo, BUT the vet thinks that I caught it in time and that hopefully he will be ok. He had one shot at the animal shelter and received another one yesterday. She gave him a shot today to relieve the nausea and diarrhea and so far no more of either. He has only had a couple of bouts at both ends. I am having to keep the furbabies separated, and they think Saturn will be alright as she has had all of her parvo shots as well as everything else too. Right now, I have the dining room/slash den blocked off where Saturn can't get in there and he is in the kennel, just in case he was to be have an accident, the kennel is easier to bleach and clean up. Sooooooooooo, needless to say, I have not touched the craft room again today, although I have to get some of this stuff out of the living room and up there tonite regardless of whether it goes in it's correct spot or not. I am waiting for DS to get home from school so that he can play NURSE for a while so I can go get some errands ran and run by the grocery store to pick up my last minute stuff for Thanksgiving dinner. Anyways I will check back in a little while and see how everyone is doing. :hug:hug:hug:hug
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Hey ladies!

Well, it finally happened- my car died. :cry:ohdear I was supposed to volunteer at Mia's school today, but a few blocks away from home, the car started making a loud clunking sound and would only go about 10 miles/hour. I have roadside assistance but since we were so close to home, I let it sit for about 10 minutes, then turned on the hazards and drove home, clunking all the way. :blush The mechanic just came by and said he is 95% sure it is the fuel pump, but we had to take it to his shop so he could connect it to the machine anyway. Dh came home early and followed me there. We should find out by the end of the day, and can order the part then. Only problem is, the mechanic doesn't have enough room in his shop to store it, so we have to go back to get it, then take it back again when the part comes in. :sigh

This morning after dropping off Isabella, we went to the grocery store and bought everything for Thanksgiving. Thank goodness, I don't have to be one of those doing last-minute shopping tomorrow night!! :whew


Shannon-ness, that is way too cool about your tickets! WTG to dh for taking the big hint. :lol:clap


Joanne, :birthday to your dh! Do you have any plans tonight? I'm glad to hear that your dd's MIL's surgery went well. So sorry to hear about your co-worker's dh's blockages. When will he be having the surgery?


Vicki, WTG to your daughter for doing well on her patterns. I cannot wait to see your dd's 'ghan! Lucky you, getting out of class today. Enjoy your long weekend. Our kids get out at 12:30 tomorrow. Isabella's class is having a doughnut party because they collected the most for the food drive between the K/1st grade classes.


Scooby, :heehee at the FBB! I'm sorry to hear about your little furbaby. Poor dear! My parents' black lab had Parvo when he was about 3- he got ahold of a pork chop bone that someone threw into his run. At least you caught it in time, and hopefully your pup will be on the mend soon. :hug


Beth, good luck with the basset hound. I hope your inventions are helping you ease back into your chores. :hug


Leanne, sounds like you have been busy! I'm glad to hear you enjoyed your time with your mom, Aunt Sue and Uncle Art. I hope Uncle Art is feeling better this afternoon. Hope Petey is feeling better very soon. How did you make out with the baking today?


Mary and Colleen, I hope you are bothing having a nice day.


Dh just got off the phone with the Ford dealer to see about a part for his truck (the part that caught fire)- turns out, his truck was recalled a couple years ago for the exact same problem and it will be fixed for free! :clap One good piece of news for the day. :whew

Dh has to take Isabella to karate tonight. She will have a double class since she missed last week. Her competition is on the 10th and I have already told her that if she doesn't make an effort to practice, she is not going. So far she has only practiced her Form once, but none of the other moves.

Ok, I have to go- Eva got up early and will not take a nap. I am going to try to put her down and I'll bbl!

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It's the weekend! It's the weekend! It's the weeked! It's the weekend! YAY! Hi ladies! I am happy the week is over. I am on a man hating rant at the moment so I will promise to be good for the moment. Hubby had me so mad right now, but he is a man and he can't help it. That is what they do!

Scooby - So sorry to hear about the fur baby. I hope he is on the mend soon. Please let us know how he is feeling and if your other baby is okay. I hope it all is fine for the holiday!

Stacy - Oh no! I hope your car is not totally dead! I hope they can fix it! Glad to hear that the dealer will fix your hubby's car for free! YAY YOU! Good luck to Isabella on her form!

LeaAnne - How is Uncle Art feeling today? I hope he is feeling better today. Is everyone having a great visit? I hope so. It must be nice to have them all at the house.

Beth - How are you feeling today? Did you get your hubby today from work? Are you staying home for the holiday or are you going somewhere?

Joanne - Happy birthday to your Hubby! I hope he is having a great day! Are you ready for the girls to come? How long will they all stay?

Shannon - Have you come off the floor yet from your surprise birthday present?

I hope you all have a great night! It is bowling night! I would rather just curl up with my :yarn and :crocheting but I don't see that happening tonight. Oh well. Have a great night all and I will talk to you all on the flip side!


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Wow- busy, busy, busy today! Thanks for all the Birthday Wishes for DH! I came home from work and DH had made steak with grilled mushrooms and onions and broccoli with cheese sauce. He even made a pot of coffee for me. You would think it was my birthday and not his! The dinner was yummy- and the best part was, he had all the pots/pans cleaned up already when I got home. Gotta love the man! I showed him the partially done flannelghan-he hadn't even noticed what I was working on. LOL. I guess I needn't have worried about trying to hide it from him! I told him I'll get it finished as quick as I can. My shoulder is feeling fine today so I think I'll start on the 4th strip.


Stacy- Sorry to hear about your car and that it couldn't have waited until you got your tax refund!But that was great news about the part for your DH's truck! Luckily you were able to get all your Thanksgiving shopping done.


LeaAnne- thanks for the tip on putting the ghan together. I think I'll go with your advice and skip the round of sc. Hope that Uncle Art is feeling better this afternoon and that Petey is feeling better too. That's great that you are on the 3rd strip too- your hook as been busy- even with all that company!


Shannon- Wooo Hoooooo! What an awesome-ness gift from DH- Saints/Pats game on Monday!!!!! And I have to say I'll be rooting for the Saints right along with you. (Sorry LeaAnne, not a Belichek fan). Now hopefully the Giants can make Thanksgiving complete by winning on Thursday night. Whose brainiac idea was it to have a team from the East play on Sunday, then have to travel to the west for a game on thursday?


Beth- That basset hound is adorable- saw the pics on FB! Hope he is not making too much of a mess and too much work for you. Take it easy- you are still recuperating you know! But I'm sure those wonderful inventions of yours are helping you out


Vicki- Can't wait to see the pix of the ghan!!! And welcome to your Friday! I only have 1/2 day of work and then off till Monday!!!!


Scooby- sorry to hear about your furbaby! And LOL about the FBB's. I thought I was losing my mind or something. (which isn't a stretch these days) Hope DS was able to mind the pup while you got your errands done


Colleen and Mary- thinking of you and hoping Tuesday was a good day,


My friend's DH had surgery today- his Left Anterior Descending Artery- don't have all the details, but the artery was twisted and there was a clot (which is what they thought and had started him on Heparin (an anticoagulant). If the artery hadn't been twisted, the clot probably would have dislodged and the outcome would not have been good. He is doing well from what I hear and will be in the hospital about 2-3 more days. He has to go back and have another surgery in about 2 weeks on the Rt side. His heart muscle looks good though. So, please continue to pray for them.


Well, I'm going to go spend some time with DH (it is his birthday after all). Have a great night!

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Vicki- I am so ready for the girls to come!!! Two will be here tomorrow afternoon- I'll pick them up and then we are going to lunch at a new place tha opened up- it was on the news- called A Better World Cafe- fresh food- pay what you can afford. You can read about it here:http://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2009/11/nj_restaurants_offer_customers.html


Then we are coming home and the two DD's are going to do some cooking/baking. Youngest DD is working tomorrow and she may come tomorow night- depending on what time she gets out. She works a 12 hr shift 7-7 but often doesn't get out until 8-8:30. After that one more shift on Saturday in the ER and then Monday she starts in the OR


Boston DD is staying until Saturday night- we are going to the Devils Hockey game Sat and then she'll leave from there- take the bus into Penn Sta and then grab her bus to Boston. DD from Philly is staying at least through Friday- we are planning to all go see "The Road" (it was an excellent book that we all have read). I'm so excited to get to spend some good quality time with them!


Good luck bowling tonight!

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Oh, I forgot to tell you all- We had blood pressure screenings at work today (voluntary) and mine was 110/80! I was so happy!!! I think alot of it has to do with my new job, watching sodium intake and of course taking up crocheting!!!!


Night all!

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Boy oh boy! It has been busy here! Clearly I can't work full-time. It cuts into my HBB time :lol


Today was very busy. DD started complaining that her ear hurt again yesterday, so this morning I called the Dr. and got her into see him. Her ear is fine :shrug Maybe she has whatever I have :shrug. So, good news there. I am pooped! Maybe a bit of TV time for me and then off to bed for a big sleep.


Scooby - So sorry to hear about Simba. I hope he gets well soon.


Stacy - Sorry to hear about your car. Good job getting all your Thanksgiving shopping done (especially since you don't have a car :lol).


Vicki - Give Brianna high-5 for me for her TKD tournament! I hope your DH makes it out of the doghouse! Enjoy your long weekend!


Shannon - Your DH rocks! What a wonderful gift and good for him for getting the hint :lol


Joanne - Your plans with your DDs sound wonderful. I am so excited for you. And an almost belated Happy Birthday to your DH! I hope he likes his flannelghan.


LeaAnne - Your Uncle Art continues to be in my prayers as he continues his chemo. I'm glad you enjoyed your visit with him and your mom and aunt. I hope little Pete feels better soon. I'm glad he's excited about his 'ghan. How cute. Good luck with all your Thanksgiving preparations.


Beth - Tinkerbell is a cutie! I hope you are continuing to take it easy. Did you get your bandages changes alright? Keep taking it easy!


Mary - I hope you are feeling better soon. :hug

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Oh, I forgot to tell you all- We had blood pressure screenings at work today (voluntary) and mine was 110/80! I was so happy!!! I think alot of it has to do with my new job, watching sodium intake and of course taking up crocheting!!!!


Night all!


:tup WTG Joanne! All that crocheting is helping your blood pressure!

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I should clarify that I got my shopping done before my car clonked out. :lol:wink


We didn't go to karate tonight because a certain someone didn't feel like driving. :angry Isabella doesn't seem to care, though. I think she is losing interest, which makes me sad. It is a good (useful) activity for her.


Joanne, WTG on that b/p reading! :tup How sweet of your dh to have dinner ready and dishes washed. Did he make dessert, too? :devil Prayers still going out for your co-worker's dh. It is scary that his artery was twisted, but actually a blessing in disguise. Yikes! Sounds like your long weekend is all planned out! Have fun with those awesome dd's of yours. Good luck to your youngest with her new job on Monday. :hug I just looked at the article about the restaurant and it looks really neat! What a creative idea.


Colleen, sounds like you have been busy today, too! I'm glad that dd's ear is fine. Hope you have a great night of rest. :hug


Vicki, you crack me up! I'm sorry you are on a man-hating rant right now. Dh's are like that- they just don't know better. :wink I hope bowling went well for you and you let out some steam on that bowling ball! :hug


I am dying for chocolate!!! Dh suggested a walk to the liquor store, but b/f didn't show up in time to watch the Terrors, so we are waiting for Roomie to come home. Maybe she will watch mine for a few so we can run to get a coffee, instead. :xfin I'm off to work on my dad's flannel-ghan until then.

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Good morning HBB's

I don't have time to respond to you all, but want you to know that I'm thinking about you and wishing you a wonderful day!!


1/2 day work and then it's 4 1/2 days off!! Can't wait to spend time with my DD's!


Have an awesome-ness day!

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Hi all! It is bright and sunny here today! I am taing my car to be fixed today. The engine light is on and then I need to go tot he store to get some stuff to make dessert for Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow! I am going to bake brownies a la mode, a cheesecake, and Kiss surprise cookies! I have never made those so I will let you know how those come out. I need a new mixer to make those. I bkew out the motor of my old one last year! He he!

DD and I are going to go get hair cuts later on this afternoon. I wanted to go furniture shopping today. Let's see if that actually gets done. Hubby's car is supposed to be picked up today. I don't know what time. So my afternoon is officially up in the air with all the car stuff.


I am going to start the scarf for my niece today. I will also try to post a picture of DD's square ghan. I need to start the white border on it.


Have a great day all! Talk to you all later!



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My first day of being car-less has been busy. I took Isabella to school, and when I came home, the gardener was here, digging the sprinkler line to the main street. The maintenance guy is supposed to be by later to fix some other things. Roomie offered to take Mia to school today, so I have to write a note explaining what happened and that she may or may not be there on Mon. and Tues. The teacher is super-nice, but has a long waiting list and is rather picky about how many days the kids miss.

I have already swept and mopped the kitchen and living rooms, washed all of the rugs, and did 2 loads of laundry. They are on my bed, waiting to be folded. I also need to wipe down the walls- the paint seems to attract dirt and fingerprints. I think I will also make the mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce. Maybe some brownies or cookies- can't decide which. Maybe both! :rofl

The mechanic was supposed to call back last night but didn't. I hope he calls so we can get the part ordered. I will go :loco if I don't have my car back soon!


Vicki, good luck getting your car issues taken care of and with all of your other running around. What kind of mixer are you getting? Jorge gave me a KitchenAid stand mixer about 3 years ago and I :manyheart it. It is starting to rattle a bit, so I will probably have to take it in to be serviced after the holidays. Can't wait to hear how your cookies turn out.


Beth, Colleen, Joanne, Leanne, Mary, Scooby, Shannon- hope you all are having a fabulous-ness day!



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Hi Ladies

Iam starting to feel better now. Iam still coughing but Iam getting better. Dh and I were talking yesterday and we both can't remember when we last had a cold like this, so I guess we were due.

I have been crocheting alittle but not really staying with it. I have been working on a table runner for my kitchen table. I will take a pic when it is done.

I have gone thru the x-mas presents and I just need to get a few things then that will be done.

I started yesterday going thru the house and doing a kinda fall/winter clean up for x-mas. I still have to put the tree up but not to sure where to put it yet and get the x-mas decorations out too.

Iam keeping everyone in my prayers for a safe and happy holiday.


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:waving Besties. :rofl decided I better use "Besties" instead of HBBs cuz I may accidentally say "FBBs", which is now sticking in my mind and I have no idea what it means or even where I picked that up. :lol:lol It might have been just a typo:shrug. Anyways, I have done as little as possible today. I have sat around, tended to Simba, which I think his name is being changed one more time to Titan cuz he gets confused when we say Saturn when speaking to the other furbaby. Thank you all for the get well wishes for him :hug. He is such a cutie and we have gotten very attached to him since we got him on Sunday. He is lots and lots better today. More active, eating and drinking small quantities and wanting to play. I think he is going to be just fine. Besides keeping everything sanitized and wiped down with bleach that has been about the extent of my cleaning. I still have to run the vacuum and do a little bit of cooking/preparations for tomorrows dinner. DF is going to take us out to dinner tonite so I don't have to cook:devil . :yay I am almost done with my Besties squares:yes (about 3/4 of the way done) as I have taken the time yesterday and today to :crocheting. The poor craft room keeps getting pushed further and further behind on the to do list, although I did get the tv set up and going, the computer finally made it to the desk, but still needs to be hooked up. Maybe later on this afternoon/evening I can get up there and get some more done.

Happy Belated :birthday to your DH Joanne. Tell him I am sorry I missed out on it yesterday, but hope he had a great one. I did notice it yesterday but I was so scatterbrained with the sick puppy and the plumbers being here yesterday that I forgot to mention it.

I will try to respond to you all later on this evening when I get more time. I am :scrachin:hyper to get back over here in my chair and :crocheting while I can :lol. Hope everyone is having a fantastic day and will :check in later. :hug:hug:hug and :manyheart to you all!!!!!

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Scooby, I'm glad to hear Simba/Titan is doing much better! :clap And double :cheer:cheer for doing nothing today! :rofl They are the best kinds of days. How nice of df to take you to dinner tonight so you don't have to cook.


Mary, it's so good to see that red writing again! I am glad that you are both feeling better. :hug


Well, guess what? The mechanic called back, and it is a $400 part!! :eek:cry

I told dh to not even worry about it until after the new year. I cannot justify spending it when Christmas and Isabella's b/day are right around the corner. I told him I have already planned the bus route to Mia's school and since there is only 3 weeks left (which she only goes 4 days a week, anyway) I will just get a bus pass for the next month. I am perfectly fine with it and I know the girls will love riding the bus.


Well I better get going. I am still planning to make chocolate chip cookies, but planning is as far as I've gotten. :lol

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:(:( Oh no Stacy, so sorry to hear about your car. At least you have alternatives such as the bus :yay. I don't think we have buses here, nor did we have buses in Columbia, but Nashville did. Have fun making those :cchips. You sound like me, I am still planning getting a few things done for dinner tomorrow but planning is all I have done too :lol. I think I need a :fire lit under the ole badorkas or a good swift :kick. I just can't get motivated today, but I guess after all I have accomplished I deserve doing nothing :devil:wink.


Mary, so glad to hear you and DH are feeling much better :hug:hug. Next thing we will know is that you are back :crocheting full time and have completed 65 things to our one :lol. So glad to see and hear from you!!!!


Since I have been a lazy bum today, I did take these :photos and thought I would share them with you. Simba/Titan is the red/white one, what a cutie. Saturn is the lazy black/white one. Such a sweetie. She is taking after the ole Moma today :lol.


:eek:eek:eek:think OH MY. I had to come back and edit this :lol after seeing the pics. Please overlook the mess. I see a yarn basket, socks, houseshoes on the floor, yarn behind the chair :blush:embar my :chook pouch on the table with some scrap yarn, geesh I could have removed that stuff :lol. I also noticed the 2 door cabinet that came out of the AP bathroom (that will some day be hanging on the wall in the craft room for my pattern notebooks ) sitting behind Simba/Titan's cage. Oh well nothing I can do about that now :blush.





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Hi everyone- 2 of my 3 DD's are home!! And middle DD's boyfriend. We went to lunch at the cafe I wrote about- awesomeness food- I had butternut squash soup and an egg salad sandwich- then we went to Starbuck's and the DD's planned what they wanted to make and then we went to the grocery store. They are upstairs getting ready to make a crust for pumpkin pie and the pudding avocado pie (that is the one DD made for my birthday which was yummy).


Stacy- so sorry to hear about your car but glad that you have an alternate way to get Mia to school. We don't have great bus transportation around here-so if that was me, I'd be out of luck. Good luck with your baking!


Mary- So glad to hear that you and DH are feeling better! That made my day!


Scooby- Simba/Titan and Saturn are beautiful! And so glad to hear that your furbaby is on the mend! That was great news, too.


Beth, Colleen, Shannon and LeaAnne- hope you are having good day!


To all my American Besties- Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day and enjoy time with your families and friends. To my Canadian Besties- hope you have a great Thursday.


Thank you all for being you!!!

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Scooby, they are adorable!! I generally don't like pit/mixes but your doggies just too cute! :manyheart Thank you for sharing photos. And I didn't even notice the mess until you pointed it out- which it isn't even a mess at all. It is called "preparedness" for any :crocheting situation. :rofl Oh! I know what I was going to tell you earlier- I have heard FBB before- it's the Fat Bottom Bag from the Debbie Stoller book. I knew I had heard it somewhere.


Joanne, how fun to have your girls there with you! I didn't know your dd made a pudding pie with the avocado, I thought it was just pudding. Any chance she'll give up the recipe? :devil I have one in a cookbook I bought a while back but you can definitely taste the avocado in it.


Yes, I should be very thankful that we have a wonderful transportation system- bus lines, trains, and the Amtrak, all connect and we can go pretty much anywhere. Two years ago (before we had Eva) we took the girls to Universal Studios Citywalk and Olvera Street on the Metro system. They thought it was the coolest thing, because we went on the subway too. I was kinda freaked out. :rofl


Cookies are made and I am waiting for the water to be turned on so I can get started on the potatoes and cranberries. Roomie invited me to go out with her tonight but the bar is not my "scene" at all. :blush:lol

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Yw for the photos and TY for the kind remarks in re: to my furbabies. I understand Stacy about the pitbulls or pitbull mixes. They get such a bad rap, and really and truly they aren't what they are made out to be. It is basically all in how they are raised/trained. I did a lot of research and read a lot about the breed before I allowed DS to adopt the two we have. As I was leary and generally don't like the pitbull/mixes either. But I have read and gained new knowledge that has changed my outlook towards them. FYI: They were originally bred for dogfighting until it was outlawed in 1835 and then they were used as companions. The pitbull is eager to please,naturally friendly and love to work. They are a people loving dog breed and need early positive socialization to people and kids. The also need early positive exposure to other dogs and animals as they tend to be dog aggressive. I :heart them and don't know what I would do now if something happened to either one of mine.:lol:lol I really like the idea of calling it :crocheting preparedness, DF got a big :heehee:heehee out of that one. :) Yep you are right FBB does mean Fat Bottom Bag. :think:eek:roflOH MY, now I am trying to call us FAT BOTTOM BAGS, GEESH THAT DOESN't SOUND GOOD. SORRY.

Well gotta run DF is in a hurry to go eat. I will check back in later.

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Hi Besties!!


:bday:bday:birthday dear Petey, :bday!! Please give him big hugs from Auntie Shannon!!


I don't have time to talk to everyone. I still have some Rolo/pecan/pretzel thingies and my 4th pie to make. Then baths and bed!


I have a LOT of things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving! Amd I am really thankful for all of you! You guys have made these past 7 months so much fun for me! You're the bestest friends anyone could ever ask for. Have a wonderful, safe and Happy Thanksgiving!! I love you guys!! :manyheart:ttalk:pilgrim:hug

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Thanks for the info, Scooby. Jorge's cousin had a pit mix but they got him as a stray and never knew what he was mixed with. They insisted on letting the dog around kids even though they didn't know his background, etc. He was really nice until one day we went over there and he snapped at Isabella. I am just a bit terrified of them. I am sure if they are raised in a loving home with lots of attention and are exposed to young children on a regular basis, they are good, as are other dogs. It's just the idiots that don't supervise them, or think it's funny to make them into "scary, macho" dogs that give them a bad rap, IMO. Unfortunately it's pretty popular out here.


:birthday Petey!! I hope he is feeling better on his special day. :hug How is the flannelghan coming along, Leanne?


We are on our way to pick up the rest of the stuff for the brine. I will be back later! :hug

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:hi everyone!


:yawn This working full-time is kicking my badorkus! I am not a person who likes to be this busy!!!! :( Tomorrow is going to be the worst badorkus-kicking day of them all. C'mon weekend!!!


I have read most of the posts I think and I'm afraid I can't remember everything, but I wanted to say hi to each of you.


LeaAnne -:hi :birthdayLittle Pete! How is the little guy doing? This must be the big 8? A thanksgiving birthday...you should call him a turkey instead of a chicken :rofl


Scooby - :hi Your furbabies are so cute! Pitbulls are outlawed here. I'm not sure about the crosses, but I guess it stands to reason that they would become non-existent eventually :think


Stacy - :hi May your car RIP! A bus pass for a month or so sounds like a good idea, especially if you can get Mia to school. I gather she goes later in the day, which would be helpful. The girls will enjoy that. DD loves taking "the city bus", she calls it, and we take it just for fun sometimes :lol. I love your :crocheting preparedness. I'll have to use that one sometime.


Shannon - :hi Good luck with your rolo/pretzel thingy. :think:lol Boy you Americans sure do make a wide variety of Thanksgiving treats. Vicki was making something interesting sounding too.


Vicki - :hi I hope DH is out of the doghouse and that you are enjoying your time off. Good luck with all the car business. I hope DH gets his back.


Joanne - :hi Happy 4.5 days off. Enjoy your DDs and the feast you are cooking up together.


Mary - :hi It is nice to see your red words. I hope you and DH continue to get well. Good luck with the Christmas decorating. It just doesn't seem like Christmas is only a month away with this warm weather we've been having, does it? But I'm not complaining! It's amazing!


Beth - :hi How are you doing? How are the inventions? Is Tinkerbell keeping you busy?


To all you Americans, a very happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones! Enjoy the day with your families :hug:manyheart :tdance:ttalk I will be thinking of you and dreaming about those feasts and goodies you are preparing while I'm working.

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