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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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I have to say we do talk alot. But i love reading every bit of it. lol :) Iam slowly getting better, thankyou everyone for asking. Iam trying to sit without a pillow and trying not to lay down all the time.

I have been cashing in on :crocheting time. I used up 10 skeins of yarn this week. I was making dish towel toppers, 2 afghans, 1 done and working on another.

My son flies in from out west tonight. He is staying in the city for a couple of days with Dh's family and then coming out here to us. He is here for a weeks visit. My oldest DD turns 30 on friday and he wanted to be here for that. He is also going to get to meet youngest DD's little girl for the first time ( she is 4 1/2 months and was born after he had gone home at christmas time)

Ok squares............

We make 9 squares , 12 in each , no boarder.

We make all the squares the same.

We pick what ever color or more then one color for each square.

So far I think I got it right.

Iam going to start on the squares as soon as I finish this afghan. Should be within the next couple of days.

Iam tired of sitting here now. Going to go and see what Dh is up to and get ready for bed.

See you all tomorrow.

Holding everyone in my prayers :c9

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Joanne, Would you recommend the book?

I would absolutely recommend the book! I loved it- easy read- I'm heading to Border's today with my 40% coupon (the book is 6.99) to get the 2nd in the series, Dead Men Don't Crochet! (DH had bought me the newest- By Hook or by Crook), but I want to read them in order!


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Good morning everyone!

Mary, you sure have been busy with the:crocheting! Wow- you used 10 skeins of yarn! :yarn. I'm so happy that you'll get to see DS! You must be so excited. Enjoy the time with the family- it is so precious!:hug


Well, it is another rainy gloomy day here- :rainI think this is the wettest June on record (so happy that my DD had her June wedding last year!)


DH is doing better each day- he is getting a little antsy- so he will come with me to Borders to get my book.(2nd in the crochet mystery series by Betty Hechtman) His 3 DD's are out of state, and one lives close in Staten Island, but she has decided that it is best to let him rest and will make him a Father's Day dinner next weekend!


Hope everyone has a great Father's Day! (My own DF is up in heaven watching out for me)


Remember, ladies- take your vitamins!:yes

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Good morning all and Happy Father's Day! Like Joanne, mine is looking down on me from above, so I send my wishes there. I hope everyone has a nice day with the fathers in their lives.

Joanne and Mary - I am glad to hear that everyone is feeling better. Mary, you must be crocheting all day! Joanne, I am glad to hear that your DH is getting antsy. That is always a good sign!

I will hopefully work on my squares today. I don't know if I like the pattern I picked. We'll see. Taking hubby out to dinner tonight.

Have a great day all!


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hi, all-


Sorry to have missed you all yesterday, it was a wild and crazy (but fun) day!


Stacy - so glad that you got that :icecream, and that DD had fun with her friends on Friday, and I was so happy to read that DH's cousin is doing so well! :clap AND, I am SOOO happy for you getting that voucher! I beleive it IS a sign:manyheart hugs to you!


Joanne - :c9A trip to Borders with DH sounds like the perfect way to spend a :rain-y Sunday! Glad to hear that he is getting antsy... that's a good sign! I am happy for you that he is home:yes give him a :hugfrom me!


Beth - add me to the red van club! wow, that's weird... 3 of us with red vans:lol Mine, though, is dead... it blew a head gasket - I wonder if that's a sign of something?! :rofl


Scooby - I hope your badorkus is feeling a little more energized after your new haircut:yes That always is a great "pick up" for your spirits... I hope that you are almost ready for that awesome vacation:clap


Shannon - Hope the camping is wonderful-ness, and I have been praying that you have no middle of the night -ness's to take care of! :rofl Miss Ya!


Mary - I am so glad that you are feeling better, and on the mend:hug Keep up the good work!:cheer And enjoy your time with your DS and DD's this week! I am thinking about you...:manyheart


Vicki - good to hear that DD's ear is better! And good luck enjoying your MP3 player:cheer Also, WTG on that paper! Btw... Simply soft Berry Blue sounds YUMMY!:c9


Hi, Kazily & Colleen! Hope you're having a fun weekend!


I, too had been thinking about the colors of the beach (ocean and sand) for my squares, but am also a purple lover... :think Maybe I'll do the purple (plum)... anyone NOT like purples? I have my pattern already picked out as well: it's called a "Circle of Friends" :ghug:rainbow:c9


I guess I should run along... Happy Father's Day to all of our DH's and dads.


Have a wonderful day :rose

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Okay, it's official. I am definitely addicted to you guys!! I'm supposed t be on my way back to the camp, but I stopped by the house to say hi to all my great friends!! I can't chat long or they'll send the search team out, but I've missed you guys and I'm so honored that you all have embraced my square idea and are just as excited as I am. And you're all so creative with the colors and patterns!! My square will be purple, green and gold for Mardi Gras, and I found a square that I like, I just need to try it first. Maybe we should include a little note (or postcard) about why we picked the colors and that way we'll all be able to remember what each one represents. Just a thought. I probably won't work on mine until the car ride to Florida next month (if I can wait that long). I can't wait to see everyone's squares and make a true "friendship 'ghan).


I'm glad everyone is feeling better and hope everyone has a wonderful Father's Day!! I write to each of you when I get home later!!


Pssst....LeaAnne- How's the quitting going? And no middle-of-the-night-ness going on here!!:lol



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Hi everyone!


This weekend has flown! I haven't had time to stop and chat. I can't speak to each of you just now as I'm getting dinner ready for my DF and my DH, but I wanted to stop by and say hi!


I have chosen a square pattern to try, but haven't yet bought the yarn or tried to see how it works. I am leaning toward winter white, but red is a possibility. I will definitely include an explanation of why I chose whatever square I end up with. I am hoping to have at least a few of them done by the time I go to Ohio mid-July. I could save a lot of $ on mailing if I mail them from the US.


My Aunt and Uncle's 40th Anniv. party was last night and it was a great party. They had about 150 people for a real small town, community center celebration. What an amazing accomplishment! My own parents are 40 years next year, so I was told by several people to take notes. :eek


I gotta go wash the 'taters! It is a beautiful day here for Father's Day and I hope you are all enjoying it too!



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Hi Everyone!


I hope you are having a good Father's Day. I am not getting much more than grocery shopping done, and the typical kid-taxiing, but I did get a little :crocheting time while waiting for my boys to finish their volunteer activity. I need to make my dh's homemade pizza with the works for dinner.


Colleen, where in Ohio do you go? Northeast Ohio is home to me, and I miss it very much right now. It's probably 20 degrees cooler there than here. My Northern blood can't take this Southern heat!!!:hot:sweat:yuck


Shannon, hope you are having a blast with your camp-ness. It sounds like so much fun.


Mary, Joanne, glad to hear good reports!


I wish I could remember enough to respond to everyone, but here's a big :hug full of :manyheart to all my friends!

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Hello! :hi Happy Father's Day to our DH's!


Shannon- glad you are having fun camping and that you had no middle-of-the-night-ness problems. Your squares sound beautiful!


Joanne- your books sound neat! I didn't know there was a series of them. I'm so glad to hear that your dh is feeling better.


Colleen- So glad to hear your aunt and uncle's party was a hit! I think 150 is a good-size party for any size town!


Beth- glad you got some crochet time! Homemade pizza sounds yummy!


LeAnne- :clap for wild and crazy days! Sounds like lots of fun. Hope you are doing well with your quitting. :manyheart


Mary- 10 skeins! :eek Wowza...you must be crocheting all day! I am glad you are feeling better. Enjoy your time with your DD's and DS.


We went to breakfast this morning with dh's parents, then took the girls fishing. It's the first time any of them have been fishing and my oldest dd really had fun. The middle one liked to throw the lure in the water but didn't like to wait for the fish, and the youngest one just didn't care. LoL Now dh and the youngest two are sleeping. I have a couple loads in the washer right now, and am about to go make a nice little chicken dinner. Hope you all are enjoying the day!

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Oh Shannon- your addicted-ness is so sweet! I feel the same way- my day isn't complete without checking in here a few times. (it is a good addiction-ness, though, isn't it?):hug


Beth- Grocery shopping and taxiing count for doing something-and that is really neat that your boys do volunteer work. And homemade pizza for dinner sounds yummy!:)


Colleen- Glad that the 40th anniversary party went so well- we'll be cheering:cheer you on when you plan your parents party next year! I started looking at squares- (looking for easy since I am a beginner) -there are so many pretty variations- oh the decisions!


LeaAnne- Laughed out loud :lol when I read that you had a red van also! (sorry about the head gasket though). My DH has a red car also- although his is a Chevy Monte Carlo SS (his mid-life crisis car). Glad you had a fun busy day! I love the circle of friends square and no problem with purple from me. (is that square hard to do?)


Stacy, Mary, Scooby, Kazily and Vicki=hope you are having a fantabulous day!


We had a nice afternoon at Border's - DH got a book and i got Dead Men Don't Crochet- going to start it tonight (after the Yankee game is over)


Which reminds me LeaAnne- how did the team do? And how are you doing without the smokes?


Oh, I did get some cleaning/chores done today- went to the grocery store and got lots of healthy, low sodium food- and made a yummy dinner for DH. Also did 2 loads of :wash: Oh, and I almost forgot- Colleen's bird got my :mailbox, but good! Luckily it is going to rain again- the :sun did come out for a few hrs this afternoon, but it is getting very cloudy and rain is on it's way back-

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Happy Father's Day to all the DH's

Dh and I went over to in-laws and we ordered fish and chips for lunch. All the kids phoned this morning, I didn't have to remind Ds lol :clap He is really bad with dates, birthdays etc...:(

Iam really looking forward to having them all here. It is nice that Ds is coming a few days earlier then DD's, this way we get to spend sometime with just him.

Iam still taking it easy. My butt does get sore from just sitting so I am starting to do some things now. I did the dishes, got the laundry together for tomorrow and swept and mopped the kitchen and bathroom floors. Now Iam going to crochet for a bit. ( yes I crochet alot ) :crocheting:crocheting:crocheting

My squares are a surprise. Not telling what square or what color:devil:devil:devil lol You will just have to wait and see.

Iam keeping everyone in my prayers :c9

see you tomorrow

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:wavingEveryone!!! Happy Father's Day to all the dads and DHs!!!! Not a whole lot to report, besides my badorkas is really dragging.Yesterday, I got 3 loads of :wash done, got my haircut, and went by storage building and that was about it. At about 11 last nite a dear friend was over and we had a :party and our guest of honor was Miss Clairol :lol. Today, I got a lot of packing done but that was about it besides general pick up/decluttering,meals/dishes. I haven't felt real good today, I think it is just stress trying to get everything done and taken care of. Anyways, I hope everyone is having a great evening and will try to :check in sometime tomorrow. :hug:manyheart:hug
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Hi again!


OK, things have calmed down here. :whew Dinner for my Dad and DH was a hit. A true father's day dinner, we did bbq steaks, baked potatoes, salad, and chocolate cake. We sent lots of time in the backyard too.


Mary - I am so happy to hear that you are starting to feel better and I'm excited to hear that your DS is coming for a visit. :clap


Joanne - Enjoy your new book. I wrote down the author's name and I'm going to look for it. I love series. I miss the characters when I finish a book, so if I can read another book in a series sometimes you get to keep the characters around longer. :lol Kinda like this group of characters here ;).


Stacy - Fishing sounds fun! We've introduced DD to fishing and last summer she caught her first fish with her Dora fishing rod :lol. That thing works really well, actually! It is a great family activity. I hope your DH enjoyed his nice chicken dinner. Yum!


Beth - I have family in Columbus, so we are doing a family get-together. We usually drive down through the NW (Toledo), but it is about the same distance to go around Lake Erie the other direction and come through the NE. I'll let you know which way we go this time just in case I can wave to you part of the state :). I totally relate to your love of cooler temperatures. I even find the summers too hot in Ontario sometimes, so I'm sure I would melt in Virginia!


Shannon - I hope the camping was a success and that the travel trailer worked well away from your driveway :)


LeaAnne - I hope all the wild and craziness was fun at your house this weekend and I hope you are keeping your spirits up with quiting. I'm still here :cheer for you -- pom poms and all!


Vicky - :hi I hope you had a great weekend!


Scooby - :hi I hope your weekend was great too. Just think, just a few days until vacation!


If I missed anyone, I'm sorry and :hi!


I have not crocheted a stitch since Friday. :( It has done my sore hand/wrist good, though. :yes I haven't done much cleaning. Just what needed to be done and of course some cooking. I did do a couple loads of laundry. My bird has been bombing the back of our house pretty well, so he must have had something left after getting Joanne's mailbox :rofl.


I hope you have a great Sunday evening all! I guess now that all the end of the year activities are done I don't have much of any excuse not to get lots done this week. We'll see!

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I guess now that all the end of the year activities are done I don't have much of any excuse not to get lots done this week. We'll see!


That was my excuse, too. :blush But I am fired up to start cleaning tomorrow. :cheer I even told my oldest that all we are doing is cleaning, so don't ask to do anything else. :lol I'm thinking that if I can hit one room a day, by the end of the week my apartment will be enjoyable to live in again. Dh did a really nice job of cleaning the living room (and re-steaming the carpet, since that is usually his job anyway) when the girls and I went shopping yesterday. So there's really not much to do in here. Wish I could say the same about the other rooms. :blush


Dh decided he did not want my tasty chicken dinner tonight so we had grilled cheese and tomato soup instead. :manyheart I was thrilled. LoL I love to cook, but everyone's favorite aunt is visiting this week, and I really didn't feel like making a big dinner.


Colleen, I'm happy that you had a wonderful Father's Day bbq. Bbq steaks is definitely a true father's dinner. LoL The girls didn't actually catch anything but several fish did eat the worms and get away. :lol They both got new rods yesterday, my oldest got a "big kid" one that came with little pieces of bait, and my middle one got Barbie, which lights up with she pushes the button. Kids! LoL They both work pretty well, though!


Scooby- glad you had a nice :party with your friend and Miss Clairol. LoL Good job on getting your packing done.


Mary- can't wait to see what your surprise squares look like! :clap


I am off to get the girls ready for bed, and then crochet a bit. I worked on my square some last night, but I don't like the way it is turning out. I may just do the butterfly garden one instead. We will see. :manyheart




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hey, all!


It was so nice to see that everyone had a great day! We had chili/chips veggies and dip for dinner (it was raining, so comfort food was definitely in order!) We spent the whole afternoon together, watching the US Open golf tournament, talking and laughing. I made warm brownie sundaes for dessert (DH's Favorite:))... it was a wonderful family day:c9


So, I am not SuperQ just yet on the quit-ness :blush I have only had 1 or 2 each day, though... just when I feel too overwhelmed. School is out on tuesday at noon, so I get 10 weeks without necessarily needing to "put on the dog"... being the PTO president, I always have to be happy. friendly, blah-blah-blah, and sometimes that's a lot of pressure. It's worth every minute, though, 'cause I love that school, and all of those kids!:manyheart

Oh, and I found out why I was so weepy and cranky at the beginning of the week... PMS. Grrrr.... Shannon's George headed my way! He tends to visit me more often these days than he used to, too. About every 3 - 3 1/2 weeks.

I am glad the last week is behind me, and am excited for the one to come! ... And Lord knows I'll probably burn out that ipod with all the catching up on housework I need to do around here :rofl... it'll be just the therapy I need:yes:yes ....and I can't thank you girls enough for asking about me:ghug... you all are so incredible! ILYASM!(I couldn't resist the abbreviation:heehee)


What else? Oh... softball updates: Phillies were knocked out of the next round of the playoffs by the runs allowed tie-breaker:( We were bummed... We are having a Pizza Party and "bubblegum awards" night for the team on Friday night... It should be a lot of fun! The Bulls play (weather permitting) their last game of the playoffs on Tuesday night. If they win, it's off to the championship game. If they don't win, it will be another one of these tie-breaker scenarios that I just can't seem to figure out:think:think anyway, it's good stuff!:) Also, my oldest, DD, Jamie, and my Krissy both made All-Stars! (Lindsey wasn't eligible this year) Jamie is on a district travel team. I hope she has fun... she has really earned it! Problem is she is 1 of 4 shortstops that made the team. :xfin we'll see.



Colleen - Sounds like a wonderful party! I am glad you had fun, and hope you took good notes :wink:heehee ...Oh, and I can't wait to get some cleaning done with you this week!:cheer:clap Tuesday's the day for me!


Scooby - I hope you get some good rest... and remember, at this point, if you're bags are packed, and the main stuff is done, the rest will wait for you! Give yourself a little break... you deserve it so much!!!:hug:manyheart


Mary - I love that you're able to keep your square a secret!:devil I wish I could, but when I get excited, :blah... there it is! Or is it?:scrachin Maybe I'll just change my mind! :rofl:devil


Joanne - Enjoy your book! I'm so glad that you and DH had a special day! He sounds like a great guy! And WTG on getting all of those things done! :hug


:hi, Stacy! Fishing, then napping with Daddy sounds Sooo CUTE! AWWWW!... I am smilling at the image of you all! :) I am so happy that your family had a special day, too! Is DH all "chilled" about your trip? I hope you have a great night!:hug


Hey, Shannon... Queen of Cuteness! I love how you word things... always PERFECT!... and right on line with how the rest of us are feeling... count me in on that ADDICTED-NESS! Hope your campin was really fun! How are DH and your little bug enjoying their time? Give them a :hug from me! Oh, and I LOVE the colors you picked for your squares... MardiGras! Of Course! Perfect and fun :yay:yay


Beth - HI! good to hear that you got some :crocheting in while the taxi was on stand-by...:lol You are an amazing person! Your dinner sounds yummy, too! Hey, would you mind sending Joanne and me some of that :hot up the coast, please?:devil It's June 21st, and I still haven't worn shorts yet:eek This is the lousiest spring/start of summer i remember since I was a young child (a few years ago...:rofl)


Vicki - hope you went somewhere YUMMY for dinner! Thinking 'boutcha!:hug




Well, my "peeps", I have so much more I could chat about, but, this post is really long... I'll save some stories for the week when "nothing's going on around here":rofl:rofl ... yeah, right... like THAT's gonna happen! :rofl


:sleep:night...Nitey-nite all! May you sleep well!

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:yay:yay I'm back, and I've missed you all terribly. I also just lost my message, so I have to try to be quick. Main thing you need to know about camping--I never got up-ness during the night-ness for the you know-ness, of course-ness!!:P And riding in the boat puts Janna to sleep every time! She's a silly goose!


LeaAnne- So funny, because George truly did pack up and leave early! Now I know where he went!:rofl He comes to see me every 3 weeks too. Stupid George!!:angry Sounds like you had a great day with the fam!! I am so proud of you on your quit-ness journey.:cheer You're doing great!! I wanted to keep my square a secret, but I had to get a piece of the action when all the sharing started flying!!:lol I'm so super-excited to see everyone's squares!


Stacy- Yummy! Grilled cheese and tomato soup is one of my favorite meals!:yes Glad the girls had fun fishin'.:goldfish:goldfish I should try it sometime. Growing up in a catfish restaurant, I guess I just felt why catch 'em when you can just order 'em.:lol I'm so excited for you and your plane-ness!! Yep, He watches out for us!


Colleen- There's some happy men in your life tonight. They are spoiled!!;) Glad the party went well.


Scooby- Ah, yes, Miss Clairol. I know her well. I started going grey when I was 12!:yuck Honey, if your badorkas is dragging, I'd hate to know what you'd say about mine! I know you want everything done, but don't stress out. Just think, in a few days you'll be on vacation enjoying yourself. It will get done.:hug


Mary- 10 SKEINS!! Are you kidding me?! Man, you must be, like the master hooker of the group! 10 skeins. Wow!:hook It's good that you're feeling better, but don't overdo it. Just take care of yourself, okay?

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So much for short. I didn't want to lose it again!


Joanne- This is the best addiction-ness I've ever had! We don't even have to feel guilty about it! I'm so glad DH is feeling better. And I loved the tulip story. Such a thoughtful DD you have, and I'm sure the other two are the same. Thanks for the :book review! I'll have to check it out!


Beth- Yay for :crocheting time!! That's awesome that your boys volunteer. They sound like good kids!:yes


Vicki- Hope you had a yummy dinner and have a great week. How's DD's ears?


Well, girls, it's past my bedtime! I love you all and just think you're the :bee's knees!! Peace out!

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So good to read all the updates this cloudy (again!!!) Monday! I agree with LeaAnne- we need some you others to send the sunshine up the East Coast!


I don't have time to respond to all- but loving reading about George and his mis-adventures! I'm so glad that George never stops here in NJ anymore!


Time to get the ole bodorkus in gear and get ready for another week of work- DH is home this week and hopefully will be taking it easy.


I'll catch you all after work-ness - have a fantabulous day----and remember your vitamins!:ghug

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Good morning all!


It is sunny and hot here and it's supposed to stay hot all week. We are putting on the AC and thinking of getting out DD's little backyard pool.


I haven't got my cleaning plans figured out yet, but I do have plans to go to Cambridge Fibres today. That is the place Mary recommended to me for good deals on yarn, so I'm excited to check it out. I'll be taking DD, so I'll get lots of recommendations as to what color to buy. Don't be surprised if my squares end up Barbie pink :rofl If I have good luck, I might be test-driving my square pattern this evening after work :hook


Stacy - Thank you so much! Grilled cheese and tomato soup are now on the menu for tonight! The perfect follow up to steak and baked potatoes if you ask me.


LeaAnne - If DH didn't dislike chili and it weren't so hot here, I think chili and chips/veggies and dip would have been on the menu for another night this week. Hmmmm, I'll have to figure out what to substitute for the chili :think maybe subs? This is great! I always need ideas for supper.


:hi to everyone else! Have a great Monday!

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Good morning, I guess. I personally feel like I've been hit by a Mac truck.:grumpy:sigh


Colleen- How hot is it up there? Sounds like DD is going to have fun in the sun today!!:D


Joanne- Have a great day at work and thank you for the vitamin reminders.


If anyone up north would like to trade houses for the summer, I'm game! I hate this hot weather!


We're taking my dad out to eat tonight for Father's Day. I'm hoping my sister will be able to spend the night with us. DH will be gone for about 9 days. He's not far away, but he has to stay on location. He'll probably be able to meet us for lunch one day, though. So grilled cheese and tomato soup are definitely on the menu this week!! Thanks Stacy!


Ooh, maybe we could add a recipe in with our squares. I say that, but I don't really have a recipe. I'll have to think about it.


Have a great day!

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Hi all! I hope everyone had a great Sunday and a great Father's Day. We went to a place called Salt Grass. It's a steak house. They make a great chicken tortilla soup! Yum! I actually didn't finish my steak, so I plan on having it for lunch today. No idea what I am going to do for dinner. I haven't even thought about it! I need to get off my badorkus and do that, huh?

I am doing a flower square. I did one yesterday and I am starting the second one today. I was going a different one, but it was coming out uneven, so I switched it. This one is pretty!

Shannon - I am glad you had a great time camping and that you are back here with us. Mardi gras colors sound wonderful! I can't wait to see them! DD's ear is much better, thank you! She has not complained about it hurting for a few days now, so that is always a good thing! :lol

Leann - Congratulations on quitting! I am so glad you are doing well and that your summer is getting started! Hope you have a wonderful day!

Mary - Glad to read that you are up and around a little. Please remember to take it easy a little. Everything will still be there for you.

Joanne - I am glad the trip to the book store was successful and that you got a new book. I love books in series. I think they are more interesting than stand alone books.

I am sure I missed someone, so please forgive me. I hope everyone has a great day!


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Just a quick hello to you all, as I am off to a full day of appointments. Just got in from taking DS to dentist and the dentist was very pleased. :cheer:clap:yay He took more x-rays and said his teeth are healing very nicely and much better than he actually expected at this point. WOOOO HOOOOO!!!!! Not that I don't already have enought to do, my neighbor (who just left for vacation about 30 mins ago) called and wanted to know could I take her DD to work at 11:30:sigh. And of course I said yes, BUT she would have to be ready to go at 11:10 as I have about a 45min to an hour drive to make my next appointment and to drop DS off at my mom's. Good news is, I am all packed except for a few misc things and :wooMY HOUSE IS ALL CLEAN!!!!!! I have worked my badorkas off this past week :lol:lol. I really feel like going back to :sleep.

I would love to respond to everyone but I must give myself a :kickand get going. I hope everyone has a great Monday and hopefully I can :check back in later on!!!

Lots of :hug:manyheart to you all!!!!

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:sigh my yarn shopping trip has been delayed. The office manager had a family emergency and I have been asked to come into work noon till 7:00. I think I just financed my yarn shopping, though :clap:lol.


Shannon - It is 25 degrees but feels like 31 degrees Celsius with the humidex. That is 77 F but feels like 88. May not sound too hot to you, but some of us northerners can't handle the heat. :rofl It is supposed to stay hot and humid all week, which is what gets to me. Sorry, but I have no interest in moving down south for the summer (maybe for the winter:think -- do you like snow?), but you are welcome to bring that travel trailer up any time. :lol


Scooby, WTG on being so organized!


Vicky - Dinner out sounds great. I can't wait to see your square!


Have a great day everyone!

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Colleen- Right now it's 85, feels like 93, and is supposed to get up to 96. Tomorrow it's supposed to be 99. I think it's warmer than usual for this time of year, but not by much.

Years ago I visited my family in New York in June. They had the windows open and it was the hottest day of the year so far (80s). And there I was, bundled up under a blanket I was so cold.

I would love to come up in the winter. The only thing that worries me is functioning in snow, like driving and stuff. When we get snow (not often) everyone panics. We don't know what to do with it. Other than that, I love cold weather!!


Scooby- :yay:yay for your clean house. Vacation time is only two days away!! Yippee!

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