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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Gosh! It takes a long time to read all our chitter chatter. We certainly do have a lot to talk about, don't we?


DD passed her swimming level :clap. We are very proud of her. She did better today and yesterday with the getting dressed, so that is a good sign. Tomorrow she doesn't have any activities, so it will definitely be a PJ or a wear whatever she wants day.


Scooby - Great story about your Stepdad and the Jr's. I'll read the link here in a minute. Don't worry, I'm sure you will get everything done before your trip.


LeaAnne - WTG on a successful Day 2:clap. I am very impressed with how in-tune you seem to be with what your triggers are and what works for you. I'm :cheer for you 24/7 here and I'm very proud of you!


Vicky - I'm glad you had fun at the waterpark. I hope DD's ears are okay.


Stacy - Thanks for the link to the tote pattern. I've made that butterfly garden square before and definitely saw the similarity in the Crochet Today square.


Shannon - Your Crochet Today is in the mail, so hang tight!


Beth - WTG on the mudding!


Mary - Take it easy and listen to your DH :lol.


Joanne - I hope you had a good day at work today. You just passed hump day!


It looks like we now have 9 people in for making squares. If we did 12 inch squares, that would make a 3 by 3 starting point for a 'ghan. That would be nice. What does everyone think about size? A 4, 5 or 6" would also be nice if people prefered to make smaller squares for something else (tote, pillow?). I'm excited to get started!


Well, I am in for a rainy evening here and I am hoping to spend some quality time with my :yarn and :hook.

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:hug Everybody.


I spent more time in the car than in my house today. I got a tiny bit of crocheting done, and the laundry is done and folded, but there's not much else to report. Tomorrow is our big housecleaning day, though.


Colleen, congrats to your dd for passing her swim test! That's awesome! :cheer


ScoobyDoo, I love your story. My husband insisted on naming our second son Jr -- it drives me nuts to have two guys with the same name in our house. I can't imagine having 3 with the same name in the same business! That must cause a ton of confusion. Thanks for sharing.


Shannon - tell George to behave!!! It is so hard to function as a mother to a wee one when you are feeling "a bit puny" as they say around here. (I'm from Ohio, so they Southern sayings are like a foreign language to me.)


Mary - How are you?


LeaAnne -- I'm so proud of you! You have the best possible attitude. :hug You can do this! We are all :cheer for you!!! I love the i-pod as a motivator.


Vicki - I am so glad you had fun at the water park. It's amazing what a workout you can get when you are enjoying yourself. Are your arms feeling better now? How are DD's ears?


Joanne - Are you enjoying the book? It's been so long since I sat down with a good story. Would you recommend it?


Stacy - I love the idea of a tote. Thanks for sharing the library tote pattern. I need to bookmark that.


A great big :hug to everyone. Have a good night.

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Hi, all!


Colleen - CONGRATS! to DD on passing her swimming! :cheer:cheer:cheerAnd I am double glad that it was a good getting dressed day! You should let her know how proud your friends are of her!

I hope you got that eveing with your :hook&:yarn... you've earned it!:manyheart


Beth - Good luck on cleaning day tomorrow :clover... and don't forget your :ipod! :hug


Shannon - Well, I saw that cute little cardi, too... and was thinking that I should kick this learning to knit business up a notch! :rofl... or maybe we could convert the pattern to crochet? :wink.... thanks a lot for getting me :thinkabout it! Hey how goes the getting ready for camping?

And, yeah, send the pic... we :heart you 'cause you're square! (It takes one to know one, you know! :lol)


Scooby - Whoa! that is a COOL story! My DH is all :drool-ness over here... he's a guitar player, too, although about 4DK's out of practice! :rofl I sure am glad you all had fun, and hope you get everything done that you want to before your trip! :clap:hug

and p.s. I am proud of you for thinking about quitting... :hug and you are right... SOOO hard! But worth it:yes


Stacy - That is a cute tote pattern! It looks like it would work up quick!

I hope that today has been wonderful for you and your girls today. :flower:2hug


:hi, Mary - how are you feeling? I hope that you are feeling more comfortable:hug... oh, and dont' forget to take it easy! :yes


:waving, Joanne - I miss you:( Hey, that book must be pretty good! Just kidding... I hope you are feeling better, too! Your stitches come out this week, right? :hug:manyheart:hug


Vicki - I hope you had a great day! How are your arms feeling? How is DD's ear? How was Tae Kwon Do? I hope your day was the bestest!:hug


Oh, and I am gonna say "hi" to Darski, incase she's :lurk around!


so Day 3 Rocked! Best day yet! Thanks, you girls, for all the thoughts, prayers, and encouragement... it's working! Thank you, thank you!


Oh, so the squares... I am in for whatever size you all want to make, and would enjoy a "blankie" or a tote as the project. I like the idea of 12 inch squares. they take longer, but there isn't as much at the end when you are joining them. Smaller squares would be quicker and easier, though...

How are we going to choose the color(s)? How long are we allowing to get the squares made? This is SOOO exciting!


I hope you all have/had a wonderful night! I will try to drop by quick in the morning before we go on that Field trip to Salem.... oooooh.... spoooky! :lol


:flower:rose:ghug:rose ILYGSM! (this is not * material! :rofl)


Sweet Dreams, all!

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Hi friends-

Just got in a little while ago and the first thing I did was sign on to see what my buddies were up to all day.

I don't have the energy right now to respond to all of you individually, but I'm excited about the squares- And I am probably the youngest of the crocheters of the group- only re-learned in February after a long hiatus. Whatever you want to do is fine by me- I've never made any size square! I love the idea of a "blankie" or a tote or a pillow...or whatever you more experienced crocheters want!


The internet wasn't working again this AM so I couldn't wish you all a good morning, take your vitamins! Then, I got a call around 2 today from DH that he was in the ER @ the hospital where he works. He was in congestive heart failure! But luckily, although he is the CCU, he is doing ok. They gave him some Lasix and it really helped. He'll be there for about 2 days probably and maybe now he'll listen to me about his diet etc. He already had a heart attack when he was 40 (before I knew him) and had bypass surgery. He kept thinking that he was coughing and having a difficult time breathing from asthma. I kept telling him his cough sounded more like CHF(congestive heart failure). There was no damage to his heart which is good and lucky for him that he called the cardiologist today and told him he was having a hard time breathing and he squeezed him in.


The CCU has limited visiting hours so I'll go to work in the AM and the earliest I can go see him is from 1-2- I'll probably leave work and visit for 1/2 hr then go to grab lunch and visit again from 4-5 and maybe again from 7-8. Guess I'll get to finish my book (which is good by the way) and bring the hook and yarn with me. Please say a prayer!


Well, it is late, and I am exhausted.


I'll catch up again tomorrow night!

Hugs to all!

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Joanne- Goodness, I hope your DH is feeling better soon. Thank God he was able to see the cardiologist today. I'll be praying for him, and you. I'm sure it was scary getting that phone call. Lots of :hugs to you and DH!!


Colleen- :yay for DD passing swimming!! Does she go to another level now, or is she done for good? And a great big :cheer for a good dressing day!! Enjoy your pajama day--they're my favorite, although I probably have too many!:blush Are you ready for summer, 'cause it's almost here!!!


LeaAnne- :woo I am so proud of you. You probably don't realize, but you are a source of inspiration too!!:hug Who knew that being a quitter could be so rewarding!! I'm going to start calling you "Super Q"!

Hunting witches in Salem tomorrow, are we?:ghost:ghost Have a great time!! Sounds really cool!


Beth- Good luck on your big housecleaning tomorrow! Today should have been mine, but I still feel lazy!


Scooby- I love your story! That is so neat! I know that benefit meant so much to everyone involved! Very exciting!


Mary- I'm thinking about you. Hope you're feeling better!


OK, on to the squares. I don't really care what size we do. I guess we should take a vote, so just let me know what you'd like. As far as colors, I was thinking we should make it personal. Maybe use a favorite color, or if you live in/near a college town, the school colors. Something like that. I do think we should line our squares in black, so that they have something in common and it will be easier to join them. I have made squares before, but never put any together, so this will be a learning experience for me too.

I think we should have a due date to get them out, but not anything too close. I know some girls here (ahem, Colleen) are trying to get some WIPs finished right now, and I haven't helped by adding a new one. So maybe by September 1, or somewhere around there.

What does everyone else think? This is a group thing, so I need everyone's opinion.


I hope everyone has a wonderful night!

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Morning all,

Sept 1 sounds good- that gives us all summer. I like the idea of favorite colors, but I am up to receive whatever anyone has in their stash- I kind of think it would be fun to have a kaleidoscope of colors and if we all join in black that will be our common link!


Scooby- have a great trip and have fun reconnecting!


Will check back in later after I get home. I didn't sleep great and I better get the ole bodorkus into the shower and head to work so I can leave around 1 to visit DH!


Remember- take your vitamins!:ghug

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JoAnne, :hug I'm glad your DH got in to see the cardiologist yesterday. Hasn't he learned to listen to you yet? You'll be in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us posted. Now take care of yourself, so you have the energy to handle all this.


Shannon - I vote for 12 inch squares. I like the idea of personal color choices. I will do what the majority decides. Sept. 1 sounds like a nice due date.

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Joanne - prayers to DH, and to you! Don't forget to get yourself enough rest.:hug


Good morning, everyone! :hi:waving:U


I hope you all have a "spellbinding" day! (...sorry I know it's bad... I couldn't think of any other Witchy phrases that weren't... well... WITCHY!


I'll try to be by quick this afternoon... Uncle Art and Aunt Sue are coming today, and the Bulls play ball tonight! :woo:cheer


My vote for squares:


Sept. 1 due date - perfect!:yes

using our favorite color - :yes

12" squares :yes (if 12" is too scary for some, 4 6"er's is the same size)


Have a fun day... :ghug to all!

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Hi everyone

Joanne I will keep you and your Dh in my prayers. I hope everything turns out ok.

I might not write an answer to each and everyone but i do think about each one of you everyday. When i read about what is happening with everyone I do say a little prayer for all the good things and for the rough times you are going thru.:angel:angel:angel

Iam slowly feeling better. I know it does take time to heal. I just wish it would hurry up. Yesterday I said to Dh if you bring the vacuum upstairs I could vacuum. He just looked at me like I was nuts and said I don't think so. :think

Friendship squares........ 12 inch I like that :)

color....... What ever color on hand :)

Date......... Sept 1 sounds good to me:)

Project....... afghan:)

I will try and check back later, If not then i will see you tomorrow:hug:manyheart:ghug

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Good morning all!


I am focusing on the house today and getting caught up on some laundry and cleaning and stuff.


Joanne - :hug to you and your DH. You are both in my thoughts and prayers. As Beth said, take care of yourself so that you are able to take care of him.


LeaAnne - I am SO proud of you for an awesome Day 3! :clap I hope Salem was wicked! :lol


12" squares sounds good to me. Sept. 1 is a good due date. I like the idea of picking whatever color we want. And Shannon, ahem, I will just have to manage to juggle all my wips.:lol


Have a great day to everyone!

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Joann - I hope your DH is feeling better. You're right, now maybe he will listen to you. Get some rest and take it easy today.

Mary - Glad you are feeling better. Don't worry about the vacuum. The dust will still be there when you feel better!

Leann - :cheer for you! You are doing so well! Keep it up! I am in your corner.

So we went to the doctor for DD's ear. Sat there for TWO HOURS waiting to get in to see the doctor :angry. Ear infection. Then we go to fill the prescription. They don't have what was prescribed so they need to call the doctor in order to get another med. Of course, the doctor closed their office for lunch and does not open back up until 2. I go there at 2:45 to go pick up the meds and the doctor still had no sent another one. I was calling the office when they finally sent the new script. I was not a happy mama. I am convinced that stupid people are trying to take over the world!

I am up for 12 inch squares in worsted weight yarn. Should we try to coordinate colors, though? I just wonder how it will look with all different colors when trying to put them all together. Tell me I'm silly if I am.

Have a great day ladies. I need to vacuum and give the dogs a bath. See ya all later!


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Good morning, :ghug!


Well after a rough night it as nice to wake up and read all of your posts. It put a :haha on my face. Dh and I had a little falling out about my apparent "vacation" to MI. (Yes, that is what he actually called it. I was so hurt.) I also spoke to my mom last night and we will be ready to order tickets by Monday, hopefully to visit the last week of July. My mom spoke with the nurse at the nursing home yesterday, and she was told that the sooner I can come out, the better. Since the dr. doesn't know how long the cancer has been Stage 4, the dr. can't give a really good timeline of how much longer my grandma will be with us. Thank you so much everyone for your thoughts and prayers, I really, really appreciate them. :hug


Colleen- Congrats to dd on passing her swimming test! And she had a good dressing day! Awesome! :clap Good luck getting caught up!


Scooby- I love your story about your Stepfather and the jr's. It is so amazing when someone is blessed with a musical talent like that.


Joanne- Your dh will be in my prayers. How scary!! Thank goodness he went to see the cardiologist.


Beth- good luck on your big housecleaning.


Mary- I am glad you are feeling better. Isn't it funny how, some days are just so lazy that we don't want to do anything, but then when we aren't allowed to do it, we want to? :lol You stay away from that vacuum and rest! Oh and, :hook, too, of course. :devil


LeAnne- Way to go on day 3!! I am so proud of you!! Enjoy your field trip to Salem. I went there once when I was about 16 or so, with a friend's family. It was really fun and I hope one day to go back. Have fun with your aunt and uncle. Go Bulls! :cheer:cheer


To anyone else I missed- Have a wonderful day! :manyheart


Today is dd's last day of Mommy and Me. Next year she will be in pre-k so I will just take my youngest. We have been going for 2 years, though, and my 4 y/o really loves her teacher. I don't think she fully understands that she won't have "Teacher Valerie class" anymore. After I drop off my oldest, I need to run home and make some pierogi (we are having a potluck) then go back to the store for the sour cream I forgot yesterday.:blush Then off to class. After class I need to run to the P.O, then back to pick up oldest dd. Whew...good thing I typed it out or I would have forgotten something.


As for the squares:

12" sounds perfect.

Favorite colors or colors representing something is fine with me.

Sept. 1st sounds great!

Black lining is fine.


Thanks, Shannon, for brainstorming this idea! I am so excited to start!



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I am convinced that stupid people are trying to take over the world!


ROFL!! That is so true. I'm sorry to hear that your dd has an ear infection. Hopefully now that she has meds she will be feeling better in no time! :hug

I see where you are coming from with the colors. It might not be too "pretty" to have a bright orange, next to, say, a pastel green. :lol I just think that it might be too much work to keep up with who would like which colors...:think Maybe we could keep it "themed" to bright colors, to match the black?

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Morning ladies! Hope everyone is having a spectacular day!!


Joanne- How is DH feeling? I've been thinking and praying for you today.:hugs for both of you.


LeaAnne- Have fun in Salem. Tell Uncle Art and Aunt Sue I said hello and give them big :hugs for me. They are going to be so proud of you, Super Q!! Oh yeah, and GO BULLS:cheer:cheer:cheer


Mary- Sounds like DH is taking good care of you and making you behave! Don't worry about the cleaning. Just take care of yourself now.


Colleen- Happy Pajama Day!! Sorry I added to your WIP list. At least we'll have some time to work on our squares.

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Sorry, I had to go check on DD and didn't want to lose my message.


Where was I? Oh, Colleen, I'm actually in the mood to work on my house today too. Of course it happens when I'm at my parents' house.:lol I need to start getting stuff done so I can cash in on :crocheting time!!


Vicki- So sorry about the bad day. I think you're right about the stupid people, too. There seems to be a plethera of them around lately.


Stacy- Have fun at Mommy & Me. Sorry you had a falling-out with DH. And I've been praying that you get to see your grandmother soon.:hug


OK, it seems the majority wants 12" squares, ww yarn, by Sept. 1. I realize that everyone won't choose the same colors. But this whole thing was about learning more about each of my friends and making it personal. I know it may not turn out very pretty, but it will be my special blanket and only 8 other people in the world will have the same one. If it bothers everyone else, let me know.


I had a dream last night that I received my first square in the mail and it was gorgeous. It was all beige though. What's up with that?


Have a great day everyone!! BTW, my sister says hi to everyone!!

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:waving:hi Everyone!!!!! Had to chuckle :heehee Colleen. You are right, it does take a while to read what everyone has been up to as we are a :blah group, but I :bheart it. :rant:yell:rant I hope I don't lose this message, as our internet has been down the last couple days more than it has been up. I was :bang last night, as I wanted to :check back in before bed. That is ok, just a few more days and I will be on my way for a 2 week vacation :cheer:clap:cheer. I did manage to get a few things done yesterday. I have started packing and am about halfway through it. I told DS to go ahead and start packing the stuff he knew he wouldn't need between now and departure. Although I have been cleaning, it seems my house is getting worse instead of better :eek. I think that it's just because I am cleaning out clothes, closets, drawers etc etc.

Joanne- :hug So sorry to hear about DH and glad that he got the medical attention that he needed. Hope all goes well for him and will keep you and him in my thoughts and prayers. Hope you have a great day at work today, as I know you will be busy trying to get everything done so you can visit with DH.

LeaAnne- :woo:jumpyay:bowCongratulations on having such a good day yesterday!!!!!! Hope you have a great day :skeleton:skeleton. Have fun visiting with Uncle Art and Aunt Sue and tell them :hi. :cheerGo Bulls!!!!!!

Mary- :lol:cheerWTG DH on no vacuuming!!!! All those little dust :rabbit aren't going any where. They will just quickly multiply!!! Glad to hear that you are doing better every day.

Colleen- :yay DD for passing to the next level at swimming lessons!!!!! Glad to hear that her "getting dressed" attacks are getting better!!!!! I really need to get caught up on :wash too but trying to wait until the very last minute.

Vicki- ACCCKKKK!!!! I know that was aggravating. I think we have all been in that boat. My insurance has a preferred list of prescriptions and if the medicine is not on the list, then the dr has to call and TRY to get it approved. It can be very frustrating. It is almost like your time is of no importance. You are right, stupid people are trying to take over the world!!!! Hope your DD ear infection clears up soon!!!!

Stacy- :( So sorry you and DH had a falling out. Hope everything is ok now. Men just don't understand sometimes. :hugHope everything works out well for your visit. Will continue to keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Sounds like you have a busy day with all that running around to do. Maybe you will get a little time for some R & R and maybe some :crocheting. :hook

Shannon- :lol:lol You can come to my house and get in the mood to clean!!!! It is funny that you said that, when I was at my mom's house doing those 11 loads of laundry, I got in the mood to clean too. Was wishing I was home that day, as I could have gotten tons of stuff done. But truth be known, it would've never happened, as I always find too many distractions, like getting on the :compute and seeing what you all are up too :blush.

Sept 1- sounds great :yes

Any color- excellent :yes

12" - good :yes

Just a quick question- Are we doing a black edging? I prefer no edging, but if all of you would like one, it will be ok. To be honest, I can't join squares either by slip stitching or the single crochet method :lol. I have tried and tried and just can not for the life of me make it look good :embar. I join mine with the join as you go method, which means I usually don't make any other squares but the traditional granny square:blush. Just let me know so I don't screw things up for everyone else, and make the wrong thing :rofl.

:cheer:yay Now I know what crochet project to take with me on vacation. As I wanted to take something small and simple!!!!! And we can do this in a theme in regards to our state/province (I think that's what it is called in Canada.)?

I hope everyone has a great day!!! I need to get off my badorkas and try to get some stuff done. Provided that my internet doesn't go out again I will be back later to :check in.

:hug:manyheart to you all!!! YOU ALL :2rock.

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:hi everyone!


I don't think I can remember everyone, but I think about you all!


Stacy - Sorry to hear about DH's misunderstanding about your trip to MI. Men!


Scooby - You got it, we've got provinces! I am so excited for you that your vacation is coming up so soon!


Shannon - Your "beige...what's up with that" made me LOL. So funny! But serious, beige is like our national color. Everything in Canada is beige and it is my favorite color. I was definitely thinking beige for my squares. :lol I'm just kidding! But seriously, if anyone is doing beige squares that is okay by me. I have lots of beige in my house. :blush C'mon it is the national color and all :rofl


Vicky - Yes the stupid people are taking over the world. We all have days like that.


Joanne, Mary, LeaAnne, Beth, anyone I forgot :hug.


Just a question of clarification. By edging with black, does that mean a sc edge all around or a granny square edge? I was thinking of trying the join as you go method too, so mine might all have a granny edge around. :think


Well, I got 2 loads of laundry done, kitchen tidies and messed again, beds changed, DD bathed (and put back in her PJs), groceries bought. Now I'm about to head to work.

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:hi everyone!


I don't think I can remember everyone, but I think about you all!


Stacy - Sorry to hear about DH's misunderstanding about your trip to MI. Men!


Scooby - You got it, we've got provinces! I am so excited for you that your vacation is coming up so soon!


Shannon - Your "beige...what's up with that" made me LOL. So funny! But serious, beige is like our national color. Everything in Canada is beige and it is my favorite color. I was definitely thinking beige for my squares. :lol I'm just kidding! But seriously, if anyone is doing beige squares that is okay by me. I have lots of beige in my house. :blush C'mon it is the national color and all :rofl


Vicky - Yes the stupid people are taking over the world. We all have days like that.


Joanne, Mary, LeaAnne, Beth, anyone I forgot :hug.


Just a question of clarification. By edging with black, does that mean a sc edge all around or a granny square edge? I was thinking of trying the join as you go method too, so mine might all have a granny edge around. :think


Well, I got 2 loads of laundry done, kitchen tidies and messed again, beds changed, DD bathed (and put back in her PJs), groceries bought. Now I'm about to head to work.



I prefer the granny edge, as I always use the join as you go method. I would like to use that method and use the black as my joining color. All of the squares I make and send to you all will have the granny square edge, unless someone wants the a sc edge. Just let me know which edging you prefer. This isn't burger king, but I am willing to let you all of you have it YOUR WAY :D. I can just make a list of everyone's name and what you want.

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Ok, I get what you are saying now about having us each pick a color. (I thought at first that you meant to make a different color for each person.) I'm Polish, it takes me a while. :think:rofl I think our state colors are blue and yellow. :think

I usually do the join as you go method, also, which I will do in black. I think we could still use that method with a border, all we would do is dc 3 times in one sc, skip 3 sc, dc 3 times in next sc...etc. Does that make sense? Maybe I should just zip my lip before I hurt myself. :lol:lol

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OK, my head is hurting!:headache I am sooo confused about the squares now. If we don't need a border color with the join as you go method, then we won't use one. I just thought it would make them look more uniform, since we will all have different colors and black goes with pretty much everything. I think I've said this before, I've never put squares together. If someone else wants to jump in now and take over this part, feel free. I am apparently not the right "hooker" for the job. We need someone with a bit more experience. (WOW! Those two sentences would freak someone out if they didn't know this is a :crocheting site!!):rofl


Stacy- I'm sorry, I am totally confused by what you said about the colors!:blush


Colleen- I, too, adore beige. I just thought it was strange because I said black and dreamed beige. Go figure!!


I hope everyone is having a good day! I'll check in on you chicks later!!:ghug

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Shannon, I am :rofl!! You just made my afternoon with your hooker comment!!! My daughter is looking at me like I am nuts. Btw, I just edited my first post...I don't know if it makes sense more like that. Maybe I will just delete it.


This is the join as you go method:




IMO it is much easier and neater-looking than sc or slip stitch or whip-stitching. Of course that is all up to the person joining them. :DDepending on your preferred join method, maybe we could keep a list on the first post of who wants a border? Just a thought. I really don't want to step on anyone's toes here. :D

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I just love you guys, you crack me up :rofl and always put a big :D on my face. That is the same method I use Stacy and I love it I also have to agree with you Stacy, I can't do the sc, whipstitch or slip stitch joining as it never looks very nice. by the time I get a few joined it looks so bad I have to :2frog . But it all depends on who is doing the joining and what they like /prefer.Like I stated earlier, I will do whatever each individual wants. I will just keep a list of everyone's preferences and take it from there. All I want is for everyone to have fun making the squares and fun joining the squares for the FO!!!! And then be happy with what all of us have made for each other, as I know I will be. I am anxious to get started :lol.

:yay:clap:cheer I did manage to get some stuff done today. My kitchen is all cleaned up, :rabbit cage cleaned, living room vacuumed/dusted, all dishes washed/supper done and over with, garbage has been gathered/taken out. :blush:embar to say this, now that my refrigerator is about bare, :eek I must clean the shelves :yuck. Didn't realize it was that bad while there was plenty of food in there :lol.Looks like DS has spilled Kool-Aid/tea and didn't wipe it up. So that is priority on my list tomorrow. I did take a few mins today and :crocheting some squares. I think that is the first time I have picked up a :hook in several (5-6) days. It has gotten so :hothere I just haven't felt like it.

Anyways, I hope everyone is doing well and will try to :check back in later. I still have a few things I want to get done tonite:( as the lazy bug has already started biting me :lol.:hugto you all!!!!

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:rofl Shannon - you crack me up! I loved your hooker comment too. Too funny.


Why don't we just not put any border on our squares and then everyone can do what they want? I don't want to step on any toes, but I'm thiking then if we want a border we can add it ourselves.

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oh my, my head is spinning with all the square talk! :think I think I'd better get practicing! I have no clue which method of joining I like since I've never done it! And love, love, love, that Shannon wants a hooker with more experience to step right in. And so happy that I'm not the only one getting confused!!! (and I'm not Polish like Stacy) :D


Home now after another long day- DH is doing better- We are hoping he'll be discharged tomorrow. He was sound asleep when i got there today and I didn't have the heart to wake him up. They didn't kick me out when the visiting hrs were over so that was good.


WTG on another day, LeaAnne :clap and hope you had a "wicked" good time at Salem. How did the Bulls do?


Scooby- For some reason I thought you were leaving on vacation today- :think I'm glad you'll be around for a few more days and happy you got so much done! You have been very busy


Colleen- Congrats to DD! Bet that was a relief! I have to say I love kids 4-5 years old! That was my favorite age. And it seems like we have a few mom's among us with kids that age (ok memory, kick in now- that would be Colleen, Stacy and shannon?)....anyone who is reading, feel free to step right in and let me know if I remembered correctly.....:yes


Vicki- sorry about the ordeal with the prescription, etc. Nothing more frustrating and yes, we are being taken over by the stupid people!:yes


Beth- Oh, my, I wanted to comment on something you said, and it is totally out of my head and I didnt write down what everyone said- :eek


Mary- glad to hear that DH is watching out for you- no vacuuming, my dear- rest, and relax and :crocheting- the dust will be there


I promise to make up for these short posts when all is settled down over here and hopefully Dh is home tomorrow.


I only got about 4 hrs sleep last night- so girls, I'm heading to bed.


Have a great night!:hug

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