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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Yay LeaAnne- I'm so proud of you. You can't strive to be perfect with this--you'll just set yourself up for failure. I think you did GREAT!! I've been lurking around waiting for you to see how Day 1 went!! And I must say, I'm very impressed!

About the letters--maybe go **** yourself. I had to really look at it for a minute and that's all I can think of. Man, they're strict around here. We wouldn't have even thought it if they hadn't asterisked it!!


Colleen- Godness, I'm sorry it's been so challenging for you. I'm sure that's just a phase. I'll be praying that it is a very short phase.

How long would it take me to get up there I wonder? But how fun would that be!! BTW, George is sooo not invited!! He always wants to go places with me. Someday he'll get the hint and not come back!!


OMG-ness! I didn't even think of that! :blush:lol Wow, I must just be naive... btw, that's the first time I ever got the *Asterisk! :rofl


Colleen - I agree with Shannon, "Ages and Stages" is my favorite reminder. My friend says "This too shall pass"... problem is, you blink and it's gone:think I hope things get better soon for you! :hug


You guys are the bestest! Can I go to Canada, too? :):lol

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Just stopping by to say :night. I should have already been in bed as I have a busy day tomorrow. I am going with my mom and stepdad out of town. He has a concert that he is playing in and we are going to watch:lol. So you probably won't hear from me, unless I have time in the morning before they pick me up at 10 otherwise it won't be till after midnight. I hope you all have a great day tomorrow and I will miss you all.

WOW Leanne, you did great today!!!!!:cheer:clap:yay:hug Big :cheerand a WTG Girl for you!!!!!!! No, I will be leaving on the 24th and will probably be gone two weeks but I will try to post a little here and there while I am gone.

I am glad you all enjoyed my little story.It still seems a little freaky to me how everything just happened the way it did.:2eek:scaredBut I am glad to be reconnecting with some school buddies.I managed to get a few things done around the house today. I cleaned the bathroom, swept and mopped the floors, started packing a few things like my :yarn,:hook, and patterns and some books and some bathroom stuff. I am trying to get as much done as I can because the Monday and Tuesday before we leave is booked with last minute appts etc etc. and I have to deliver the :rabbit and :goldfish to the friend who will be tending to them while I am gone. I probably should make out a list so I don't forget anything.

:lol:lol Shannon about George. Instead of George we have Aunt Myrtle :lol. I am always glad when she packs her bags and leaves, and dread when she comes back to visit the next month :rofl Thank goodness she just left and I won't have to take her with me on vacation.

Remember to take your vitamins!!!! I hope I don't forget in the morning especially if I don't have time to :check in before I leave. As Joanne is very good about reminding us.

Hope you all have a fantabulous Tuesday. I will be thinking about you all!!!! Lots of :hugand :manyheart. In case I haven't told you lately, you all :2rock:ghug.

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Good morning ladies- alot going on since I went to bed last night! By the time I read about all the activity, I have sooo little time to post or I'll be late for work!


WTG LeaAnne! You did great!!! And congrats to Krissy- what a champ! Must take after her mother!


Scooby- have fun today and liking that you have picked up on fantabulous!


Shannon- You simply make my smile each and every day with your wit and charm.


Colleen- Like LeaAnne stated- ages and stages (or something like that) WTG on getting the teachers gifts wrapped and ready


Everyone- remember your vitamins!!


And I am throwing in a few *** just for fun.....so funny that you really have to watch what you type!


Have a fantabulous Tuesday! Cya after work!

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Good morning!!


Scooby- Have fun at the concert!! Is your stepdad in a band?:2rock

Aunt Myrtle--I love it!! Glad she won't be with you on your trip. I don't think George will be going to Florida next month either, although he does have a way of showing up unexpectedly!:angry


Joanne- Have a wondermous (wonderful & fabulous with an m thrown in? idk) day at work today!! You are such a sweetheart!


LeaAnne- WTG Krissy!!:cheer That is awesome. And I agree with Joanne, she got her strength from her mother. You should use last night as your motivation. Every time you want a cigarette, just think about Krissy being so strong and not giving up. Then you can "stay in the game" of quitting. You know you're strong enough!!:yay

I'll pick you up on my way to Colleen's!! Don't forget your :hook and :yarn!!


Colleen- Summer will be here in a few days. Maybe you can give DD a few "pajama" days. Just leave her in her jammies. I think LeaAnne is right--she probably needs downtime too! Pre-school can be very stressful!


Beth, Vicki, Shell, Stacy- Have a great Tuesday!!

Sorry if I forgot anyone!

Love you all!!

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I just had a thought. It would be really cool if we all made a square for each other. Then we could put our own afghans together and we'll all have the same afghan!! A friendship afghan! We could do a theme, like something that represents where we live. But it has to be a surprise until they are sent and received. What does everyone think?


I just put some laundry in to wash, and picked up some toys (DD keeps getting more out--I can't get ahead). I'm having another lazy day. Stupid George!!:angry My George Stacy, not your George. I'm sure your George is a total sweetheart! I have a lot to do before we go camping! But DD will be out of the house for a while tomorrow, so I'll get my badorkas in gear then!!


I'll check in later. It's a ghost town around here today!

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Good morning!

Well you can add me to that "ages and stages" club. Except, for me, our "age" has been from about 1-1/2 right up to 4. :blush Every year I hear, "Terrible 2's...Torrential 3's...Frightening 4's..." What comes after 4? :think My 4 y/o is very strong-minded, opinionated, strong-willed...whatever you want to call it. She does her thing and no one is going to tell her she can't. :ohdear

Colleen- we do pajama days around here when it is just too stressful or overwhelming. I fix her hair if we go out to a store or something but other than that, it's just chill time. Hopefully after school is all finished your dd will settle a bit. :hug

Oh, btw...guess what I found? The close-able snack cup. I found it at a Target in El Centro. They also had one with silicone "wedges" that closed around the little's hand as they reached in for a snack. I bought them both and dd doesn't like either one. :blush I will keep using them, though, and I'm sure she will get used to one of them, at least. Either way, no more pretzel salt! :yay


LeAnne- You were sensored! :rofl You naughty girl...:lol I honestly wouldn't have thought what those letters stood for either, if Shannon hadn't explained it. :shrug WTG on your first day!! :cheer Tell your daughter great job, from me! Such determination. She definitely gets that from her mama. :yes


Scooby- Enjoy your concert! Enjoy your trip and good luck getting everything packed. Thanks for the vitamin reminder.


I am :rofl myself silly at all of the "George and Myrtle" talk.


Today I need to put away all of our travel stuff. There is clothing all over my bedroom floor, from the suitcase (which I use as storage.) I need to put everything back in it's rightful spot. I've already did the dishes and vacuumed. I would also like to steam-clean my dining area today because there is a sticky spot right in the walkway to the kitchen. Not fun to step on at 5:30 a.m., let me tell ya. I figure if I tell you all that I am going to steam-clean, then I really need to. Right now it is time to go make lunch, then pick up dd. They have minimum dismissal days from now until Friday. Hopefully I will remember to pick her up on-time for the rest of the week. :blush

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Hi everyone!


Stopping by to say hi before I go to work. Thanks for assuring me this is probably just a stage with DD and the getting dressed thing. I totally do Pajama days too and it is always "wear whatever you want" when we are at home (which is usually a nightgown). However there are times and places where PJs won't do (church, for example). I think you're right that we both need to chill. Just the last swimming lesson tomorrow and the school party on Friday and we will be chilling! S-3 :cheer!


With DD at preschool this morning I decided to treat myself to my last free morning for a while and just poked around at the mall. Tried some clothes on, but didn't buy anything. Did my best not to shop for things that other people need. I didn't even buy any groceries! It was good for me. I needed that.


By the way, my teacher gifts are delivered! DONE DONE DONE! :clap I love it when things are done.


Stacy - :cheer you found the spill-proof cups! Who knows, maybe next week it will be your DD's favorite :lol.


Joanne - I hope you are enjoying your new job!


LeaAnne - WTG Krissy! What a champ! You've got some pretty awesome kids there (testament to their mom, I'm sure). I hope day 2 is going alright. I'm still here :cheer:cheer:cheer you on! And here is your extra :hug. You are a champ too!


Shannon - I like your square idea. That would be fun!


:hi to everyone else! Here's a :hug.


I haven't done any cleaning this week. I have just been doing the usual pick up and dishes. I haven't even done any laundry (I'll pay for that one!). Maybe tomorrow...or maybe Thursday. Whatever :). I'm sure you are all thinking that I have a split personality or something. I keep changing my tune, don't I? :lol It's all good.


Have a great day and I'll drop by this evening!

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Just stopping in before karate. Tonight dd has a test for her yellow stripe or orange belt. I know she is good enough to get the orange, I just don't know if she's "mature" enough to keep it up. Does that make sense? Either way, I know she will do really well. I promised to stop at Jamba Juice on the way home if she tries her best. :cheer


LeAnne- How is Day 2? I have been thinking of you all day and wondering how you are doing. :hug


Colleen- you crack me up! I think we all have the "do I clean or don't I?" syndrome. Good for you, going to the mall and shopping for yourself. It is so hard to not look at stuff for everyone else, though, isn't it?

Good luck with dd. I misunderstood that to mean she only gags and vomits while getting ready for school. :think No, I don't think pj's will do at church. :lol You will have your chill-time soon! :clap


Ok, I better get moving. Still have to pack snacks and water bottles for the littlest monsters. I will check in later!

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Hi Everyone!


I'm done taxi-ing for the day, so I thought I'd grab a minute and check in. There's no way I can catch up with everyone.


Mary - I hope you are doing well.


LeAnne - I'm very proud of you. And I'm proud of your daughter. What an amazing way to win a game! I'm so glad you were there to witness it!


Stacy - how'd the dd do at karate? Trust me, sooner than you think, you'll look up at your dd, and wonder where that young woman came from, and whatever happened to your baby? I still am in shock when I see my kids from a different angle. (Try dropping them off at work for the first time!) The stages may seem to last forever, but in retrospect, they fly by.


Colleen - sometimes we need to recharge, so we have something to give to everyone else. I hope you had fun window shopping.


Shannon - the squares are a cool idea. I'd enjoy a friendship 'ghan from this group. How very special!


I know I'm not getting everyone. But I would like to send a big :hug to all of you.


Today I put the third coat of mud on my dd's ceiling. I'm done. It may need more, but I am SO tired of it, it isn't funny. Now I need to sand, prime, and paint! Then I will do a happy dance.


I hope you all have a wonderful day tomorrow. Good night!:manyheart

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:hi, gang!


today was so long, and I am WIPED! :tired... I will catch up with all of your posts in the morning, when I will be home for a change ;) Just got everyone settled down (FINALLY!), and am so ready for :night, but could not let the day go without saying hi to "my Girls"!


Today was not banner for me at all...:( BUT, I learned a lot about myself, and found my share of triggers that had not occured to me

I am happy about that, because next time I'll be ready for it...

I'll fill you all in tomorrow...


Let's suffice it to say I missed you guys! :ghug


Catcha' in the AM... :night Sleep Tight, all!

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Hi all,

Just got in --forgot that I had to go to a wake tonight after work (how does one forget that???). Anyway, the mother of one of my friends from work died on Sunday so a bunch of us went to the wake and then out to grab a quick bite.


I am tired and heading to bed, but had to check in to see what everyone was up to day!


I'll try and catch up tomorrow.


Oh, I like the idea of a square (although I've never done one, so no promises on how mine turn out).


Night all--sweet dreams!

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Well dd definitely "passed" her test. Just have to wait until next week to see what color belt she got. I am so proud of her! We went for Jamba Juice afterward, and my 4 y/o's drink fell from the drink holder and got smashed by a passing car. :( Of course, Mommy had to go back in and get another one.

Joanne- I had to :heehee that you forgot about the wake. It does seem like it would be a hard thing to forget, yet I know that I would probably do the exact same thing. It's nice that you all went in support of your co-worker. :manyheart


Shannon- I love the square idea. I don't make them often because I get bored of a repetitive pattern, but I love the idea of sending them to all of you.


Beth- So good to hear from you!! Way to go on the mudding! Good luck with the next steps. :hug

Well my dad is on the phone so I better get scooting. Good night!

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OK, let's try this again. I can't duplicate everything I just typed, as I am exhausted.


Those who want to do squares:

1 Colleen

2 Beth

3 Joanne

4 Stacy

5 me

6 Mary

7 Vicki

8 LeaAnne

9 Scooby


SIZE: 12" squares

COLOR: favorite color or colors for your area, team, etc.

TYPE: your pick

DUE BY: September 1


I'll keep it updated here. I cannot address everyone again. I will do it tomorrow. I will repeat my last thought of the lost message:

It occurred to me today that if we stopped buying yarn, we could probably afford maids. Then we would have more time to crochet, but what would we crochet with? What do you call that? Ironic? What do you call me? Moronic.


I would also like to say that I do not say bad words. I don't want you all to think I'm a potty mouth just because I was the one who solved the mystery acronym. I have a reputation to uphold, and I'm not going to soil it with offensive language. Yes, it's true, I have been ***ed once. But down here it's not considered a bad word if "coon" is in front of it. How was I supposed to know?


Good night to all my dear friends!

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Good morning everyone

First thing-Iam so in on making friendship squares :cheer I think that is a great idea.

Iam trying to keep up with reading all the post but it seems I can only sit for so long and then i have to lie down... Iam not liking that I have to take it easy. Dh has been after me to take it easy.


Leanne way to go on the not smoking. I plan to quit also, I just need to get over my butt first then pick my quit date. :cheer for you.


Colleen my DD has pj day with her kids also, sometimes they just need it. ( I have pj days too lol)


Stacy Iam sending my prayers out to you and your family.

I hope everyone has a great day

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Good morning!!


Mary- I added you to the square list. Besides not wanting to take it easy, how are you feeling? We'll be here to :cheer you on and give you :hugs when you're ready to quit!!


I'll write more later. I have to get ready now. Have a wonderful morning, friends!

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Do you know what size squares, and what type of yarn? Honestly, I've probably been crocheting for less time than anyone else in this group, just about 2 years now, and I know I have a lot to learn. Can you make an afghan with different types of yarn (say wool and acrylic?) I am so excited about this. I've never made something for anyone on the 'ville, because i'm self-conscious because I haven't crocheted long. However, you all are my friends, and I know you'd see past the inexperience to see the :manyheart in each and every stitch!

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Good morning all!


2nd load of laundry in the washer and DH did the dishes/kitchen clean up :clap.


Stacy - I'm glad to hear that your DD did well at Karate. We are off to the last swimming lesson here in a few minutes and we'll see if she passed.


Shannon - I like your idea about hiring the cleaning lady. Oh to dream!


As for the size of square, I suspect we would not have more than 6 - 8 squares so 12 inch might be best? Although a bigger square = more work :think. I guess the other idea is to pick a smaller size and then we could do filler squares of the color of our choice. There are lots of things you can do with a square besides making a 'ghan. In fact a smaller square could be made into a friendship tote which might be a more manageable project for beginners. Hmmm, the possibilities with squares are endless! I would recommend we all use acrylic worsted weight--accessible and affordable for all. It absolutely doesn't matter how long you've crocheted or if you've ever made a square before, it is from a friend and it will be special! We were/are all beginner crocheters at some point in our lives and my first projects are some of the most memorable and the ones I am most proud of. I don't make a lot of squares, but I do enjoy making them because it is a great way to learn a new stitches and try new things. If you don't want to make everyone's square the same, I would say that would be okay too. Alrighty, I've :blah :blah enough!


Have a great day everyone!

S-2 and counting! :clap

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Good morning! :coffee


Mary, it is so good to hear from you! I am happy that dh is on you to take it easy. Thank you for the prayers.


Shannon- I hope you don't think that we were offended by you figuring out the mystery acronym. I think we were all just shocked that an acronym would be censored, when most of us didn't realize what it "could" have meant. :hug Very sensitive system, they have set up here, methinks. Btw...I love your idea of the cleaning lady. Although if I had to crochet only with the yarn in my stash, I think I would be sad. I will just keep my money, clean by myself, and buy more yarn. :devil


Colleen- good luck with swimming lessons! :xfin that dd passes!


I would be down to do any size square. I have a really cute "butterfly garden" square that I love to make but it is 12 inches. Also, there is a variant of the same square in the latest issue of Crochet Today, which would be pretty. I think it is 8 inches. I never thought about doing a tote with them but now that I think about it, I have seen several totes made from squares and they are cute-ness. The squares would need to have tighter stitches for that to work, unless one lined the tote. :devil Squares could also be made into a pillow. I'm trying to think what else...I do think we should keep them to acrylic, though, just in case anyone has a wool allergy.


I woke up this morning with an irritating itch inside of my ear. :think Today is laundry day so I won't be around again until after lunch. DD gets out early these last 3 days- 1:25. I hope I remember! :lol

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Ok, this project doesn't have anything to do with squares, but...I was looking for square patterns and found this adorable tote:


library tote


I think this would be an adorable project tote!! It is going on my list of WIM's (probably to be started very soon. :blush:devil)

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Good morning. I am glad everyone had a great Tuesday. We were at Schlitterbahn in Galveston, and my arms are so sore from holding on the tubes on the river! They have a different kind of lazy river. There are 2 sides to it. It is a wavy river and a white water river and we spent most of our day on the rivers. We were holding on to the tubes on the wavy river and oh, I hurt right now! Otherwise, we had a great day.

I have the towels in the washer right now and I have laundry to fold. I need to get some stuff to a lawyer (which I have procrastinated doing!) and DD is complaining that her ear hurts. So I need to call the doctor and see if I can get her in. Tae kwon do is tonight so it is left overs for dinner.

I love the squares idea. Count me in! Just let me know what size to do.

Leann - Great first day for you! I hope you keep it up! And great day for Krissy! Congrats to both of you!

Mary - Glad you are taking it easy. Have a great day!

Good morning to Stacy, Shannon, Colleen and Scooby. Have a wonderful Wednesday.

I will pass by again later on tonight!


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Hey, Good morning, everyone!!!


I am just now reading everyone's posts from yesterday... First things first: Shannon - count me IN on the squares! That is such and awesome idea! I am game for whatever size you all want to do, and agree with Colleen about the acrylic yarn... I am so excited to make presents for my BFF's!:c9:clap


Next, I want to say thank you :hug for all of your replies about my Krissy - :blushI wished that I read them earlier, because I would have seen what you all saw... a true source of inspiration and strength! There's my "what I learned today" and it was right in front of me all the time :oops:blush


Hey, Scooby! How was that concert? Hope you're having a great morning!


Mornin', Colleen! - How is DD today? I was thinking about her and you :hugOnly 2 more days, right? Way to go on getting so much done already today, and Good For You (I typed it all out this time:lol) getting to the mall for some "ME" time. You are right, it is very hard to not look for what everyone else needs...We always forget about ourselves, don't we?


Hi, Shannon! I hope that George is calming himself right down today!:lol

How is your DD? I hope she is having a good day, and that you are too!

That was Great Thinkin' on the Friendship 'Ghan!!!!:manyheart And, :ty for figuring out why I got the asterisk treatment... I must be getting old or something... I would NEVER have figured That one out! :D Or maybe it's that my texter DD's aren't old enough yet? I really try hard to keep myself up with the lingo.;)


Hey, Stacy! Congrats to your DD on passing her test!:clap:cheer That is SO COOL! Hope your morning is starting off well...:hug I am praying for your family... any updates on your grandma?


:hi, Beth! Congrats on the last of the mud-ness! Good luck with the taxi-ing and everything... and, :yes, you are so right:


"Trust me, sooner than you think, you'll look up at your dd, and wonder where that young woman came from, and whatever happened to your baby? I still am in shock when I see my kids from a different angle. (Try dropping them off at work for the first time!) The stages may seem to last forever, but in retrospect, they fly by."


Mornin' Mary- You sound so much like my mom... it's really hard to relax and take it easy when you should :hug But, please know I am :cheerfor you. Have a great day, ok? And don't worry, when you're ready to pick your date, I will be the first in line with :hug:yay:hug:yay for you!


:waving, Joanne- Hope your day is fantabulous, and filled with awesome-ness! :manyheart


:hi, Vicki- Schlitterbahn sound like it was a BLAST! I am glad you had a good time!!! :hug

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smoking update:


I will start with the good news... Today, I am doing and feeling great! I feel "equipped", and have not smoked.


As I mentioned last night, yesterday was bad news/good news. I will give you guys the Reader's Digest version:


Yesterday was Field Day and the BackYard BBQ at school. Sounds like a fun day, right? I was so excited, then :angry I let something happen. There is a small group of mom's who don't remember that the school is for & about everyone, and it's especially about the kids - ALL of them, not just theirs. I strongly disagree with them ideologically, and am a non-confrontational person. So, I let the stress of dealing with them yesterday win... and I slipped... 3 cigarettes... DARN IT! I let myself down:( I even thought "I picked the wrong week to quit"... but that's wrong. when it's time, it's time.


Here is the good news - As I sat to ponder my day yesterday, I realized a couple of things: First...I will NOT let bullies (whether they be people or cigarettes) win again... EVER! I deserve better for myself.

Second... my :ipod is another coping mechanism, In between events, I came home, put the volume up on that thing, and had a good time, cleaning, dancing, and basically having an Endorphin-fest for myself! I need to keep that thing with me all the time!


...and until you girls mentioned it yesterday, I had forgotten to look for inspirations right around me... which I promise to remember to do. Thank you, all, for reminding me:hug:hug You are the best friends that anyone could ever ask for!


So, all in all, I am choosing to take the positive lessons from yesterday, and leave the garbage behind... I feel like I am learning things that I should have long ago, but, it's better late than never, right? I'll catch up:lol


I'll see you guys a little later on... I am off to see the 5th graders Colonial Times presentations...


Hugs! :ghug

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Vicki and LeaAnne- You're now on the list!! We're up to 8.


:ty, Colleen, about the ideas for what to make, what size, and what yarn to use. I really hadn't thought past the idea of making squares for each other. A friendship tote sounds awesome to me. Are we going to do a theme, or favorite squares, or what??? This is going to be so cool!!

Don't feel bad about not wanting to clean. George and I have just been sitting around all week. I never get anything done when he's here. He's so obnoxious!!:yes

How's DD today? I hope you have fun at her last swimming lesson and that she passes with flying colors!!:cheer


Beth- I've only been seriously crocheting since the beginning of the year. I am the same way about sending things. I have at least 5 hats that I want to send for the brain surgery charity, but I'm self-conscious about it. I'm excited about this too though!!


~~You know, come to think of it, I could just send you all a picture of me. 'Cause I'm soooo square!!~~;)


Vicki- Sorry your arms are sore. But Schlitterbahn sounds like lots of fun!! Hope DD's ear feels better!!


LeaAnne- 3 cigarettes is not bad. How many were you smoking before? More than that I know. I'm glad you are taking it as a learning experience and not being too hard on yourself. That would just make it even harder to stop!! I'm very proud of you:cheer:yay:hug:hug


Stacy- :yay for your daughter kicking some karate butt (am I going to get censored? hehe) Seriously, that is wonderful, and karate is such a good thing to get into. Very cool!!

How's your grandma doing? I've been praying for her, for all of you.


Joanne- It was very nice of you to support your friend during this difficult time.:manyheart I'm sure she really appreciates it.

How's that book? And how is your back feeling?


Mary- Hope you're feeling better every day!!:hug


Sorry if I missed anyone. I'm getting confused because I typed some of this last night and then lost it.

Have a great day everyone!! I have to get my badorkas in gear!!

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:hi:waving to all my friends!!!!! The concert/benefit show yesterday was great!!!!! I am going to try to make this story short :lol. Answer to your question Shannon, no my stepfather is not currently in a band, but he is a professional lead guitar player. He started playing at a very young age. I believe his mother said he started playing when he was still in diapers :lol. Yesterday was a benefit show for a man who helped/encouraged many musicians get started in the business. In the 50's this man started a band and my stepfather was the guitar player. After playing with this band, my stepfather played with many others including Percy Sledge which included the song When a Man Loves a Woman and many other hits by Percy. One very well known man, who is a producer as well as a musician, stated that he got inspired to play the guitar by simply seeing my stepfather at a performance. He said he watched my stepfather all night and went home and told his dad he wanted a guitar :lol. Not only does my stepfather play, but his oldest son (with the prefix of Jr) also plays many instruments and is a producer/recording engineer/mixing engineer. The son has done stuff for Backstreet Boys, Martina McBride, Vern Gosdin, ZZ Top and lots lots more. The grandson, with the prefix of III, also plays and does some stuff with music etc etc. Because there are three of them with the same name, unless you know them it is hard to keep up with which one did what :rofl.Here is a link to the story about yesterday's performance. My stepfather is on the far right (with the guitar :2rock).



Needless to say, I didn't get much done yesterday. I am trying to play catch up today. It seems I have so much to do and so little time to get it all done before we leave for our trip. But I think I will manage to get it all done.

Joanne- :lol I used to use the word fantabulous all the time, just for a change from fabulous or fantastic. Oh no, so sorry you forgot about the wake. I tend to forget things, especially if I am very busy or have a lot on my plate to do. And often times, I do tend to forget the most important things. Glad you remembered and were able to be there for your friend in her time of need.

Shannon- OH NO!!! George and Aunt Myrtle must and can't interrupt our trips!!!!!:lol But you are right, they do just tend to pop up unexpectedly sometimes for their little aggravating visits :angry. As far as the squares, count me in. Just let me know what size I am supposed to do, as it would be me who did the wrong thing :sofunny.:think Will start saving a little pocket change to for mailing.

Stacy- WTG DD on passing the test!!!!! Thanks for reminding me about that library tote. I have that on my list already, but haven't made it yet. When I saw your link, I :think "I've seen this before." And sure enough it was in my saved patterns on my puter :lol and on my list to make. Seems like I find all these patterns and they always get pushed to the side for something else I have run across.

Colleen- WTG on getting those teacher's gifts done and delivered!!! I hope your daughter passed her swimming lessons. Keeping :xfin that things get better with DD soon. Now that my kids are teenagers, I look back at the numerous "passing phases" that we went through, and still go through from time to time. My mother tells me they are learning experiences that we all went through and all kids have different ones. Some are similar and some are very different.

LeaAnne- WTG on your success!!!!You are doing fantastic. Glad that you are using this as an opportunity to learn. And remember: No matter what we try to do, we always tend to backslide a little, but the important thing is to keep on trying. You haven't failed, you are learning through different experiences to success!!!!! Keep up the great work!!!! I am proud of you!!!!!!!:hug:hugI am still gearing myself up to quit. I have had it on my mind a lot the last few days. I know it is going to be a very hard, long journey for me:worried:scared but I keep telling myself that I CAN DO THIS!!!!

Mary- Glad that you are doing well and taking it easy!!! I know this is nothing compared to what you went through, but I almost went nuts when I broke my tailbone. I couldn't stand, sit, or lay down for long periods of time. But you will be all better soon:yes:yes. Everything that needs to be done will still be waiting on you. :cheerfor DH for making you behave and take it easy :lol:lol.

Vicki- :woo Sounds like you had a blast at the waterpark, as I can't spell the name of it :lol. So sorry that your arms are sore and hope they feel better soon!!! The things we suffer through sometimes just to have a good time, but it is all worth it in the long run.:( Hope DD's ear is ok.

Beth- :yay on getting that mudding done!!!! Just keep in mind, we were all beginner's at some point too. I have been crocheting about 30 years off and on, and I am still learning and still ask some of my crochet friends for help/tons of questions. I still am self conscious about making/giving things for people. My biggest fear is that it will fall apart :lol. I bet you will do great with the squares:cheer:yay:yes.

Well friends, I must get off of here and get some more stuff done. If I don't get a :kick and get busy, I will still be trying to get things done on the day we leave :lol:lol. I just have no desire to do anything :(. BAD BAD case of the lazies. Anyways, I hope everyone is having a great day and will try to :check back in later this evening!!!!

Did everyone take their vitamins today????? I haven't yet but going to right now :lol.


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LeaAnne- Hey knifty knitter...could you knit me one of those free pattern cardis? (anniesattic) It's very pretty!!

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