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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Yes, we must be the meddling kids... no wait, we are the Mothers of the meddling kids! :rofl


I don't think our group is getting smaller... it's just the season. It happens in the better weather, everyone gets busy, or taking trips and what not-ness. No worries... it could never have been anything you said. btw, I have been meaning to ask you, have you ever considered a career in StandUp comedy? You sure do have a gift! Your :lolness is Always contagious.



So, friends, I have BIG NEWS to share with you all... (NO, I am NOT going to have a baby! :rofl)


I have just signed up at the "StopSmoking CAL"... I am VERY excited and scared about it! You never know how anyone perceives you, and it really makes me feel :blush &:yuck-y that I have been a smoker for as long as I have, like I'm some kind of :loser or something.

I really needed to share this with you, my friends, because it is important to me, and you are the ones (besides my family) who are always there... Heck, you are my family!:manyheart So, if you have a spare moment, say a quick prayer for me, ok?

BTW... the first day of my re-claimed life is Monday, June 15! I will be taking the weekend to get things in order, pick my :crocheting projects, and get them all strategically placed. I am looking at it this way: :crocheting has seen me through many changes/events in my life. Some good, some stressful, some not worth talking aobut. Crochetville has given me some great friends, who I enjoy so much. This is an incredibly supportive and awesome place. In just the short time we've been together in this group, I feel like I have grown into a new person:c9... so I feel like I am ready to conquer this, once and for all.

Thanks for listening, friends :blush

I'll see you tomorrow.

Hugs and blessings-

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:hi, Colleen!


Not only were we thinking the same phrase, but we were just posting at the same time... Oooooh! scary!


so sorry about the clothespin-ness on the whites. I am glad it worked out ok.:)


:woo :woo Penguins WIN!!!!


:wavingJoanne - have a safe trip to CT tomorrow. That Eagle Scout must be very proud! That's quite a commitment he made! Tell him WTG from us!:clap:clap


If I have forgotten to say :hi to anyone today, I didn't mean it....


So :hi, :hi to all members of the greatest CAL on the 'Ville! :cheer:cheer

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I'm doing my dance:dance :dance:woo:dance:rock, the Penguins won!


I will be baking tomorrow. DD bet DH a chocolate chip muffin that Detroit would win, so now she has to pay up :). Truth be told, we are a houseful of Toronto Maple Leafs fans, but well the Leafs are kind of like the Red Sox used to be. Haven't won a cup since 1967. There is always next year :).


:clap LeaAnne. I will definitely be :cheer you on and keeping you in my prayers for your success in the stop smoking CAL. :hug You can do it. Just think what you've accomplished here in our little CAL by getting your house in order. You've proven that you can do great things, so go for it!

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WTG, LeaAnne!!:cheer:yay:hug I've been secretly praying that you would join that group. I checked in on it a few days ago and saw your post. I smoked for five years, and my mom has been smoking for forever. No one can get her to quit, and when I saw that CAL, I wished she crocheted so she could join it. I think it's a great idea, and I'll definitely be here for you!! I know you can do it, and gosh, I don't even know what you look like!! So you know you can do it, 'cause you know what you look like! I don't know, I'm showing my dork-ness again! Anyway, I am so excited for you. You'll feel so much better, and you'll save some money too! (anyone thinking :yarn:yarn:yarn?!) Okay, I'll get off my :soap now. I'm just so super-excited for you! We got your back, girl!!


Joanne- Congrats to your nephew! That's wonderful!!


Colleen- Bummer kids can't use the oven, right? Just kidding! :yay Penguins! Believe it or not, we have a hockey team down here: the Shreveport Mudbugs! We don't go to as many games as I would like. They're a lot of fun!! BTW, mudbugs are crawfish. I don't know if everybody knows that!

A :clover--how lucky!! No really, that's lucky. :rofl about the cobweb projectile (is that the right word?). Kids are so silly. I'm glad we grow out of silly-ness as adults! Yeah, right. Sorry about your whites. How was your mom? Hey, did you get lima green grapes for your lima green soccer team?


Boy, I'm rambling tonight. Okay, I'm going to practice my hula now. Just one more thought: If we all were "phone friends", this whole clean-ness thing would so be out the window!!


Good night everyone! You've been a great audience! Don't forget to tip your waitress! (That's for you, LeaAnne)

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:hiEveryone!!! I know, I know....I have been kinda :lurk and not posting. Go ahead give me a quick swift :kickin the aspirin(:lol as my kids call it). I did go back and read everyone posts the last couple of days though:D. Have been kinda feeling :yuck as aunt myrtle came for her monthly visit this week:rofl. Not a lot of cleaning or :crocheting going on this week, been lazy!!!! I have basically just been doing my daily stuff(pick up, dishes, trash, and 2 min decluttering). :cheerDS finally let me take the clippers to his hair :yay. So I buzzed it all off which made me very happy:lol. I am glad he finally got tired of the long hair in his eyes(skateboarder look). I hope that was just a passing phase:xfin. We have had some very pretty :sundays, so have spent a lot of the days/evenings sitting outside chatting with my neighbors/friends. I see all my meddling kids have been busy :yay:sofunny.I probably won't be around much tomorrow(today as it is 1:40 in the am), as my DS has the party from 2-10 tomorrow evening that I volunteered to help chaperone at:ohdear. I do have a neat (or I think it is neat) story to share with you all when I have time to type it up and I am not so :tired:sleep.


I hope all of you have a wonderful Saturday and I will go back and respond to your posts, maybe before I go to the :party if I have time.


I do want to say, Mary I have thought about you today and I hope everything went extremely well. I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers.


Remember to take your vitamins.

:ghug:flower and :manyheart to you all. I promise, I will be back sometime later today and respond to each of you!!!!!:hug:hug

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Good morning all!

Colleen- congrats on the Penguins win- kinda neat that they came from behind to force a game 7 and then win!:cheer

Hey Shannon do you think the Magic can pull that off too? :)And thanks for the lesson on mudbugs- never heard of them- see it is true- you learn something new everyday!!

Scooby- glad to hear from you- and I'll be thinking about you while you are chaperoning the party- I remember those days well. And thanks to you, I have taken my vitamins every day...including calcium with Vit D- what my DD's couldn't get me to do, you did- so big hugs! Nice that you DS let you get out the clippers!!!

Beth, Mary, Shell, and Vicky -hi- and thinking about you gals- :manyheart

LeaAnne- WTG on the quitting!:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap We will all be pulling for you to succeed- that is great! I, too am a smoker-(wow, I just admitted my addiction) but have substantially cut down. I have been thinking about joining the CAL, but am not yet ready. I don't smoke in my house- that was my way of cutting down. So, I can't smoke at work- I usually have 2-3 during the day (lunch/break). At home in the AM, I go outside with my coffee and have 1-2. And at night I have 2-3. Basically 1/2 pack or so a day- And 0 packs would be so much better, but truth be told, I enjoy smoking. I will give this some serious thought over the next few days and see if I can psych myself into this- no promises though.


Well, the Yankees won (I should really say the Mets lost, because it was a missed catch by the Mets that gave the Yanks the win) We'll take it anyway we can get it. Unfortunatley, the Sox won too, so they are still in 1st


Go Lima green!! Go Bulls!, Go Phillies!:cheer:cheer:cheer


Time to get ready for the trek to CT-we are all very proud of my nephew- earning Eagle Scout is quite an accomplishment (and will help on college apps for sure) Hope you all have a fantabulous Saturday! And finally the sun is shining!:sun


To repeat what Scooby said- take your vitamins!:ghug:ghug:ghug:ghug

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Congratulations Leann on quitting smoking! I am rooting for you! You can do it! Someone else said this too, but think of all the money you will save! Money to spend on your yarn addiction! :lol

Good morning to all. It is another sunny Saturday here. We really need some rain, but we have a big bubble of high pressure over us and it won't move. Since it won't move, the rain can't come in either.

I need to wash some towels today and I am going to save the laundry for tomorrow. I may vacuum today, but I am feeling a little like Shannon was a while ago. I don't want to do anything. Yesterday I literally sat on my chair all day and did nothing. I am just in a funk and I can't get out of it. AAAAAHHHHH!

Anyway, I hope everyone has a great day.

Glad to see that Scooby is still here with us.

Hi to Joann, Shannon, Stacy, and Leann.

Talk to you all later!


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Good Saturday morning friends!


No, I was not drinking last night, just feeling a little chatty. I have laundry and general pick-up to do today. I may vacuum too. I'd really like to get in the pool with DD so she'll have a good nap before the luau. She has coconuts and a grass skirt to wear, and she says she's going to hula for everyone. We'll see. I sure hope she does. She's been practicing and it is too cute!! She actually remembers some moves from our hula lesson in Hawaii last summer. I was so surprised!! She has the memory of an elephant!


I hope everyone has a wonderful day!! :ghug to all my great friends!

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Vicki- Here's your :kick to get started. I know how you feel, but because of all of you, I feel much better now that I got some stuff done!! It's probably the heat. (That's my excuse anyway) Just remember, we're here for you!:hug

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Good Saturday afternoon friends,


Well, the grapes were a hit. I had both (lima) green and red. They all had fun, but it was sooooo chilly at the soccer field. It was supposed to be a nice day here, but the clouds came in and the wind was blowing. My capris and t-shirt were not enough.


Joanne- I hope the eagle scout ceremony is fun. I don't really have a good sense of what that means. I assume that is the ultimate level achievable in scouts???


LeaAnne - :cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer Just cheering you on.


Vicky - I'm not surprised that you feel lazy. I think if I had just finished a school year as a teacher I would be feeling lazy too. Don't be hard on yourself. You'll recover from the year in a few days and then you'll get more done.


Shannon - Thanks for entertaining us. Enjoy the luau! I have never heard of mudbugs, so I learned something new today too.


Scooby - So great to hear from you. Have fun as a chaperone!


Mary - :hug Hope you are feeling better each day.


They have ww cotton on sale at a store here today, so I must go stock up. Oh ya, and I guess I should put away some laundry too.



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Hey, best friends in the world! :hug


Did anyone tell you today that you totally :2rock:? Well you do!


thank you all :ty SOOOO much for stepping into my corner:manyheart I can't even begin to tell you how I feel right now... BLESSED is the closest word that comes to mind, but that doesn't even cover it!


today was busy with ballgames, cooking, and running errands. I seriously cut back today, and am proud of me:yes One day to go until the big "Q"!



:hi, Beth! You crazy-busy lady! I hope things settle down for you soon. thanks for taking a minute to drop by and say hi... it was good to see you!


Shannon - You wouldn't believe all the tips I got last night! :rofl

I hope you and DD had some awesome hula-ness today at that Luau! And thanks for the new vocab word, too! mudbugs... sounds too cute to eat:yes


Vicki - I agree with Colleen... you are being too hard on yourself! You need a few days to decompress from the school year.:hug

don't get discouraged, and don't worry, it will all wait for ya! :lol


:hi, Colleen! :cheer:cheer for the Lima Green!:cheer:cheer sounds like a fun day in spite of the temerature... There's not many things cuter in this world than watching little ones learn to play sports :U:c9


:jumpyay... nice to see you Scoob! I knew you couldn't have been too far off! Hope you enjoyed your chaperone assignment, and congrats on the haircut on DS...I'll bet he looks great!


:waving, Joanne! I hope that your trip to CT was wonderful:c9

btw... I thought you'd like to know that I am about the same volume and type of smoker as you, in the morning with coffee, lunchtime, and in the evening after the DK's are abed, I enjoy sitting on my deck ALONE! I do not smoke in my house either :no... I can't stand the smell:think

anyway, I am not gonna push you(I don't believe in that), but if you want to try, I'll be here :hug:hug



Prayers to you, Mary, hope you're able to get some rest:manyheart


Stacy... thinking of you and hope you're having a great trip! Miss you!


...and hi, to kazily! How did it go at the flea market?


Has anyone heard from FosterMom?:( I sure do miss that girl!


If I forgot anybody I am so sorry!:blush


Nitey-nite, friends! I just realized that I need some sleep :yawn

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Hi all,

Had a great day in CT with the family- it was great to see both of my brothers and their wives and kids! (and to answer your question, Colleen- Eagle Scout is the highest level of Boy Scouts- there is alot of work, projects, community service, etc that have to be done. My nephew restored the gazebo and planted a perennial garden at a low income senior housing complex as his Eagle Scout project. Saw the before pictures and the after pictures- he did a great job! There are not many scouts who achieve Eagle Scout (a lot of the boys drop out when they start high school as sometimes it is perceived as not being cool). I, on the other hand think it is really cool!

Hope the luau went well Shannon and that the chaperoning went well Scooby

LeaAnne- thanks for the encouragement- I'm thinking bout it

Vicki- I agree with everyone- you need some time to decompress!

Kazily, Stacy, Mary, hope you are all well!

(and I hope all is well with FosterMom, too)


It's been a long day- so I'm going to hit the sack- just wanted to let you all know I had a great day and made it home safe and sound.


And tomorrow is my major cleaning day since it wasn't done today-I'll be up early so as to get it all done in the AM so I can maybe pick up the:crocheting

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Hi everyone and Iam back


Everything went well

I didn't have to get a bag :cheer MY butt is really sore so sitting is a little hard to do.

I have a couple of brusises. One on my lip ( think from the tube down throat) One on my hand from I.V and one on the top of my leg. ( battle wounds)

I got home on friday night. Slept for a bit and then i was up at 5am saturday morning. Couldn't stay in bed any longer. I have to walk around the house so that everything keeps moving, so what did i do???? I cleaned the bathroom sink and toilet. Then on to the kitshen. Where i did the dishes and cleaned the top of the stove. Went and picked up some pain pills and then i crocheted the rest of the day.

I got up at just after 4am this morning. Iam going to take it a little easier today, so it is just going to be :crocheting:crocheting:crocheting:crocheting:crocheting I think I have earned it.

Thankyou everyone for your thoughts and prayers. I will try and get back on later today:hug:manyheart:ghug

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Good morning!

So happy to hear that everything went so well, Mary!!:clap:clap:clap And you sure did earn lots and lots of crochet time!!!!! :crochetingWow you did a lot of cleaning too!- Today is your day to rest, :crocheting and then rest some more!

I've been up since 6- kitchen is cleaned and I also cleaned up the family room- Taking a break to say morning to my friends! :hug


Have a great Sunday....remember your vitamins.....and I'll be back later.....


Now....on to the 2 bathrooms!

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good morning!


:hi, Mary! I am so glad that all went well! Promise you won't do more than you should, ok?:hug It's great to have you back!


:waving, Joanne - Glad to hear you had a nice trip:manyheart enjoy your Sunday:hug


I am off to make a list of what it is i need to do today and this week, and have my :coffee while i wait for everyone to wake up:eek


See you in a while...


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Hi all. Thanks for the encouragement. I have had a difficult week with some stuff going on here. It has just gotten to me and taken my usual energy down a little. You guys are the best! I don't think I could get through all the cleaning and stuff without you all to help me along!

Mary - I am glad you are home and feeling better. Take it easy today and rest. You deserve it!

Shannon - Hope your company from Kingswood made it safely and you had a great visit.

Stacy - Did you ever find the Softee Chunkee for your blanket project? I saw some in Michael's the other day.

Have a great day ladies. The laundry awaits!

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Good morning Cleaning Crew!! I wrote a long message last night, lost it, and was too tired to write it again!


:yay Mary!! I am so glad you got to come home. And look at you still cleaning. You better rest and :crocheting today--you really deserve it!


LeaAnne and Joanne- I heard somewhere that if you have a smoking "schedule", you can start by skipping that first butt for a while, then the first and second, and so on until you skip all of them and you're done. I believe I quit cold-turkey (I promised my DH when we got married), and I've had a few since then, but it always reminds me why I quit.

Joanne- If and when you decide to join that CAL, we'll all be here for you too.


Beth- Thanks for stopping in. I hope things slow down for you soon.


LeaAnne- Mudbugs are NOT cute! I don't even eat them unless someone else peels them for me. That's my dainty girl-ness coming out in me. They are yummy though.

Everyone is invited down (and up and across) to my house for a crawfish boil. Just let me know when would be a good day, okay?


Colleen- Glad your grapes were a hit. Sorry it was so chilly. So, how much ww cotton did you get?


Vicki- We're here for you. I hope this next week is better for you. And yes, our company got here safe, thank you for asking. I was disappointed when you didn't show up though.:hug


The luau was fun, but :hot! DD wore her grass skirt and coconuts almost all night, and was a big hit. My goofy cousin Matt had the same outfit on (I think his coconuts were even the same size:eek:eek). But they didn't mind being twinkies, and I got an adorable picture of them together!! We're going to Mom's today to swim, so no much-needed cleaning here today.:( I never thought I'd be sad that I couldn't clean.


Have a wonderful Sunday!! :cheerGo Magic!!:cheer

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Happy Sunday everyone!


:cheer Mary, I'm so glad all went well. Take it easy and I hope your recovery goes just as well.


Beth - Thanks for stopping by!


Joanne - Thanks for the explanation of Eagle Scout. That is what I figured and I think it is wonderful he stuck with it through high school. Excellent life skills. I'm glad you enjoyed your day!


LeaAnne - Sounds like you had a busy and fun Saturday with your gaggle of kiddos. Good job on cutting back and I am cheering you on all day, all night, every day :cheer.


Vicky - We're here for you. Sometimes we all just need some time to deal with life. I'm actually having one of those weekends too. I was thinking it was the cleaning rut that you and Shannon experienced, but it is not. It is just a difficult weekend. :(


Shannon - I'm glad the luau went well. I can't wait for the crawfish boil at your place. :lol You never know, maybe someday. I've never been to a crawfish boil and never tasted it either. If I ever find myself in LA, I'll be sure to call! I have to say, though, we don't travel much. :(


Stacy - I hope your trip is going well!


Scooby, Kazily, FosterMom - :hi


This morning I did 2 loads of laundry, hung them outside to dry. I had to put my pretty colours on a drying rack in the shade, because the sun is just too hot and strong today. It would fade the clothes. I also mowed the lawn, watered the plants, unloaded the dishwasher, and made the beds. There is still more to do. I should vacuum, but I'm not very motivated to do that. I kind of have the urge to bake (mostly because I have the urge to eat cake), so that will probably win out :lol


Have a great day!

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Oh, I almost forgot about the yarn! I bought 2 - 14 oz and 1 - 12 oz. of the ww cotton. It was $2 off. I was disappointed that they didn't have more solid colours. I was hoping for solid blue or pink or sage for that placemat set. They only had solid white and off-white, so I got those. I have 2 projects in mind for those already (a runner for my dining room counter and maybe a valance for my kitchen). You can always use white. The varigated is pink.


It is killing me to only be allowed to work on that ripple. I get so bored of 'ghans, I just want to do something else! But, my hand is killing me today, so I doubt I'll be :crocheting at all.


I found out last night that my sister's new living room walls will be grey, but their accent colour is bright purple (they are creative and a little bit untraditional, which is cool). I think those colours will be a fun jumping off point for a 'ghan or something for a Christmas present. :hook


I'm thinking about possibly flying out to OR to help her with their new house. It was a foreclosure, so it was left empty for a long time and there is a lot of cleaning to be done. I feel bad, but I've never visited her since they got married 15 yrs ago. We are not close sisters and, as I said, we don't travel much what with having a young family, jobs and bills of our own to pay. DH says I can go. I would stay with them, which would save me $. I just have never left my DD for more than a night at a time, and OR is a LOOOOONG way away form my little girl. Anyway, big decision. :think

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Well, I am now sitting on my badorkus for a little bit- I finished the bathrooms, then headed out to do grocery shopping. I decided to stop at Michael's first since they have their new yarn on sale 2 for $5.00 as well as Caron Simply Soft, and Vanna's choice. They also have Sugar and Cream for $1.00. I did buy a couple of skeins of the Loops and Thread Impeccable yarn(Michael's own brand) as well as a few of the sugar and cream. Oh, and two of the Caron Simply Soft in a pretty variegated gray, pink, blue and yellow. Then I went to the grocery store- our cupboards were quite bare. Unloaded the groceries (the worst part) and took the laundry out of the dryer, put another load in and am now washing the 3rd load.


Mary- hope you are resting and :crocheting and not cleaning today!


Colleen- that is a big decision about going to see your sister. How far is ontario from OR? And you sound like you have been so busy and sorry to hear the weekend is not going well- If I was you, I would bake and eat cake- the vacuuming can wait.


Shannon- enjoy your day- Glad to hear the luau was fun-ness! Go Magic!


LeaAnne- Hows the list for the week? Good luck tomorrow!!!!


Beth- hope you are having a great Sunday!


Vicki- hang in there- and glad that this little group helps you out.


Well, I am going to watch the Yankees for a while and pull out the:hook and :yarn

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Joanne - Putting groceries away is the worst part. I'm glad to hear you are taking some time to relax. And WTG on your yarn purchase! I have always wanted to try Caron Simply Soft. Next time I get to the USA I am going to buy some. I'm planning to go to Ohio in July :clap. Since you asked, Portland, Oregon is 2072 miles from where I live :eek. I haven't baked a cake (yet), but I did go for a walk to clear my head a bit.


:) everyone!

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:hiEveryone!!!! :lol LeaAnne, you are right, I am usually not too far away. I guess you could call me the silent partner :lol. The :partylast nite was great and everyone had lots of fun. There was a huge slip n slide on a very huge hill!! I should have taken :photo but forgot my camera :bang. The kids also played basketball, volleyball, badmitton, ate hotdogs and chips and then afterdark there was a bonfire and we roasted marshmallows and made s'mores. We didn't get home till about midnight. Kids came and went all afternoon between 2-10, as some of them had other places to be.


I am the third muskateer, as I am a smoker too. I think I will change my name to ScoobyAnne, so that I can rhyme with LeaAnne and Joanne :devil. WTG on trying to quit LeaAnne!!! I too should really quit as I know that it isn't good for my health. Although I have quit before but always seem to pick up the nasty, stinky habit again. I tried the patches and had a serious allergic reaction to them. I then transferred over to the gum and had a reaction to that and lost my voice for a little over a month. I recently tried Chantix, but it gives me severe headaches :(. I thought about joining that CAL too LeaAnne, but I don't think the :crocheting would work for me as I take it in spells too. I haven't picked up a :hookor :yarn in 4 or 5 days. I just can't seem to get interested in it right now, even though I love :crocheting. That is probably because of the :sun weather!!!!! I will think about joining you in that CAL, but first I need to get into that mind frame and try to work out something with my trigger spots as my :compute is one of them and I can't give up getting online :lol. I play online games a lot just to relax, but I also find that I smoke more when I am on the puter. I am like you Joanne, I enjoy smoking but I need to find something else healthier to enjoy. :clover LeaAnne!!!!


Vicki- :hug So sorry to hear that you are in funk. It is ok, as I think I have been in one too. I just haven't felt like doing anything and haven't :lol. It will get better. You just need to take the time to unwind, especially after just getting done with the school year!!!! And too, you are trying to write that paper. The APA manual is enough, by itself, to put anyway in the funk frame of mind :lol. Hope you start feeling GREAT soon!!!!!


Shannon-:laughrollLove the "ness" story!!! I still :heehee every time I think about it. Glad everyone had a great time at the Luau!!! I bet DD was absolutely adorable in her grass skirt and coconuts. :droolI love crawfish. I peel them, eat them, but absolutely refuse to suck the brains and junk out of the heads:yuck. Some friends of ours have a yearly crawfish boil and we always go and have a great time!!!!


Mary- So glad that everything turned out good for you :yay and that you got to come home on Friday. Was thinking about you:hug. And here you are already back cleaning :eek. Glad you are taking it easy and cashing in on that :crocheting time today!!!!


:wavingBeth!!!! It was good to see you stop in if only to say HI!!! I hope things slow down some for you.


Shell- How did the fleamarket go? Hope everything is well with you.


Colleen- Go Lima Green!!!! Sounds like you have really been busy keeping up with the cleaning and everything else going on. Glad the grapes were a hit, even though it was a little :wbrrout there. I have to agree with you, I detest putting the groceries away. Wow, going to OR is a long trip for you. By the way, if you ever get that :cakebaked, I want some :rofl.


Stacy- I hope that your trip is going/went well. I have been thinking about you and will be glad to hear from you when you get back :hug.


Joanne- :cheer:yay Glad to hear that your back is doing better and you are feeling well!!! WTG on taking those vitamins and TY for the reminders, as I still sometimes forget myself :lol. Sounds like you had a nice exciting trip to CT!!! :cheerfor your nephew!!! I too think boyscouts and reaching all those achievements is cool, but so many boys now don't think so.


:whewI think I am now caught up :lol. I hope everyone is having a fantastic Sunday!!! If I have missed anyone I am very sorry and didn't mean too. I think it is time for me to get off my badorkas (AKA aspirin) and get a few things done. I have taken too many play days already :lol.I will :check in later and maybe report on what I got done, which may not be much.


:hug:manyheart to you all!!!!


Fostermom, I hope everything is well with you and miss you!!!!!

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Colleen- Wow that is far!!!! I now can see why it is such a tough decision- to be that far away from DD!!

Glad that the walk helped clear your head

Ive been working again on my FBB- only 5 more rows to go- then I have to line it before I can start on the handle flaps. I think I will finish the rows and then put it aside and start something else like a scarf (thinking about Christmas gifts ):eek:


I don't want to have to think :think right now and to do the lining and handle flaps will require more than my tired brain can handle.


On a great note- Yankees are winning 15-0!!!!!:clap:clap:clap:clap

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Hey ladies!! It is sooooo good to be home!


LeAnne- WTG on quitting!!! I will also be here to :cheer:cheer:cheer for you!


Scooby- Glad your party was success. Can't go wrong with S'mores and a giant slip n' slide!


Shannon- Glad your luau went well! I bet dd was adorable with her grass skirt and coconuts. Hope you had fun swimming. How far are you from New Orleans? (I'm pretty sure you've mentioned it before. :think) DH is absolutely convinced that he is going to 311 Day next year and I am hoping to go as well. (311 is our favorite band, in case no one could tell. LoL)


Colleen- Good luck with your decision to help your sister. The farthest I have ever been from my kiddos was when my middle one was 6 months old- we went to a 311 concert at the Palms Resort in Las Vegas. I called like every 1/2 hour and we were only gone overnight. LoL


Joanne- Congrats to your nephew! Eagle Scout is a great achievement. Good luck with your FBB, I was lazy with the last one I made and just didn't even line it. I'm sure I will be sorry when I try to use it. :lol good luck if you also decide to try quitting. We will be here to :cheerand send some :hug!!!


Mary- I am so happy that your surgery went well! Hopefully you took it easier today and got some rest and :crocheting time.


Fostermom, Beth, Kazily- I hope all is well with you!! :hug


As for our trip...we went to my SIL's pinning ceremony on Thursday night and it was very nice. Friday I had planned to take my girls for a walk to get ice cream, and browse a couple of stores (they live near a strip mall) when my SIL dropped it on me 1/2 an hour before she left that she had a practice for her Saturday graduation. So I ended up with my kids, my 3 y/o neice (who is way worse than my 3 kids together) and SIL's oldest daughter until 5 p.m. I was :angry:angry:angry...I wouldn't have minded if she had asked me but she basically said, "This is what I am doing and I can't take them with me." :blush As watching everyone, my aunt called to tell me that my grandma has stage 4 cancer, in the lymph nodes in her groin. Needless to say, I was a wreck for the rest of Friday and Saturday. I don't usually ask for stuff, but if you can please spare some good thoughts/prayers, I will really appreciate it. Her one wish is to see my girls. :cry I had been planning to visit in early August already (before dd turns 2 so she can fly for free) but now I am looking at late July.

Anyway, sorry for the little ramble. I've needed someone to vent to since Friday and I know I can turn to you girls to let it out. :manyheart

Tomorrow is school and registration for dd's pre-k class. Dh is staying home :clap so I will be able to spend some time looking for flights. I am off to do pj's and bedtime now. Have a good night, ladies!

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