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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Hi everyone!

I hope everyone had a great day!

Kazily - Great to hear from you. Sounds like a good find at the garage sale.

Vicky - I hope you enjoyed your day in the sunshine.

Shannon - How did the flea bombing go? Sounds like a big job and you know what a big job means....you earn :crocheting:crocheting:crocheting.

LeaAnne - I hope your Neice's graduation party went well. Congrats on coming home to a clean house! You should be very proud!

Joanne - How did your Saturday cleaning go? Was DH cooperative with his surprise chores?


I survived a very busy day. Soccer, soccer team pictures, preschool carnival, church. Phew! The only cleaning I did was to clean up the kitchen and to wash DD's soccer uniform. DD was energetic and loved the whole day, but DH and I are feeling a little worse for wear. As he said a little while ago "we're too old for this". :lol The weather was absolutely perfect for it all, so that is great. The carnival is our school's biggest fundraiser, so good weather is a good thing.


Shannon, I think it was you who asked if DD plays soccer. She just started last week. 4 yo is the first year they play here. She loves it!


I hope everyone is having a great weekend!

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Wow, Colleen! We have a lot in common: DDs who don't like band-aids, ice cream guilt, and we both enjoy sitting around on our badorkas!!:laughroll:rofl:laughroll The dress I found calls for wool and looks pretty heavy, so I might make it as a fall dress for DD. I really haven't found any free patterns that I like. I wouldn't mind paying, but I try not to order anything online because my credit card # has been stolen before. Any ideas where I might find one? We could make it a CAL. My DD is 3 1/2. She'll be 4 in October. Try to enjoy your busy day tomorrow. Does your DD play soccer? And if so, does she like it?


Good night and sweet dreams to all my fantastic friends!!:manyheart:ghug


Shannon, I have trouble finding good free patterns for girls above size 2. I'll try to post a couple pics of some of the dresses I've made to give you some ideas. They usually are heavier and I tend to make them more as jumpers for fall/winter and then she wears them with tights and a turtle neck. Have you seen the most recent issue of Crochet Today? There is a really cute girl's top that could easily be made into a dress. Here's the link http://www.crochettoday.com/crochet-patterns/flower-yoke-top. So cute!

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Just wanted to share some pics of a couple dresses I made for DD. Mostly for Shannon, but happy to share with all of you.


First, this dress was in Crochet Today jul/aug 08 and I made it to a size 24 mos but used a heavier yarn, a bigger hook and added a few rows for length - voila 24 mos becomes size 5! I'm kind of "creative" that way (it doesn't always work out:eek). This would be very cute as a sundress in a pastel cotton!




This second one was inspired by some things I saw some 'villers doing for Valentine's day. No pattern used, my own design. She wore this to her Valentine's party at school.




That's it for dresses, but Shannon you've got me thinking about something for this summer. :think Would love to do it as a CAL.:hug

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Good evening! I hope everyone had a happy Saturday.

I was able to get the towels washed along with DD's very smelly blanket. The sheets on the bed were changed and thrown in the washer. They are currently in the dryer. Nothing has been folded yet as my day was interrupted when my sister called and asked if I wanted to go shopping with her. She was looking for a new comforter for her new bedroom set. Not one to pass up an opportunity to go watch her spend money, I went and we had a nice time. Then I came home, went to my sister's house to help her get all her new stuff organized, came home again, made and cleaned up dinner, and worked on my paper for about an hour and a half. I even added the references to my reference list. I have one more to add, but this one requires me to look in the APA book and I truly do not have the energy to pull it out and find what I need. I will do that tomorrow in between loads of laundry.

I am glad the preschool fair went well and you had good weather for it. Ours at the elementary school was in February (I think) and we had a great time.

I have not gotten much crocheting done this week. I did a small camera bag for myself the other day, but I haven't poseted the pictures yet. I frogged a good portion of the Forget me knot wrap that I was working on. It was getting wider when it shouldn't have been, so I pulled it out and started again.

Have a good night all. I am ready for bed. Talk to you all tomorrow!


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Hey ladies! I am back! DD's Heritage Fair went well. It did rain but it was just a heavy mist so the show still went on. All of the children did a wonderful job, and had lots of fun at the party afterward. (Parents bring food from their cultural backgrounds to share with everyone in the class.) DD looked adorable in her skirt. She rarely wears skirts so I took tons of pictures. LoL

We had an awesome time at both concerts. We got to watch the Jimmy Kimmel show on a huge screen while waiting for the band to play, and he was hilarious. Plus one of the guests was a cast member from The Office, which we love. Last night's was the best, though, because it was an actual concert. I had never been to Santa Barbara before and it was just beautiful. The coast was all sparkly on one side of the freeway, and on the other were these enormous storm clouds over the mountains. Just amazing. Thank God the rain held out, though.

Tomorrow is another busy day. DD has a karate tournament in Anaheim at 8 a.m. We will have to leave at 6 to be there on time. I should be getting to bed but dh apparently wants to stay up and watch Saturday Night Live. :blush:think

I've been reading the posts and can't respond to everyone right now because my mind is just worn out. LoL I did want to say that I am game for a little girls' CAL. I just bought the new Crochet Today (today, actually! LoL) and that little tunic is adorable. Looks like it could easily be made into a dress, and would be adorable with some leggings underneath. I am also dying to make the Lace and Amethyst wrap, but I need to get some other WIP's finished first. :blush



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Good morning all- just a quick hi and have a great day!

We had fun at the graduation party yesterday and today we are heading to Philly to visit middle DD- she is having some problems with her computer so DH is going to see what he can do.

Got all the chores done yesterday and laundry is on right now. Well, the dryer just went off so gotta go and fold it and put next load into the dryer

Have a wonderful Sunday- I'll check in later when I get home.

Colleen- the dresses are so cute- not that I have any use for them now- but you never know if I'll have a grandaughter some day!

Darski- glad you are still checking out the chatter!

Everyone- remember your vitamins!

Stacy- glad that the Heritage fair went well and that you had fun at the concerts

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Good morning ladies!!


kazily- WTG on putting cleaning and:crocheting together!! I hope we can find some baby gates for our dogs soon. We're getting new carpet, so the rules have to change just a bit.


LeaAnne- Hope you had a wonderful time at the party. Is it nice to come home to a clean house? Haven't done it yet, but I'm getting there!


Colleen- Your dresses are precious. You do great work!! TFS! I really like the pattern from Crochet Today that you posted too. Thanks!! Glad you got through your Saturday with great weather and lots of fun! I'd like DD to play soccer. I think it would be good for her coordination. Bet DH was a baseball star in high school, so he (and his family) are leaning toward softball for her. She can try both and either play both or pick one. Glad your DD is loving soccer.


Vicki- You got a lot done and got to go shopping. Good for you!! Hope you're having a great weekend!


Stacy- Yay that the Heritage Fair was a success!! And glad you had fun at your concerts!! Good luck with the karate tournament today!!


Beth- We're :cheer for you too. Have a wonderful Sunday!!


Joanne- Have fun in Philly and be careful!! Will you be back in time for the game? TY for the vitamin reminder!!

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Okay, I was afraid I'd get kicked off so I decided to just cut it in half. Yesterday wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, as far as the fleas go. I covered everything, then got to lay out for a little while while the bombs were doing their thing. DD was at Grandma's house playing with her cousin. Then I went grocery shopping, but when I got home, the smell from the bombs was still in the house. So I put away groceries, went to get DD, and drove an hour to my mom's house. My parents buy their water in the big cooler-type jugs with the spout on the bottom. DD decided she wanted some water and opened the spout. I ran over to close the spout and slipped and fell in the water. Then DD slipped and fell. She's okay, just a scratch on her leg. I think I have a bruise on my backside. So I can honestly say that yesterday I busted my badorkas--literally!!:lol:lol


Have a great day everyone!! Go Magic!:cheer

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Hello everyone and happy Sunday to you!

It is a beautiful day here. Sunny and not too humid. Very breezy, so that helps.

Stacey - Glad to hear that the heritage festival was good and that everyone had a good time.

Shannon - I hope you are feeling better after your fall. I can sympathize with you after the past week with DD's wrist. Hopefully you will be back to perfect soon!

The laundry is done and the towels and sheets are all folded and put away. We went to Michael's and I finally saw the new yarn that they have. It is soft, so I may have to go get some. I don't know what I will do with it, but I can go anyway!

Have a great day!

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Where is everyone today? It's so quiet here!

I hope everyone is having a fabulous day, with lots of family and :crocheting time!! Nothing much going on here, not even :crocheting.:( Just spending time with my girl.:yay:clap:yay And anxiously awaiting game time of course. I'll check back a little later.

:manyheart & :hugs to each and every one of my great friends!!

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Oh man- just typed a long message and went to post reply and connection to internet was lost!

Well, went to Philly- DH wasn't able to figure out DD's computer problem- something with her Airport (she has a MAC) since it will connect to internet, then lose connection sometimes for days and then it will connect again. She'll probably have to take it to get fixed but right now doesn't have the $- she picked up a bartending job (which she hates- long hours, not great $, but it is something until a better job comes along) But, DH, being the sweet man that he is brought her his laptop to use until she can either get hers fixed or get another one.


Today is youngest DD and SIL's 1st Anniversary- he took her out to dinner where they had their wedding (down by the beach) And today was a beautiful sunny day just like their wedding last June! I'm going to see them tomorrow night after work!


Seems like it was quiet here today- I guess everyone must have been having a fantabulous day with family and friends!


Shannon- glad the flea bombing is done! And so sorry to hear about your badorkus! At least you'll get to rest it tonight....Go MAGIC!!!!!


DH and I will be watching- he's rooting for the Lakers and I'm rooting for the Magic- makes it fun (but it will be way more fun if the Magic can win tonight)


Have a wonderful evening everyone!!!!

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:hiEveryone!!!! Not a lot going on around here today. I think me and DS have a bad case of the lazies. We didn't go to my mom's yesterday, as I :remembered DS has an appt at the orthodontist in the morning. Therefore I didn't want to make two trips only a day apart. So he had a couple of friends over yesterday and we spent a lot of time outside in the :sun(soaking up some Vitamin D) and chatting with our neighbors. Today,I just did the usual everyday pick up, dishes and we went to get groceries. Tomorrow, we will go to ortho appt, and then to my mom's where I am going to get all my :wash done,wash/clean up my truck, and then cook everyone dinner. On our way home I am finally going to get to stop at the storage building to drop stuff off and pick stuff up :cheer:clap:yay. I hope everyone has had a fabulous weekend and enjoying their Sunday!!!! I think I am going to :crocheting and see if I can get some of these WIPs done. Have a great evening all and lots of :hugand :manyheart to you!!!!
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Hi everyone!


My previous letter was interrupted by life. That happens a lot in this house. Today I did the grocery shopping, laundry, cleaned cat boxes, baked a cake, cooked two meals, and helped my dh work on my van. My poor, old minivan. I couldn't drive it for 5 days, and I was lost without it. Now it's ready to roll again!!!:yay


ScoobyDoo, it's a great weekend for relaxing. You need to do that once in a while. We don't want to get burned out from all the cleaning!!!


imanurse -- hope you had a good trip to Philly. It was sweet of your hubby to lend his laptop to your dd.


Irishrose -- I feel your pain for the broken badorkus, but you made me :lol with your story. Did you kiss the blarney stone? You have a gift.


Vicki - :clap on getting the laundry folded and put up. What a wonderful feeling!


To all my other friends, :hug:manyheart:D Talk to you tomorrow!

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Hey ladies! Sounds like everyone is having a nice, relaxing Sunday. :manyheart Dd did well with her competition- she got a first place medal for strongest kick, and a second place medal for strongest punch. She was really upset that she didn't get a trophy but for some reason she really choked when it came time for the combination form/block/kick event, and that was the only one they gave trophies for. Oh, well. At least she got the medals! I am really proud of her. :clap:cheer


Shannon- glad you got your bombs over with. Sorry to hear that you fell- hopefully it doesn't hurt for too long!


Scooby- good luck at the ortho appt.!


Vicki- did you like the Michael's yarn? The ones I felt were kind of scratchy. :(


Joanne- That was nice of your dh to let dd borrow his laptop. :manyheart Thanks for the vitamin reminder!


I have not done any cleaning today. After the competition we got pizza and I crashed on the couch for almost 3 hours. :eek I needed it, though- I was wiped out! LoL DH is playing a video game and listening to the Lakers game. I am searching for flights back to MI, hopefully in the beginning of August. My grandma is getting older and I'd like her to see the girls soon.


Have a great night!

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Hi everyone!

Just wanted to stop by to say hi and :hug to you all.


Shannon - I'm sorry to hear about your fall. Hopefully your badorkus isn't too sore to :crocheting:lol. But seriously, take care of yourself!


Joanne - Glad you had a good trip to Philly. Nice of your DH to lend DD his laptop--sounds like you got a nice guy there!


Stacy - :cheer for your DD and her Karate medals. That is great!


Vicky, Scooby, Beth - glad you had good days, enjoying sunshine, getting vans fixed, etc.


I mowed the lawn this morning and otherwise just did the usual daily pick up, kitchen stuff, cooking, etc. I got out for a nice long walk by myself :c9, had a play at the park with DD, finished a scarf :clap, and watched the movie Nanny Diaries. It was good to have a quieter day today.


Forgot to mention that I got a start on the dreaded office project on Friday. I did 10 minutes or so. I'm going to do it bit by bit like that. Unfortunately it will involve a lot of moving things to different rooms, major reorganization. But, I'm getting my head around it.


Happy cleaning and crocheting to all!

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Good evening all!!


Joanne- I really thought they had it tonight!! Did your DH do a happy dance in front of you like mine did to me? Men--they can be so silly with their sports! (I would've danced too if my team won:blush) Actually, your DH sounds like a sweetie to me. Glad you had a nice visit with your DD today.


Stacy- Give your DD a big :h5 for me for her medals!! That's great! Glad you got some rest today, too. I hope you can find a good flight to go see your grandma.


Colleen- WTG getting started on the office organization project!! I wish I had the drive to get started on anything. And I'm on a time limit--the carpet's coming soon!!:eek:eek Funny how important one's badorkas is when it comes to :crocheting, isn't it? I certainly wouldn't want to crochet standing up!!


Beth- Glad you got a good chuckle out of my story!! And congrats on getting your minivan fixed!!:yay You made me :lol asking me if I have the gift of gab, mainly because I'm soooo shy! I don't talk to anyone I don't have to talk to.


Scooby- I'm so happy that you had a nice day in the sun!


Thanks everyone for the well wishes for my badorkas! It's really not that bad. Have a great night and an even greater Monday!!:hug

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Colleen- I forgot to mention that I found some cute tops at www.mylittlecitygirl.com. I'd like to try a halter-type top like those. She has one free pattern for an orange top that I downloaded. I might try to contact her and see what my options are for paying for her patterns. Let me know what you think. Actually, I'd appreciate everyone's opinion.

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Quick good morning and Happy Monday all! Shannon- yes my DH did the happy dance- Oh, it was so close- wish they could have pulled it off in regulation. I had a bad feeling when the game went into overtime!

Colleen- how nice that you got to take a walk by yourself- I like doing that do- good way to de-stress! And good for you getting 10 min started on the office and that you finished scarf! I didn't get any :crocheting done this weekend!

Stacy- congrats to DD on her medals- WTG!


I'm off to work- this is my week to be "late team leader" which means I don't get off until 5:30! Then, I am heading over to DD and SIL's to wish them a belated Happy 1st Anniversary.


Have a wonderful, productive day (and don't forget your vitamins:lol)



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Colleen- I forgot to mention that I found some cute tops at www.mylittlecitygirl.com. I'd like to try a halter-type top like those. She has one free pattern for an orange top that I downloaded. I might try to contact her and see what my options are for paying for her patterns. Let me know what you think. Actually, I'd appreciate everyone's opinion.


She has very cute stuff. I've looked at the orange top before. Very cute! Do you think we should start a separate CAL for little girl's stuff? I won't be able to start until I finish my June CAL list, but hopefully that will be before the end of June.

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Happy Monday All!


Feeling kind of lazy and ho hom today--it must be Monday! :lol


My goal for this week, besides plugging away at the office project, is to clean out my cutlery drawer. I want to pull everything out to see if there is anything that I'm not using, pull the tray out and wash it. Long overdue.


I hope you all have a super day!

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Good Monday morning everyone!! Today's the day we get to bring our trailer home!!:yay


Colleen- We can start a new CAL for girls' stuff if you want. That's probably a good idea. I saw that you were in on the June CAL. I've been debating on whether to join it myself (my RR still isn't done). So I'll wait til whenever you're ready.


Joanne- I know the loss is what's important, but they did keep up with the Lakers all night. Not like Game 1--they got spanked in that game. Oh well, maybe Tuesday. I hope you have a great day at work!!:)


Have a great day everyone!!

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'Morning, ladies!


Shannon- the tops are super cute! Unfortunately my dh would have a cow if I let my dd's wear some of them, even with a shirt underneath. :blush I made her pineapple scarf pattern a while back and her instructions were really easy to understand. Good luck if you decide to make them!


Colleen- Great job getting started with your office. Good luck with your cutlery drawer. I did mine about a month ago and cleared out so much stuff. I guess all of my drawers have turned into "junk drawers."


Joanne- Have fun at DD and SIL's.


Thanks to everyone for the congrats on dd's medals. I wish she was more happy about them- she is still bummed that she didn't get a trophy.

I've been cleaning all morning and it is time for a break. I decided to clean the kitchen chairs...what a job! They are filthy. I bought some upholstery cleaner this weekend and it is working wonderfully but there is just so much to do...I am wondering what will happen if I just put them in the shower and spray them off? I don't know what kind of material the seats are covered with, as we got them secondhand. I am thinking of just trying one, to see what happens. :think

Well I better get going and make dd some lunch, she has been driving me nuts since about 10. :blush Then it is off to clean my room, which always seems to be the center of the clutter over the weekend.

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