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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Hi everyone! I hope you are all having a great Saturday.


Well, I was up early this morning all hyped up and worried about the day ahead. DD had her first soccer practice/game and then there was the birthday party....at least that is what I thought. Got there and learned it is tomorrow (Mommy didn't read the invitation right!). Oh well, better that than getting there tomorrow to find out it was today, right?


I am just wiped. My house is a mess, but I don't have the energy right now. Maybe later.

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Colleen- I laughed when I read your post- I can't tell you how many times I messed up with invitations and party times and trying to keep 3 kids schedules straight!

Take it easy today- you deserve it.


Back from the grocery store and all put away (the putting away is the worst part). Going to Philadelphia tomorrow- middle DD has moved to new apt- she is spending the day cleaning the old one so she gets all her security deposit back and I am going to help her unpack in the new apt tomorrow (does that count for extra bonus crochet time? I think so!) Glad that she had help from friends throughout the week moving the boxes and furniture!


Enjoy the rest of your Saturday folks!

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Yes, I'm sure every parent messes up the schedules at some point (I hope so at least).


It gets worse, I had made my DD a cupcake to take to the party (she's allergic to peanuts, so we bring our own safe treat). I decided to treat myself to one and discovered I'd put the icing away in the cupboard instead of in the fridge. I think I left my brain at the soccer field!


Well, I got the kitchen cleaned up, supper cooked, and mowed the grass. Just enough to earn an evening of crochet!


Smiles to everyone!

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:hi, everyone!


just wanted you to know I 'm thinking boutcha!


Colleen - I do stuff like that with schedules all the time... have fun tomorrow!


Stacy - glad I could help with your Facebook page... :rofl


Joanne - I would definitely be suspicious of my DH if he did all that stuff, too! :lol:haha Good luck in Philly with DD tomorrow!


Mary - hope you're having a good visit with your girls!


Beth - hope you're not worn out of all that :drive


Have a great Saturday night, all! :ghug

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Colleen- it does get worse- I forgot to pick my daughter up from school one day. She gets out at 1:30 on Tuesdays instead of the usual 2:30, and I had forgotten what day it was. :blush When I went to pick her up, she was playing with some friends at the playground...she told me that all of her classmates had left, and then it clicked. :idea

But do you want to know what the worst part was? I was at Michael's the whole time. :blush:lol

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Good morning all-

Hope you all have a wonderful relaxing day- I'll be unpacking and cleaning today at DD's!


I whipped up a few dishcloths last night to bring to DD while watching the Magic stomp the Cavs! Now DH and I will be rooting for opposite teams in the NBA Finals! That will make it fun!


Catch you all later!

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Hi everyone!


Thanks for making me feel better about getting the party dates confused. DD went to the party today and had a very good time.


I changed the beds today, did 2 loads of laundry, and now I'm about to do a general tidy up and dusting. I have been slacking on my cleaning, so I need a kick in the behind! I haven't finished my front hall closet project. Isn't it funny that we didn't seem to get as excited about cleaning our front hall closets as we did about tidying our patterns. Hmmmm.


I was too tired to crochet last night, so maybe I'll get to some later. I think I'm going to need another WIP Week, because I just can't seem to finish anything these days!


I hope you are all having an enjoyable weekend!

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Another weekend over! It has been a relaxing one here although some of the cleaning and stuff did nget done. On Saturday I did the grocery shopping. Joanne is right - the worst part of that job is putting it all away! My dd helped me so it wasn't too bad. Then it was to the bank and the pool store to get some pool toys. After that I spend the whol afternoon outside! I dead headed the roses while I was out and played in the pool all afternoon with dd. I did make dinner and clean the dishes.


Sunday morning I folded the towels and did the rest of the laundry. We went to see the new Night at the Museum movie. It was cute, but just a tad too long. It was still fun to go.


I did some research for my paper after dinner and now I am going to get ready to crochet a little. The baseball game comes on soon and I still like Joe Torre even if he is on the West coast now.


Hope all had a wonderful weekend! Three more days with children and then summer begins!

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Good morning all!

Had a nice day yesterday- got DDs kitchen all cleaned and everything in the kitchen put away. Also got her clothes put away. We made very good headway and we all had a nice visit to boot. She is an artist and DH commented on how he liked one of her paintings and when we were leaving she gave it to him. He was very touched, as was I.

Well off to get ready for work.

Vicki Does Yarn- I like Joe Torre too, even if he's not with the Yanks anymore!

Have a nice day!

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Gotta rush to play taxi driver for the son, but I want to check in.


I found my kitchen!!! It was there, under all the recycling, trash, and dirty dishes, all along! I need an i-pod. I borrowed my dd's, and it was like playing, rather than working. My son mowed the front yard, and I helped rake. Now I'm playing catchup on the laundry. I feel great, though. It's nice to make progress.


Tomorrow I'm back up the ladder for round 2 of the mudding.


I hope you all have a great, fun, productive week! Do we have a challenge for this week? (I'd like to clean under my bed. Does anyone else have a mess under theirs?)

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I did it! I finished cleaning my front hall closet! Floor and walls washed, shoe shelf washed, shoes tidily put away. Yippee! Hooray!


I am now going to vacuum and hang out some laundry to dry inside (it's raining again here). That should be it for me before going to work today.


WTG Beth on finding the kitchen and helping DS with the lawn! Good luck with the mudding. I think I'm going to try this listening to music thing too. Hopefully it won't be as eventful as my audiobook adventure.


I'm up for a challenge this week (now that I finally finished last week's challenge). You name it. Under my bed is good, but I'll find something in my house that qualifies.

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Hi, all-


Happy Monday!


I spent the morning at the doctor's and waiting for DH to pick me up.


I have general pickup to do still, and dinner. That's about it. They are flushing hydrants in my neighborhood, so no laundry. I hope I can get back to it tomorrow. I have been doing a good job af keeping up, and don't want to slip up now.


I spent last night reading a book I picked up called "the Complete Idiot's Guide to de-cluttering"... the idiot thing made me think it was something I could relate to:lol:lol So, what I've gotten out of it so far, is that it's not my fault... I just haven't been trained right. :D There were some good tips in there, but most of them we all are already doing together :cheerpick 1 project per week is what's recommended:yes


The under the bed idea sounds good to me for this week. I took a peek and :eek found more yarn stashed there! :eek


I hope you are all having a great day! I missed you all:manyheart


Colleen- WTG on your closet!


Hey, Beth- don't forget that :ipod for your muddy day tomorrow! I agree with you, it makes chores feel more like playing when you have your fave tunes on!


Hi, Joanne- glad you had a nice visit with DD... I am glad for DH's present, too! :hug


Mary- hope your visit is going well


Shannon -did you have an AWESOME trip?


:woo Vicki -the countdown is ON! Good for you! :woo


:hi, Stacy! How was your weekend?

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Oh, yes, Leann, the count down is on! That means I have to finish up my folders, get all the other folders from the other sped teachers, collect flash drives, store stuff for the summer, you get the point. Otherwise, that is it! Only a couple more days and the summer is here!


I plan on doing some reading for my paper tonight and I am going to have my hubby bbq steak for dinner tonight. Maybe I will throw some towels in to the laundry tonight. We'll see if I feel like doing it. That is bad, I know, but I know it will eventually get done. It has too!


Have a great day everyone and I will be around tomorrow!

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Hi all my friends

The visit with the girls and grandkids is going great.

Yesterday it rained, hailed and snowed... Yes thats right we had wet snow Grrrrrrrrr :(

Yesterday's chores

Dishes, dishes, dishes


Took old couch out and brought in another one. The new couch which is used had to be cleaned, got that done. Cushions washed and dried and put back on.

DD hung up all the new family pictures i have.

Got all the kids in bed then we got to sit and crochet for a bit.

Today so far DD and Dh went and got sand for the sandbox we are making. Can"t build the box yet cause.... yes you guessed it, it is raining :(

I will see you all tomorrow :)

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Hey, ladies! :waving

Sounds like everyone is off to a busy start this week! Miss scarlet- glad your visit is going well.


Vicki- good luck with the paper!


Leann- did you see the dr. about your hip? How did it go?


Colleen- great job on the closet!


Joann- it was very sweet of your daughter to give dh that painting. :manyheart


Our weekend was fun. We ended up not going to the zoo on Saturday. dh had to fix my car instead. It was leaking water, and it overheated on the way to the grocery store. Luckily it was just a hose. Dh took the girls with him to the in-laws, though, so I had a good 4 or 5 hours all to myself. :clap I crocheted A LOT. :lol

Sunday we went to the Natural History Museum. The girls love to see the dinosaur skeletons. Their dinosaur hall is closed for renovations but there was a very informative show, complete with a person in a "realistic" dino costume. The girls loved it.

Today after dropping off dd, I ran to Target and Michael's, took the girls to play at the mall play area (it is drizzling outside so we couldn't go to the park,) and ran to the grocery store. Came home and made lunch, cleaned the kitchen, and de-cluttered the top of the microwave (lots of stray papers end up there.) Cleaned the table, put powder on the carpets, emptied all the trash cans, washed dishes and put them away. I feel very productive. I even de-cluttered my desk before I turned on the comp, where I found 2 pattern books I forgot I had. :D After I pick up dd, I will clean out the shoes.

I am up for cleaning under the bed this week. I found a project last night that I really want to make, and I know I have the appropriate yarn under the bed- somewhere. :( I also really want to clean out my closet, so maybe I will make this a "work in my bedroom" week.



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Clean under the bed sounds like a great idea! I know I have stuff under the bed in the guest room (but what that stuff is only the dustbunnies know). So that will be my project for the week. Going to the MD tomorrow to have a small procedure done, and should be back home in the PM.

Worked today (and it was beautiful sunny perfect weather- too bad Colleen couldn't hang her clothes here)...and speaking of Colleen- your bird made a mess on my mailbox again-

I ordered a reconditioned ipod shuffle from apple- supposed to arrive tomorrow- I have an ipod touch also- and can't imagine cleaning without my tunes. I ordered the shuffle (only 39 dollars) for when I go to the gym or go walking since I can clip it right on. Ordered it when I was in Boston and so did my DD.


Stacy- glad you and the kids had fun at the Museum! And wow- you got a lot accomplished today!!


Miss Scarlet- glad you are enjoying time with the family and WTG on getting the "new" couch all settled in.


Basjordan- good to hear from you and glad things are going well


Beth- good luck with the Mudding- and play those tunes


Vicki- only a few more days to go- lucky you- why didnt I become a teacher instead of a nurse so I could have summers off? What was I thinking????


LeaAnne- hope all went with the doctor visit today.


Off to watch the yankees after I clean up the kitchen from dinner.


You'll all be happy to know that because of you, my kitchen table isn't mired in mail. I feel guilty if I don't just handle it right when I come home from work -it's so nice knowing I have you all "watching" me.


Have a great evening everyone!

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Good evening friends!


Stacy - WTG on getting so much done today! Amazing! Sounds like you had a great weekend - time to yourself and an enjoyable visit to the museum with the kiddos!


Mary - I'm glad you are having a great visit with the DD and grandkids! I hope the rain goes away soon.


Joanne - WTG keeping the kitchen table tidy! Good luck at the MD tomorrow. Sorry about the bird getting your mailbox. You should see the number he did on my neighbour's upstairs window before he headed to NJ. I kind of laughed, because she hires someone to clean her windows once or twice a year. I'm sure unplanned bird business is a bit of an inconvenience when you don't wash your own windows (hee hee).


I vacuumed the upstairs this afternoon and borrowed DH's new MP3 player for the task. We don't have the same taste in music, but it was great. He suggested we put my tunes on since there is plenty of room and then we can both use it. Sounds good to me!


Hugs to you all. Have a great evening!

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Joanne - My sister used to say that a lot. She said it even more when I got to cancel one of my student loans because I teach special education in Title I schools! That made her mad because she had the same loan and had to pay it all back. But we will be doing planning over the summer to get a jump on things when we go back (why am I worrried about that now!?!) and there will be professional development days that are already planned for. And of course, my never ending paper will still be here. Lots to keep me busy, including my yarn!


Go Yanks! They just scored to take the lead in the 7th inning. Hopefully they will keep it tonight!


Have a good night everyone! :D

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:hi:waving Everyone!!!! I have been :lurk around. Haven't really be doing a whole lot just taking it easy, I haven't felt quite up to par lately. My hip is feeling a lot better. I got a letter from my dr last week as some of my bloodwork had just came in and I am vitamin D deficient which according to the letter can contribute to chronic musculoskeletal pain. So now I am taking another medicine that the dr prescribed for me :yuck. :think No wonder my bones have been aching and making me :grumpy:grumpalong with the restless/sleepless:night .

I have been :book a lot and not :crocheting much :lol. I haven't even been listening to :book on my :ipod. :think:eek Not the norm for me :lol.

I did get my front hall closet cleaned out, and working on the shoes tomorrow and hopefully carrying some stuff to storage and bringing stuff back. Won't be cleaning under my bed as there is nothing under there but a headboard, but maybe I could vacuum and get rid of all the lil dust :rabbit:rabbit.

So far this week, I cleaned the :rabbit cage, kept up with my 2 min decluttering, general pick up and sorted laundry that will hopefully get washed in the next day or two. And that is about it :lol.


Looks like everyone has been busy busy. :cheer:clap:yay WTG on keeping up with the cleaning!!!! Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!!!! :hug:hug:hug:manyheart

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Hi everyone, I'm back!! I tried to write last night at Mom's house, but her computer was acting crazy. Sounds like everyone had a nice weekend!:) I had a great time in New Orleans!! And Gram loved her prayer shawl. I took a pic but it's on my sister's camera, so I'll get it on here as soon as I can.


Joanne- I'm so happy to hear that your friend's daughter is okay.:D


I want to thank you all for your prayers for my friend. I think I already told you that they couldn't remove the tumor because it was attached to her backbone. Her surgery was last Wednesday, and on Thursday and Friday they did scopes and biopsies. Friday they came in and said the cancer is gone. They couldn't find it anywhere. So they're going to treat the tumor as an ulcer and try to shrink it. It was wonderful news!!:yay:jumpyay


My house is a mess! And we still have fleas. DH had to work all weekend. So that's what we get to do tomorrow while DD is at Honey and Big Bob's house! Yay me.:grumpy:bang But I'm going to show those fleas whose boss!!:tryme


I hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday!! DD and I are going swimming for the first time this year!

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G'mornin, all-


Just dropping by quick... got lots of chores to get done before my uncle and aunt arrive tonight. We also have 2 games to keep the evening "nice n busy" :lol


I got nothing much done yesterday, but did manage to get out with my cookbook girls to celebrate the book going to print:clap ...:blushlet's suffice it to say that I may not like Margarita's anymore:blush


Scooby- I am glad that you got word back from your Dr. about your bones. Did they say how long before the Vitamin D would make you start feeling better? Please know that I am thinkin' boutcha all the time:hug

I went to my annual gyno. yesterday, and in the conversation, I mentioned my bones/joints, and she suggested the same thing... Vitamin D and calcium. She said that it is next to impossible to get the amount you need from diet.


Vicki- hope you're having a great day:yay


Colleen- how nice of your DS to offer to add your playlist to his Mp3! It really does make cleaning a lot more fun!

... :rofl Love the bird story about your neighbor's window! :rofl You just gotta love Karma, right? :heehee


Joanne - :woo I am very proud of you! WTG on keeping the table cleared! It is a nice feeling when things stay done:yes


Stacy- Happy Bedroom Week!:cheer Don't forget that we need to get back to that cut-away cardi this week, too! :cheer I am glad that you had a nice weekend, too:manyheart


Mary - Glad your having a nice visit with your family... I am praying for a little :sun for you:hug


:cheer:dance Beth! Hope you're having a nice Mud Dance party today!:cheer



Well, dear friends, I guess my break is over:( gotta get back to it...I'll check back when I can...

I am so :) to be part of this gang... It's so nice to know that I'm not going it alone :manyheart:ghug You are all treasures to me!:yes:manyheart

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Hi everyone, I'm back!! I tried to write last night at Mom's house, but her computer was acting crazy. Sounds like everyone had a nice weekend!:) I had a great time in New Orleans!! And Gram loved her prayer shawl. I took a pic but it's on my sister's camera, so I'll get it on here as soon as I can.


Joanne- I'm so happy to hear that your friend's daughter is okay.:D


I want to thank you all for your prayers for my friend. I think I already told you that they couldn't remove the tumor because it was attached to her backbone. Her surgery was last Wednesday, and on Thursday and Friday they did scopes and biopsies. Friday they came in and said the cancer is gone. They couldn't find it anywhere. So they're going to treat the tumor as an ulcer and try to shrink it. It was wonderful news!!:yay:jumpyay


My house is a mess! And we still have fleas. DH had to work all weekend. So that's what we get to do tomorrow while DD is at Honey and Big Bob's house! Yay me.:grumpy:bang But I'm going to show those fleas whose boss!!:tryme


I hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday!! DD and I are going swimming for the first time this year!



:welcome home, Shannon! We missed you!!! :hug I am so glad that you had a wonderful time! And :jumpyay:woo:bounce I am so happy for your friend!!!! Sometimes prayers ARE answered:manyheart


:(sorry about your house... and your fleas:( I hope you get them taken care of. We'll be right here, routing for ya!:cheer


Have a wonderful time swimming, and we'll catcha later:hug

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Good morning!

Shannon, I'm happy to hear you had a great time with your family. Sorry about the fleas, good luck getting rid of them tomorrow.


Leanne- I've been thinking about what your Idiot's Guide says, and I completely agree. :devil Seriously, though- when I was little, my mom would tell me to clean and I just threw everything into my closet and shut the door. :blush Then she get mad and go in there, and clean it herself. :shrug And I realized that is exactly what I am doing to my kids. I tell them to clean and they just put everything in whichever container is closest (I have tons of shelves and bins and organizational thingies in their room) and when the containers look too messy, I go in, kick them out, and re-organize it all. Which teaches them absolutely nothing. So...I am going to take pictures of which toys go in which bins and tape it to the bins. We have it at Mommy and Me, and it seems to work pretty well. That will be my next project, after cleaning out under my bed.

Whew...I feel deep today. :lol


Today is laundry day. I already have my general pick-up done because I hate coming back from the laundromat to a dirty apartment. MIL called last night and asked if she can take my 4 y/o to school with her on Wednesday, the catch is she has to sleep over tonight since MIL has to be there at 7 a.m. That is good news for me because that means tomorrow I can clean under the bed. I am motivated by that yarn! :rofl

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Greetings friends!


Welcome back Shannon! I am so happy to hear that you had a great weekend, that your grandma loved her shawl and that your friend got great news! Sorry about the fleas. If it makes you feel any better, I'm pretty sure de-fleaing counts as quadruple crochet time.


Scooby - I hope you are feeling better and that the Vitamin D starts helping soon!


LeaAnne - Have fun with your company today and enjoy the ball games. I'm glad to hear that you celebrated with the cookbook ladies. I'm sure you will enjoy margaritas again someday (smile).


Stacy - Happy laundry day! That sounds like a great idea with the bins and the kids toys. Go for it!


I kept DD home from school with a cough today and learned that 8 kids from her preschool class stayed home sick today (8 out of 20!). It would appear they all shared germs last week. I guess you can't blame them for not sharing LOL.


It is sunny here today yay! I got those winter coats washed and on the line as well as a shower curtain and our bedspread and shams. I can see my laundry room floor again for the first time in a week. Yay! I did some groceries and errands. I'll be off to work in a little while.


I'm looking for ideas for end of the year teacher gifts. I sifted through CPC's bookmark patterns and didn't find anything that I liked. I don't work with thread yet. I had thought of a nice journal with a crocheted bookmark for each. That is still a possiblity if I can find a pattern I like. I had originally intended to make market bags and then putting a little shopping list pad and a nice pen in each, but I would need to crochet 3 market bags in 17 days and I'm not really moving along very quickly with my crochet projects these days (always leaving things to the last minute). Any other ideas?


Have a great Tuesday!

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:waving Hi Friends!!!! Well my plans for today got washed down the drain. I had planned on going to storage and then doing laundry but yesterday we had a really bad :stormwith golf ball sized hail and it is still :stormand :2raintoday. I am just not up to carrying that laundry down the steps and across the yard to the laundry room in the rain, nor am I thrilled about trying to carrying up boxes etc in the rain :lol. So, needless to say I did my general pick up, 2 min decluttering, made the beds and still have to clean the bathroom and dust all rooms, maybe run the vacuum.



Shannon- Glad to hear the great news about your friend!!! Sounds like you had a wonderful trip, but sorry to hear about the flea situation:(. But you have the right idea, :lol:tryme show them who is boss!!!:hug


LeaAnne- Ty Ty!!!! :rofl on the Margaritas!! But at least you got to get out with the ladies and have a nice time. Actually, no the doctor didn't say how long it would take for the vitamin D to help. But I hope quickly :lol. Have fun with your company!!!!:hug


Colleen- Ty Ty!!! :hug WTG :cheer:clap:yay getting those coats etc :wash. Have you tried these book thongs by our fellow viller. I have made lots of these and love them. They are so quick and easy and you can adapt them to be anything.She used caron simply soft, but you can pretty much use whatever yarn you have handy, as I have tried all different yarns tand they turn out great. I use the curly q part and then chain and then make the top part into rabbits, flowers, hearts or whatever cute little motif pattern that I have or like. Here is the link:



Remember these from the WIP week :lol:lol (Click on the link to see the picture)




To all my other HAL/CAL friends- Stacy, Joanne, Vickie, Fostermom, Beth, Mary :hug:hug:manyheart Sorry if I missed anyone but big :hugto you too!!!!


I hope everyone has a great day and I will be checking back in a little later when I actually get something else done :lol. I am kinda being lazy, again this week.



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