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Crochet Friendly?

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I think that is sort of a reflection on some shops that are a little one way with knitters being given precedence and maybe some looking down their nose at us mere crochet people. I have not gotten snubbed for being a crocheter but have read others describe their experience. I am facinated by knitting too (just cannot do it yet) so I may not have even noticed, but I think where I live, everyone is pretty friendly no matter what.

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Even though crochet uses more yarn for a similar item, some local yarn stores treat crochet like a second class art; and I personally have experienced that. When I mentioned I crochet, the women around the table, including the owner, proceded to ignore me. So I left.

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Unfortunately some stores aren't crochet friendly. They send crocheters away saying their yarn is for knitting only. Dumb but true. Of the two yarn stores closest to me, one has the sticker and one doesn't but they are both truly crochet friendly. :hook

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Wow! I'm really surprised to hear this. I live in the UK (where knitting and crochet are both seen as something old women do!) but I taught myself to crochet using Debbie Stoller's book and in it she says there are three times as many crocheters than knitters so I assumed crochet was seen as pretty cool in the States. I'll need to mention crochet in my local store and see what reaction I get.



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There are, regrettably, some stores that do think that knitting is the more "preferred" craft, though fortunately not where I live. However, I have noticed that the ladies at my store are usually a tad more interested in my knitting projects then in my crochet projects, but I can understand that since most of them only knit. If you do a search on the 'ville, though, you will hear plenty of horror stories about favoritism, unpleasant encounters, etc. So, I think that is part of the reason for the decal. I think that the overall trend is one of being accepting of both crafts, and that the horror stories are (hopefully) the rare exceptions. I certainly love both and like being "bi-crafty."

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Yep, it happens. I have no idea where people got the notion that you can't crochet with this, that or the other, but I've had yarn shop owners tell me that.


I'll crochet with anything that isn't actively trying to bite me.

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Has anyone tried to have these people explain why you can't use x yarn for y craft? Or are they the sort that get confused by logic and will respond in a huff with " because you just cant!" or other similar illogical remarks?

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Has anyone tried to have these people explain why you can't use x yarn for y craft? Or are they the sort that get confused by logic and will respond in a huff with " because you just cant!" or other similar illogical remarks?


Bingo! It's either "butbutbutyou just CAN'T!" or a vague, "Famous Author said you can't!" when Famous Author never said anything of the kind. Press them on that, and it turns out that their friend read a review of a book where someone quoted the famous author and she thought it said something about not being able to crochet with anything but thread or Red Heart Super Saver, which automatically meant you can't knit with thread or RHSS. I beg to differ...no tooth marks from either yet :lol

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People confuse me, especially the people with completely illogical prejudices. But you get it everywhere, even in knitting the "pure" yarn art. I've had people look at whatever I'm doing and tell me that that was the absolutely wrong way to knit, or that I'm using the wrong needles/yarn/hook/pattern/hand/insert anything knitting/crochet related here, then have someone come up to them and say they're doing it wrong. Who cares how I pull loops of yarn through other loops of yarn?

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