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Captain Hook & the Yarn Pirates


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Good luck, Debbie

I see your point, if it's a project you HAVE to do,sometimes it's not as much fun as one you WANT to do . It's ok to take a break and work on whatever you want though .


You still have the time to get your FG done.. I lost track,but I think the Games thing is done Sunday . I might be wrong.. I usually pay much more attention to them,but just havent had that much interest in them this year .

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Mornin' Cap'n. Still feeling really:sick:fever I think I'll be spending the day curled up under a blanket working on those borders.

Stay warm and comfy!:hug

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WOW I'm suprised how fast homespun works up. lol I guess it helps I'm using a size N hook! Making a Prayer shawl for a friend out of that homespun I bought the other day...If I knew it was going to work this quick I would of bought a lot more! IT WAS ON SALE TOOO!!! WHAAA! oh well now I have an excuse to make another migration to Little Rock! This time I think I will do WITHOUT the DH! Maybe I will take the friend who knits. hehehe

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Alas real life steps in to keep me from my hook, yarn and needle the past few days. End result however is I have three new dogs to love...beautiful shih tzus. Well, they'll be beautiful when they are clean and dematted and not so stinky. Which is why my yarn is going thru withdrawal right now.

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Melany - Yea, that yarn and big hooks does go much speedier . Glad you like it !!!


Grace- that is cute, I like your name both ways though. Grace was my husband's grandmas name. I think it's really pretty .


Kathy --oohh them doggies are cute-- are they pups or older and are you keeping all of them or giving some away,and do they have names yet ?

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Kathy - love those dogs! A friend has one and she's a sweetie.


I was gifted some romance novels today - and several sk of Homespun! Lapghans for the nirsing home are in my future!

Probably RRs - I've been going through RR withdrawal.:D

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Kathy, lucky you to have some new dogs to love.

Wtg grace on your progress.

Melany and Judy, I find it very hard to crochet with homespun. I've knit scarves out of it and I did once manage to make a shawl for a gift, but it was mostly working into spaces, not stitches. I wish I could crochet with it though, its so soft and snuggly.


Good night everyone. I'm going to go to bed with a book. I have to work tomorrow, not looking forward to getting up at 5:30.

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Gracey - that's terrific!:cheer:clap

Cindy, I always go up a hook size or two from the K when using Homespun - it's easier.


I've started joining the squares I already have - and randomly, with no border:D

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I'm enjoying whipstitching the squares together. No rhyme or reason to placement: just trying not to put the same ones next to each other - for now, anyway:lol


It's getting that look you see with cloth quilts:D

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Well, I got more skeins pulled from my stash and have been hooking away:hook Purple, brown/tan variegated, it's getting interesting!

I really like the random look...I never would have done it this way a few years ago!

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The shih tzus are a male, allegedly 3 years old, brown and white and the largest. Charlie is the father of the younger female, who is black and white, as is her mom, and about a year old. She was either Lily or Daisy, but didn't answer to the name, so I'm calling her Lucy. The mom is two and terribly matted, as is Charlie. They are actually felted in places and since I don't want a dog with dredlocks I'm having to cut them out. Luckily they like being groomed and stay still on the little table I use for them. I don't know if I'll be done with Daisy for quite a while as she's the most felted up. Hopefully Lucy won't mind the grooming.


They are teaching my schnauzers some good manners, as they understand when I go out the door and tell them 'STAY' they aren't supposed to knock me over trying to escape in a stampede.

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It sounds like you know a lot of stuff about taking care of doggies. I don't ,and have never even had one ,so wouldnt know the first thing of what to do for them other than to feed them, but wouldnt even know what kind of dog food what dogs like .


I guess you could say I'm PET-STUPID .


I had 2 goldfish when I was a kid, and for some reason ,named them Orrville and Wilbur .WHY I chose airplane flyers for fish names, I have no clue, but you know me, I always go for the ODD .


Anyhow those poor fish were ill-fated from the day I named them .


First time I tried changing their water to clean it, I caught them in a net to transfer them into another bowl. they promptly both decided to follow their destinies to FLY ,by jumping out of the net, landing on the floor ,and by next morning ,doing the sidestroke without the STROKE part ... just laying on their sides .




End of days as a fish owner .


Moral of the story ,kids ?


Never name your FISH after a pilot .

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Jules, you're too funny!:lol


Kathy, sounds like you have inners with the new doggies!:yay


Will update my count in my siggy line later on today.

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Good Morning! Well I actually have finished 2.5 skiens of the homspun and I was fixing to add fringe at the ends. However I have never worked with homespun before.. wouldn't the fringe just unravel horribly? Lion brand's site actually encourages to use the fringe in a pryer shawl with homespun but still a little worried. Can anyone suggest?

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