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Hat/craft fair Questions

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Hi, I'm crocheting some hats for the upcoming craft fair. I'd like some ideas (or what have you seen at recent craft fairs) of basic prices (or how do you price them? if you charge for the time, no one will pay that for a hat!) , I always under-charge. I'm crocheting them as I go along, not using anyone elses' patterns.


Also, for those of you who sell crocheted hats--do you let people try them on? That happened to me once and I really didn't want anyone trying on the hats, and then not buying them!!! How would you handle that?


And, how do you display them? I'm thinking of getting one of those styrofoam heads at the craft store. At least I could display one hat to get people's attention:)


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I sell them for anywhere from $6-$25 for infant through adult depending on what they are made of, size, and how complicated they are. I do let people try them on, or if I am unsure about someone, like if they look well dirty..I will "show" them what the hat looks like by trying it on myself. I just keep my fingers crossed on the lice thing. After all people try on hats in stores, right? I think the hat is a good idea, I've been meaning to get one myself.

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Yup, I agree with Appy. One thing I believe though is that you can charge for your time with some crocheted items. When I was selling hats I was making $7.00 an hour or more depending on the hat. An important thing to look at when making items for a craft fair, is the time it takes to make an item. Look for things that are very attractive but quick and you'll most likely find a money maker. Also, use materials that don't cost a ton of money but still are nice. "I LOVE THIS YARN" for instance is a great yarn to use for hats and things that you're gonna sell. It's really priced pretty decently for the amount of yardage you get and the quality of the yarn. That yarn is flat amazing. :-D


Anywho, tonight must be my night to ramble. Seems whenever I start typing I just can't stop. lol


Have a great night and good luck!!



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Thank you to both to both of you. I love to hear what other's do, it gives me a better idea. I always get short changed in this stuff.


Today I bought a big bag of yarn at GW and I already used up some skeins in this hat set. I decided to make girl and doll hat sets; but I"m still going to check out the "foam" heads.

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You're welcome!! If you ever have any more questions feel free to ask away. I love to help where I can.


Foam heads are great. I have 3 (2 of which have smoosed, flat noses). They work really well for taking pics of your hats too. They've been a life saver for me for sure.



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I haven't sold any at craft fairs but at a Church sale I was at awhile ago someone was selling knit hat and scarf sets and she said that she used a lot of one pounders of yarn and she got about 3 hats and two scarves out of each one so she charged half the price of the yarn plus $10 for each set ($15 for the set) for simple patterns and for more decorative sets and complicated patterns she charged half the price of the yarn plus $15 - $20 extra. The ones that she was selling seperate were $8 - $12 each and they all sold out really fast. By the time I had walked around the rest of the sale (which took a good hour - 45 minutes of that was trying to drag my son away from the toys :lol) she had sold out of almost all of them.


She had one set of each out on display that people could try on and a card with bits of the yarn wrapped around it so that you could see the different colors and the ones that she was selling she kept sealed in giant ziploc freezer bags.


I actually wish that I had bought a set before I walked around. She had a set that was a really pretty metallic looking dark purple with silver running through that would have been perfect for my mom. I have never seen any yarn like it sold here.

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The hat and scarves I've seen at craft shows are usually priced anywhere from 4.00 to about 15.00 ea. I think 4.00 is too low. I have seen a lot of them at shows but they do sell.

You know... the one style of hat I haven't seen anyone selling this year at the shows I've gone to are the slouchy beanie or berets. Come to think of it I haven't seen any earflap hats either. These styles are in all the stores and I think very popular right now.


I have about 10 of the styrofoam heads. I buy them from "Sally's Beauty Supplies". I did see them at Hobby Lobby of all places but priced quite a bit higher. Hobby Lobby had guy styro heads and I haven't seen those before but they were 9.99! I don't know how hats for men would go over at a craft show.

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Thank you on the tip where to buy the foam head, I never would've thought of that. Now I need to see if there's a Sally's around here. Online, they're not too expensive, so I hope I'll be lucky and find a store!!


I was thinking berets and ear flap hats too, or "rasta" hats (I think that's what they're called).

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Have you thought about making matching hat sets--one hat for a little girl and one for her American Girl doll? Just a thought!



I think this is a great idea! How cute! Then if you could have both on display or better yet have a little girl walk around carrying her American Girl Doll with matching hats and everyone would say "Oh how cute, where did you get that" hey....matching poncho's to go with the hats would attract even more attention.

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I did a craft fair last month. I purchased 12 styrofoam heads on Ebay and DH made me a stand with a board and dowels so that there were 6 heads in front and 6 behind so they were at varying heights. I truly believe that was where my success was. They stood out and were easy to see. One person told me my display looked very professional and that made me feel good. I wish I had made more men's hats & baby ones because I had requests for those. I charged $15 for adult hats $10 for scarves and if they bought a matching scarf/hat set I charged $22 The child hats were $10. Everyone thought my prices were very fair.

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