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Prayers and Squares needed - Thank you to all!


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I have a dear friend who is dealing with a TON in her marriage right now. She is stuck in Cali without any family and cannot leave because of her husband. They have a beautiful daughter also. I don't want to get too much into the details but that she married young, had a child young, and is most likely going to be divorced soon. Her husband suffers from several things including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder from a tour in Iraq.


If you are willing to send granny squares, I am hoping for Pink ones, its her fav color, and in WW if possible. I think it would mean a lot to her. Id also ask for some prayers for her safety along with her little girls in this time. Looking for 6" ones please. Also, would like to get this underway very soon. =)


If you are interested send me a PM. Thanks so much all!!!

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What size squares? I have some pink yarn that I could use. I'm working on a comfortghan to send to some friends, but I should be able to get a square or two done in between squares for them.



I edited post :D

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I don't really want to put a time limit on this but I hope to have this in 2-3 weeks if possible. Shes stuck in Cali regardless til they work out her charge/divorce/custody of their daughter. I spoke with her for about 4 hours yesterday and she sounds very distraught about it all. Even the baby is stressed. Ughh my heart aches for her!


Ive been asked by a few to clarify so here it goes...

looking for 6" squares, with WW yarn, and Pink in them. They don't have to be all pink I would prefer the outer edge to be pink to make it more uniform looking but thats not a must. I would never want to stunt creativity =) I will be giving my address in PMs only. Thanks for your time.

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Hi Erin! I got some pink yarn today and am working on a square now. Do you know how many you'll need? Please PM your address. :manyheart


Not really sure how many I will need yet. I have 2 made. 3 should be arriving to the house soon. I can update Friday to see where I am at with everything.


I have only talked to her online for a few minutes today, that was after not hearing from her in 2 days. Her husband is very up and down with his facebook status'. She's had some nasty phone calls from his family this week though. I almost think hes about to loose his marbles again soon. She sounded happy this morning, but had to jet before venting to me, off to church she went. I hope it helped her.

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Not really sure how many I will need yet. I have 2 made. 3 should be arriving to the house soon. I can update Friday to see where I am at with everything.


I have only talked to her online for a few minutes today, that was after not hearing from her in 2 days. Her husband is very up and down with his facebook status'. She's had some nasty phone calls from his family this week though. I almost think hes about to loose his marbles again soon. She sounded happy this morning, but had to jet before venting to me, off to church she went. I hope it helped her.


Thank you, Erin - I got your PM. I will make at least one more and get them in the mail by mid-week.

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