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Hi, My name is Trish and I am a pattern addict.


WHOA, that feels good to get it off my chest. Ever since going on a yarn diet, I have been buying patterns like crazy!!!! It's driving me nuts. I can't stop. It's sooo addictive. I dont' know WHAT I'm gonna do with them all but I can't help it.


PAS = Pattern Acquisition Syndrome


I know there is no cure but felt I had to get it out there and admit I had a problem. :hook

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:hug I have it too :eek I don't know what makes and otherwise normally sane peson do this I think to myself I have to have it and then it just sits in the pile with all the others that I'll probably never get to because something more intersting always comes along or I'm making my own design :blink why do I need to buy patterns when all I do is make my own thing anyway :think Me thinks me needs help :shrug
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Hi. My name is Kimberly. I suffer from Pattern Acquisition Syndrome. Aside from being a Pattern Addict, I am also a Yarn Addict! My family has been forced to cope with my strange diseases by having their mailboxes filled with packages and their basements a yarn storage facility and pattern library. :)

Should anyone identify a cure for these diseases...please DO NOT contact me! I am happy and content with my current status, and have learned to live in harmony with my diseases, and so long as I allow for my leftover paycheck money to be spent on the diseases, I am able to live a happy and content life! :hook

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Hello. My name is Donna, and I also suffer from PAS/YAS. Today is payday. I actually cashed in some of my comp time so that I could pay for a thread order I am placing today without feeling guilty about taking from my regular pay. Even while I am chiding myself that I do NOT need any more yarn or patterns I am plotting about the next acquisition.

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I think we all have this problem. I love going to the craft and book stores and looks thought the pattern books. I will almost always buy at least one. I think the only cure for this is for the publishers to stop printing new book. (god i hope that never happens :) )

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Hi my name is Debbie and I to suffer from PAS.


It all began in 1995 when I started looking on the net for cool crochet patterns.

I have too many but can't seem to part with them. I have a four drawer filing cabinet with two drawers just for crochet leaflets. One drawer is for cross stitch and top draw for personal stuff like tax records.

I have the vintage booklets in sleeves/pouches in several biders. Most of them came from THE THIRFT STORES IN BIRMINGHAM AL. Printed off the net stuff are in file folders or binders.


Yard sales are wonderful too. I picked up 15 leaflet the other days 13 crochet and 2 plastic canvas ones for 3 for a dollar. They were in great condiiton.


**How should I try and keep up with all this. Should I make a list of each booklet/leaflet like a content to a book??** is there an easy way to keep up with it??


oh, I use space bags and totes to store yarn and thread. The space bags work great!

All helped and ideas appreciated!


Happy Crocheting,


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I go back & forth...but I mainly buy/print/collect more patterns that I will ever use.


My new thing is sweaters....unravl & rewind...and all the pretty wool sweaters and rayon sweaters and 100% cotton sweaters....


But yes, yarn too...delicious colors & textures....though I only buy one or two skeins so I can never make anything real big unless I combine it all together and have a multi-textured technicolor dreamcoat!!


But patterns are my worst!!! I search blogs nightly for new leads....read crochetville during the day...drool over the catalogs that come in...and even stop at a Borders right before closing time on my way back from a long family roadtrip just to sniff out new books.


And to think...I have only been crocheting 10 months....can you imagine me in 10 years!!!

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I am guilty :blush - I collect and collect - but there is light at the end of the tunnel - I am slowly, very slowly finishing up my WIP, YAS is under control - I go in spurts. PAS - well...I keep acquiring even though I'm not actively looking - Just picked up a 70's collectors pattern for long sweater vests and a family cirlce with stuffed bears and snowmen - thanks to a fellow crafter at my office who is cleaning out her stuff. :c9 I just love it when people think of me :) I'm feeling a bought of YAS coming on though and hope it will hold off until next pay day.


There is no cure - I dont want one - however - my family may need some help

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I've done just the opposite. After trying to make space in over-crowded bookshelves, I went on a pattern diet, only to start going fiber crazy. Yarn is not enough! Twine, jute, fabric, ribbon....if I can make a loop with it, it gets added to my stash :)


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Hi, My name is Trish and I am a pattern addict.


WHOA, that feels good to get it off my chest. Ever since going on a yarn diet, I have been buying patterns like crazy!!!! It's driving me nuts. I can't stop. It's sooo addictive. I dont' know WHAT I'm gonna do with them all but I can't help it.


PAS = Pattern Acquisition Syndrome

I know there is no cure but felt I had to get it out there and admit I had a problem. :hook


Why is that this syndrome only seems to affect crocheter/knitters? I don't see oil painters, or model car builders, or carvers seeing how many patterns and materials they can keep stashed around their houses!

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Hello, my name is Melannie and I too suffer from PAS! As I mentioned in another post, I also suffer from CADD which is also linked with PAS. There really is no cure and I don't need one. I enjoy my disease and my husband wants to start an Al-anon group for Spouses who have CADD/PAS/YAS.:hook

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