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Some good clean fun?!

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Good morning everyone!


I just got up. It's 9 a.m., and I just got up!!!:c9 I have a very easy day planned for today -- wash some crocheted items, go to the library, go to the post office, and hopefully get my son's glasses fixed. Nothing with a schedule, though, so I can choose when to do things. I intend to get my house clean, or at least cleaner!


Stacy, good luck with the food journal. I hope you find out what's bothering your poor baby. I'm so glad the brown rice pasta didn't hurt her tummy. If you end up suspecting celiac disease, let me know. I will be glad to talk your ear off about it.


joanne, happy work from home day! Our little snow showers yesterday didn't stick, but that's OK with me! I hope your dh has a good last day at the old job! How excited that you and Vicki both have dh's with new jobs starting right now!


Sarah, I'm glad you are trying to help Keith learn not to bully. It's hard when that's what he's been around. He seems like a sweet kid, though. How did the playdate go?


Colleen, was Scrabble fun?


LeaAnne, how are you doing? Are you buried in white stuff?


Mary, thinking of you, Hon. I hope you are doing well.


Shannon, thiniing of you, and hoping it's nice and warm down there. Nice and warm sounds very good right now!


Vicki, While I'm sorry you're losing your house elf, I'm so happy for you that your dh is starting his job soon. Have you been perusing yarn stores planning your first purchase?


Scooby, thanks for the update! I missed you. I hope you get settled in your new home soon.


Gotta run. The coffee is calling!!!

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Good morning


Babble was fun. We needn't bother calling it scrabble anymore since we don't seem to play anymore. We just talk. :lol We got some snow last night, so I just finished shoveling. I am so excited because I have the entire day to myself! No work, no volunteering, DD is at school :c9 I was going to go get my bloodwork done and didn't eat when I got up, but then I was packing DD's lunch and I accidentally popped a grape in my mouth before I realized what I'd done. :loser Oh well, more time for me :devil


I won't write to each of you right now, maybe later. Have a wonderful day! :hug TGIF!

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Quiet here today. Just stopping by to say :hi My day to myself flew by quickly. Some laundry, some crochet, some TV watching :devil I treated myself (finally!) to the coffee Beth sent me last summer. Very good, thank you very much! I kept waiting for an occasion where I needed to make an 8 cup pot, but in the end decided to just scoop out what I needed for just me. My DH doesn't drink coffee and I usually just make instant for myself. I decided to make today an occassion to treat myself. :c9


Off to go figure something out for supper. I'm thinking leftovers :yes

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Good afternoon!

We have had a busy day already. After dropping off Isabella to school, me and the littles went to get gas, Target for laundry soap, then to the laundromat. Klaus threw up on the couch last night and the cushion had to be washed. I found out today that he had chewed open a bag of fertilizer that is in the backyard. :yuck Stupid George decided to visit while we were at the laundromat. :angry Anyway...then we went grocery shopping, came home and put it all away, and had lunch. Now the girls are watching Dora and I am checking in here. :D


Guess what? A few days ago I went to Michael's to get the yarn for a new flower yoke top for Mia (the one I started with the Paton's Grace is already too small for her.) Cotton Ease in rose was on clearance, so that's what I bought. Well, today I went back to see if they had one more ball (just in case :wink) and the woman charged me 3.99 and said they had taken it off clearance and it was on "promotion" now. I told her that it was on clearance 2 days ago, and I don't understand how it was taken off clearance. IMO, when something is on clearance it is because it needs to be sold to make room for new merchandise. I showed her my receipt from the previous sale- she said maybe it was a different color, so I told her I had the balls in the car and would go get them if she wanted. She called up the manager, who went to check, and he came back saying it was really odd that the clearance sign had been taken down but that it was supposed to be the clearance price. The cashier was so mad! She tossed the change into my hand and turned her back before I walked away. :eek But I got my one extra ball and hopefully I will have enough now. :D


Colleen, sounds like had a nice day to yourself! Good for you! :clap LoL @ "babble"- I love it! What did you make for your babble session?


Joanne, :clap for working from home again! I hope your dh had a nice last day today. Are you making the brown rice pasta tonight? I made vegan brownies last night and they are soooooo good! Very fudgy. Well, I added chocolate chips, but other than that- they were vegan. :lol I thought of your dd when I made them.


Shannon, did you end up going back to the chiro yesterday? I think you asked before, but I forgot to answer- yes, I have back problems. I was in a roll-over accident when I was 18, and two of my vertebrae are twisted and my neck is bent slightly forward instead of curving back like it should.


Mary, how is it going with your family? You must be having a blast because you haven't checked in much! :lol Did you finish the sweaters for the gdk's?


Scooby, Sarah, Beth, Vicki, Leanne- hope you all are having a wonderful Friday! :hug


Well I better go get my bathroom cleaned up. Looks like Eva might need a nap, also. BBL!

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Hi all,

I want spring! Enough with the flaky white stuff!!! DH went to work, I worked from home. Actually, my company closed today (but since they'll probably make us use a vacation day I opted to work from home- I like working from home, although I wouldn't want to do it every day, but a few days a week would be good!!!:yes I didn't want him to go, but he had to because he was afraid if he didn't work the last day he said he would, that they wouldn't pay him his accrued vacation time, which amounts to a lot of $. But he is home now, safe and sound. :manyheart


I shoveled and was doing really good and then all of a sudden, felt a sharp shooting pain in my back- :eekI am so upset!! This is the weekend (and we don't have to work!!!! ) and now my back hurts- I'm sitting with a heating pad and took some Advil. Hoping the pain is short lived!!


Stacy- the vegan brownies sound good. And yes, the plan was for the meatless meatballs but I didn't get them started in time b/4 Dh came home- and then I hurt my back and I could care less what we eat for dinner- there are plenty of leftovers- and then there is always grilled cheese and soup!!


Colleen- Good for you having a day for yourself and finally treating yourself to some yummy coffee. I can't drink instant, but I make a small pot with fresh beans. And I am loving my Joes Dark Coffee---which reminds me, I think it's time to have a cup. And I love that you had a "babble night":lol


Hope everyone had a good day- and hope that we are done with this snow. I spoke with Boston DD and she said they are getting rain, while we are getting snow- It's supposed to be the other way around!!


I'll try and be back (if my back allows) for chat!


Oh, Colleen- congrats to the Canadian Women's Hockey team on their Gold Medal. I was so sad for the US women- you could see how sad they were! I'm watching the US Men vs Finland and they are blowing out the Fins- 6-0!!!


Hugs to alll!!:hug:hug:hug

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:hi, friends!


Colleen~ I am so glad you and your IRL's enjoyed "babble" last night! ...do you have any blueberry pie leftover?:drool...


Stacy~ Is Klaus ok? That sounds scary that he got into the fertilizer:eek

sounds like you had a busy and ccrazy day!


Joanne~ Yes, you are getting snow, and we are getting rain! and BOY, are we getting RAIN!!!! it's crazy! and the wind too! you are right... it's just weird:think... Sorry you pulled your back out shoveling, and prayers that it's not serious. gentle, gentle:hug:hugcoming to you, Jersey Girl!


:waving to everyone else... I gotta clean up a couple of things before I can come to chat...BUT... my coffee is made, and I DO have ice cream!!!:P and other than needing to go to pick up Jamie at the movies down the street, I'll be here, :cough cold and all! :yayI can't wait for GNI (Girls' Night In!!!:lol)

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Hi Everyone,


LeaAnne, I'm doing GREAT with the soda Q! I went to a fast food restaurant and remembered to ask for water. I still want some once in a while, but mostly, I'm happy with water, coffee, or tea. Are you feeling any better? Isn't it great that we can meet with our buddies here no matter how we feel, without spreading any "creeping crud" around?


Joanne, wish I could share my vibrating chair with you. It helps so much. I'm sorry you hurt your back again. When your back hurts, everything hurts~


Stacy, congrats for standing up for yourself at Michael's! I'm very proud of you. I'll bet it was actually difficult for you to do that. I can't believe the cashier pulled attitude on you.


Colleen, love the sound of "Babble night" with the girls.


Well, I'm going to scoot. I have two dogs in my house who don't really know how to act around each other.

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:waving, Beth~

good luck with your furry "neice"... I forgot you were babysitting this weekend...

:cheer:cheerWTG on the non-soda-ness! Quitting is a very empowering experience, isn't it?


I am just ok...actually this is a CRAPPY cold! I am muddling through though. :hug thanks for asking:U




I gotta run out to get Jamie...I'll be back at about 9:45 Eastern time

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Joanne - :hug That your back pain isn't too serious. I shoveled twice today too and your body definitely feels it. Take care of yourself. Lots of lying on the couch and the hot pad :hug


Beth - WTG on the soda quitness! :clap I have a soda addiction too so I relate. Have fun with the dogs. I laughed so hard at your ham and blueberry pie interpretation. I had them in separate pans. :lol


Stacy - I made blueberry pie (which was runny and not so great) and those scones again (this time with someone to share them with so I didn't overdo it). I added lemon zest and dried cranberries to the scones this time. I made them less than an hour before everyone arrived so they would be nice and fresh and no one ate one :( They all had pie. So, I packaged each of my friends up with 2 scones to go with their morning coffee, threw half a dozen in the freezer and I didn't get a tummy ache :tup WTG for standing up at Michaels :clap


LeaAnne - I hope you are beating the cold. Ice cream and coffee :think


So, we've gotten some pretty white stuff, maybe 6 inches in the past 24 hours altogether. It actually looks like winter here finally with banks alongside our driveways. We ended up having breakfast for supper.

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Colleen, I can't believe they didn't eat the scones. :( It was nice of you to pack some up for them to take home, though.


Beth, WTG on the Q!! :cheer Yes, it was hard to stand up to the woman at Michael's but it just didn't make sense. I have never heard of a retailer taking something off clearance. :lol And to raise the price- what a rip-off!

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Oh, I don't have that much will power. :blush:lol


And I have a Jorge with a cold. :lol It is going to be a "chill" weekend. They are taking the oldest 2 so Jorge can study. He has 2 papers due next week but has been so sick all week that he's gone to bed as soon as he's gotten home, all week. It will be a nice quiet, though.

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Oh, I don't have that much will power. :blush:lol


And I have a Jorge with a cold. :lol It is going to be a "chill" weekend. They are taking the oldest 2 so Jorge can study. He has 2 papers due next week but has been so sick all week that he's gone to bed as soon as he's gotten home, all week. It will be a nice quiet, though.


Sounds nice. Hopefully you get lots of relaxing in. We have a quiet weekend too. DH is working tomorrow, so it will be just us girls.

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