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Here's the baby blanket I finished last night =0)




only took me almost 4 years... lol oh and it's also the first granny square project I've actually finished (have one that's been in progress for almost 10 years now LOL)

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Hi girls.


I know it's not a big deal, but I'm really nervous about going to the chiropractor tomorrow. If you could just think of me around 3:30, it would mean a lot to me. I know things could be much worse, and I'm being a baby, but I'm really upset about it. Thanks. :hug

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Good morning,

Good luck at the chiropracter, Shannon- I'm sure all will go fine. I'll be thinking of you this afternoon.:hug:hug:hug


Vicki- Hope you had a great night at bowling!!


Sarah- that ghan is beautiful- I love the colors and you did such a nice job on it! I'm so glad you shared a picture of it. ....and hey better late than never!!!:hook


Everyone- hope you have a great hump day. (and yes this just may be a hump day for me- looking good so far that I don't have to work this weekend---but we'll see .....don't want to raise my hopes too high until the end of the week)


Cya on the flip side!:manyheart

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Sarah, Beautiful ghan! I finished a baby quilt I started for my niece 4 years later for my firstborn son, so I know where you're coming from! Congrats on finishing your first granny project.


Shannon, :hug I hope your visit to the Chiropractor is wonderful, and you feel great afterwards. Some times, finding out what's wrong is the best thing ever.


Joanne, :xfin for a regular-sized work week.


Vicki, did the snow stick? What did dd think? How frustrating about the doctor's office... They expect 24 hour notice if we cancel on them, don't you deserve the same courtesy?


Stacy, how are your beautiful girls? And Jorge, though I don't know if he's beautiful...


Colleen, When is the birthday for the 11 year old? He sounds like a really neat kid, the kind I'd like to have hang out with my boys.


Mary, thinking about you. I hope your back feels OK.


LeaAnne, how are you feeling, Hon? Can you talk? Have you been working?


I finished my "assignment" for the Christmas afghans for February, so I'm taking a little break from them. Yesterday, my ds filled out his federal income taxes by himself (with me stuporvising.) It's an odd feeling to watch him do something so grown-up. Today we get the new frames so we can fix his glasses :xfin.


I hope you all have a great day.



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Sarah - Your ghan is beautiful! Good job!


Vicki - How are things in snowy Texas?


Shannon - I'll be thinking about you this afternoon :hug Everything will be fine. Chiropractors are people just like us. Feel free to tell him/her that you are nervous. :yes:hug:hug:hug


Joanne - :xfin that your work week ends on Friday.


Beth - The 11 yo's b-day is in early March. It is our nephew. My MIL is going to where they live this weekend so we are sending the gift with her. He is a great kid and I'm very proud of him.


:hi to everyone else!


Busy, busy day here so I gotta run! Have a great day everyone!

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Good morning! It is sprinkling! :clap Completely unexpected, since I haven't seen the news in, oh, 3 months. :lol

I think I've gotten back into the daily routine quite well. Yesterday I put away all of the luggage from the trip, did 3 loads of laundry, and cleaned out the refrigerator. The 'fridge took me an hour and a half! There was a can of sweetened condensed milk that spilled down the back, over the light bulb casing, and onto the tubing for the water dispenser. :angry I scraped it off the casing but I don't know how to get it off the tubing- I don't want to puncture it. :think


Shannon, :hug to you today! The chiropractor is wonderful. :manyheart It is kind of scary to find out what is wrong, but at the same time, you can also find out how to get it fixed. :yes


Leanne, hey girl!! How are you and the chickens? :hug


Mary, hope you're having fun with your kiddos and gdks! :hug


Colleen, I think Yahtzee is an excellent choice! We always played board games when I was younger, and Yahtzee was one of our favorites. :yes


Vicki, I can't believe you are getting snow!! Nuts. What does dd think of it?


Beth, WTG to your ds!! Filling out his taxes by himself- you must be so proud. :manyheart Good job on finishing your afghan "assignment." Are you going to work on something else for a while, or are your hooks going to take a break?


Sarah, how are things on your end today? :hug


Scooby, thinking of you and hoping all is well! :hug


Joanne, I just read about your Trader Joe's trip! How fun!! Sounds like you made some yummy purchases. :yes Isn't that Joe's Dark coffee just awesome! You went at a good time- their fearless flyer just came out and has some awesome new items in it. How nice of you to buy the groceries for your dd, too. I'm sure it was very appreciated. :manyheart Good luck with your work "week." :xfin that you don't have to work this weekend.


It is quiet here. Mia is working on a puzzle and Eva is coloring. No one else is here. :woo I need to make my bed and purge my nightstand drawers. They are filled with papers from a purse I cleaned out before we left. The rugs could use a good vacuuming but hey- I'm not the only one who lives here. :wink

I better get off my badorkus and get started. Happy hump day, besties!

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:hug Thanks for the well wishes, girls. You've made me feel so much better.:hug


Sarah- I love that blanket! Just beautiful!


Colleen- I hope your busy day goes well!


Beth- Look at you go on those ghans! Enjoy your break away from them.


Joanne- Saying a prayer that you won't have to work this weekend!


I hope everyone has a wonderful day! I love you all!:manyheart

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Good morning! It is sprinkling! :clap Completely unexpected, since I haven't seen the news in, oh, 3 months. :lol

I think I've gotten back into the daily routine quite well. Yesterday I put away all of the luggage from the trip, did 3 loads of laundry, and cleaned out the refrigerator. The 'fridge took me an hour and a half! There was a can of sweetened condensed milk that spilled down the back, over the light bulb casing, and onto the tubing for the water dispenser. :angry I scraped it off the casing but I don't know how to get it off the tubing- I don't want to puncture it. :think


Shannon, :hug to you today! The chiropractor is wonderful. :manyheart It is kind of scary to find out what is wrong, but at the same time, you can also find out how to get it fixed. :yes


Leanne, hey girl!! How are you and the chickens? :hug


Mary, hope you're having fun with your kiddos and gdks! :hug


Colleen, I think Yahtzee is an excellent choice! We always played board games when I was younger, and Yahtzee was one of our favorites. :yes


Vicki, I can't believe you are getting snow!! Nuts. What does dd think of it?


Beth, WTG to your ds!! Filling out his taxes by himself- you must be so proud. :manyheart Good job on finishing your afghan "assignment." Are you going to work on something else for a while, or are your hooks going to take a break?


Sarah, how are things on your end today? :hug


Scooby, thinking of you and hoping all is well! :hug


Joanne, I just read about your Trader Joe's trip! How fun!! Sounds like you made some yummy purchases. :yes Isn't that Joe's Dark coffee just awesome! You went at a good time- their fearless flyer just came out and has some awesome new items in it. How nice of you to buy the groceries for your dd, too. I'm sure it was very appreciated. :manyheart Good luck with your work "week." :xfin that you don't have to work this weekend.


It is quiet here. Mia is working on a puzzle and Eva is coloring. No one else is here. :woo I need to make my bed and purge my nightstand drawers. They are filled with papers from a purse I cleaned out before we left. The rugs could use a good vacuuming but hey- I'm not the only one who lives here. :wink

I better get off my badorkus and get started. Happy hump day, besties!


things have finally settled down here. We're not going anywhere unless it's an emergency the rest of this week and weekend. We've got a lot of cleaning to do that got put off so we'll be busy at home for awhile.

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I can actually get on here at work today! YAY!


My bowling scores were not that great last night. I bowled a 128, 136, and a 96. Yes, the last game was a reak stinker. I couldn't do anything right! I only took one point! Very bad!


I called the doctor's office and complained about what happened yesterday and their only solution was "Well, if you are unhappy we would be happy to recommend another endocrinologist to continue your care". That was it. They weren't sorry, no, what can we do to make it up to you, nothing. I even told them that if I had done that to them they would have charged me for the office visit and then charged me again once I went in to see the doctor. "Oh, no, we wouldn't have done that to you". I don't think so. So I went online and found the name of another doctor who takes my insurance and got an appointment with him during spring break. I know, I am being petty, but it is the principle of the thing.


Shannon - How did the chiropractor appointment go?


Stacy - Did you have a good, quiet day?


Beth - Taxes done already? I need to take mine to get done. Maybe I will do that on saturday.


Joanne - Fingers crossed that you have off this weekend!


Sarah - the ghan is beautiful!


Time to go home all! Tae kwon do tonight and I have a headache today!



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Hi girls! I'm back.


It went well. They hooked me up to a computer and found where my spine is inflammed. Then they took x-rays, and I was done. He's going to call tonight to let me know when he wants to set up an appointment.


I hope everyone is having a fantabulous day!!:manyheart

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Wow, Vicki, that is terrible! I don't think you're being petty at all. They could have at least said sorry. Sounds to me like you did the right thing by finding another doctor- that office does not seem very patient-friendly.


Shannon-ness- how did the chiro appt. go? :hug


Sarah, I'm happy to hear you are spending some time at your own home. :xfin that no emergencies pop up, so you can spend time with just your family. :hug


I did have a nice, quiet day. After tearing my bedroom and desk apart, looking for our dental insurance cards :blush I finally found it and made an appt. for Mia. She has to get those cavities filled. Eva took a nice, long nap. I did another load of laundry and noticed that 2 pair of Isabella's uniform pants are stained, so they are soaking. Vacuumed both rugs, dusted, and swept the living room. Then I picked up the girls, and had a nice long chat with my mom. My SIL called and left a rude message asking if my kids took the clothing to my niece's Dora doll. :tryme

I think I'm in a crochet rut. :( I cleaned out my nightstand today and found several magazines and a book with patterns that I've been dying to try. It seems I never have time to :crocheting for myself anymore. I am very happy to be making some money by doing what I love :yes but there are soooo many things I want to make and I just never have the time anymore.


Well dh just called to say he is on his way home, so I better go figure out something for dinner. BBL!

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Hi Stacy! I'm really nervous about being adjusted. I'm also nervous about what all is wrong with my back.


There was an area in my back that had no activity. It's on the side that doesn't hurt. I'm a little worried about that. Good news is, this could even help my migraines.:yay

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Hi girls

Had a great day at work today- Our boss had a "party" for us today. We all went into the large training room- and she had set up some games and had goodie bags- One of the goodies was a paddle ball. She said when someone is starting to get on your nerves, just take the paddle ball out and pretend the ball is them and start hitting it. We got those hand clapper things to clap for ourselves for doing such a good job, even if others in the company don't see it that way. We got monkey keychains- so that if someone keeps giving you too much to do, tell them you already have a monkey and don't need any more monkey's on your back. We played pin the tail on the map (and the map had the names of different depts in thecompany- we played bowling and had a few beach balls that we were hitting around. It was great team building and really took some of the stress off all the work that we have to get done each month. She had lunch delivered and it was a great day.


I did have a toothache and have to leave for about an hour- it's been festering for a few days, and I kept trying to will it away---but that didn't work. So I decided to call the dentist today only to find out they are closed on Wed- I said it was an emergency and since we are supposed to get a foot of snow, I was concerned if I didn't get it looked at it would get worse before I could get to her. She is great andmet me at her office at 1 (my dentist is close to my job- about 3 minutes away- I figured I spend the bulk of my time at work, so having the denitst/doctor closer to work makes sense). She called in a prescription and I have a choice- have the tooth extracted or have another root canal on it. I think I'll have it re-treated with another root canal and crown. I really hate going to the dentist- stems from childhood- cavities filled with no novacaine or anything- and I vividly remember the pain. I started the antibiotic she called in and she also gave me a prescription for pain meds, although so far Advil seems to be working ok.


Shannon- glad that the chiro went well. Let us know how your adjustment goes.


Sarah- Glad you will get some time to spend at home- you deserve it...and again, that ghan is beautiful!


Stacy- Joes' Dark Coffee is my new fav coffee--- I LOVE IT!!! I also love the dark choc covered raisins I got, and the oatmeal cookies! Tomorrow I am going to make meatless meatballs with pasta- if I get home b/4 DH- I don't want him to see that they are meatless!!! You sound like you had a very productive day today- good for you!!


Vicki- Too bad about your bowling- in our toy bowling game today I only knocked down one pin if it makes you feel better!! LOL And I totally agree with what you did about the endocrinologist- the staff is not friendly or patient oriented. I would write a letter to the endo- he may not even know how rude the staff is. Front office staff can make or break a doctor's practice- and you were not petty- and they should never say if you're not happy, we can recommend another doctor. It's their job to make you happy!


LeaAnne, Beth, Mary, Scooby, Colleen- hope you all had a good Wednesday.


Oh, if it snows- I get to work from home tomorrow!!! Brought work home just in case. And it's looking really good for no work this weekend!!!!!


Hugs to all

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No, it means the computer didn't pick up any nerve activity or something. He thinks it's because of my scoliosis compressing it or pulling it. I hope I explained that right.

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:hi everyone


:whew Work, pizza day, literacy volunteering, playing in the snow. A busy day, but all went well. And now I can rest a bit and watch the Canada vs. Russia game. Go Canada!


Shannon - I'm glad your appt went well.


Stacy - WTG not vacuuming :tup and I'd suggest you wrap a wet/soapy cloth around those water tubes to try to loosen off the milk. Otherwise it might get smelly. I am in a crochet rut too. At first it was bothering me but now I'm thinking no rush, it will come back when it comes back.


Joanne - I'm glad you had a good teambuilding party today. It sounds like the company you work for appreciates your hard work. Good job getting to that dentist. I hope you get it fixed up soon.


Vicki - Did the snow stick? Good job at bowling...so long as you had fun, right?


LeaAnne - Worried about you, girl. Last we heard from you you were not feeling well. I hope everything is fine. :hug


Sarah - How was your first at home day? Beautiful afghan, again. Very nice.


Mary - How are you doing? How is your back after that fall. :hug Thinking about you and your family this week.


Beth - WTG to your DS for doing his taxes. What a fabulous life lesson. WTG being ahead of schedule on your Christmas 'ghans. You are an amazing scheduler!


Scooby - Thinking about you friend! :hug

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Thanks for the suggestion, Colleen. I will give it a try tomorrow. :yes Sounds like you had a busy day. How is the literacy tutoring going? Oh gosh- I just read the part where you worked, also! I don't know how you do it. :nworthy


Joanne, sounds like your boss knows how to keep the team going! What a fun training exercise. :fin for working from home tomorrow, and no work this weekend. :devil Good luck with the meatballs. They are so yummy! We had them with the brown rice rotini tonight. I wasn't a fan of the pasta alone, but mixed with the sauce, it was good.


Shannon, I understand now. :yes Thanks for clearing that up- I am slooooow sometimes. :wink Good luck getting that straightened out. (No pun intended!! That was really bad.) Do you not have feeling on that side, or just no pain?


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