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Some good clean fun?!

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Wow- good morning! Glad I woke up early- for as quiet as it was here during the day, it sure was chatty here last night with Shannon, Colleen, Stacy and Sarah!


Welcome home Stacy!! Glad you made it home safe, sound and in time for Mommy and Me.


Vicki hope the internet is working for you at school today.


Beth- Quicksilver sure did a get a good workout yesterday- sounds like you had one non-stop Monday!!!


LeaAnne- hope you are feeling better- hows the voice- is it coming back?


Sarah- I read the update in the other thread and my prayers continue for the mother.


Shannon- I loved Janna's response to her Daddy's questions. She got all the answers right, especially the one about who's the boss!!:lol


Colleen- and your DD with her answer to the lesson on choices. Cracked me up- :lol. Women's hockey team has made it to the finals!! So it will be US vs Canada in the women's hockey final!!! Should be a good game:cheer


Stacy- glad your migraine didn't last, and can't believe the terror is up to her old tricks already. Yay for Trader Joe's- speaking of cookies, I bought these outrageous chewy oatmeal raisin cookies!! They are so good......as are the dark chocolate covered raisins!!!


Mary thinking of you and hoping you are enjoying time with the kids/grandkids and that your back is feeling better every day.


Well, I am going to go get ready for work- have a lovely day everyone!:hug

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I need some help ladies! Birthday present for an 11 yo boy. :think I know he's into Lego, building things, carpentry, and Army stuff (tanks and stuff). Any ideas? I don't really want to buy him more lego, but a game might be good or something he could build. Thanks!


Off to get groceries!

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I need some help ladies! Birthday present for an 11 yo boy. :think I know he's into Lego, building things, carpentry, and Army stuff (tanks and stuff). Any ideas? I don't really want to buy him more lego, but a game might be good or something he could build. Thanks!


Off to get groceries!

Lego builders can never have too many legos! But there are other building things that are very cool, like Connex (sp?) tinker toys, and woodworking kits, for instance, to make a birdhouse or car. I've seen those at Lowe's. Good luck and let me know what you decide.

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Thanks Beth. We don't have a Lowe's here and we've never had much luck finding those woodworking kits at Home Depot or other. Wish we could, because he would love that. I've bought him kids woodworking books and we got him a toolbox and some tools last year. He loves K'nex too. Yep, lots of great things it's just a matter of finding something that I know he doesn't have already. The Lego sets he is collecting cost $70-$100+ and he has lots of them :ohdear I got him a subscription to a woodworking magazine, so now just to find something to go with it.


DD is playing Olympics. She's wearing a hat in the house and her medal from Soccer, singing the national anthem and having medal ceremonies. How great to see her get excited about the Olympics and our country. :manyheart It's funnier still that she is wearing an orange summer skirt with a pair of gray pants under it and a short sleeve purple shirt. Yep, she dressed herself today ;)

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Yahtzee, Uno, or anything that would kinda "force" family time? That's the stuff I like to give. Games that the whole family can play.

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:yes I like the way you think. I think I'll pick a board game. I was looking at Risk and Stratego (you know, to go with the military interest), but he's not a real mind/strategy kid. He's more a nuts and bolts kid. DD says the Battleship they have is the "old fashioned" kind (her words, not mind), so maybe I should just get him the new version :shrug I totally overthink gifts and I'm trying not to do that. He's a good, "old fashioned" (to borrow DD's term) kid. He loves to play outside, he is a great worker and will help with anything hands on. He makes me think of the kid who wanted the Red Rider Bee Bee gun (don't worry, we won't buy him that...DH would like to but his mom would flip :lol).
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I signed off at first, but once I cleaned the lunch dishes I came back. DD wants to go to mall, so I can't stay to chat. We haven't had any girls out on the town days for a while, so that would be fun. She wants to buy a book (that's my girl! :manyheart).

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Thanks so much for your help, Shannon. It helps to get it out of my head and see what other people think. Otherwise I overthink it.


I hope you and Miss Janna-ness are having a great day! I enjoyed our chat last night!


Off to the mall in DD's creative get-up :lol

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He'll shoot his eye out!! hahaha:lol:lol


Good luck finding something. Have fun at S-E-A-R-S (aka the mall). WTG DD for wanting a book! Let me know what you get!:hug

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He'll shoot his eye out!! hahaha:lol:lol


Good luck finding something. Have fun at S-E-A-R-S (aka the mall). WTG DD for wanting a book! Let me know what you get!:hug


:rofl Love you! I can tell you already, she wants the 2nd weather fairy in the Rainbow Magic books. I think it's the breeze fairy. I won't object to a new book once in a while.

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:hi again.


Thanks again, Shannon. I've never heard of Farkle. I'll have to look for that one. I ended up with Yahtzee. We'll see what DH thinks. I got him a comic book too.


I hope everyone had a great day!


Stacy -Did you get all settled back into the routine of being home?


Joanne - How was day 2?


Beth - I hope quicksilver got a bit of a break today!


LeaAnne - How are you feeling? Missing you around here and I hope you are feeling better. How are your jobs going? I bet your chickens are just thrilled to be back to school.


Sarah - I hope you got some good at home time in today.


Vicki - Did DH start his new job yet?


Mary - How is your back feeling? Have you recovered from the weekend surrounded by your kids/grandkids yet? Did you get all their sweaters done?


I've got tacos all ready for supper. I have the house picked up more or less, the dishwasher ran and unloaded, and I did 3 loads of laundry today (one still to go in the dryer). After supper I need to vacuum.

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Hi all,


Colleen- I think Yahtzee is a great choice-I love that game! Did you and DD have a good time at SEARS (aka the mall?) Did she get her book? I think that is so cute that she was playing "olympics"- I hope you took pics of her in her Olympic get up! It will be fun to show her in a few years!


Shannon- Hope you had a great day with Janna-ness!


Vicki- good luck with bowling tonight.


It's going to be an early night for me tonight. I was tired all day today (maybe it has something to do with waking up at 4:15 AM and not being able to go back to sleep???) I'm already in my pj's and we are having leftovers from Sunday- easy, peasy!!!


Thinking of all of you! Have a great evening!

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HI girls! In case you missed it, it is snowing in Texas.

It was a busy day today! I was getting ready for annual review ARD meetings today (I only have 4 of them scheduled!), I had a department chair meeting this today in the building, and I thought I had a doctor appointment after school. I rush up to the doctor's office only to discover that they had left early! I never got a phone call telling me that they had canceled appointments! Oh, I was so mad! Wait until I get a hold of them tomorrow.

So now I get to relax a little bit before bowling. YAY!

Joanne - Did you find out if you have to work this weekend?

Stacy - Glad you made it home safely!

Mary - You must be having fun with all the kids! Hope you are having fun!

Colleen - Hubby starts his new job on Sunday. He needs to go meet with the district manager on Friday. I guess he needs to fill out all the paper work on that day and then get his schedule before he starts. I need his scedule so I know if I need to put DD in day care in the mornings! Just a little important!

Hope everyone had a great day and I will talk to you all later!

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