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I love your flag, Shannon! :lol Now why is that the first thing I noticed? :think The snow is so cool- what does Janna think of it?


:waving Beth! Yes, I did sleep well. No, the movie was not enjoyable- the commentator points out everything that is realistically wrong with the movie (such as, "oh, if that really happened, the person wouldn't have gone there..." etc) so we turned it off after a half hour and went to bed. Good thing it wasn't the original movie I wanted to watch. :wink I didn't know you were making a reindeer tote- that's what I get for not checking into the Christmas CAL more often. :blush WTG on all that you are accomplishing- we may have to nickname you "Mary." :lol Enjoy your late start today. :hug


Joanne, sorry to hear you have to go in today. Stay safe!! Thanks for sending along the message from Scooby. :hug


Colleen, how neat that your dd loves to crochet! And you taught her friend too- how wonderful. :manyheart Enjoy your weekend away. :hug


Mary, so good to see you! :clap for your dd coming to stay!! And for so long, too- I'm sure that will be good for you. :manyheart


I am kind of crabby but trying hard not to be. I have a huge cold sore on my lip and it is so painful. Lots of errands to run and it's going to be very unpleasant if I'm not in a good mood. :wink Think I'll stop and get a coffee on the way- although I'll have to drink it with a straw. :lol


Happy Friday! Oh! My old man friend is coming over for dinner tonight so I will not be here for chat. But I'll be sure to wear my special pants. :rofl

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:hi:waving:hi :jumpyay I am Hooooommmmmmeeeee!!!!!!:lol

...and Shannon has more snow than me! :faint:rofl


I know it's going to take a while to catch up on what you have all been up to, but I couldn't wait to say hi! I missed you all more than you know!


The trip was really fun. I didn't sleep much, but relaxed. I know, weird, right?!


I will be back in a while, after I catch up on the posts.



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Good afternoon, Besties!


Colleen- I hope you have a relaxing vacation filled with yarn, hooks, and the Olympics!! Did you bring an extra hook for DD? Have a safe trip!


LeaAnne- Welcome back, stranger!! We can't wait to hear all about your shenanigans in Vegas!


Stacy- Thank you! I love my flag too. That's why I made sure it was in the picture! I hope you feel better soon. You didn't know that Blue was a girl??? Don't have too much fun in your special pants tonight!:lol


Beth- DD loved the snow! She didn't help much on the snowfamily, but she liked tromping around in it and attempted a few snow angels. Your reindeer tote sounds interesting. I can't wait to see it!


Joanne- Your weekend sounds :c9! How's your back feeling today? I don't think I'll be here for chat. Maybe a little while.


Mary- Are you staying warm up there? Who needs a fireplace when your hooks are smoking all the time?:lol


Vicki and Scooby- Hi! Hope you are having a wonderful day! TGIF!!


We had a lot of fun in the snow, but it's almost all gone now.:( Snowmommy has already fallen over, and Snowdaddy's gonna be next. Of course, that may be due to the beer he drank! heehee


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Hi everyone and welcome to the weekend!!!!


Beth- I did mention how I loved working from home- so much more productive and all that- we'll see I'll keep mentioning how good it is for the psyche to stay home one day a week (and get laundry done while working- but we won't mention that- LOL) It would really be great if that could be worked out!! You have really been crocheting up a storm- can't wait to see the reindeer tote


Shannon- love your snowman family (and it melted already- the snow up here is frozen!) My poor tree makes me sad- two big branches broken- hopefully the tree will be ok- can't do anything with the branches until the snow melts though so there it hangs over the sidewalk. I noticed your Who DAT flag right away- I have a Giants SuperBowl champs flag that I hang out during football season- you'll need to get a Saints SuperBowl champs one now!!


Stacy- sorry that the commentator wouldn't allow you to enjoy the movie and sorry about the cold sore- annoying to say the least- hope you got to enjoy some nice coffee (through a straw). Enjoy your dinner with the old man friend and be careful with those special pants!!


Vicki, Mary, Colleen- hope you all have a nice relaxing weekend.


LeaAnne- I'll be cheering you on in the Crochet Games - Team Flannelghan! I see you are making an orange/black one- can't wait to see when it's done. I had sent you a pic of my snow from my phone but realized that it didn't go through- don't know why- I did post a pick on the forum- but what post? who knows? LOL Glad to have you back in town- Yes, we have more snow than you!! And it is cold so no melting going on- and they are predicting more on Monday!!!


Well, I had better go get dinner (I'm thinking of ordering Chinese). DH's car is ready (to the tune of 900.00-EEK!!!!) so we'll be heading to Staten Island in the AM to pick it up and then at 9:30 I have my hair appt. Don't think too much cleaning will get done tomorrow-think Sunday morning will be the day!


Have a good night and I'll check back in later!

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HI besties! I couldn't log on to the 'ville from school today. I guess the server is still all messed up. None of the web sites that we could normally log on to could be accessed! We can't even get to our drives to get to our files! And I need to get to my drive to get to my SPED files for my annuals that are coming up!


Anyway, it was a crazy day at school today. Oral testing all day! I am glad it is Friday and that I can relax tonight with the Olympic opening ceremonies tonight. I may need to break out my :yarn and my :hook and work on my :crocheting project too.

Joanne - Sorry you had to go back to the office today. I hope you enjoyed the day home yesterday. How is your back feeling?



Colleen - How cute that DD likes to crochet! Good for her and her friend! Just wait until she wants to start making things!


Shannon - Yes, we have been getting TONS of rain! And it is cold, just not cold enough for the flaky white stuff. Glad Janna liked it!


LeaAnne - Welcome home! Glad you had a great time! Have fun with the chickens!


Mary - Have a great time with DD! Enjoy it!


Beth - I would greatly appreciate if you would share your directions for the tote! I bet my DD would like it and I am sure my niece would love it!


Stacy - I hope you are having a nice dinner with your old man friend! Have a good night!


Have a great night all! I don't think I will be here for chat. I am very tired tonight. I don't know why. I got a good night's sleep last night!


Talk to you all tomorrow!

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:hi all!


:hug Leanne! It's so good to see you! I'm glad you had a nice, relaxing time.


Joanne- yikes! :eek That is a nasty car repair. Glad dh is getting his car back, though. Enjoy your hair/nail appt.


Shannon, your snow people are adorable! I love the can on Daddy, and the t-shirt on (I'm assuming) Janna-snowgirl. :lol Janna looks like she had a blast!


Vicki, yikes about the school's computers! I hope you are able to access your files soon. Enjoy your :crocheting and the opening ceremonies.


My old man friend will be here in about 10 minutes. I just wanted to stop in and catch up with everyone. The girls and I were running around alllllll day long, and they did wonderfully! And I stopped at the clothing store and actually bought something. Of course I feel guilty, but it is much-needed. :yes Then I came home and cleaned. As soon as Roomie noticed what I was doing, she locked herself in her bedroom. :rolleyes Oh, well.

Well I need to finish the pasta and get the meatballs warmed up. Love you guys!

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just a quick flyby. Lots going on here (and a lot of it not good) so haven't been coming on here as much. Still around. =0) Just not really doing too much crocheting right now.

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Good morning all!

Yes, it is Saturday, and yes I am up at the crack of dawn! Seems my internal alarm naturally goes off the same time each day- too many years of working and getting up early I guess:lol


I was watching the Olympic Opening Ceremonies and guess what, my chair turned into a magical chair like Vicki's and I fell asleep- crochet in hand! I missed the Canadian and USA team walking in and the rest of the ceremonies! Woke up to find I'd missed it and then went to bed.


We're heading out early to go pick up DH's car in Staten Island and then I start my day of pampering- hair and nails!


I think since I am up so early, I may as well tackle the cleaning- bathrooms and kitchen before we go- then all I'll have left is the vacuuming and dusting! I want to finish my step-grandaughter's throw that I'm making.


Sarah- good to hear from you and sorry to hear that not good things are going on. Here's a :hug


Two more days till Mary has her youngest DD with her for a month- you must be getting so excited. Did you finish your bedroom de-cluttering?


Our snow has not melted -it is about 19 degrees out so it'll be here for a while and they are predicting more for Monday- DH has a day off work for Presidents Day. I on the other hand have work- not a holiday at my job:eek


Have a splendid Saturday everyone. Oh, Stacy- middle DD and I are going to Trader Joe's next Saturday- I can't wait- plus there is a LYS in the same town so I'll have to take a peak at all the pretty yarn!!!

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Good morning. Pass the coffee.


Any body have any gluten free danishes lying around? I could use something fattening today.


I'm really groggy. I slept in, which feels REALLY nice. Joanne, you should try it some time. Now I really need my coffee, which is almost ready.


So I'll just say a big HAPPY SATURDAY to all my besties. Have a great day!:hug

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Morning all!

Joanne - Glad your chair learned its magical powers! Mine took me over last night also. I missed to torch, which is my favorite part of the opening ceremonies! Iwas very disappointed that I did that. Have fun being pampered today and be careful going to Staten Island today!

Stacy - How was dinner last night? Too bad Roomie did not get the hint and locked herself away when she saw you cleaning.

Mary - DD is coming tomorrow? You must be so excited!

LeaAnne - How are you this morning?

Beth - Did you find your danish that you wanted? I hope you have a great day!

Sarah - Glad to hear from you. We are hear when you are ready to fill us in!

I talked to Scooby last night on Facebook. She is good and misses us. Hopefully she will be able to get back online soon!

Have a great day all! Talk to you later!

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Good morning!


Joanne- Enjoy your hair and nail appts. I haven't done either in forever. I'm jealous.


Vicki- Is Monday a holiday for you? I think it is here, but I'm not sure.


Beth- How's your coffee? I hope your grogginess goes away soon. I love your reindeer tote! Did you go by a pattern?


Sarah- :hug I'll be praying that everything gets better for you. We're here whenever you're ready to jump back in!


Stacy- Did your special pants work their magic? So romantic!!:devil


Tonight is my Valentine's date!! I'm so excited! We're going to the Martina McBride/Trace Adkins concert! Then to the casino. DH has to work tomorrow, but he gets to go in late. It's the least his boss could do for him. He's worked every day since January 4. Poor guy!


I stayed up way too late trying to work on DD's tic-tac-toe game. I don't know if I'll have it ready by tomorrow!:eek I am so not good at sewing things together and weaving in ends!! I still have to put borders around the board pieces and sew them together, sew the x's together, and make 4 o's. Wish me luck, I need it!!


Have a wonderful Saturday Besties!!

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mostly just dealing w/ job hunting, not having luck finding a job, 3 year old testing the limits, depression and then this week if you go look in the prayers/warm wishes forum you'll see what's happened this week.

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:waving friends!


I really am here... just tied up playing catch up with my house... I am thinking of you all, and will be back a little later...




for those of you having early dates for Valentine's Day tonight... Have a wonderful time!!!

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Vegas was not like any trip we had taken there before. Usually, it was a marathon of blackjack and casino hopping, with an occasional whatever we could grab to eat. This time was a nice, slow pace... and the primary focus was on dining and taking things in. Gambling and rushing around was a distant second. It really was a wonderful trip! We took my cousin and his family to an Asian restaurant where all of the food was cooked in front of you! YUM!!!! That time with them was truly one of the high points of my time!

The worst part was the smoke:eek... I am still :cough:coughing from all of the smoke. That part was gross! I guess that solves the debate on whether or not I would ever go back to smoking... I am happy to say that "I am all set!" I never noticed before, because I was not exposed to indoor second hand smoke.

Anyway, I'll get off my :soapbox now! :lol


I am soooo happy to be home, and to be back here with my friends!!!! I love you all so much!


I am almost caught up: bedrooms and bathrooms cleaned, 5 loads of laundry washed/dried/folded, 1 more in washer, 1 more in dryer... vacuuming done, kitchen cleaned.


...And I read up on all of my missed days here... I will try my best to respond, and am hoping I don't forget anything;)



Sarah ~ thank you for stopping by... I am so sorry for what all is going on in your life:( We are all here for you, I hope you know!:hug:hug


Stacy ~ Way cool that you had dinner with your old friend!!!! How was it? I loved your story about the sign of the cross... too cute! and grrrr about Roomie - par for the course:sigh:yes I was so proud to read about your volunteer adventure! How did everything turn out?


Beth ~ I hope you got your danish... WTG on sleeping in... and LOVE your tote design!:clap Have you decided to make 1 for you yet?:devil How are the :ctree throws coming along? Sounds like you have been chip-chip-chipping away at them!:cheer


Mary ~ HAPPY 30!!!! that is so wonderful! I hope that you and DH had a great time. and :hyper:excited about DD arriving Monday! :clap What have you been :crocheting lately?


Colleen ~ are you away? I missed where you were going. I hope you are having fun. your new term "voluntold" cracked me up! :rofl... LOVE IT! How is the new reading gig? have you started it yet? And the story of "the meldown" Warmed my heart!:manyheart


Vicki ~ it's so nice to see that your chair still has "it's stuff";)

WTG on getting all of your bowling points this week. Sorry to hear about your computer network at school... we can't go on hardly any websites at our schools. they have locked down everything, especially websites that you need to "sign in" to. Hey how did DH make out with the job? did he hear? How is DD, TQD & Team DI?


Joanne ~ HOly cow!!!! more snow for you on Monday??? that is just crazy! I hope that you get to work from home if it's bad... especially since it will be the holiday, they might decide to wait to plow until everything has fallen to save some money...

I hope you made out ok getting DH's car and everything before going to get your nails done! What 'ghan are you working on now?


Shannon ~ Have a fun time at the show/casino tonight with DH! You have both certainly earned the time together!:yes

:eek at your snow!!! Wow! that is CRAZY! And :rofl:rofl about the daddy-snowman's beer posture!


:waving and :hug to you, Scooby, Chaya, C4J, Frogger, Tena, and anyone else out there... I hope this post finds you well, warm, and happy.

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Hi all,

Hair done, nails done, and grocery shopping done!! Now I am sitting watching the Olympics and going to work some more on the afghan.


LeaAnne- I am making Little Girls Favorite Throw from Lionbrand http://www.lionbrand.com/patterns/90426AD

I'm making it in purple and pink. I did 6 rows of pink, then 3 rows of purple, then 4 rows of pink, then lots of rows of purple. When I think it is as big as I want it I'll finish off with 4 rows pink, 3 rows purple 6 rows pink and then going to put a border of varigeited purple and pink. I am hoping to get it finished this weekend. My stepgrandaughter's birthday party is next Sunday. How are you doing with the flannelghan- Go Team FG!!!


Vicki- I was upset that my chair took over and I fell asleep- my favorite part of the opening ceremonies is also the lighting of the torch!!


Beth- Hope you found some danish and that the coffee did the trick! Are you getting snow again?


Shannon- Enjoy your Valentines Date- sounds like fun. Too bad about the "snowman family" melting already--but glad you got to have fun in the snow for a short while anyway- we still have a lot!!


Stacy, Mary, Colleen, Scooby, Sarah and everyone- have a great rest of the day!

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Hi Ladies

Welcome home LeaAnne. It is nice to have you home again. Glad you had a good trip.

Shannon I loved your snow family. I wish our snow would come and go that fast.

Stacy I hope your dinner went well with your old man friend.

Vicki and Joanne sorry to hear that your chairs got you.

Beth I love your tote. Hope you got your coffee alright.

Colleen I hope you are enjoying your long weekend.

Scooby we are missing you here.

Sarah we are here for you when ever you need us.

Dh and I have been working away at the rooms. Decluttering and throwing out stuff. It is looking pretty good so far. We are also Granddaughter proofing the house.

Talk to you later

Lots of Love


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:hi, Joanne!


I couldn't get your link to work, so I will go check it out at Lionbrand.


I have 1 panel finished.


Enjoy today's events! :hug

Yea, I just tried it and it brings you to "request a free catalog" ????:think


Oh, well, I tried to link it-


WTG on finishing 1 strip- I am cheering on Team Flannelghan!!:cheer:clap:cheer



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The throw is very easy- another mindless project for me! Simple V-stitch- I like the way it is coming out. I think if I have yarn left over, I'll make a small one for her baby doll to match. Well, better get off the computer and back to crocheting or it won't get done!!

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