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Beth- Thanks for making me feel better about last night's dinner- I guess it was nutritious after all!! We've had that happen sometimes too at the library- last time we had to move out of the meeting room, but they put us in one of the computer rooms so it wasn't too bad. It's hard to chat when you have to worry about being too loud! Hope that the inventions Day #2 went well.


LeeAnn- Hope the head tacos aren't giving you too hard of a time and that work isn't too hectic. I had a busy day- but I'm glad to be home= and getting ready to relax and crochet while I watch the Yankees


Stacy- How's the school year going to far? I LOVE the pic of Mia with the M&M on FB!! So adorable! I'm an M&M junkie -I could eat them all the time- thank goodness I don't buy them often or I would be eating them all the time!


Marisa- Hope you are having an awesome vacation!

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Good evening friends!


Joanne-so glad that you were able to meet up with your craft club buddies, it does the body good. :D I haven’t had a chance to work on my crochet projects, what is the name of the cal?:hug


Beth-woohoo! :cheer For a great first day of college. I knew they would love it. How is your time home alone? :hugDo you get to be all by your lonesome?


Stacy & Marisa-sure hoping you both are having a super week!:hug:hug


Week has been hectic. I was in a preschool classroom..one of the tacos called today during my lunch break and asked me to work on de-cluttering and conduct a Safety Check on all of the classrooms…hmmm…I almost said, “when?” but caught myself…so tomorrow I will be pulled out of the classroom half day to work on classrooms and still somehow get all of my work caught up since I have been in a classroom for 4 days and am behind…hmmmm..wondering how all this is going to happen by Thursday.:think


I am going to be adding more goodies to my website soon..new candles to be exact. Massage candles? Ever heard of them? They are made with lots of delicious oils-jojoba, avocado, hemp and soy wax..you light the candle then blow it out, you can then use the hot wax for massage..how cool is that? What do you think I should use for fragrance? Something calming..



better get my tush to bed as tomorrow will be here before I know it. Hugs n squishes dear friends!



Happy Hump Day to ya all!

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My morning is off-kilter today -- my hubby has a dental appointment, so he didn't go to work, so my kitchen has been usurped. Unfortunately, he doesn't make gluten free food, so I'm smelling pancakes that I can't eat, and for which clean up has to be extreme, so I don't get glutened from cross-contamination. And he doesn't understand why I'm so grumpy about it....


Joanne, I hope Paradise is good to you today. Did you get much crocheting done while you were watching the Yankees? I am about at row 60 on the Besties CAL, but I am getting very tired of it already. I have two other projects that increase, and all 3 of my WIPs have pretty long rows now.


LeeAnn, sounds like they are expecting an awful lot from you at work. Will you get any help with the additional duties? How many classrooms are there? You asked if I am missing my kids: well, they are never all 3 at the college at the same time, so there's always somebody at home, and frankly, I've spent more time in the car with them than I intended to all year, and we've only completed the second day. Today transportation is different because my husband's car is available, but we will eventually get a system worked out.


Stacy, I hope school is going well for the little ones. What classes are you taking this semester? Are you getting ready for it to start?


Marisa, hope you are having a blast. Can't wait to hear all about it.

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Hi friends!!


Today is the first day since the kids have gone back to school, that I have had all to myself, with nothing else planned. So I cleaned. :blush:lol Last week on Thursday and Friday, one child each day decided something was wrong and had to be picked up early. Monday Mia had an ENT check-up, and yesterday was mostly laundry. It was nice to just stay home today. :yes

The ENT appointment went well, and the dr. said if our pediatrician found an infection in Mia's ear, we should probably consider finding a different ped. :eek She is having ear pain, though, and the only explanation given was that it is possibly due to the tube in her eardrum. :shrug She went to the office again yesterday with ear pain, but they just sent her back to class. Today after school I hope to speak with her teacher.

Let's see...I also found out that my most expensive book is available to borrow in our school library! :clap Happy dance over that because my FA still isn't straightened out, and the class isn't given at my school, so I wasn't even sure it would be available.

My father will be visiting for 10 days next week. I'm sure you will find me in the corner, in the fetal position by the time he leaves. :thair The girls are excited, though.


Beth, sorry to hear about the mess in the kitchen, and the pancakes. Men just don't get it sometimes. Glad to hear the inventions are having a great start to their year. I think it was you who asked....I am taking intro to nutrition (which I am super-psyched about- finally starting on classes toward my major!), statistics, sociology of gender, and a philosophy class that counts toward my critical thinking units. :think I will drop that one if I can make it into a speech class, though.


Leeann, sorry to hear the head tacos are putting so much on your shoulders. You are only one person. :hug:hug:hug I hope you can get as much accomplished as possible without burning yourself out. The massage candles sound really cool. I have heard of them, but didn't know what they were made of. Can't wait to see what you come up with. Your dd looks adorable in her Converse slippers, btw. :manyheart


Joanne, sounds like you had fun with Ryan this weekend! PB&J sounds like the perfect dinner, to me. :lol Mia loves M&M's, also- she asked if we could buy that little guy for her room. Hope Paradise goes smoothly for you today. :hug:hug


Oh! I almost forgot...I am on row 40 of my CAL...I was distracted by the zebra hat in Crochet Today, and just couldn't keep myself from starting it. :blush:lol So far I am done with the hat and one ear. It will be adorable, I'm sure- will probably have to make a yarn trip though, because I don't think I have enough black for the mane. :shrug


Well, I have to go change and pick up the kiddos. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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Top of the evening friends!


Beth-bummer about your kitchen, did you dh help clean? I really do not like driving back and forth, I totally relate, seems like we live in our vehicles now days.


Stacy-your girlies are keeping you hopping! your new classes sound interesting. I hope you get into the ones that you are needing/wanting.


Joanne-pb&j is my favorite! mmm sounds delish to me! how was your day?


Today was another busy day, as I was driving home one of the taco's called me to my cell phone to see if I had recv'd her email...she has a few things that she wants taken care of ASAP..:think told her I would put in on my "to do list" tomorrow but not sure how that is going to work out cuz another taco gave me the Safety checks. We have 8 classrooms..and I will be subbing in two different classrooms as well...all I can do is try my best. But I have decided that I deserve a lunch break..more than 15 minutes so am going to take one either way. lol


other than that, nothing juicy. Going to sit and veg perhaps I can locate hook and yarn.:devil


hugs n squishes!

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Stacy, being a "stay at home mom" involves a lot of running around. I am sorry to hear about the ear pain. It can be miserable. I'm glad you are getting a class in your major this time. My dd is taking an AutoCAD class, and she's over the moon with it. She is working with me on her math -- I'm her private tutor:manyheart and she is working very hard, doing very well. I could not be prouder. Good luck with your father's visit. I felt that way when my mom would come see me, but my parents haven't been healthy enough to travel for a while. I hope it goes well for you.


LeeAnn, did my dh help clean? HAH!!! Not hardly. And his dental appointment wasn't the day he thought, so he's staying home again today. He's in the kitchen now, getting ready to make pancakes again. It sounds like you have too many bosses. Do they realize what extra assignments you already have? Sounds like a bad case of too many chiefs. Good luck -- I'm glad to hear you will be taking your full lunch break. You are a very hard worker.


joanne, happy Almost Friday! This week has gone by in a blur! I hope your day goes quickly, and you'll be facing another weekend soon.


Marisa, I love the pics on facebook. I hope your trip is fun and memorable.


Well, I'm on row 66 on the Bestie Cal, and I am debating pulling the whole thing apart. I don't think it's the best yarn for the pattern, and I also think I need to use a bigger hook so it will be big enough for my large frame.

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After reading through all your wonderful posts, I'm out of time to respond individually- will try and get back later on after work.

Let me say to LeeAnn- Hang in there- I totally relate to the "too many chiefs" thing that Beth mentioned- and it's how I often feel.


Gotta scoot- Oh, and I haven't touched the Bestie CAL still on row 18! I want to finish the purple "romantic shawl" that I've been working on first.


Happy Hump Day

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Good morning!


Leeann, lots of :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug to you! I agree on Beth's thought of 'too many chiefs.' Do they realize you are being given instructions from both of them, to do ASAP? That stinks. It is a very wise idea to take your entire lunch break. You need to take care of YOU! :yes Hoping today goes smoother for you.


Joanne, I love that you pointed out the Happy Hump Day, rather than editing it. :lol Happy Over-the-Hump Day to you! :hug:hug:hug Can't wait to see the romantic shawl.


Beth, yikes about the pancakes again! :eek I'm sure it is awesome for your dd to have her own private math tutor. :manyheart I hated going to tutoring on campus- too many students and not enough help. But I digress. Your comment about stay-at-home moms always on the go made me chuckle. I happen to know one woman who is a SAHM and she literally does stay at home every day because she basks in the quiet of not having her children around. :( I dread coming home after dropping the girls off. My mom actually kept me company over the phone for the 3 hours it took to clean the girls' room yesterday. :rofl


Not much to report here, since I just checked in last night. :lol We need to be out the door early today because Isabella needs a composition book. There is a 24-hour CVS nearby, so we will stop there. Her teacher sent home a list of "suggested" items for the school year, with no indication they were required. Isabella came home last night in tears because she needs this notebook for science, and didn't have it yesterday. :shrug

We also need to stop at the library after school. The very same teacher started a reading challenge, with goals set at various amounts of pages read.


I need to scoot- love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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Hi all,

I stopped by to see Ryan after a grueling day at work! He is walking all over the place now! One minute crawling and walking holding on to furniture- and now he is walking all over by himself! So cute!!!! Had so much fun de-stressing with him (and giving DD a small little break)


Stacy- I love how the teacher gave a list of 'suggested" items and then the composition book turns out to be 'required" Poor Isabella-

I love how you posted on FB message about finding all the WIPS you have!

Is your room put back together?


LeeAnn- Hope your day went better than mine! At least tomorrow is FRIDAY----!!!!!! Yipee!!!!!


Beth- I chuckled about your DH and the pancakes AGAIN!!! Thanks!


Off to maybe crochet- or read- haven't decided what to do--or maybe I'll just call it a night and get some rest!


Marisa- Hope you are having a blast- can't wait to hear all about your vaca!

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hi all! Quick fly by, just got home. Took the kiddos shoe shopping then out to dinner and then to walymart to get the latest Disney movies that are now on DVD. :-=))


work was hectic but I decided not to stress and just take things one minute at a time..thank you all for the hugs, they sure helped.


hugs n squishes! Happy over the Hump almost Friday to you all!

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Joanne, it's FRIDAY!!! I hope you have a fast day in Paradise, so you can enjoy your weekend! Ryan is growing up entirely too fast. He sounds adorable. I'll bet your dd appreciates the breaks, particularly since he's mobile now.


Stacy, I always wondered about people who couldn't wait for their kids to go back to school. I love (and always loved) being around my kids. And they still hang out with me and my husband. Hooray for your mom keeping you company long distance.


LeeAnn, Hang in there! It's almost the weekend. Did you get the room safety inspections done? What are your kiddoes up to these days?


Marisa, thinking of you. I hope your vacation is wonderful and fun.


I'm thinking very seriously of crawling back into bed for a couple more hours. Have a great day!

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Good morning!


Joanne, Ryan sounds absolutely adorable! He is growing so quickly. As Beth said, I'm sure your dd appreciates the break, especially now that he is mobile. :manyheart Happy Friday!


Beth, hope you were able to crawl back into bed!


Leeann, :cheer for shopping and dinner out with your family! What a way to unwind. Happy Friday to you, too!


Marisa, hope you're having a blast at the beach!


We stopped at the library on the way home from school yesterday, and Isabella picked out 2 books for her reading challenge. Then I received a call after dinner that Mia won a raffle from the summer reading program, so I took her back to pick it up- a Diary of a Wimpy Kid book. Isabella is very jealous because that is her favorite series.

Today, dh and I are going to a 311 concert. It's an early birthday celebration for me. :lol We are going out to dinner beforehand so I need to pick up the girlies from school early. Then tomorrow we are taking the girls to Knott's to celebrate Eva's birthday. :manyheart There is a cool thing in the summer called Snoopy's Starlight Spectacular, where they decorate Camp Snoopy with colored lights and fog, special effects, etc...the girls just love it and this is their last weekend. It will be fun, especially since it is finally starting to cool down! :cheer


Time to get the troops ready for school. Love and hugs!

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Oh, Stacy- have fun -- I know how you love 311!!!! Knotts sounds like fun too! You are going to have a happy weekend!!! Wonderful for you!!!


Work was crazy busy- and I'm home and had dinner and now going to sit and watch the Giants (and flip to the Yankees) LOL . tomorrow I"m getting everything that has to get done, done! That's the plan and I'm sticking to it!!! LOL


I really want to get some crocheting in this weekend- I feel like I owe it to me!!!


See you in the AM- Games coming on!!!


Beth- Hope you got to go back to sleep!

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Happy Saturday friends!


So happy that the weekend is here. :D


Beth-I love spending time with my kiddos too, they are at the age where they actually like hanging out with mom again, so cool. I miss them when they are gone. Did you get to crawl back?


Joanne-what fun relaxing things are you doing this weekend? I haven't had a chance to get hook time in, must work on Fall/Halloween soapies today..not torture just fun! :lol


Stacy-sounds like an amazing weekend, can't wait to hear about all the fun!


Yesterday the in-laws picked up the kiddos for the weekend. I had to work late as we may have our Federal Review on Monday-crossing my fingers that we do so that we can get it over and done with. When I got home dh decided to take me to a concert. Los Lobos not really my style of music but it was still pretty cool. We didn't get home until after 11...whew! It was a great way to spend a Friday evening.


guess I had better get laundry started so that I can play.


hugs n squishes!

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Did my errands and went to Delicous Orchards today and stocked up on fruit and veggies. Allowed myself one treat- "cider donuts". Last load of laundry that had to get done is in the dryer and whatever cleaning I'm doing is done. More needs to get done- but I need some me time that is relaxing-


I want to finish the purple shawl and then see how I feel about the "bestie' shawl.


LeeAnn- Have fun with the fall soapies. That was sweet of Dh to take you to a concert even if they're not your style- it was good to have some hubby and me time!!


Beth, Stacy and Marisa- Hope you are all enjoying your Saturday!

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When I sat down to work on the shawl, I must have been crocheting for about 10 minutes and DD called and wanted to know if I wanted to come and visit with her and Ryan. DH was comfortable on the couch- and I could tell ready to nap- so of course I went to visit. Didn't get home till about 8:30- picked up the hook and yarn- and started to feel tired! Figured I'd better put it down before too many mistakes were made.


I got 8 hours of sleep last night! Guess I really needed some rest- I feel invigorated and of course having a delicious cup of coffee doesn't hurt!!!


Hope you ALL have a wonderful, relaxing Sunday!

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:hi friends!


Joanne, how fun to spend the afternoon with DD and Ryan! :cheer Glad you got some rest- I'm sure it was much-needed!


Leeann, that's very sweet of your dh to take you to the concert- even if it's not your type of music. I'm sure it was awesome to have some alone time together. :manyheart Have fun making your new soapies.


Marisa, I am loving the photos you're posting on FB. Looks like you are having a blast at the beach!


Beth, what's shakin', bacon? Did everyone make it through first week of classes? Mine start tomorrow- I'm pretty excited. My nutrition class has a semester-long project, in which we have to create a diet/exercise program with the assistance of nutrition software, and write weekly reports about it. I've wanted to lose some weight for a while, and this will be my :kick in the badorkus. :D


The weekend was fun, but very tiring. 311 was awesome, as always- although the opening band was really terrible and played for far too long. :yuck Yesterday, we slept in, but the girls called at 10 a.m. to ask if we had forgotten about them. :lol We made it to Knott's by 12:30 and stayed until 9. FIL gave the girls some spending money, and Isabella used hers to buy a birthday gift for Eva. :manyheart I love that my girls are so sweet to each other.

Today we are just relaxing. I woke up to aching feet and ankles, and it hurt just to walk to the bathroom! :lol


Happy Sunday!

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That is so sweet of your DD's Stacy that they look out and care for each other. You are doing an amazing job raising them!!! My DD's are also very considerate and caring of each other and it just warms my heart as I'm sure it does yours!


Good luck with school. The nutrition project sounds like it will be fun, even though it's work! As you learn good tidbits, pass them on!


Beth and LeeAnn- Hope you had a good Sunday!!! I spent the afternoon with Ryan and Dd again and they came here for dinner. I asked Dd if she would mind going home so I could crochet a little! Of course she said she'd leave and totally understood that I needed a little 'me' time. As much as I LOVE spending time with them, my hook and yarn are calling and I really want to finish the purple shawl! Not enough hours in the day.


Better get off the computer, or the crocheting will never happen!

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hiya friends!


Joanne-how cute that your dd came over with Ryan and yet respects your need to relax. :manyheart Ready for the week?


Beth-how was your weekend?


Stacy-how are your feet feeling? hopefully not as paiful.


Tomorrow is the first day of school..:lol Happy, scared and sad to see summer come to an end. Yesterday I worked on soapies in between cleaning and laundry, today we had a Court of Honor Scout event, had to make a dish-Italian Salad. We went early to set up...uggghh...took a long time. Before that, I ironed both of my kiddos clothes for the week, got everything ready and my craft room cleaned up. Going to head to bed in a few as tomorrow will be run run run.


Here's a sneak peak of some of the Harvest soaps, what do you all think?


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Good evening!


Joanne, it was sweet of your DD to bring Ryan over for dinner, and that she respected your "me" time. :manyheart


Leeann, your soapies are adorable, as always! :manyheart Good luck to your kiddos with the first day of school!


Beth, I made BLT salad tonight! It was a hit. Dh's friend was over and he really liked it, also. Hope you had a great weekend. :hug:hug:hug


We just hung out today, as planned. :whew Thank goodness. My tootsies were very sore, but thankfully the painful walking disappeared quickly. Dh's friend came over, and we all played Fruit Ninja and a couple other games. The weather has cooled tremendously, so I left all the windows open and there is a nice breeze. :clap

Tomorrow is the first day of school for dh and me. I'm a little nervous because I really need a morning stats class. The one I am enrolled in is Tuesday night, but dh also has class at that time. :think

I'm off to get ready for bed. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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Joanne, Good morning! I'm glad you got some Ryan time and some "me" time in. What a great combination! How goes the purple shawl?


Stacy, I certainly hope you get the morning class you need. It must be a challenge to take courses you need and fit your schedule around your hubby and kids. I admire any prarents who go back to college.


LeeAnn, you always make beautiful things. Love your soapies. I hope the school year goes well for your kids.


Marisa, are you back from your trip yet? We've missed you, but it has been fun to see the pics on Facebook!


My kids have come to an agreement about travelling together, even though it means substantial waits for my dd before class and for my ds after class. I'm so glad. Otherwise, I'd have to go to the college 3 times today to chauffeur.

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