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I've never lived in a small town, Mary. I'm not sure if I'd get used to everyone knowing who I am :lol Now that DH changed jobs though we may consider moving closer to his work (to a smaller town just north of here). Property taxes are going to go through the roof here given some things that are going on. It's just the pros and cons with DD.


it's easier to do it before she gets entrenched in the school...

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I've never lived in a small town, Mary. I'm not sure if I'd get used to everyone knowing who I am :lol Now that DH changed jobs though we may consider moving closer to his work (to a smaller town just north of here). Property taxes are going to go through the roof here given some things that are going on. It's just the pros and cons with DD.

She is still young Colleen- but I know what you mean- it's tough to uproot children. That's one reason I lived in the same town until my DD's were done with school (b/4 college). I met DH when my youngest was a Junior in HS and wouldn't leave where I lived until she graduated. I needed to stay in the school district.


It's funny though that even though my DD's were raised in the suburbs, two of them have become city girls!


Yay- the Devils won in OT!

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Which town??


Fergus. I said, just north of the city. Just a little bit :lol (It's like 15 minutes north of here, for the rest of you). Hardly a move, really.


it's easier to do it before she gets entrenched in the school...


That's the problem. We like her school and it's a good school. We're not sure she'll get as good an education there. Plus Fergus is nice, but the high school has a horrible reputation for drugs. That said, the high school she will go to here if boundaries stay the same has a horrible reputation for gangs (not that she would get involved in them because they are culturally-based). What can you do?

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I would love to live in a town that had a "downtown"- a cafe, yarn store, independent bookstore, grocery,--someplace I could walk to- - I would love to not have to rely on a car to get everywhere.


DH says I'd never make it in a city- that I don't have the patience- I think it would teach me patience- I dont have a problem when I'm with DD and we are waiting for the bus or waiting for the T- hey if you have a good book and an ipod while you are waiting the time flies by!

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If you moved to a small town you would never go back to the city. You get used to it really fast.


I don't know about all that. :lol I lived in a small town for 20 years before moving to L.A. and honestly- I wouldn't go back to living in a small town. Or maybe I wouldn't go back to living in that small town. :rofl

If I could move anywhere in the world I'd probably move to Boston for the summer and someplace warm in the winter- maybe Charlotte NC or Arizona.


My ideal vacation would be to see Europe- Italy, Ireland, Germany, Scotland, France, Poland


Ooooh mine, too! I would love to tour all of them! Of course, I'd have to take a nanny along. I wouldn't want my kids to miss it, but I would want some time alone with dh. :wink:lol

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:lol about the nanny! I noticed a lot of families vacationing at Disney with Grandparents. I was thinking, who would want to vacation with their parents. Then I saw the parents at the bar in the evening and I thought...wow, that's brilliant!


I read a want ad for a nanny today and they wanted someone to teach their children values, bath them, feed them, dress them, put them to bed 5 days a week, play games/do educational things with them. I thought, that's not a nanny that's a foster parent. Good grief!

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Fergus. I said, just north of the city. Just a little bit :lol (It's like 15 minutes north of here, for the rest of you). Hardly a move, really.




That's the problem. We like her school and it's a good school. We're not sure she'll get as good an education there. Plus Fergus is nice, but the high school has a horrible reputation for drugs. That said, the high school she will go to here if boundaries stay the same has a horrible reputation for gangs (not that she would get involved in them because they are culturally-based). What can you do?


We have that problem here, too. I'm very worried about the girls going to high school here. We are hoping that, by then, we will be able to send them to private school.

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I read a want ad for a nanny today and they wanted someone to teach their children values, bath them, feed them, dress them, put them to bed 5 days a week, play games/do educational things with them. I thought, that's not a nanny that's a foster parent. Good grief!


Mmm- wonder why they had children if they don't want to teach them values, bathe them, love them- I don't understand that at all!

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Mary, I would miss interacting with people, I think. Despite being extremely shy, I do enjoy having people around me. :blush:think


Colleen, that is so sad. I feel for kids like that. On the plane home from MI, I sat next to a woman who owned several health clinics and was on the plane more than she was off. She admitted that her MIL raised her kids, which she was perfectly fine with. I just wonder why people like that have children in the first place. :(

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Stacy I grew up in Toronto and had my kids there. We moved up here 17 1/2 years ago. You are still young so I can see that you would miss the city. Me as long as I have my yarn Iam all set.


Me too!!!! I could care if I ever went anywhere as long as I have my stash!

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I bet that's one of the reason some people decide to homeschool. I give Beth so much credit for home-schooling her inventions!

I don't think I would have been able to do that- i was lucky in that the school district where my DD's went to school was a good one. My oldest DD went to a private prep school because she was so smart and was bored in public school- she even got a scholarship- I couldn't have afforded it - at the time (she is 30 now) the tuition was 11,000/year! (Rutgers where she went to college was 10,000/year with room and board

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