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Some good clean fun?!

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slept 15 hours last night/today... went to bed at 9 pm last night and didn't get up til a little after noon... guess I needed it. Doing laundry and trying to do my weekly scoop all of Keith's toys back to his bedroom...


we spent yesterday first at fiance's mom's as he needed to work on his truck and his step-dad helped him then went to one of his cousins so he could do some electrical work for him (paid)


Beth - congrats on your son winning 5 swimming events and hope you rested your leg after standing for so long... if I make a flannelghan it'll either be dark/light blue, dark/light green or dark/light purple, or maybe brown/tan since I'll eventually be redecorating the whole living room in colors of gold/green/brown... the other 3 colors are my favorite colors... If I did one for keith first like Stacy suggested it'd be probably green/blue since those are his favorite colors... (lol guess eventually I'll end up making several to get all the colors I want)


all the siggy's for Stacy are hysterical...


Mary - :hug hope things get better for you soon. You're not being a downer =0)


lol I've lived in so many different places that I've managed to live where soft drinks have been called all that's been listed (soda, pop, sodapop, coke, tonic... )


Joanne - your flannelghan is lovely =0)


LeaAnne - you and your "flannelghan" are too funny....


:hug to everyone else and hope you all are having a good weekend (and for you sports fans hope you enjoy the games whether your team wins or loses... lol watching the colts/jets game but really don't care for football but fiance loves it btw he's rooting for the colts LOL)

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Oh, Vicki- really?! :rofl And here I was, telling dh we have to root for the Jets. I just don't know anymore...:lol Maybe if you send that laundry fairy my way, I will forgive you. :wink


Joanne, hope you had a nice brunch with your dd's. I'm all for rain, but not if it affects plans. :wink Good luck to dh with his physical. I had to :heehee at his giving notice already. He must really be excited!


Colleen, a playdate and dinner with dh sound like a wonderful Sunday. :manyheart Have fun!


Beth, there is still a Ben Franklin where my parents live! I should have my mom go check to see if they are closing, also. :lol Hope you find some great sales!


Mary, sorry you aren't sleeping well again. Maybe you can get a nap in today? Have fun with dd and dgk's. :hug Thanks for relaying the message from Scooby.


Sarah, Leanne, Scooby, Shannon- hope you're having a great Sunday! :hug


Dh and I went to check out a new church today. Neither of us was thrilled with it. There is another one in our area that we may try out next week. We're looking for something closer because our home church is now a 20-minute drive (without traffic.)

Dinner is in the crockpot. Isabella is at the library with Roomie and her oldest, the younger ones are playing puzzles at the table, and dh is watching the games. I need to run to the store for chips and dip, then I have some laundry to catch up on. Be back later! :hug

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Oh, Leanne, thanks for the pointers on the Etsy shop. If I did open one, it would be just hats for now, and they are all my own patterns, as I usually make them up as I go. :lol Lots of them have animal ears (which are very popular around here :think.) I will be sure to check copyrights if I do use patterns, though. :tup

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There is a thread here on the ville- under crochet-alongs entitled Lumberjack Flannelghan. http://www.crochetville.org/forum/showthread.php?t=42711


RoseRed, one of the members of the forum shared her pattern which is in the first post. It works up really quickly- you use 2 strands of yarn throughout- the thing that took me the longest was whipstitching the strips together and weaving in the dreaded ends! :lol

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Ok, the Jets are still winnning 17-13 but had another missed field goal- i hope these 2 missed field goals don't cost them the game.


It is a good game though- Let's go JETS!


How are you doing Vicki?? Colts are at the 15 now

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Awww Keith was sitting the chair watching football on tv and fell asleep... he looks so cute when he falls asleep cause his head tilts so his nose is in the air...

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Sarah- LOL- but the happiness of my nephew who has been a JETS fan for all of his 15 years depends on a JETS win- LOL


LOL well I'm contrary so cause fiance is rooting for the Colts I go for the Jets (lol can you tell I'm not a football fan since it doesn't matter to me who wins... I just like to be contrary)

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Sorry Vicki- The Jets gave it a good try-at least in the 2nd quarter! They have a good team, though and I have a feeling that they will do good next year. They are an up and coming team-


Sarah- there will be happiness in your household tonight with the Colts win.



Now let's see how Shannon's Saints do--- Geaux Saints!

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Sorry Vicki- The Jets gave it a good try-at least in the 2nd quarter! They have a good team, though and I have a feeling that they will do good next year. They are an up and coming team-


Sarah- there will be happiness in your household tonight with the Colts win.



Now let's see how Shannon's Saints do--- Geaux Saints!


LOL don't remember who he's going for in this next game... lol whoever it is I"m going for the other team...

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hmm Keith is still asleep so either he didn't sleep good last night or isn't feeling good as those are the only reasons he'll fall asleep like he did (usually to get him to take a nap he has to sit on my lap) so for him to fall asleep sitting by himself is rare...

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:hi everyone!


My navy/gray/red ripple is done! :clap It is a scrap-ghan and the scraps are all done, so it is done. It's 40" by 43" :shrug Good enough!


Dinner out was nice. It is so nice to not have to cook as a treat. DD was in heaven. She just loves to eat out.


LeaAnne - Good luck at your new job tomorrow :hug I hope you have fun earning! That's cool that you make a square when you don't know what to make. Can I ask what you do with them all? Like they would be mismatched, right? I like making squares, but am afraid to have a bunch of missed matched square lying around unused.


Joanne - I'm glad you enjoyed brunch with your DDs.


Sarah - That is so cute that Keith fell asleep watching football. I love it when they fall asleep sitting up. So cute!


Beth - WTG to your DS on the 5 wins and I hope you are feeling alright today after your long day of standing. How is your afghan coming along?


Vicki - It sounds like your fave team didn't win :( Didn't they know it was your birthday week?


Mary - I hope you enjoy your visit with the DGKs.


Stacy - WTG with your hat sales!


:hi to Scooby, Shannon, Chaya, C4J, Frogger, Tena, Judy, and anyone I've missed.

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Yes, the JETS lost. It was a good game until the 4th quarter. I told hubby that Peyton is a 4th quarter QB. HE has been all season. He should know that. Peyton was his fantasy football QB and he would run his team down the field in the 4th quarter all season to win every week. But the JETS kept it close and Sanchez played a great game. They will be back and have a good season next year. There is a reason why there has never been a rookie QB in the Super bowl. Now I can root for Shannon's Saints!

Colleen - No, they must not know it is my birthday week! Terrible of them, I know!

Stacy - Sorry, but I just had too. It was just too much fun. I will try to get a laundry elf out to you. Let me see if he can fly out there in the next few days!

Beth - YAY for DS and the swim meet! How did your leg hold up?

Sarah - Hope Keith is feeling ok. It must be allergies. My DD is complaining of a sore throat and a head ache today. Change in the weather, maybe?

Joanne - Glad you had a good brunch. How did the house showing go?

Hope everyone had a great Sunday. I am off to continue crocheting the baby blanket. I did manage to work on my paper for a while this afternoon. I sent it off to my professor too! I still need to add stuff to it, but I need to research more information on chi squares. I don't think I have enough.

Have a great night all and see you on the flip side!


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Well this is a good game- and The Saints are winning. And Favre is starting to look old- he took a lot of hits and I think it is time for him to really retire- not retire-un-retire, retire- un-retire like he does. Time to face the fact that his playing days are behind him.


I got a lot done on my never ending square- 25 rows done! This will be for DD in Boston-for Christmas- she is the only one that doesn't have a ghan from me!


Colleen- glad you had a nice dinner out! It is always a treat when you don't have to cook! And WTG on completing your scrap ripple- do we get pictures?:yes


Vicki- Yes, you are right- the Jets will be a good team next year. Sanchez did great for a rookie QB! Good job on getting your paper into your professor! How did DD enjoy DI yesterday?


LeaAnne- have a good first day tomorrow!

To everyone else- have a great rest of the evening- Geaux Saints

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:yay yay 2 more weeks and no more football... which means fiance will get things done on Sundays again LOL (ok yes I'm not a sports fan, especially football since the one and only time I played it was in junior high in P.E. and the first day when they were teaching us to throw and catch I fractured my finger and the doctors made fun of me so haven't liked it since then...)
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Hi all!


Vicki, sorry about your Jets. WTG on getting your paper in to your professor. :clap


Joanne, WTG on getting 25 rows done! You are on a roll. :woo


Leanne, good luck on your first day! :hug


Colleen, glad you had a nice dinner. WTG on getting your scrap-ghan done. Do we get :photo?


Sarah, I hope Keith feels better soon. :manyheart


I finished dinner and worked on a hat. Folded 1 load of laundry, still have one in the washer and one in the dryer. Put dishes away and loaded up the dinner dishes. I'm going to work on the hat some more until the next load is done. Stupid George is on his way and I am just feeling funky. :( Hope you all have a great night. Geaux Saints! It's almost the end- I hope they can hold on!

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Woot Shannon!!! Your Saints are goin' to the Super Bowl! Who dat!! :lol:hug

I actually watched the game, too. Dh was like, "Uh, why are you suddenly watching football?" :lol

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No worries, I'll take pics of the scrap ripple, but I have lots of ends to weave. I'm about 1/4 the way through endweaving.


Vicki - WTG at getting your paper to your prof.


Shannon - Congrats on your Saints!


Sarah - Glad to hear Keith is doing alright.


Joanne - 25 rows already :eek I'm going to have to start calling you Mary :lol


I worked on my Christmas Sampler-ghan this evening. :c9 Fun, fun, fun!

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I'm here before Joanne? What's up with that???:think


:morcoffee Good morning!!! My day started bad, so it's going to get a lot better.


Joanne, you fly through those never ending grannies! That's impressive, getting 25 rows done like that.


Colleen, can't wait to see the scrap ripple. I think dinner out is a wonderful treat, too, but have trouble finding places where I can eat comfortably with the food allergy issues. Where did you go, and what did you get?


Stacy, first they try to brainwash you into making a flannelghan, or two or three, if I can figure out how many you are supposed to make for other people,... then they get you to watch football? This group is subversive!!! Be ware!!! :rofl


Sarah, I'm glad Keith is OK. He must have been a tired boy.


Vicki, sounds like you are making a lot of progress on your paper. I :nworthy to you, working, being a mom, crocheting, and doing research. You :2rock.


Mary, here's a :hug from wet but warm Virginia. I hope your corner of God's country is peaceful and full of love!


LeaAnne, Scooby, Tena, Frogger, and everyone else (did I mention I haven't had my coffee yet?) Have an awesome Monday!

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Good Monday Morning!

Yes, Beth- you were here before me- I slept until the alarm went off and then really needed my cup of java!!



Sarah- glad that Keith is ok- and that he was only tired. And I will be sad when football is over! How many days until pitchers/catchers report??


Colleen- what pattern are you using for your Christmas sampler afghan- that does sound like fun.


Stacy- Woot- watching football- let me tell you- that was a good game of football- love it when they are close and love it even more when the team I'm rooting for wins!!! You couldn't have picked a better one to watch....and yes we are a subversive bunch here- flannelghan...football....flannelghan...football...sports....


Mary- Hope you had a relaxing day with your DD and working on the snowflake afghan.


LeaAnne- Have fun at your first day of work!!


Vicki- Did you watch the Saints game or did the Magical Chair overcome you? :lol


Scooby- hope you are ok- and that drama has lessened. Miss you around here.


C4J, Frogger, Tena- and anyone else I may have forgotten- Wishing you a great day

Well, I'd better skedaddle and get ready to begin my 12 day workweek!


Hugs to all!!

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