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Some good clean fun?!

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Hi Joanne!! I was afraid I missed you! My badorkas is back where it belongs! With the bestest gals in the world!!:yes

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OK, I think I caught up.


So, Shannon, spill the beans. What's new? How's Janna? How are YOU? How was your trip?


LeaAnne - An all-nighter! :faint Oh, those were the days. If I did that now I'd probably end up in the hospital :rofl

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:hi LeeAnn! You're here too I think! How was DD's day at school today? Was there room on the bus?


:hi Mary thanks again for calling. Bestiest Besties in the whole world!


:hi Joanne! You hookin' again?

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OK, I think I caught up.


So, Shannon, spill the beans. What's new? How's Janna? How are YOU? How was your trip?


LeaAnne - An all-nighter! :faint Oh, those were the days. If I did that now I'd probably end up in the hospital :rofl


In all of my life and all of my sleep overs, I NEVER made an all nighter!!!! I always, slept?:think:rofl ...no matter how hard I would try.

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Not much new. Just busy. Janna is wonderful and LOVES school!


My trip was alright. I missed one race because of a migraine, and Kyle Busch won the big race, which really ticked me off. But all in all, it was fun!


What's going on with you?

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In all of my life and all of my sleep overs, I NEVER made an all nighter!!!! I always, slept?:think:rofl ...no matter how hard I would try.


When I was in my first year at University I pulled an all-nighter to write an essay. Went to bed at 7:00 am or something crazy like that and set my alarm to wake me up to take my essay into the class it was due for. I woke up 5 minutes after class was over and my alarm had been going for 1.5 hours :lol

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LeaAnne, I cannot believe they pulled an overnight-er!! :eek:faint I think in all my sleepover years, I've never done that. I did it maybe once since I've been an adult. :rofl

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When I was in my first year at University I pulled an all-nighter to write an essay. Went to bed at 7:00 am or something crazy like that and set my alarm to wake me up to take my essay into the class it was due for. I woke up 5 minutes after class was over and my alarm had been going for 1.5 hours :lol



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HI everyone!!


Shannon!!!! Long time no "see"


The ville is crawling for me tonight- I'm losing my patience with it- seems to take forever to reload the page!!


And yes, I'll get this sunflower- just takes me longer than everyone else to "get it", I guess. I'll try again tomorrow night. Makes me feel a little dumb that everyone else just did it and said how easy it was- and here I am fumbling with it! Oh well, tomorrow will be a better day!

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Where was the race, Shannon?


Not much new with me. I'm enjoying some weeks with no trips or weddings or camps or anything and I'm feeling caught up on my housework :faint I have never felt that before :rofl It's great.


I baked chocolate chip muffins today (thanks LeaAnne for the idea :wink) and I baked 2 zuccini breads, put 1.5 in the freezer. So I'm stocked up for goodies for a while.


Just finished buying the rest of that gift for the 10 yo. It will be a day late :blush I got her a little lip smackers set (nail polish, lip balm, glitter :shrug) and a magazine called Discovery Girl. Says it's for 8 and up :shrug That and the movie pass, just need to wrap it.

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I lost track of who is all here so Hi Ladies


You, me, Shannon, Stacy, and Colleen. Joanne is in and out, and LeeAnn is finishing up homework with her chickens and she'll be back :whew

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