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Some good clean fun?!

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Good morning all! Happy Hump day! I never even turned on my computer yesterday! I caught up on all that I missed yesterday!

Leeann - Love the squares! Very pretty! I'm sure you have said, but I don't remember. Who is this one for? Who ever it will love it!

Joanne - Glad the weather is cooperating for you this week! And yes, the Yankees lost last night. I agree with you, I think the Royals hit him on purpose. Each successive pitch came closer and closer inside.

Stacy - Are you near those wild fires? I am hoping that you are safe and not near them. Glad you had a good day at the park and the girls have fun.

Beth - I was wide awake when you were this morning. I just didn't get up and get on the computer! Hope you were able to get back to sleep. I took me forever!

Marisa - Hope you have a slower day at work today and that you get to eat lunch! Have fun going to paint ball this weekend. I have never done that. My hubby has done that in his past, but I have never been. Enjoy it! Did you pick a pattern for your new bag?

Mary - Glad that everything will be taken care of this week. I will keep you in my prayers this week. When is DD and the GKs coming? That will be nice to see them. You are already behind on your hooking? Oh, my, what will you do?

Colleen - How are things up by you? What is DD up to lately? Hope all is well.

Sarah - The bear dress is just gorgeous! You really do need to write down that pattern. I would love to see it! What is the white trim made out of?

I think I will change sheets today. I already have all the laundry folded (unlike last week when I just procrasinated doing it!), so that is done. I will probably clean a bathroom today too. I like summer. I can do all this cleaning stuff a little at a time and still have time to play!!!!:lol

Have a good day all and I will talk to you all later!


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Hi, gang!


I hope this post finds you well and :U today



Mary - I am especially thinking of you with your biopsy results and your nephew issue. extra prayers and :hug:hug


Joanne - you are on "cow"ntdown to "Cow Hampshire" :clap:clap:clap I am so very excited for you! We are supposed to be getting a nice weekend up here:yes Upper 70's to low 80's during the day, and no thunder storms! Perfect! I hope you have a safe trip.


Beth - :xfin that the stitch removal helps your itchiness! I am thinking of you today, and wishing you some peaceful stitchin time, and catch up on some rest:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


Stacy - How are those adorable chickies of yours today? I hope you are all having fun. You are a cool mommy, doing all of those fun excursions with them! They will have lots of fun memories to carry with them through their lives:hug:hug


LeeAnn - I love your granny-ghan! it is very cheery:manyheart How do you do it? you work, and walk, and bike and crank out projects! I admire you, friend:yes:hug:hug


Colleen - Miss you!!! Is your summer flying by like mine? I, too, have been doing a bit more reading than stitching, although the last few days I haven't managed to do either.


Vicki - You have the fastest summer of all! :faint I can't believe it's almost over already:eek ...did you get your math done?


Sarah - your bear is adorable! I love her little green dress! I :heehee at you not writing things down as you do them... I am the same way. One one hand, you can't duplicate what you did... on the other hand, your works are true "originals". I guess it depends on how you view the world?

At any rate I hope you have a fabulous day, friend!:hug:hug


Marisa - Hoping you have a good and not overwhelming work day today. Enjoy lunch! :hug


:waving Shannon, and Scooby.... miss you girls around here!


...hey, are we still chatting tonight?:think

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Just a quick note: the stitches are out, the back is less itchy, and I'm allowed to swim already! Quicksilver failed inspection -- the break calipers are too thin, so she's with my favorite mechanic, getting an oil change, some filters changed, and a complete brake job. With 3 new drivers, I can see how things get used a little more than usual.


Happy Wednesday (is that right this time?) Hope your day goes well. Mine is wonderful! i don't have wheels, so I am "stuck" at home, in the a/c, with my crochet.

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Hey all!


Vicki, you and I are on the same wavelength today. I changed the sheets, cleaned the bathroom, and have 2 loads of laundry finished. One more to go. I am thankful that my kiddos are good at playing together and keeping themselves occupied. Although Mia did insist on "helping" with the bathroom. :lol


Mary, thinking of you and praying that the nephew issue is resolved! Any word on your biopsy? :hug:hug:hug


LeaAnne, how are things at the chicken coop? Are you getting caught up on household-ish stuff? The chickens must be thrilled to see their friends again. :hug:hug:hug


Beth, I hope getting the stitches out helps relieve your itchiness. :hug:hug:hug I had a good :heehee at saying hello to Maryann and the Professor. I love your humor. Oh, the jacket I'm working on is the "hooked on a feeling" shrug from the September issue of Crochet! It's pretty easy but I'm not sure about the color I'm using. I'd like to use Cotton-Ease instead but I don't have enough of one color to finish it.


Everyone else, happy Hump Day!! Here are lots of :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug.


I should still be here tonight. Dh is going to be late tonight, between 5 and 6. I'm planning to have dinner ready right when he gets here, but at the latest, I will be here by 6:30.


Off to take my shower! BBL!

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Marisa - YAY for getting new glasses. I have 2 pair but save mine in case one gets broke (oh the joys of having a boy, my last pair was literally held together by string and superglue when I went to get the new ones) Sorry you got such a late lunch yesterday, hopefully today is better


Joanne - I've been wearing glasses continuously for 16 years now (don't like contacts, can't stand putting things near my eyes) as I can just barely read a book w/o my glasses =0( YAY for vacation time coming up =0)


LeaAnne - hope today is less busy for you.


LeeAnn - granny ghan is looking pretty. Hope today isn't as busy (I keep wanting to type busy as buys LOL)


Stacy - glad the picnic went well. YAY for Isabella picking animal books and telling you all about them. Hope you can decide what you want to do soon.


Beth - itching is good. Means it's healing. YAY for getting stiches out. I always get wire frames for the same reason. My ears are NOT level, one sits higher than the other. Sorry for vehicle failing inspection. LOL @ your being "stuck" in a/c and crocheting.


Vicki - hmm I think I can go back and count stitches when I get a free moment. It's just mostly alternating single and double crochet. And the sleeves were crocheted directly onto the dress instead of sewn on (the dress was done in one piece). The white yarn is Hobby Lobby's Yarn Bee Frosting in Iced White but they discontinued it not long after I finished my tree skirt. I was using up what I had left after making my tree skirt. They have another yarn that's similar Yarn Bee Cameo Bulky. Laundry gets done here, but rarely folded. LOL


Thanks everyone. Dress worked up quicker and easier than I thought it would. Trying to get the living room picked up. Then need to work on the bedroom once Doug gets home.

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Just got in a little while ago- I had my get rid of the gray hair appointment tonight- gotta look good for all the cousins!!!


Marisa- I'm heading to New Hampshire- my cousin lives there and is hosting a "cousin's party Saturday" We're staying till MOnday and not sure what else we are doing next week- we may just come home and do some day trips- one of them being to the Jersey Shore for the day, maybe NYC- who knows- we'll see how things work out.


Too bad my DD won't be home this weekend- she lives in Newark! LOL


I read everyone's post, but I'm starving!!! Gotta go get something to eat- I'll try and be back for chat! Got laundry to do- and an early day tomorrow- lots of work b/4 I'm on vacation!!!!

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Hello!!! Is anyone around? I will be here for a little while, to see if anyone shows up.


Joanne, good luck getting ready for your vacation! Also if you don't check in again, have a safe trip! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Did the laundry so that's all done b/4 vacation! Watching the Yankees- kind of boring since they are winning 8-0! But that's a good thing. Keeping it on in case A Rod hits his 600th HR tonight


What did you and the girls do today? And is your bathroom nice and shiny clean?:lol

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WE are leaving on Friday. And No, I'm not packed at all yet!!! Tomorrow will be a very busy day at work for me- lots to do- and then I want to go get a pedicure after work- I may not pack till Friday morning- We will probably leave here around 9 or so



Are the wildfires anywhere near you?

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Hi Sarah!


Be careful when you get a pedicure- I just read on the news website that people are getting terrible infections from gel manicures and pedicures lately. That said, I'm going on Saturday to get mine. :lol I don't get acrylics, though- just paint.

I don't think the wildfires are near us. They're somewhere in Kern county and I really don't know where that is. :shrug

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Hi Sarah! How are you? I absolutely love that bear dress you made- it is so cute!!! How's Keith these days?


Thank you. Keith is a handfull =0)

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Hi Sarah!


Be careful when you get a pedicure- I just read on the news website that people are getting terrible infections from gel manicures and pedicures lately. That said, I'm going on Saturday to get mine. :lol I don't get acrylics, though- just paint.

I don't think the wildfires are near us. They're somewhere in Kern county and I really don't know where that is. :shrug


That said, I'm still getting mine tomorrow night!:lol I used to get gels on my nails but I gave that up about 6 months ago. :lol I go "au naturel" now on my nails, but I do love pedicures!


Glad to hear the wildfires aren't near you!

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Alwayshooked. I added you as a friend a couple weeks ago, I think.


Sarah, are you on Ravelry?


Yes I friended you awhile back. Same name as on here.

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Sarah is solaceinmusic and she's in your friends- I forgot she was in my friends too- as were you!


I've been spending more time on Ravelry- lots of very neat patterns/projects/ideas- and I love the pictures!!!

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Thank you. Keith is a handfull =0)

Torrential threes? My Mia went through them- actually, she's perpetually a handful. :lolEva is starting to talk back and get her own little attitude, too. Your quote at the bottom of your siggie is certainly true. :yes

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Yes I friended you awhile back. Same name as on here.

:lol I answered that at the same time


I can't wait for the weather to get cooler to work on my granny stripe again- it just feels so hot on my lap even with the central AC- I keep it at 78 deg so it's comfortable in here, but not with a heavy ghan on!

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