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Some good clean fun?!

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It's really nice. I haven't read the entire chat- do you have a deadline for it? How is our Janna doing? When does she start the Montessori school?


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I am using lots of different Vanna's colors (and probably some Michael's impeccable colors too) So far I have used Wild Berry, Sapphire Blue and Mustard...


Glad to hear you had a good time at Knotts and I'm so happy you are going back to school!!!


I'm sitting in my comfy chair and have had my ipod on, so don't know what's happening with the Yankees --


Shannon- Don't you just love this pattern- mindless and easy! My kind of crocheting!

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I have all summer. I want her to be able to bring it to college with her. Janna's good. She had a big day today. A pool party this morning, then she went swimming with her daddy this evening. She'll sleep good tonight.


How are your girls? Did they have a blast at Knott's?

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I am loving it! I get so excited when I change colors! Isn't that silly? Your hook must be smoking if you already got 3 colors done! It took me a day to get the foundation and sc's finished.

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Night Vicki- sorry I was late to chat- but I got caught up in starting this ghan!


I'll have lots to catch up on in the morning!


Speaking o f which, I just looked and its nearing 11- and since I get up around 5:15, I'm going to call it a night too.


Have fun chatting Shannon and Stacy-


Shannon- I love the colors you are using on your ghan!

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Joanne, sounds like you are having quite the nice night. :manyheart Your colors sound pretty, too- I love deep, jewel tones.


The girls had so much fun. Mia didn't want to come home- she said she wanted to live at the hotel. :lol We saw a bunch of shows and they each went on their favorite rides a million times. We saw Snoopy and the gang but Mia was the only one who wanted to get a photo with them. Isabella is getting to old for that. She asked me yesterday, "Mommy, that's just a person in a costume, right?" It made me a little sad.

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I am loving it! I get so excited when I change colors! Isn't that silly? Your hook must be smoking if you already got 3 colors done! It took me a day to get the foundation and sc's finished.

Well, I don't know about smoking, but it was nice and quiet here since DH was out so I decided it was the time to start it! It helped using the bigger hook and I was able to concentrate on counting! :lol I started around 8:15.


I like the changing colors too and I'm taking care of the tails as i go--I don't want to be stuck with that at the end!


Now I still have to finish my granny ghan- 1 more 12 in square and whipstitch the remaining squares and it'll be done. I just couldn't wait to start the granny stripe though!

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Aww, that is sad Stacy. Why do they have to grow up? I'm glad they had fun. And I hear ya on the hotel thing. Janna asks me every week if we can go to Billy's hotel. My Uncle Billy works at a hotel in New Orleans, and that's where we stay when we go down there.

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"Mommy, that's just a person in a costume, right?" It made me a little sad.


Remember, Stacy- Ages and Stages! They all do grow up! Enjoy them each and every day-even on those days when they try your very last nerve!!:lol



I'd better say good night for real here or I'll be dragging my badorkus at work all day

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Thanks, Joanne. I tried to remember that, and also that I still have 2 who believe that the Snoopy costume is the real thing. :wink


Shannon, how cute! Billy's hotel. :manyheart Do you let her jump on the bed? The first thing my kids did when they got into the room was jump on the beds. Apparently my IL's let them jump from one to the other when they went to San Diego and they begged to do it. Isabella slipped around the 3rd or 4th time and put a ban on it. Mean ol' mommy. :lol

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No, we don't jump on beds. But BigBob will throw her onto the pillows.


I'll be back in a few. DH needs the computer.

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Good morning! Happy Hump Day! And Happy Last Day of School for LeaAnne's chickens!! Did Jamie have a great time at her dance?


Glad that I caught the tail end of the chat last night. Colleen, I hope today finds you feeling a little better and your throat less sore!


Stacy- So glad you had and the family had fun at Knotts!


Shannon- Have fun crocheting the granny stripe ghan- I'm loving it!


Vicki- Enjoy the World Cup today- Go USA! I wish I were going to be home to watch it!


Mary, Beth, LeeAnn and Sarah- wishing you good things for today.


Another hot humid day here- we had a few thunderstorms roll through but it seems more humid than before.


Cya all later- I have my " get rid of the grays" appointment after work today!

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Morning, friends!


I just finished catching up on the chat last night... I missed Joanne and Stacy. Poop!


Stacy- welcome home! so glad you had fun at Knott's! ...why couldn't you take classes for early ed & nutrition? Take care of your sunburn, and I hope you got some good rest.


Colleen - I hope you feel better today:(


Joanne - :lol about starting the new 'ghan before finishing your granny! It's so nice that you are enjoying it! a very happy hump day, right back atcha!


Vicki - I was so excited that you were here last night! I never get to chat with you... but always more than enjoy when i do!


Shannon - did you stay up all night working on that granny stripe? it really is coming out soooo pretty! It was awesome that you called chat last night:clap ...and even nicer to see you here!


LeeAnn, Sarah, Mary, Beth and Scooby - I hope are all doing great today:c9


Jamie had a great time at her dance, but was so tired she didn't much feel like chatting about it. :( She DID have a long day yesterday. I hope I will hear more about it today.


Meanwhile, I better get going! lots to do for the last time in 10 weeks! :lolHooray!:yay


have a great morning, friends, enjoy some hugs from me!


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Good morning friends! It was SOOO nice to chat last night! I am glad I was here for it!

LeaAnne - YAY for the last day of school! Glad Jamie had a good time at the dance! Can't wait to see the pictures!

Joanne - The Yankees won last night behind Andy Pettite! And Tampa Bay lost! Hope you enjoy your get rid of your gray appointment and have a great day at work!

Colleen - How are you feeling today? I hope better! Take it easy today my friend and relax a little.

Shannon - Your blanket is just beautiful! I can't wait to see it when it is done!

Stacy - So glad you all had a great time at Knott's. It is a little sad when the little ones realize the characters are really people in costume. How old is Isabella? My DD is getting to that age too. It makes me a little sad too. I know. Makes me a huge dork!

Beth - How are you doing, my friend? What are the reports on your dad? Hopefully all is well. How much running do you have today?

Mary - How much more do you have to make before the show? Good luck getting it all done!

Sarah - How are things by you? I hope you are done with all your sorting and things are put back in their places. Did you get your project started yet?

Leeanne - Have fun at your training today! How long does it last? Hopefully not all day and you can go home and relax a little!

Nothing huge planned here. I need to go to the doctor today and get a copy of my blood work order. I think I threw it away when I cleaned out my bag! OOPS! I need to go to the bank and Hobby Lobby. DD has tkd tonight so that means I am not cooking! YAY ME! I am going to fold some towels and then settle in to watch the World Cup and crochet the baby blanket that I am doing. I can't wait to finish it so I can get back to the baseball ghan!

Have a great day all and I will talk to you all later!

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I'm melting! I'm MELTING!!! It's beyond :hot here. Don't laugh, Stacy and Vicki and Shannon, but high 90's is really hot for me, particularly since the humidity is right up there with the temperature. MUGGY.


Today's running is mostly over. David is taking himself to work and home at his leisure, so I just need to keep the twins going. They mowed the ballet instructor's studio and home lawns. Then I dropped Robert at his staff meeting, took Amanda to her dance lesson, picked up Robert, and cooked lunch. Next, Amanda has her physical therapy, and we're done for the day!!! Except swimming when we feel like it. (I may be dropping Robert at the pool before I take Amanda to PT, then join him after.)


Our calendar is empty for tomorrow, except for my oldest working. :faint. So my other ds arranged a spur-of-the-moment pool party with a group of his friends and their families. We are all just showing up. I may take a cooler of sodas and water, but that would be the only thing we're doing for it. My type of party. No planning, no pain. Very little cleaning up before and after. I need to wash down my cooler.


My dad's results came back fine. I wish they had found something, so they could fix it.


I hope you all have a great day. I do love you all, but I just don't have time to read all the posts. I may just :lurk for a while, until things slow down a bit here. I am off work until July, at least. Hooray for that!

:hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug

Oh no! LeaAnne hugged me so tight, the ones I've been hogging popped out!!!

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I hear you about the muggy-ness Beth. I'm sure it's worse there, but it is 90 degrees F here right now and that is before your factor in the humidity (and it is very humid!). M-U-G-G-Y-!


I have had a good day. The sore throat is gone. I still have a bit of tightness in my chest and the sexy laringitis voice going on. All in all though I'm feeling much better. It's nice to be able to swallow without pain. :yes I took myself out this morning and got my hair cut and styled. I stopped for some fresh fruit at the store (and found green sauce, so Vicki we are having your Chicken Enchilada casserole tomorrow ... They call it Salsa Tomatillo Verde...is it spicy?). I've done 2 loads of laundry, all dried on the line, folded and put away. I cleaned out my bathroom drawer (that was a job that was long overdue!!). Ran and emptied the dishwasher. I did my nails (both toes and hands :D). Now I'm procrastinating on making supper. I've got the meat defrosted I just have to cook it up for DD and Grandma to enjoy while we go out for dinner :clap DH and I are going out for a night out with his department at work.


LeaAnne - Happy summer vacation! :cheer:clap:yay


Vicki - Enjoy your day.


Beth - :hug Back at'cha and we'll be here when you have time.


Stacy - :yay for a great trip to Knotts! My DD knows the characters are people in costumes. I think otherwise she'd be afraid of them :lol


Joanne and Shannon - :yay for your Granny Stripes! I'm thinking that might make a good project for using up scraps as a scarf. What do you think? :think


:hi Mary, LeeAnn, Sarah, Scooby, and all our friends!

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