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Shannon: glad you arrived safely


Colleen: :clap for a nice walk


Stacy: hope you figure out what to do with the snowflakes. Hope your daughters are feeling better.


Vicki: sorry about the pinkeye, did you get much rain this morning?


LeeAnn: :cheerfor the 3 mile walk


Joanne: :yay for progress on the squares.


Beht: :yay for getting something done today


Mary: hope your trip went well.


:hug hugs to everyone and hope I didn't miss anyone.

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Had a scare this morning. Strong thunderstorms went through here just before 10 am and caused some damage 4 miles down the road (tore the roof off a building and some other damage). The winds here were strong enough to shake this trailer rather hard (so hard I grabbed Keith and went to the bathroom since it's the only room with no windows). Only damage was my Welcome Bear got knocked off the porch and shattered =0( But seeing it on the 5 o'clock news the damage just down the road brought it home just how fragile this trailer is.


Of course Keith didn't like me not letting him go watch the thunderstorm/rain out the window but with wind like that I didn't want him going near any windows.


We're fine. Had me jittery for the rest of the day, Keith was fine, he was more put out about not being able to watch the storm cause he doesn't understand how dangerous strong wind can be.


Well back to work on clearing the bed back off AGAIN (keep having to pile stuff on the bed, go through it and the other stuff in the room, then clear the bed back off again at night) Hope you all had a good day.

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Hey all!


LeaAnne, your MIL does rock! How nice of her, and I'm glad you had a nice time :blah with her. Thanks for the update on Shannon, and for working on my my snowflake dilemma. I'm thinking maybe the only way to go is to frog them all and make them the correct way. :(


Sarah, I'm so glad that you are all safe! How scary that must've been for you. :hug:hug:hug


Leeann, glad to hear the kids liked the pizza. I will definitely have to try that soon.


Isabella and I went rollerblading for about 20 minutes. We realized at the next street over that we hadn't brought water, so we just made a big rectangle and made our way home. I'm planning to go back out on Thursday, though, and will definitely remember to take it! It is also supposed to be cooler, so that should help.

Mia was up and playing with the other girls earlier. She put herself to sleep at 6, though- I'm hoping that lots of rest will help her! The two classes are having a rehearsal tomorrow morning so *if she goes* she needs to be there at 8 a.m. We will see how she feels when I get up with dh at 5:30.

Well besties, I am going to scoot for the night. I am not feeling too well, and I still want to play with the stars for a bit. Love and hugs!

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Hi, girls and Happy Wednesday!


I don't have to go play this morning, so I guess it'll be laundry and floor washing after I get the cherubs to school... I have lots of purging and organizing to do, but hey, a girl can only do so much!:lol


Sarah - that is very scary about your storm yesterday! I hope that the weather is better today! Please try to take good care of you today:hugand good luck on your reorganizing project... slow and steady wins the race, friend!


Stacy - I hope Mia is better, and that you and Isabella get to enjoy rollerblading tonight! It sounds fun!


Colleen and Mary - praying that you get to Hook up today!


Joanne - have a great day at work


Vicki - have a great day at "not work":lol


Beth - :hug:hug for a great day for you! How are you holding up without DH?:(


Shannon - hoping you got a good night's sleep... travelling can wear you out!


LeeAnn - what fun do you have planned today? Are your kids out for the summer, too? Do you have an alternate :crocheting project, or is the flannelghan it for now?


Scooby - make it a great day! :hug:hug




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Morning, all!


Mia still has a fever, and one of the girls played with the thermometer yesterday, so I can't find it to see how high it is. She is begging me to take her to school, though, so she must be feeling better. :lol

Not much planned today. I have to run to Target for a few things. Dh is pushing me to take her to the dr., but she has no other symptoms besides a fever. She went through a period when she was 3 where she would spike a fever for about 2 days, then it would stop, and come back again in a month or so. Maybe this is the same thing. :shrug


Leanne, enjoy your "day off." I think you are right- a girl can only do so much. Then she must stop and have a :crocheting break. :devil Have a great day, my friend! :hug


Love and hugs to all! I just saw the time and realized it's time to get the girls up for school. Have a great day! :hug:hug:hug



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Hi gang! It is a busy Wednesday morning here. My sister just called me and we were on the phone for a bit. Then the guys came to mow the lawn so the dogs are barking up a storm because they think there is someone here to play with! Since I went outside to pay them I figured I should pick up my mail, which I haven't done in days! So I just went through all that and found that my new medical cards came! YAY! Now I can figure out how to drop the other medical that I picked up from my job! YAY! I will wait until July to do that. That is when the enrollment period is and changes can be made then.

I need to begin cleaning! DD needs to change her sheets again and I need to wash her blanket! I didn't think of that. Sister told me to do that! Right now she is painting a picture so once she is done we will start all that. Then I will wipe down her wii remotes. She has been playing that a lot lately since we bought her a game at the end of the school year.


I need to get going. I have to go back and read what evryone posted yesterday. I was trying to read it while sis was on the phone, but that didn't work very well!



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well, today has gone nothing like I planned so far, but that's ok...

I spent some time at the school, tying up loose ends, then a long time on the phone! A fellow mom who I haven't chatted with in a loooonnnng time gave me a buzz to catch up:c9 ... it was so nice! We are trying to make plans to bring our broods (she also has 4 kids) to the beach on the first day of vacation... :xfin...


Hope you are all having a great day! I gotta go get my laundry folded and put away, and finish getting my bedding washed. then, run the vac and sweep, and it will be time to get everyone from school..


Love you all!


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:hi It is a rainy, soggy kinda day. Unfortunately the field trip was supposed to be outside, but they made do and it was a nice trip. The kids learned about plants, made lavendar sachets, did leaf rubbings, and learned about bugs. They are so cute, I just love them. :manyheart


I am home now, had some soup and a hot coffee to warm me up after the damp morning. I got my new Crochet Today in the mail :hyper. I could happily sit on the couch and crochet all afternoon, but there is one thing better than crocheting and that is .... seeing friends! I'm off to meet Mary shortly and then I'll be back later to tell you all about it!


Now the dilemma...to buy yarn or not to buy yarn :think

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Good Morning!:ghug

Sounds like everyone is off to a running start!:lol


LeaAnne-that was great that you were able to chat with a friend! I'm a chatterbox and often get distracted. Hope you get to your chores so that you can have the evening to relax and have fun.


Colleen & Mary-that is sooo wonderful that the two of you are getting to meet. I often wonder what all of you look like. It's nice to put a face with whatcha read.:hug


Joanne-Happy Wednesday dear friend! Hope you have a good one!


Vicki-awww, I forgot about disinfecting...we have to do that often with ds allergies and asthma. I like it now that he's older, he can help out :devil did you ever get a chance to :hook?


Stacy-how ya doing today? do your gals feel better? fevers can be tricky.


Sarah-hope you have a better day!


Beth-how are you?


Went for my walk this morning, about 2 1/2 miles. I feel sore but it's not too bad. I am wanting to walk before going to work in the mornings, like at 6:15,:eek I hope I can!


We are getting "Betty" ready today (she's our camping trailer) have to get her bathroom cleaned and sweep and mop her. I also wanted to spruce her up a bit...have lots of other chores to do. I am going to enlist the kiddos in the process. They are tickled to death that we named her! :yes


best get a move on it! Talk to you all soon!:hug:hug:heart

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Hi all!


It was an early day here. I took Isabella to school right as the doors opened, so I could have Mia at school by 7:45. We made it just in time! :whew I didn't want to take her to school but she had an absolute fit when she found out she couldn't go again.

Eva and I did some running, to Target, Trader Joe's, and Vons. I also had to drop off dh's books at the UPS store, then we went to have the car washed. Dh called to say that FIL got Dodger's tickets again, but it sounds like he wants to go this time. So they are taking Isabella and Mia (if she's feeling up to it) and I will stay home with Eva. It should be a quiet night. Maybe I'll take her for a walk once it cools down.

When we finally came home, the front door was unlocked completely. :thair This is about the 20th time we have come home to find at least one door unlocked and/or open. Really- how hard is it to lock a door? So I did what any irritated person would do- I got out the broom, mops, and vacuum! :rofl I swept and mopped the kitchen and living room floors and vacuumed the rugs, to blow off a little steam. It worked mostly. Then I washed dh's jersey, which had a stain on it. Thankfully it's white, so I just bleached it, but I was worried about the bleach soaking up into the stitching, so I only left it for a few minutes. The stain didn't come out entirely, but it's light enough, I guess. :shrug


LeaAnne, how fun that you :blah with an IRL!! :manyheart Hope you finished everything else in time. Oh, I'm going to try flat-braid joining with a larger hook tonight. The snowflakes were made with a 6.0, so I'll try it with a 6.5. The next size I have is an 8 and I know that will be too ruffly.


Leeann, how fun to get Betty ready for travel! Are you going anywhere soon, or do you just want to get her all cleaned up and ready? :clap for walking, too! 6:15 is early to be walking but I'm sure it wil be nice and cool at that time.


Colleen, the field trip sounds like fun. I'm sure the kids had fun despite the weather. :yes Can't wait to hear all about your trip to see Mary! Will dd be going with you this time?


Vicki, I hope you got all of the washing done. I never thought to wash our sheets/blankets when dh had pinkeye. I just followed him around with Lysol wipes. :rofl Don't forget light switches, door handles, etc.- even the toilet handle! :yes


Ok, I am off to do...something. :lol I think my plants need to be watered. It has been hot here, and the tomato leaves look kinda wilted. Oh! And my poblano plant has literally tripled in size since I put it directly in the sun, but it still doesn't have any pepper sprouts. :think I should take pics and put them on FB. Which reminds me- Leeann, are you on FB?


Ok, I'm really going now. :wink BBL!







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I'll catch up after dinner, but had to let you know that I received one of Turtlvr's Totes today.


Here is the post - scroll up and you'll see a pic and my response to receiving it. HERE


Be back after we eat- DH keeps telling me he is hungry!!!

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:hi everyone!


Sorry I didn't get on soon, but I was too busy crocheting :hook:rofl


I had a great time meeting Mary. :clap It was just like seeing an old friend. :manyheart We shopped at the yarn store (Mary bought more than me :wink) and then we went for a coffee. Mary's DD was there and her grandkids (SO cute!). My DD was still in school, so she missed it. I think at one point Mary threatened to send them home with me if they didn't behave, and let me tell you I would have loved that. They are just the cutest things.


I'm sure you're wondering....yes, I bought my flannelghan yarn :clap It's a soft navy and an off-white and I've already started. :lol


Stacy - WTG getting all that done (AKA blowing off steam). I hope Mia is back to herself and gets to enjoy the game.


Joanne - :clap for getting a tote! My goodness you are a favourite for the wonderful gifts 'villers send. I'll have to go check out the post you linked.


LeeAnn - Good luck getting the camper ready for the camping trip this weekend. Can I come? :lol


LeaAnne - Hooray for getting to chat with an IRL. Enjoy it!


:hi Shannon, Vicki, Scooby, Sarah, Beth and whoever I missed! Talk to you later!

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Hi all,

Colleen- Glad you and Mary had a nice visit- and:yay for new :yarn--and you are making it in NY Yankee colors!!! You really shouldn't have!!!:lol:lol


LeeAnn- Love that you named your camper- Hope you have a great time in Betty this weekend!!!


LeaAnne Thanks for the quick chat on FB this morning. I couldn't get on to the ville this morning after I chatted with you and then I had to get going. It was wierd not posting my good morning to my besties


Stacy- Oh, that roomie of yours!!! What is her problem not locking the door? And your method of blowing off steam is the same one I use too- Cleaning is really good for that- I do some of my bestest cleaning when I'm steamed about something!!!!! Hope you figure out the snowflake issue! And that you enjoy the "quiet" time while DH and 2 of the girls are at the ball game tonight


Glad to hear that Shannon is safely in NY- it was a rainy day around here, but is supposed to stop by tomorrow and be nice for the rest of the week.


Vicki- Saw your post that DD's eye is getting better! Glad to hear it!!!


Sarah- That is very scary-and you were in the safest place you could be- the bathroom w/out windows! I'm so glad that you guys are ok!!! And Keith will get over it- :lol and you can tell him when he's older how upset he got when you wouldn't let him watch the storms!!


Oh, LeaAnne- I stayed up till the bitter end of the basketball game last night- Was very sad the Celts lost!


Ok, all, time to come down off of :c9 from getting that beautiful tote (It's NY Giants Blue- just gotta :manyheart it)


Off to watch the Hockey Game- Go Blackhawks!!:cheer

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Hi all,

Colleen- you are making it in NY Yankee colors!!! You really shouldn't have!!!:lol:lol


:rofl I knew you would say that Joanne :rofl For the record, there are 3 teams in Toronto that are blue! And especially of note, the Leafs are dark blue and white too. :lol

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:rofl I knew you would say that Joanne :rofl For the record, there are 3 teams in Toronto that are blue! And especially of note, the Leafs are dark blue and white too. :lol

Oh you know me too well!!!:lol:lol:lol

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Guess what?! Dh took ALL 3 girls!! :manyheart Too bad he also took my car, or I'd run to get a coffee or something. Oh, well. It's still nice to have the entire evening to myself. I'll probably work on the snowflakes and maybe watch a show. :think Don't even know what's on these days. :lol


Joanne, how neat that you got a tote! You do seem to a very popular recipient here. :lol Congrats!


Colleen, I'm glad you had a great time with Mary. How cool that you got to meet up again. :clap for finally getting that flannel'ghan yarn, and for starting it, too. :lol


Okie dokie...guess I'll get going and see if I can get those snowflakes worked out! BBL! :manyheart

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Guess what?! Dh took ALL 3 girls!! :manyheart Too bad he also took my car, or I'd run to get a coffee or something. Oh, well. It's still nice to have the entire evening to myself. I'll probably work on the snowflakes and maybe watch a show. :think Don't even know what's on these days. :lol That is awesome!!! Enjoy your "ME time!!!! In case you are interested the hockey game is on!:lol:lol:lol

Joanne, how neat that you got a tote! You do seem to a very popular recipient here. :lol Congrats! Thanks- I feel very blessed to have found this wonderful place. Everyone is so nice! And I feel so lucky- the picture of the tote doesn't do it justice! Maybe someday I'll be able to crochet as well as Turtlevr!

Colleen, I'm glad you had a great time with Mary. How cool that you got to meet up again. :clap for finally getting that flannel'ghan yarn, and for starting it, too. :lol Makes me want to start one too- I am going to make a Navy and white one for DD's BF since he is a HUGE Yankee fan!


Okie dokie...guess I'll get going and see if I can get those snowflakes worked out! BBL! :manyheart Hope you can figure it out without frogging!


Have a great evening!

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Oh you know me too well!!!:lol:lol:lol



Yes I do! I kept thinking of you with every stitch. Oh, Joanne is going to think this is NY colours.


Stacy - Enjoy your evening! You deserve it!

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Good morning!!!


The Blackhawks won the Stanley Cup- a most deserving team!!!!:clap


Thanks for the lovely chat on FB last evening Stacy!!!:manyheart And so glad that Jorge took all 3 girls and you had some "me" time! Did they have a good time? Any progress on the snowflake dilemma?


Colleen- How's the flannel'ghan coming along? I was so excited watching the hockey game and chatting with Stacy that I only did 2 rounds on a granny square- but that is another one finished!


Looks like the rain has gone away - and the rest of the week is supposed to be nice. That will be nice for Shannon!


We need to vacuum the pool, but that will have to wait until Saturday. In the meantime, I think that tonight after work, I'm going to do some inside cleaning. At least that is the plan- we'll see how I feel AFTER work!!!:lol


Hope everyone has a wonderful day today and I'll cya on the flip side!!!:hug

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Joanne - congrats on your tote! have a great day at work


Colleen - YAHOOOOO! for flannelghan yarn!:clap I am so excited for you! You waited a very long time for that yarn. are you enjoying the pattern?


Colleen & Mary - so very glad you had a great visit:hug


Stacy - Hooray for "by-your-lone" time!:D Did you try the braid with the bigger hook? I have another idea, which involves playing with stitch selection on the border.... let me know how you make out?:hug


I am running a little late this morning, so I will send the rest of my dear friends some big :hug:hug:hug:hug:hugand some positive thoughts.


I have work this morning, then need to make sure things are in order... My mom is coming for a sleepover tonight!:yay:yay:yay I haven't seen her in a long time, and I miss her a lot. I can't wait to see her!!!!!


Have a blessed day, all :)

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Joanne - My poor DH. A storm come through and knocked out the satellite during the 3rd period. It happened a couple times. I felt so bad for him. Luckily it came back on (right after the tie goal :angry) and he saw the end of it. All I can say is, hooray, more than 3 months without hockey on TV! :lol I hope you have a great day at work!


LeaAnne - I am liking the pattern so far. One strip done and I think I can put my fears of running out of yarn to rest :whew Have a good morning at work and enjoy the visit with your mom!


I have muffins baking and it is time to start the laundry and the cleaning.

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I just had a whole post and lost it! I hate when that happens!

I am going to do the grocery shopping today. I have to go get stuff to make pasta salad for the graduation party on Saturday, so I may as well just go and do the whole thing!

Joanne - YAY for a new tote! And in Giant Blue! What more could a girl ask for!

Colleen - YAY for no hockey for a while. What kind of muffins did you bake? I have been saying that I am going to bake and just haven't done it yet! Maybe today.


Mary - How much yarn did you buy? Hope you had a good time visiting with Colleen!


Sarah - Hope things have calmed down by you and the rough weather has passed!


Stacy - Did the girls enjoy the game? More importantly, did you enjoy your quiet night? What did you do with yourself?

LeaAnne - How nice to talk to an old friend! Hope you get to take the kids to the beach on the first day of vacation!

Leeann - Where are you going to take Betty that she is getting a sprucing? Hope you have a great time!

I need to get going. I will talk to you all later!


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how's everyone today? Hopefully well!

Joanne-How fantastic! The tote is just beautiful! I'm so happy for you!

Colleen-that is great that you were able to buy yarn and meet up with Mary, soo cool!

Vicki-pasta salad sounds yummy! Do you feel more rested?

LeaAnne-I'm so glad that your mom is going to your house for a sleep over. What a wonderful thing!

Stacy-"Me" time is always so refreshing. How are the girls today? Do they feel lots better?

Our dryer broke last night, dh is hoping to buy the part today and get it fixed, me too...need to wash a few more loads of laundry before going camping.

We are leaving tomorrow after I get off from work and will not be back until Sunday. We will be headed towards New Mexico, we'll still stay in CO, I will take the camera so that I can take lots of pics.:clap

Today I have lots to do, it's my B-day, but still have to carry on.:lol Have to put the cushion covers back on Betty and get her cupboards stocked with groceries and the essentials.

going for my walk. Talk to you all soon!

Huggers dearest friends!

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:bday:bday:birthday Dear LeeAnn! :bday


Hi LeeAnn - I am so sorry I forgot your birthday! I am so glad you reminded us :oops I hope you have a fantastic day. Your camping trips sounds wonderful! Are you having cake or do you have a special meal? Anything special planned for your birthday?


My gift to you, :hug:hug:hug Have a great day!

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:blush what a :loser I am!!!





:birthday, Dear Leeeeeeee Aaaaannnnn!



:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug May you be especially blessed today, and always, dear friend!


So sorry for not posting earlier!:blush


I hope you have a splendiferous day!

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