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Just stopped in to say hi and catch up, and DH called and wants to meet me at the diner- Breakfast food sounds good to me!


I'll BBL to catch up and post more properly!!

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Hi, friends!


w I will try to be around again tonight if anyone wants to catch up:c9 ... by then some adult conversation will likely be in order! :loco:rofl...


Happy Friday, everybody! I hope I will see you all later!


I will too!

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Beth - :yay:clap:elle Hooray for your DS for getting his liscence!


LeaAnne - If I've done the math right you would have 17 kids at your house at one time :think...:faint You are one strong mama!


Joanne - I hope you enjoyed the diner. Sounds like a great thing to do on a Friday!


LeeAnn - I hope you had fun with the kids today.


We had a good bus trip to the mall, went for lunch at McD's. This afternoon our neighbour invited DD over to swim with her kids, so now she is tuckered out. Just waiting to see if grandma stops by for a visit before an early bed. First soccer tomorrow morning :tup


I might be back later. Not sure :shrug

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Guess what? My ds can :drive by himself now!!! :cheer:clap:yay:jumpyay:woo:dance



<running man>

<mashed potato> and Moonwalk!!!!!! :jumpyay:jumpyay:dance:dance


I couldn't be happier for the both of you! :hug

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LeeAnn - which series is your DS reading? did they have the book at the library?


Colleen - We ended up actually with 14 extras + mine is 18!!!! It was a wonderful time! I really love seeing all the kids enjoying a nice time together which they sure did! Pete ended up bringing 1 more than planned... you can't have odd numbers with athletic minded 8 year old boys:wink ... I can't wait for summer vacation:clap


Beth - Yay! So what are you gonna do with all of your extra time?! :devil

You both must be so very proud!


Joanne - :drool... what didja have yummy at the diner?


Vicki - what fun things did you get to enjoy today?


Stacy - how is your shoulder feeling?


Mary - Nice to see you, friend! Hoping to see you at chat :hug


Sarah - It's great to have you back! I hope you all had a terrific day, and that Keith's poopness cooperated:wink


Scooby - How are you feeling? I hope all is well. when are you Jersey-bound?


Shannon-ness - Have fun at the rehearsal dinner tonight! :hug:hug Enjoy the family time!:U:U Weddings are so exciting and fun!

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Well, I'm all caught up!


I forgot Shannon had the wedding this weekend! That means she is in NY, right?


You sure had a houseful LeaAnne- Did they go swimming? It was HOT, HOT, HOT here today! WE are going to attempt the pool this weekend I think- We'll see-We need to get the water off of the cover and the pump isn't working properly- DH was supposed to look at it when we got home from the diner- but he is watching the Yankees instead.


I had breakfast for dinner at the diner! 2 eggs, home fries and whole wheat toast. It was great!


I'll be back later if it isn't booming outside- they are predicting thunderstorms later. Maybe I'll charge up my laptop so it has enough battery life- LOL

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Hi gang. I really didn't do much of anything today. My head was bothering me today and I was very crampy so I just lazed around today. The only thing we did was go pick out a wireless printer for the laptop. We used our bowling winnings to pay for it! Gotta love that!

Don't know what is up with the Yankees tonight. They have given up 3 home runs to the Blue Jays and are down 4-0 tonight. Not a good thing. It actually looks like a very boring game tonight. I hate to say that, but it does.

DD and hubby are outside in the pool swimming away tonight. It was nice out today. I don't think it was nearly has hot as it has been the last few days. Don't get me wrong, it was warm, but it was a bearable type of heat.

I don't know if I will be here for chat. I am tired tonight and will probably be in bed early since I have to get up early for graduation tomorrow. I hope everyone has a great night and I will most likely talk to everyone on Sunday. Have a great day tomorrow!


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Hi friends!

Just checking in to see if anyone will be here for chat. It looks like a few of you are planning on it. I could use a nice bestie-chat right about now. I am tired, cranky, and sunburned. But Mia's show was fun- the 5th graders did a Michael Jackson tribute, and danced to a medley of his songs. Mia's teacher was also honored for 15 years of heading the Fair committee, which was nice. :manyheart I took dh's DSLR and got a nice pic of her being presented with a big bouquet of flowers- 3 parents have asked me for copies already. :lol


Anyway...I'm supposed to be editing dh's paper :blush, but I'll check back in a few.

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It was nice today. Looked like rain but it didn't rain until about an hour ago. Nice and warm, but not too muggy. It's all good. I gather California was sunny today. Sorry to hear about your burn, but I'm glad Mia's show was good.

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I'm glad it didn't rain for your "trip." How did dd like the bus?

Yes, it was very sunny today- not a cloud in the sky. I forgot my sunscreen, but the women sitting next to me felt bad for Eva because "she's so white," and offered to let me use theirs. :lol

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:lol That's funny.


DD liked the bus trip. "It goes fast!" I let her pull the cord to ding the bell :D Gotta love it how small things amuse them so much.


How is the herd of animals coming?


BTW I love that you were a cowgirl. That is awesome to be something so cool in your DD's eyes. :yes

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Sounds like fun. Isabella is the only one old enough to remember our "bus" days. She loved to ring the bell, also. :yes


The animals aren't coming along well at all. :ohdear My shoulder has been feeling terrible the past 2 or 3 days. Today I carried Eva home from Isabella's school and now it is stiff even to type. I'll probably have to rest it completely for a few days before I can think of :crocheting again.


Mary, how is your dd?

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