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LeeAnn - The other girls shouldn't be mad at you because they got in trouble for not doing their jobs correctly. That is what procedures are for. They need to learn that or not work there. Glad you took the day off and had a sick day! Hope you and ds feel better!


Stacy - Good for you telling Roomie that! Why should you be stuck watching her daughter if her daughter is going to be disrespectful!?! Did she say she wanted you to watch her or is she going to make other arrangments? Glad you had a nice, quiet dinner with your old man friend! sometimes we just need that!


I can't wait until this day is over. George came to pay his visit today and so I have a headache and I want to go home. I am quite cranky today. I have been fairly calm today, even with George here. Usually I am on a tear the first day or two, but I have been pretty good. I guess because we are giving a test and it has been pretty quiet today.


I need to go get some fiber fill for a pillow this weekend and I need some yarn so maybe I will go to Hobby Lobby on Saturday. Hubby is working late Saturday, so DD and I are going to make pancakes for dinner. I can't do that when he is home. It drives him nuts when we do it and he isn't home! We do it half the time just to make him crazy! We are so bad! I found a really cute free pattern on Ravelry yesterday for a hook case that I think I want to make for myself once I finish the green afghan and pillow. he afghan is almost done. It needs a few more rows and then the border and then I have to do the pillow case. I need to get it done though. I have a month until graduation. Then I can do the case and take a break from bigger projects. I still have the baseball afghan to do and I have to do a baby sweater and blanket for my very young niece, who is expecting over the summer. DD can help me pick yarn for that project. She will like that.

Hope everyone is having a great day! YAY for FRIDAY!

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Quiet here. I had a quiet day home, DD had school. I did some errands, baked some cupcakes, did some laundry. We are enjoying a thunderstorm here right now. 2nd of the season. Lots of fun :lol


LeeAnn - I hope you and your DS feel better soon :hug


Stacy - Glad you had a nice dinner with your friend and that you and Roomie had a civil chat. :tup I'm proud of you!


Vicki - Have fun at Hobby Lobby! I hope the pancakes were yummy.


:hi to everyone else! I hope you had a Fantastic Friday!

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I'm home. :tired It was a tiring week. My dad was home when I got there (cabbage patch smiley) and he was very happy to see us. He's getting around with a walker, and speaking, seeing, and thinking more clearly, but he's just not himself yet. We saw lots of daily improvement. He had a bad night, though. He had tightness in his chest and throat, and trouble breathing. He said something about his left arm being numb and tingly. We called 9-1-1 and had my lifeguard sons (trained in CPR) sitting by him until the paramedics arrived. He was OK, the symptoms were from a combination of non-serious things, but we didn't get home until 4:30 a.m., and I hadn't been sleeping well the entire time I was there. But I'm home now, and my dear kids helped drive home, once we got in Virginia.


My van is unpacked, and de-trashed. My first 2 loads of laundry are in the machines. I hope to get the laundry caught up tonight.


I may even get caught up reading posts some time soon!!!


Big hugs to you all!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Welcome back Beth- you were missed!!! Glad to hear your Dad is doing ok- and that the scare was nothing serious!


We had a good trip up to Boston- the weather here was magnificent- about 75 and sunny- we went to Davis Square and went to some shops and Stacy I had a mocha frap for 1/2 price- I knew about it from stopping at Starbucks this morning to get a cup of coffee for the ride- so of course I had to have a frap this afternoon!!!


When DD got off work, we went to dinner. Then we came back to her house and she and youngest DD baked a delicious apple crisp! Middle DD was working on her final presentation power point for her last class on Monday afternoon- she actually finished it and it is very good! She has a few more parts of the project she has to finish up in the morning and then she will be done- except for presenting to her class. I crocheted and watched the Yankees beat the Red Sox. I am almost done with the baby blanket- I have about 8 rows to do, then border.


DD was able to get ticket to the Yankee/Red Sox game tomorrow at face value- the forecast is for thunderstorms so hopefully we'll get the game in! At least the seats are under the overhang so if it rains, we'll stay dry!! We are all looking forward to it- the game is at 3.


It is so nice being with all the girls! DD's roomate went her Mom's house in CT for the weekend to celebrate Mother's Day so it's just me and my girls!


Stacy- nice of DH to ask you to lunch- it must have been nice. And I am so proud of you for standing up to roomie!!! good luck with getting the crochet business off the ground- and glad that you had a nice dinner with old man friend!


Colleen- I guess the T-storms you had today are heading to Boston tomorrow. What kind of cupcakes did you bake? We are probably going to have some Kick A** cupcakes while we are here! :yes


LeeAnn- hope you and DS are feeling better! And good for you doing the right thing- I wonder if you picked up something at work? Seems like not all of you co-workers are into sanitizing!


LeaAnne- Hope you enjoyed the performances! Sportswise it was not a good night for Boston fans- The Sox lost, The Bruins lost in OT and the Celtics lost.


Vicki- Have fun at Hobby Lobby- and a hook case sounds like a great project. I need to make one for DD- except it will need to be bigger than a hook case since she wants it for her paintbrushes. I'll search Ravelry and see what they have-


Shannon- Hope you are having a good weekend!


Mary, Scooby, Sarah- Hugs to all of you!


Well, my eyes are getting tired- and I just looked and see it is midnight- no wonder I'm tired!


Hugs to all:manyheart

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Hello all. I am a newbie here and thrilled to have found this site! :jumpyay My name is Christine and I crochet, knit, sew, needle tat ok so it would be easier to say what I don't do... :lol


I know I saw a knitting group on here while browsing but haven't found it again yet....I will keep looking.


Till Later..... :U



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:coffee Good morning! DD and DH are getting ready to go to woodworking. Later this morning I will take DD to her birthday party. Our thunderstorms lasted a long time, but never were right above us, which is nice. Tonight they are calling for that 4-letter s word again :eek


Beth - Welcome home! I'm glad your dad is improving steadily. I hope you catch up on your rest this weekend.


Joanne - It sounds like you are having a dreamy weekend surrounded by your girls. Enjoy every minute of it! Knowing you, I'm sure you will.


Christine - Welcome to the 'ville! Enjoy!


Have a Happy Saturday All!

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Good morning all,

Awoke to thunderstorms this morning- and now the rain has stopped- but they are forecasting rain on/off all day- so not sure if the game will go on or not. Guess we'll have to wait and see. The girls are all still asleep and I finished the baby blanket!! I took a pic, but my camera cord is at home so can't post it until I'm back.


Colleen- I can't believe they are forecasting the s word!!! No, you can't have the fluffy white stuff- it's not allowed on May 8!!!:lol


Beth- Hope you got a wonderful nights sleep in your own bed!!!


Welcome to the ville, Christine!


Hope everyone has a great Saturday!!:hug

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Good morning, friends!


Joanne - Wecome to Boston! Enjoy the Sox/Yankees game this afternoon! How fun! Where are your seats? My DH's company seats are behind home plate about 1/2 way up. You will have so much fun! I will predict that the Yanks win.... Sox are not seeming to be having a very competitive year. I will be at the softball field at gametime, Krissy has a game!:cheer


Beth - :hug:hug Welcome home, Mama! We surely did miss you! I thought about you all week, and held your dad in my prayers, too. so glad he is visibly improving!:clap ...And :cheer:cheer:cheer 1 smiley each for your inventions helping to drive you home!


Colleen - have fun at the birthday party with DD today! sounds like lots of fun!


Stacy - :jumpyay:cheer:clap:yay:hug:hug I am So PROUD of you for being calm, direct and firm with Roomie! Good for You! Disrespect is one trait that should never be tolerated, especially from a child. You stand your ground! ...I am surprised she would ask something like that... is it because the girl doesn't want to go to afterschool club anymore, or is it because Roomie doesn't want to pay?


LeeAnn - I hope you are feeling better today. :hug:hug:hug Best wishes for a nice and relaxing weekend. I will pray for that other job to come through for you:yes ..I think this one is unhealthy for you.


Vicki - Enjoy pancakes for dinner and TQD today! You and DD sound like you have lots of fun together! :c9 ... oh, and I hope George behaves on his visit!


Shannon - Are you having a WONDERFUL time? ...I sure hope so, friend!


Mary - I am worried... are you ok? I hope we hear from you soon! :hug


Scooby and Sarah - :waving friends! Sending hugs and prayers your way!



Last night was the last performance of the "Green and Blue" We went right after Krissy's game (which was played across the street from the school). We made it just in time to see the teachers dance to Michael Jackson, and then our girls! I am so proud of Lindsey! She had been watching the rehearsals for a couple of weeks, but as you know, watching and doing are 2 very different things. she physically learned the dance yesterday after school. She did soooo well! Then, Jamie's friends invited Lindsey along to the after party! I am also proud of Jamie for making nice friend choices, and proud of her friends. They are very good young ladies! :yes. They actually got ready here at my house (so they could rehearse with Linds) ...and I got to be on hair duty. It was so much fun! 8 girls with 2 french braids each :whew, but oh, so much fun!!!!:U.... and I was done in time to walk to Krissy's game.


...well I guess I have rambled enough :lol:lol:blush...

today's agenda includes cleaning up and washing floors, food shopping, and a game for Krissy this afternoon.


Tomorrow, we are grillin' and chillin'!:tup:c9 My idea of a Perfect Mother's Day! MIL and BIL will come over for the afternoon. We usually go out to dinner, but I just wanted to relax. No dressing up the chickens, no rushing around, no stress! We all need a day off.


anyway, if I don't make it back here.... HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!!!:flower:flower:flower:hug:hug:hug

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what a weird weather day....

the sun just poked out. 5 minutes ago, it was raining sideways... up and down all day long.


Softball was cancelled, so I have spent the afternoon puttering around.

All in all, a pretty calm day :U


I hope you all had a wonderful Saturday, too... I can't wait to hear all about it!!!



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HI there friends!

So happy to be able to finally hop on here, today has been super busy. We cleaned, washed laundry then went shopping for next weekend, my graduation! Whew! I have to make a lasagna and dh's dish as we call it to freeze, this will make cooking a cinch when we have company. Oh and also had to buy decorations and all those other goodies, I think we have everything taken care of, we are pretty organized, I don't like to feel stressed for events:lol I want to be able to enjoy my family and friends.

Joanne-I am so happy for you! Spending time with loved ones is super special. Let us know if you make it to the game.

Beth-:hughappy that you are back and that your dear dad is recovering. I hope that you get rest and can de-stress a little.:hug

Stacy-did you get your gift for the party? that would be a difficult one to buy. I used to make lots of crocheted goodies and sell them, then I got burnt out, but the money came in handy, especially for more yarn! I bought a skien of Caron Rhapsody yarn in violet plum while i was at the dollar store, I couldn't resist, it was calling out my name, I will use it for my hexagon ghan, still working on it, it's growing.

Colleen-how are you doing today?

LeaAnne-your evening sounded wonderful! How excting for your daughters! I love doing hair, used to do that a looong time ago, sometimes I miss it, but love teaching and being with children much more.

Vicki-How's your weekend going? Did you get to go to Hobby Lobby?

Welcome Christine! This is an amazing group of friends!


tomorrow we are going to New Mexico, so excited! We are driving up with the in-laws, we will be going to a fair, they have Battle of the Bands,...super cool! We have never gone before, they also have lots of little shops in Taos, can't wait! Shopping and browsing and good music and food what better way to spend Mother's day?

better get my tush in gear and make those dishes, talk to you all soon! Oh almost forgot, ds is feeling better, his asthma and allergies were terrible yesterday. I also feel better, got my voice back:eek

:hug and warmest of wishes! I missed all of you!

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Just stopping by quick. I'm heading out for drinks with the girls :faint I know! Can you believe it? This is the first weekend one of my friends is childless after a recent separation, so we're taking her out to keep her mind off it. Should be fun!


It is freezing cold here and I did see flakes of stuff in the air. I wouldn't be surprised if we get more overnight. It won't stick around though.


DD just spilled the contents of her glow bracelet all over her hands and her quilt :ohdear Nothing like doing laundry on a Saturday night!


Gotta go dig out a scarf and winter coat to go out. :lol Ciao!

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my pet bunny died today.


We buried her under a new rose of sharon bush. She was white with black patches. The rose of sharon is white with a deep pink center. I think it represents her well. We had her for 9 years. She was a very sweet drawf bunny named LilBit. I miss her.

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Beth - :( so sorry about your bunny! 9 years is a long time to be her momma! :hug:hug Her spot sounds beautiful.


Colleen - How did you know I :faint ed when you said where you were going? :lol:lol Just kidding... hope you had a fun-filled evening!


LeeAnn - have a safe trip to NM tomorrow... sounds like a nice day! Also glad to hear that DS is feeling better, and WTG on being organized for graduation next weekend!:cheer:cheer:cheer


:waving to the rest of my friends... I am off to bed



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Good evening!

Beth-so sorry about your bunny! :hug and extra :hugto you and your family.

Colleen-hope you had a fantastic night out! How fun!

LeaAnne-have you had a chance to :hook?

Just finished cleaning up the kitchen from the marathon cooking, whew! We made 2 lasagna's and another casserole, and a gallong of chile beans. Also cleaned the stove and polished my kitchen sink and....arranged pictures for dh to put up a "wall of photos" of all my loved ones. I had bought the frames a long time ago, but just never got around to it, it looks great! I love it! Now on to bed with myself, tired but feel like we got a lot done today.

:hugfriends and hope tomorrow is filled with happiness and joy! Happy Mother's Day!

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Happy Mother's Day!!!


:hug:hug:hug- Beth- so sorry to hear about your bunny- but it sounds like you found the perfect resting place.:hug


LeaAnne- the game was awesome! Our seats were in grandstand 19- row 12- behind home plate- so about 1/2 way up I'd say- they were great- and we stayed dry since we were under the overhang!!!! The game got a little long at the end with all the pitching changes (especially after the rain delay), but we all had a good time.:manyheart


LeeAnn- Have fun in New mexico!! How far is that from where you are in CO? Sounds like a wonderful way to spend the day- and kudos to you for being so organized and ready for your graduation celebration next weekend!!!!


Colleen- I almost spit out my coffee when I read that you were going out with the girls- you devil you!!!!:lol:lol Hope you had a great time- I'm sure it was a nice diversion for your friend!!!


Stacy- How is Mia doing with her new mouth? Are the girls planning to make you breakfast in bed? Loved your pics of your kitchen helper on FB by the way! Hope you have a relaxing, peaceful day!


Shannon -hoping that you are having a good time-


Vicki- How were your pancakes for dinner? I love breakfast for dinner- so easy- and so delicious!!!


Mary- Hope you have a nice day today- and that all is well with you and DH up in God's Country!!!


Scooby and Sarah- thinking of you!


Enjoy your day today everyone!!!:manyheart:manyheart

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Happy Sunday and HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY Besties! I hope all of you have the best Mother's day ever!

I am waiting for hubby to get home. He worked over night last night so he is still at work. He is still there, so I knwo where he is at this point. We are supposed to be going out to eat for Mother's day tonight so I need to get off my badorkus and pick a place. Maybe Mexican! I love Mexican.

I did get to Hobby Lobby yesterday! I got the pillow stuffing and I got some yarn. I got some purple so I can make the fingerless gloves for my niece and my DD, because once DD sees the pair I make for my niece I know she will want them. May as will just get the yarn and be done with it! I also got some yarn to make a baby sweater and blanket for my other niece who is going to have a baby over the summer. DD helped me pick it out. It is a very cheery yellow and we got a cute varigated to go with it. Just another project to add to a long list of projects to do!

I hope you all have a WONDERFUL day today and enjoy being pampered today!


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Happy Mother's Day to all my wonderful friends! I hope you all have a wonderful day!


We are in Branson, having a wonderful time! I'll be back home Wednesday night, after DD's appointment in Arkansas. I hope you guys aren't talking too much. It'll be hard for me to catch up after a week of being gone!:lol


Love and miss you guys! Enjoy your day!:manyheart:hug

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Hi all! I hope you all had a wonderful day! I didn't do very much. Hubby slept so it was hard to do any cleaning. I did get the laundry done. I really need to vacuum. I am just too lazy to do it now. I do have the dish washer running, though.

We ended up going to my favorite place for fajitas! YAY! They were delish! Now I am here checking in with my friends and texting a friend of mine. What a life!

Joanne - Hope you are having a good time!

Beth - Glad you are home safe and sound and dad is home. Have you heard from your mom since you have gotten home? How is he doing? Glad your inventions were able to help drive home.

Shannon - What appointment does Janna have? I missed something. I hope all is well.

LeeAnn - Are you ready for your Monday? How is ds feeling?

Nothing else going on here. Just watching Baseball Tonight and the news about the Oakland pitcher who pitched a perfect game today. He did it at home with his grandmother in the stands! I love stories like that!

Have a great night and talk to you all on the flip side!

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Good evening!

Just finished taking my last final, 100%:cheersoo excited and glad that all is done, even wrote my speech! I am on and popping. :lol We had a great day in Taos New Mexico, it is about 2 1/2 hours away. They had music, bands playing, not really my type of music but it was still neat to be able to see the performers. We also did a little bit of shopping, found some baby yarn for another ghan that I started, and shoes for graduation for me, sandals for dd, a hat for ds and a new poster for dh. All in all, everyone found something! Dh plays the guitar, he was happy to find a poster of the strings...:thinkdon't really know what all that means, but glad he is happy. Ds is feeling better, this allergy season has been pretty tough on him, hopefully he will be able to finish out the school year.

Glad to hear that you all had a relaxing, fun filled day, think I will :hook for just a bit, will chat with you all in the morning!

:huggood night dear friends!

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Good morning, friends!


LeeAnn - Your excursion sounds like fun! Congrats on your 100%, and on getting your speech written:cheer:cheer You are all set to go, now!


Vicki - I was happy to read that you got to have your favorite fajitas for Mom's Day, and also glad that you got to relax.


Joanne - Your seats for the game were awesome! That's very near where DH's company seats are. He gets to go sometimes with his customers. I used to go when I worked there. I am happy that you got to spend Mom's Day with all three of your chickens!! :tup What did you do yesterday?


Shannon - Glad you are having a great time, and hoping that Janna's appointment goes well. Enjoy your time with DH!


Beth, Colleen, Stacy, Mary, Scooby and Sarah - :hug:hug I hope this post finds you all well, relaxed and :U


I enjoyed the weekend of being able to be home... got lots done!:c9

I still have windows, some closets, some purging, and some painting to do, but it can wait. Today I am back to work, and tonight we are back to the ballfields:cheer... 1 practice and 2 games


Make it a wonderful day, friends, and I'll catch you all later!


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Good morning!


Yesterday we went to Harvard Square- we went to brunch at Veggie Planet which was very enjoyable and relaxing- they had a singer there and the food was good. After that we walked around, in /out of shops. Middle DD had to make copies of her presentation for her last class of the semester so we accomplished that. We stopped for tea and then went to get some Kick A** cupcakes for after dinner.


That is when the excitement began- We got the cupcakes then were waiting outside for the bus- got on the bus- and got off at our stop. I asked DD where her bag was- she says on the bus. So all 4 of us are running down the street screaming for the bus to stop- Let me tell, you- I was running on pure adrenaline!!! Of course, we were no match for the bus. I suggested we call the cupcake store and thankfully, she had left the bag on the bench outside of the store, they brought it in and we hopped in my car and drove and got it. It was quite a scare, cause I don't know what she would have done!! There was alot of irreplaceable work in that bag!!!


So after our little adventure we came back and made spaghetti squash with homemade sauce for dinner. We watched the Red Sox beat the Yankees (glad we weren't at THAT game) and then headed to bed.


So here we are the morning of the drive home- I had a wonderful, fantabulous weekend and feel so blessed!


Vicki- Glad you got to have your Mexican for dinner and your yarn purchases sound wonderful- I love Hobby Lobby!!


LeeAnn- Your trip to NM sounds divine and congrats on your 100%- now it's time to party!!!


LeaAnne- Glad you had a nice weekend with your chickens and that you got the day "off" from running around to baseball- It was a tad chilly up here yesterday, but at least the sun was shining!!!


Shannon- Good luck with DD's appt this week. I am sorry but I don't remember why you were going there- my old age showing I guess! Glad you are getting to spend some time with DH


Colleen- Did you enjoy being Queen for the Day?


Beth- Hope you had a nice relaxing day- after the past week you surely deserve it!


Stacy, Scooby, Mary, -Hope your Mother's Day was full of "me " time!!!


Well, besties, I'd best be packing up and getting ready for the ride home.


I'll catch you tonight from the the comfort of my comfy chair!!!


Stacy, Scooby, Mary,

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Morning all. It is a Monday and I am not feeling great. My throat and my ears hurt. Not a great way to start the week. We'll see how I feel later.

I got to crochet a little bit this weekend. I worked on the baseball afghan a little and I worked on the green one too. I need to take pictures of both and show you them. I haven't shown you the green one yet, but I need to show the progress one the baseball one.

Anyway, nothing else going on here. Glad everyone had a great weekend and a fantabulous Mother's Day. I will talk to you all later!

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