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:yawn... Morning, friends!


It's planting day at school today!:yay:yay I Love Planting day! This is the day when each student brings a flowering plant to school and plants it out front. Too cute! ...not to mention how nice the yard looks when done :)

This year, we are honoring Mother's Day and Teacher/Staff Apprectiations with our event!


Which reminds me... Vicki and LeeAnn - Happy Teacher Appreciation week! Please know that you are loved for all that you do!:hug:flower:clap


Vicki - does your school do anything special for you all this week?


Our PTO does something special each day this week. Monday was breakfast in the lounge, Tuesday was new tablecloths in the teachers' lounge, as well as stocking their fridge with water and soda, today is lunch donated by Uno's restaurant (they adopted our school), tomorrow is a potluck luncheon in the library cooked by parents, and Friday we are giving each teacher a dish garden and a bag of classroom supplies. Any staff or aides or "specials" (art, music, etc) will all receive a Dunkin Donuts gift card.


LeeAnn - great job on the flannelghan... it's my FAVE pattern!:yes Hope your long day isn't too long...


Joanne - Happy HumpDay back atcha! :tup


Colleen - How are you today? Is your badorkus still draggy? I hope you are getting to relax, and recharge... You deserve it!!!:hug:hug Sorry I missed you on FB yesterday:(


Stacy - thinking of you all... :hug:manyheart


Hey, Mary... Did the black flies lug you off???? We miss you!!!:hug


Shannon - missing your posts around here... hope everyone's doing good, and that you are almost ready for your trip. Here...

:cheer:cheer:cheer:hug:hug:hug:cheer:cheer:cheer You can do it!


Beth - I hope everything with your Dad is going ok... :hug:hug:hug


Scooby - thinking about you today, and praying that you don't overdo it!


Sarah - how are you? I hope you are well...


Well, friends, I gotta Jet... it's time to wake up this chicken coop! :tup... hugs and positive thoughts for you all, friends!

I hope you make the day your "BESTIEST"!

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Happy Hump Day! Yes, we get a special week here at school. On Monday we got a gift for our desks. On Tuesday we got to wear baseball shirts of any kind and we had peanunts in the teachers' lounge. Today we are having our lunch catered by a bbq place that makes a great lunch! Tomorrow we are getting desserts and Friday we get to wear flip flops to school. We don't get to wear those ever. I don't wear them ever anyway, so I don't know what I will wear on that day. Maybe my croc flops!

Bowling was halfway decent. I bowled a 124, a 134, and a 149. I think I took two points. We came home and let the dogs out and discovered that Belle fell in the pond, so now she needs a bath since she smells like fish. I don't think she will be going near the pond again.

Joanne - YAY for getting the baby blanket to work up quickly! what color yarn is it?

LeeAnne - The flannelghan is just lovely! You did a fantastic job on it and did it so fast! Almost as fast as Mary! Let us know what the school says when they call you!

LeaAnne - How was the night off the field? Did you enjoy it? How many games do you have tonight?

Stacy - How did Mia's teeth go? Hope all went well. Special prayers were said for her! I hope they got there!

Shannon, Scooby, Mary, Colleen, Beth - Have a great day and know that I am thinking about you all!

I must run and get ready for the day. I have hall duty today. Talk to you all later!

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:coffee Mornin'


It has been a tough day already. DD is back to the kind of behaviour she had in the fall where getting dressed/hair brushed is very difficult. It seems that the change of seasons causes a lot of stress for her. She can't seem to deal with having to wear new/different clothes. I let her pick her clothes this spring, but that doesn't seem to have helped. I really hate to see her go through this. :(


We didn't go shoe shopping yesterday. I wasn't feeling great in the afternoon, so we stayed home.


I won't speak to all of you right now. Just not feeling up to it right now. Have a great day and I'll try to stop by later. We are having my MIL for supper for her birthday and I have to get some groceries.

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Good morning everyone!


Colleen- :hugs to you and praying for the clothes issue to be over soon. My DD doesn't like me to brush her hair. If she puts up a fuss I lay her on the floor and sit on her. She thinks it's hysterical and is so busy laughing she doesn't mind me brushing her hair.:lol I hope you're feeling better.


Vicki- Happy Teacher Appreciation week!! Teachers are special people! I know I couldn't do it! Enjoy your bbq today, and the rest of your treats this week!


LeaAnne- Have fun at Planting Day! That sounds like so much fun. Thank you for the cheers and hugs! I need them. I shouldn't even be on here now. How many games do you have tonight?


Joanne- Your hook must be flyin'! I saw that yarn in the Crochet Today magazine and it looks so soft. What color are you using?


LeeAnn- Happy Teacher Appreciation week! Your DD is adorable!! She looks so proud in that picture. Tell her congratulations for me. That is such a big deal! Your flannelghan is amazing!! I even noticed that RoseRed herself used the word "stunning"! And she's right!


Mary- Where are you girl? Did you get stuck under all that yarn? Miss you.


Stacy- I thought about Mia all day yesterday. How did she do? Did you make it to the game? :hug:hug to you all!


Beth- Thinking about you and your dad! :hug


Scooby & Sarah- Thinking about you both, and hope you visit here soon!


I gotta go. We leave for Branson in the morning, and I'm a little pressed for time. Good news is we can just throw everything in the camper!:D Love you all!:manyheart

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Hi, all!


I am back from planting day... so cute!:manyheart


Colleen - I hope you feel better, and that DD's clothing issues are quickly resolved this season... poor little chicken!:(:hug:hug:hugfor both of you!


Vicki - Your week sounds like so much fun! I especially like the baseball shirts and peanuts in the teachers' room idea! That's really neat!


Shannon - Safe travels to you friend!


Stacy, Mary, Scooby, Sarah, LeeAnn, Joanne, and Beth - extra hugs for you all... I am thinking of you!:manyheart


Tonight we have baseball for Pete, but are only staying for half of the game. We have tickets for a celebrity basketball game at the high school. Each year, our city's P.D. gives tickets to families who support their fundraiser in the springtime. Last year, the celeb's were some NewEngland Patriots, including Randy Moss! :cheer We missed last year's game by mistake, and are very excited to NOT miss it this year!

We let Pete choose... and he said "can't we do both?" ... I don't know where he gets it from!:devil:blush:lol


anyway, I hope the rest of your today is GREAT-ness! Huggers and ttyl!

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Oh, I just finished my delicious-ness lunch and now I need a nap! I could definately have used another hour or two of sleep this morning! It took me forever to fall asleep last night after bowling and I am paying for it now!

LeaAnne - Glad planting day was a success! I need to pick some roses for DD's teacher tonight. Hopefully there are still some pretty ones out on the bushes. I need to dead head in the worst way! Maybe that will be a chore this weekend!

Shannon - Have fun on the trip! How long will you be gone? Are you going to see anyone in particular in Branson?

Colleen - Hopefully DD's dressing issues will be short lived. I wonder why she stresses so much at the change of the seasons. Have you talked to the doctor about it? Maybe he can suggest a cause?

Only two more classes to go today and then I get to go home! DD has tkd tonight and then I can relax! YAY ME! I want to crochet if my magic chair doesn't take me first!


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This day is finally calming down. :whew The weather is winding up for a good storm (maybe our first Thunderstorm of the season? :hyper), but things are calming down at home.


It took me a while to recover from this morning, but by 10:00 I was on my way to do groceries. Just before I went into the store the school called. DD was sick while getting ready to go outside for recess. I suspected she made herself sick because she didn't like her shoes or something but it turns out she was sick from seeing something "yucky". :( I brought her a change of clothes (can you imagine the challenge of picking out a change of clothes on a day like today?) and she insisted she felt fine and wanted to stay at school. An hour later they called me to bring her home. She felt "yucky". She has been absolutely fine ever since and has played happily at home, no sign of illness :ohdear Vicki, I think a trip to the Dr. might be the way to go at this point. I just have to talk it over with DH. Prayers would be appreciated.


LeaAnne - I'm sorry I missed you yesterday too. I got busy in the evening with supper, a walk, and then Idol. Have fun at the ball games tonight (baseball and basketball!).


LeeAnn - Glad to hear the interview for the other job went well. :xfin


Vicki - Glad you are having a good teacher's appreciation week. I hope you get Belle smelling nicer. ;)


Shannon - Have a great trip!


Joanne - I can't wait to see your baby blanket :hyper What colour is it?


Stacy - Glad to see your post that Mia did well at the dentist. I hope the fieldtrip today was fun! I love the zoo. How is Mia doing with her comprehension. I've been thinking about her.


Beth - Thinking about you. :hug


:hi Mary, Scooby, Sarah, and anyone else I missed.


The spaghetti sauce is in the slow cooker. I've got salad already made and I've got one of those garlic breads in the freezer. I bought cake (hooray Walmart bakery for having peanut free cakes!) and ice cream. The table is set, so it should be fairly easy going.


Have a great evening all! Please keep my DD in your prayers.

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HI all,

Waiting for the plumber to come- he was here Monday to fix the ice maker line and guess what we had this morning? Water on the ceiling in the family room which is under the kitchen! UGH!!!


Prayers for DD Colleen!!!


Stacy- i didn't see your post- glad Colleen said something- glad it went well with Mia.


LeaAnne- sounds like you are having a fun day!! Enjoy the evening!


Stacy, mary, Scooby, Shannon, Vicki, Beth- have a good night- Plumber is here!!!


Oh, the color I am using is called splish splash- it's a pretty light blue!

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Plumber fixed the leak- now we are left with a lovely ring on the family room ceiling- another project!!!


We went over to DD and SIL's for dinner after the plumber left- they are having a party for Cinco-de-Mayo- we stayed for about an hour and the Mexican food was yummy!!


Happy Teacher's Appreciation Week Vicki and LeeAnn!!!


Tomorrow is Nurses Day- the beginning of Nurses week- and at work they are having a luncheon for the nurses which is nice. We all got Happy Nurse Day balloons today.


Well, I'm going to relax a little- it's been another long day and the water issue didn't start the day out on a good note. But I am happy it is resolved- fingers crossed!!!


Tomorrow is my last day of work until Tuesday!!! Friday is travel to Boston Day!!!!!!

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Good evening friends!

just wanted to stop in and read what ya all are up to, today was a bad bad bad bad day! I am glad that I am home, :rant going to sit and :hook don't want to be such a downer.

Talk to you all soon! hugs to all of you and warmest wishes!:hug

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:hi all!


Leeann- your flannelghan is beautiful! You did a great job. It is also my favorite afghan pattern, so quick and easy-peasy. I'll keep my :xfin for you about that Migrant position. :hug


Joanne, yikes @ that leak! Glad it was fixed quickly. How nice that you got balloons today. :yes:hug Happy Nurses' Day, if I don't get on tomorrow. Enjoy your trip!


Vicki, Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! Enjoy all the festivities. You have Croc flops, too? I :manyheart mine. :hug


Leanne, how neat that all of the students bring a flowering plant! The chickens' school sounds like they have lots of neat activities. :yes How is baseball going? Have fun at the celeb basketball game! :hug


Colleen, I'm sorry to hear you are having clothing issues again. Some kids just don't deal well with change. Poor dd- poor you! I hope it passes quickly. :hug Sending lots of prayers your way, for the dr. office.


Shannon, how are ya, girl? How is Janna? I love the story of you sitting on her- too funny! :hug


Mary, how is everything up in God's country? Are you almost ready for your June show? :hug


Scooby, how is everything over there? :hug


If I'm not mistaken, Beth comes home tomorrow. I hope all is well with her dad. Prayers for safe travels. :hug


The dentist appt. went well! I was so relieved. The anesthesiologist had me hold her while he gave her the sedative, and she had a fit when she saw that needle! But she calmed down after a few minutes and they took her back to the surgery room. It took 2 hours. :eek 10 crowns later...yes, 10!!! :ohdear He used tooth-colored ones for the top 4, and the rest are silver. She has fun showing everyone her shiny new teeth. LoL The dentist said this should be the most dental treatment she ever needs. He thinks the reason she had so many cavities is because her teeth were so squished together- I seriously couldn't get a piece of dental floss between them. He re-spaced mot of them and said her gums will be sore for a few days. She hasn't been able to handle anything firmer than scrambled eggs, so far.

We went to the Dodger game last night and left after the 5th inning. :rofl They got spanked!! We had field seats, though, and I would have liked to stay, but Mia was having a meltdown- she had a long day. Today was the zoo field trip. We stopped at the playground and had lunch (at 9:30, so it was more like second breakfast) first. She had tons of fun at the playground, playing with her friends and chasing one another. Once we got to the zoo, saw about 3 animals, she wanted me to carry her. Um, no way! LoL By the time we left, she was sooooo cranky. I made her take a nap when we got home. Then she started up with the crankiness again around 7, and it turned into an early bedtime. I'm thinking of keeping her home tomorrow, just to recuperate. She really hasn't had a chance to.


Well, besties...I hear Jorge's key turning in the door, so I'm going to sign off. Hopefully be back tomorrow! Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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Good morning !!


Stacy-Sounds like you have had busy few days- and so happy and relieved to hear all went well with Mia's procedure!! Baseball game and zoo trip sound like fun- but I can surely understand Mia's meltdown- that was a long day!!


LeaAnn- Hope today is a good, good, good day to make up for yesterday's bad day


Colleen- Good luck with DD today- hope there is less drama- and with calling the Dr


Everyone else- I've got to run and get ready- going in early- lots to do b/4 my 2 days off!


I'll check back in after work!



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hi, all...


Colleen - :hug:hug:hug prayers being said for DD (and her Momma:wink)


Joanne - Happy Nurse's Day! :yay:yay and Happy "Friday"! According to the forecast, you should have a big :tup for a nice driving day tomorrow. And things are supposed to be cooling down to normal, too:c9


Stacy - :hug:hugfor you and your girls! I didn't realize the amount of work poor Mia was going to have in her mouth... poor lil chicken! I hope she gets a day to rest.


LeeAnn - Sorry you had a bad day! :(:( Don't let bad days keep you away, though. These besties are wonderful listeners! Extra :hug and prayers for a nicer day for you....


Shannon - Safe travels today, friend!


Vicki - Enjoy your appreciation-ness activity du jour!:hug


Beth - thinking of you, and hoping that Dad is ok. Prayers for you and him.


Mary - :eek How could I forget that your show is in June?! That must be where you are... :crocheting:crocheting your little hands off! I hope all is well up there in God's country, and that you get a chance to drop by soon... we miss you!


:waving Sarah... thinking of you, Keith, DF and his family... I hope all is going along ok.


I gotta go... time to finish getting everyone organized for school...



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Hi gang! Happy Thursday! The weekend is almost here! YAY for the weekend!

Joanne - Hope you have a good Nurses Day and a wonderful weekend with your DDs! What do you have planned while you are up in the Boston area?

Colleen - How are you today? I hope you are feeling better today and DD has a good day today!

Shannon - Funny story about sitting on Janna! It works and it distracts her and gets her mind off what she was upset about in the fisrt place!

LeeAnn - Never worry about bringing us down! That is one of the things we are here for! We vent all the time to each other. We are great listeners. Hope you have a better day today!

LeaAnne - How many games do you have tonight? And you have the talent show tomorrow night, right? Hope all goes well at the show! How was the basketball game?

DD had a meltdown of her own last night at tkd. She was sparring this girl in class. These girls have sparred before and generally get along pretty well. Somewhere along the line the match just turned into an anger fest for both girls and DD let out this screech! Her coach stepped in and stopped the fight and told them both to cool off. We talked to DD and told her she needs to control her anger. Anger is good to a point, but not when she loses control of it. Not very good of her. We will see what happens on Saturday!

Hope you all have a great day. Talk to you all later!

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I must vent. Have I ever told uou all that I HATE state testing?!?!?!?!

Yes, it is over, and yes, I should be over the stress. I still hate it and I hate when people do stupid stuff and don't own up to it!

I'll tell you all more later. There are kids testing in the room right now and I can't bang on the keys!

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Hugs, Vicki - I hope the rest of your day went better! I, too, am a key banger when angry... We are all here for you, sister! And I could probably talk to you for a long time about frustrations surrounding State Testing. Anyhoo... Hugs, friend!


the talent show is tonight and tomorrow night. We planned to go tomorrow night, because tonight we have 1 practice and 1 game. There are supposed to be some thunder showers coming thru this afternoon... and I am kind of hoping that it's at the time to cancel the outdoor activities:blush ... if it rains we will go to both performances :xfin. Jamie and 7 of her friends are dancing to MC Hammer "You Can't Touch This"! These will be Jamie's last performances as a middle schooler! Yikes!


Oh! and I forgot to tell you all who the "celeb" was at the basketball game lastnight... it was Julian Edelman! He is the receiver who has gotten a lot more busy since WEs Welker blew out his knee. We had a super time, and got autographs from all 8 Patriots that were there!

DH did roll his eyes and laugh at me, though, when about halfway through the first half I turned to him and said "Man! this place smells like a GYM!" :oops DUH! :lol


Time to go round up my chickens... Have a great night, everyone! :hug:hug:hug

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Hi everyone!!! It's the WEEKEND for me!!! Laundry is on and I'm gettin psyched!! WE had a nice luncheon at work today for Nurses Day and I got everything done that I wanted to- The sun is shining and I don't have to work (or clean ) for 4 days!!!!!


LeaAnne- have fun at the performances- and the games! Dd told me it may rain on Saturday- but what can you do? At least driving weather is supposed to be good-!


LeeAnn- was today a better day than yesterday!


Vicki- Let me get this right- you Hate State Testing!!!! Don't blame you. Hope DD has a better TKD session on Saturday!!! We were trying to get tix to Red Sox/Yankees game, but only thing available is standing room for 95.00= which is a crazy amt of $, so we'll probably just watch on TV. We'll probably go to the Museum of Fine Arts since DD is a member and the other two haven't been in a while- I never get tired of going to that museum- it's a great one!!! We're going out to dinner tomorrow evening when DD gets out of work and from there who knows?


Colleen- Hope you had a less stressful day with DD today!


Well, DH is calling- he is getting hungry- going to make the burgers for him to put on the grill. I'll stop by later


Oh, the icemaker is working (and the plumber didn't charge for the return call- as he shouldn't- LOL)

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:hi everyone. Just wanted to stop by and say hi. DD had a good day. No more trying new things without her initating it. :( We went shoe shopping today for shoes and sandals for DD. She tried on 20 pair but none of them fit. She has tiny little feet and they are really narrow, so nothing seemed to fit. DD had swimming this afternoon and we visited the library after swimming. We had leftovers for supper. That's about it for me.


I won't write to each of you for now, but know that I'm thinking about you and hoping you have a great evening.


Joanne - Have a FANTASTIC weekend! :hug

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Hey all!


Leanne, did the rain wash out the games? I hope you were able to see the performances. How cool that you got autographs from some of the Patriots! LoL @ smelling like a gym. :lol


Vicki, do you hate state testing, by any chance? :lol I hope the rest of the day went well. How odd that the sparring turned into an anger fest! I'm glad it was all settled. I hope you're feeling better now. :hug


Hey Colleen! Sorry to hear about dd and the shoe dilemma. We have the exact opposite problem- Isabella's feet grow so fast that we can't keep her in shoes. Plus they are wide. Have you tried Stride Rite? I don't normally shop there because of the prices, but I know that they sell specialty sizes, like extra-wide and extra-narrow.


We went to Mommy and Me today,and the chicks hatched! Mia held one but Eva was freaked out by it and dropped the one she was given to hold. :lol

My old-man friend is coming over for dinner tonight. I told him that Roomie and the kids wouldn't be here, he sounded relieved. Anyway, I've finished cleaning for the most part, and dinner is finished except for the salad. I'm looking forward to a nice, quiet visit. :yes

I'm so happy that tomorrow is Friday. The girls have a birthday pool party on Saturday, so we have to go shopping for new swim suits. It's a party for 5 kids (a group party for the whole family) but we only are friends with 2 of them. What do I do about gifts? The mom was very nice and told me not to worry about getting them for anyone- just bring the kids and enjoy the pool and food. But I feel terrible showing up empty-handed. What do you all think? :think

Well, time to go wake Jorge and fix the salad. Have a great night, all! Oh, and here are lots of :cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer because Mia wanted me to use them. :lol

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Stacy - I think it would be fine to buy gifts just for the kids you are friends with. Or, maybe you could buy a family gift. A board game or an outdoor activity that the whole family can enjoy. Lasso Golf is fun. Or, maybe a gift card for going out for ice cream or something :shrug Good luck! We are going to a party in a couple weeks that is for 2 brothers, 1 year and six days apart :eek. DD has been invited by the younger brother, so I will just give a gift to the younger brother. Each boy picked 6 friends. Thanks for the tip about Stride Rite. I'll look into it.


Vicki - I hope you are feeling more relaxed. :hug


LeaAnne - How was the game, practice and talent show? :loco I don't know how you do it!


LeeAnn - How was your day today? How are the kiddos? Have you started your second flannelghan yet? :lol


Beth - Thinking about you!


Mary - How are you doing?


Shannon - Hope you are enjoying yourself!


:hi Scooby and Sarah

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Good evening friends!

Sorry that I was MIA, had an extremely long day. had class after work then stopped to get a hair cut! Yeah me! I feel like I may look halfway decent, but have a terrible sore throat and lost my voice....but am happy to be home with friends and family.


Yesterday goes down in the history for Very bad no good day! :lol I didn't have help in all morning and was completely stressed with four babies all crying at the same time, no one would help me, :helpdidn't get a lunch break till almost 2, no one would cover my room....grrr.....not even for me to use the bathroom...needless to say, by 2 I was melting, felt like crying.


Anyhow, enough about me,

Joanne-have a fantastic fabulous weekend and two extra days off!!! :cheerHappy Nurses day to ya!:flower


Beth-hope your dad is doing better.:hug


Stacy-so glad that your dentist appt. went well, your poor babes. :hugI would do a family gift!


Colleen-hope you find shoes for dd, she sounds petite and oh so adorable!:yes


LeaAnne-you have such a fun filled family! How wonderful!:hug


Vicki-:bheart I hope that the rest of the day was better for ya!


going to sit and do absolutely nothing, maybe just stare at the tube...heavenly!:wink


All my other friends, hope that your day was Wonderiferous!:hug

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HI all,


LeeAnn- that is terrible that no one would help you! and 4 crying babies at once? I hope that the Migrant position works out - not sure that where you are now is the place to be! Hoping for a much better day today for you. And a haircut does do wonders doesn't it? I have my hair appt next Saturday (of course, I should have planned it b/4 the trip to Boston- LOL)


Stacy- Hope you had a nice relaxing evening last night and that dinner with old man friend was nice- probably what you needed- esp with no roomie or terror around! I think Colleen's idea is a good one about just getting a family gift- an outdoor game sounds fun. Do they have a pool? You could get a pool toy.


Colleen- Good luck with the shoes- I had similar problems with my oldest- she has a wide foot with a high instep - I always had good luck with Stride Rite. Of course, the shoes are a little more expensive- but they fit!


LeaAnne- Hope you are having fun with the Chickens!! And tonight begins the rivalry- Go Yankees!!!!!


Vicki- TGIF!!!! Hope you have a great weekend and that TKD goes well tomorrow


Beth- thinking about you on your drive home from Ohio!!


Shannon- Have a good weekend-safe travels and have fun


Mary, Scooby, Sarah- Hi!!


I'd better get packing!!!


Have a great day everyone!!!

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Hi gang! YAY!!! It's FRIDAY!!!!!!!

Here is what happened yesterday: The counselor, whom you all know I do not like, we found out messed up testing yet again and is trying any way she can to put the blame on anyone but herself. Nice, right?


Joanne - What time do you leave for Boston? Ahve a safe trip and enjoy the time with your DDs!

Colleen and Stacy - I have the same problem as Stacy with my DD - the wide feet! I hate shopping for shoes for her because nothing fits her! And she has big feet too! The last time I took her to buy dress shoes for school I actually had to take her to Easy Spirit because I know they have wide sizes! Not the best shoes for little girls but they are the best I could do for her. I feel your pain!

LeeAnn - No one would cover your room? Why? Someone should have at least covered you to go to the bathroom. That wasn't very nice of them. I hope you have a better day today and the babies have a nice day too!

LeaAnne - How was the show? Did the chickens have a good performance?

I have an oral test to do today, so I need to get going. Have a great day all and I will talk to you all later!


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Good Morning friends!

Yup, home sick, this morning woke up feeling like someone was sitting on my head...ds is sick too, he has a sore throat and his coughing up a storm. So we are staying home drinking hot tea and trying to recuperate.

Joanne-Happy Mother's Day early! I know you will be leaving shortly, have a fun, exciting time! I will miss you! :hug

Vicki-I hope that your day goes better and that the counselor doesn't drive you completely mad! People! The gals wouldn't cover my room because they were mad, mad that they got into trouble for not following proper cleaning procedures and I didn't, silly but then again, the company is not all that perfect, lots of wierd things happening there.

will check in later, have a good morning!

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Thanks for the gift suggestions. I'm not sure a family game would work- the ages of the kids are 15, 7, 6, 4, and 2. :think And they live in a town home so there is no yard. (The pool is for the whole community.) Hmmm...will have to think a little more.

Dinner was nice. Mia was soooooo excited to see my old-man friend. We chatted about business-type stuff (he's VERY supportive of turning crochet into a business, as he is also an artist and sells some of his work) and he tried to talk me into learning to sew. :think Not sure how they're related, but I hate sewing, so that's a no-go. :lol Anyway, it was nice to have conversation without screaming kids trying to interrupt.

Oh, speaking of screaming kids...I had a chat with Roomie yesterday about her oldest dd's behavior toward me. Remember I had a problem with her a couple weeks ago? Well now she is rude to me when I try to talk to her, and leaves the room when I enter, yet wants me to watch her after school so she doesn't have to stay in the after-school program. I told Roomie that she needs to straighten that out, because why would I want to watch someone who is rude to me? Roomie tried to say it's because she is very sensitive and takes offense to my discipline techniques. I told her it's because she knows she will get in trouble with me if she does something wrong (whereas "Mom" doesn't discipline at all), and that the way she speaks to adults is just disrespectful. I was very calm about the whole thing- SO proud of myself! :cheer


Leeann, I hope you and your ds feel better soon! :hug Sorry to hear about those girls at work- that really stinks no one would help you because they got in trouble. They should have done it the right way- sanitizing is so important. :yes


Vicki, :rant at that counselor! What is her problem? And why isn't she getting in trouble for this stuff? You must be :thair sometimes. Good luck with the oral testing. TGIF!


Joanne, I'm sure I missed you, but have a safe trip! :hug


Beth, are you home yet? I hope all is well and that your dad is getting the therapy he needs. :hug


Mary, Shannon, Colleen, Leanne, Sarah, and Scooby- Happy Friday! Enjoy the weekend! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


Oh, and for all of you coffee fanatics (I should have posted this sooner for Joanne!)- Starbucks is having half-priced frappuccinos from 3-5 p.m. until the 16th! :woo I am so there! :lol

Dh just called and asked if I want to come by and have lunch with him. :manyheart I'm excited. Our week has been super-busy and we have barely seen each other, except bedtime and before he leaves in the morning.

I have to go and get some stuff cleaned up, then take the girls to get their suits. Mia wants a Tinkerbell one, so we're going to the Disney store. Thankfully Isabella found one at Wal-mart, so we'll go there after school.

Okay, I really gotta run now. BBL! :hug:hug



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