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:think....maybe I was a little too last-minute? Okay, I'll be back in a few minutes. I'm going to get my project out of the car and :crocheting for a bit! Hope to see you in a few!!
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:hi everyone! I crocheted today :yay I finished a little baby sweater I started earlier in the week. So cute! I'm going to make a hat to go with it.


Shannon - Sorry the chat didn't work out. Enjoy your alone time. :hug


Beth - It sounds like the dance recital was great! Have a safe trip. :hug


:hi to everyone else. Good night. Another week begins tomorrow.

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aww, Man! I missed 3 chats in 1 weekend! How is this possible?! :(:(:(


Well, please know I miss you all, and think of you all the time! I didn't finish my chores today, but like Joanne said... it was HOT! It is 85 degrees in my house :sweat. Tomorrow's another day, i guess! Please don't get me wrong... I am not complaining about the heat, especially after being :wbrr for so long!


My last chicken just went to bed. (weekend homework with this many ballgames and nice weather = Procrastinated!!!:blush) anyhoo... I am wilted, and am going to take Joanne's lead: a fan and a book.


Beth - have a safe trip, and let dad know that we are all praying for him!


LeeAnn - hope the Holy Communion was just lovely :dreaming


Shannon - sorry about the chat... but I sure hope you got to enjoy your "me" time with a special :crocheting project!


Colleen - I was glad to see that you got to :crocheting today! You have so earned it!!!:hug:hug


Vicki - Have a great week at school!


Joanne - Have a great day at work!


Vicki & Joanne - :ty for not mentioning my Sox! :blush:lol


Stacy, Mary, Scooby, Sarah - I miss you girls!



Here are some Bestie Hugs, take as many as you need!


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Good morning!

Safe travels to Beth and brood as they journey to Ohio today!!


Sorry about chat Shannon- hope you got lots of crocheting done in your alone time!!


LeaAnne- DD was telling me about the water advisory in Boston and hopefully it will be fixed by the time we all get there on Friday- in any event, I think I'll bring a case of water up with us! It rained here some over night. Still feels hot/humid in my house- but slept fine under the ceiling fan!!


Colleen- WTG on finishing a crochet project. Pictures when you have a chance, ok?


LeeAnn- hope that the Communion went spectacularly!!! Have a good day at work.


Vicki- Well, the Yankees won, but did you see any of the Mets game? DH had it on in the bedroom- Santana was pitching awful, but does the mgr take him out of the game? NOOOOO- he lets the Phillies score about 5 more runs off him, then takes him out! Your poor DH must not have been a happy camper!!! Have a good workweek.


Speeking of work weeks- I'd better get hopping here!


Mary, Scooby, Sarah, hugs to you


Have a great day everyone!

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good Day Ladies!

Beth-here's hoping you have a safe trip! :hug

Joanne-I'm so glad that you finished the ghan! It's exciting to finish something, I finished the flannelghan, :cheerjust have to tuck in the ends, will take a pic this evening to share with all of you. Hope you have a great day at work!

Colleen-the Communion was :c9 dd was adorable and it was soo sweet!

Vicki-have a great day!

LeaAnne-:hughave a fantastic day!

Attached a pic of dd but gotta run, will talk to you all soon!:hug


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LeeAnn - Your DD looks so beautiful! What a cutie and what a cute dress! She looks so proud to wear it too ;) I am so glad it went well and you make sure you tell your DD that she's a beautiful girl for me.


Can't stay. I'm supposed to be vacuuming :blush I came on the computer to book a landscape assessment with the city and got sidetracked. Couldn't not comment on LeeAnn's little cutie.


A vacuuming I go - before it gets too muggy.

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Morning all!

I didn't get a chance to come on earlier and say good morning! I had stuff to get done here at school! I still have stuff to do so this is going to be short.

Hope everyone has a great day and Beth has a smooth trip. Yes, we know we have too many WIPs when we have to choose which one to pack!

Talk to you all later and hope you all have a great day!

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:waving, friends!


LeeAnn - thanks for sharing a pic of your beautiful DD! She looks so proud! I just wish I could give her a big :hug!


Joanne - :yes There are 30 cities under a "boil water" order until further notice. Woburn is one of the few in the area that is not currently under that order. Can you imagine? we went from all that rain to this around here? Now we will spend the summer in a water shortage. :shrug... anyhoo... I hope your DD is managing ok, and I would say bring a few cases of water if the ban is not lifted. Bottled water is hard to come by, even in my unrestricted city.


Beth - Thinking of you and praying for safe travels, and a spunky dad waiting for you...:hug:hug:hug


Vicki - I hope your week goes well... it's countdown time (almost!):tup


Colleen - :xfin that you got your vac'ing done before the muggies settled in... it's soupy here today. I am keeping things to a minimum. We are having sandwiches for dinner, and I have 1 more of my daily 3 loads of wash to do. 2 Softball games tonight will ensure that I am outside! :wink


:hug:hugto you all, besties... it's time for my afternoon walk to school!

C ya tomorrow if I can't stop back by tonight!

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Hi all,


LeeAnn- your daughter looks like a little angel!!!! Beautiful!


Just stopping in to say hi!!! Gotta go figure out something for dinner. I'll stop back later!

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Hope everyone had a great day

It was another "soupy" day here and the AC at work wasn't working very well today- I couldn't wait to get home!


I'm going to go looking for a baby blanket quick pattern- I think I may do Bubbles Baby blanket- 2 strands of yarn with an N hook, but I want to see if anything else strikes my fancy!!!


Hope everyone has a great evening!!!

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Hey all!

Leeann- your dd is adorable!! Her dress is so cute and she looks very proud. Congratulations to her! :hug:hug:hug


Leanne, you have been busy,busy with those ballgames!


Colleen, did you get the vacuuming done? How is everything there?


Shannon, I can't believe I missed another chat!!! I saw it on FB about an hour too late. I hope we can catch up together soon!


Beth, lots of :hug:hug:hug and prayers for a safe trip.


Scooby, Vicki, Mary, Joanne- hope you all had a great day!


I have been in a funk lately. Everything is piling up and I don't want to drag anyone down, so I've been staying away. I need to come visit my besties, though. :yes

I went to see my old-man friend today. I went to pick up the carpet cleaner but ended up venting to him about everything with Roomie. :blush I felt really bad afterward, but he was super-nice about it an reaffirmed lots of things that I've been thinking. I told him how she never cleans and I don't think it's fair that I have to clean up after 9 people. Well...I happen to think that he called her, because she came home and started throwing stuff into the dishwasher, which she hasn't done in weeks. :sigh

Anyway...Mia is going to have her dental work tomorrow. Prayers please...I am very worried about her being put under but I know it is the best way to go about fixing her teeth. FIL stopped by and dropped off Dodger tickets for tomorrow night, if she's feeling up to it. They are literally on the field, right behind home plate. It will be nice to get out, if she is feeling okay. Then Wednesday is the pre-k field trip to the zoo. I am going on the bus with her! Sooo excited...I wasn't able to go on field trips with Isabella, because I had 2 other littles at the time, but MIL is off work right now and offered to watch Eva for me. :clap

Well, I better scoot. Promised the girls we'd have one final go at the corner store before I ban candy for good. :lol I swear, after this dental procedure is over- no more sugar. (Well, limited amounts, I'm sure, but no more spur-of-the-moment trips to the store.)

I'll stop back later! Love and hugs to all! :hug:hug:hug

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Good Evening friends!

Thought I would hop on the computer quickly, was busy with dinner and homework. Both kiddos have assignments due tomorrow. But glad that we are on our way to finishing.

Thank you for all the compliments regarding dd, she is adorable and ohhh so sweet! She's such a sweatheart! Gotta love her.

Today was my first day with all 4 new kiddos, they are so much fun! Hope tomorrow runs even smoother.

Colleen-did you get all your chores done? :think

Joanne-have you ever made a baby ghan that has the hoodie attached? It is from the lion brand website, it almost looks like bubbles, soo pretty and works up super fast!

Vicki-how was your day? Hope it went well.:D

Stacy-:lolI hope things look up for you! Sometimes I feel like all I do is vent and am trying to be more optimistic, hang in there!:hug

going to tuck in the ends for the flannelghan, talk to you all soon!


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:hi everyone!


I had a good day. Quiet, which I'm not used to. It was kind of strange. I got the vacuuming done and washed the sheets from both beds and dried them on the line and then remade the beds. Otherwised I pretty much goofed off. :devil It was nice today. It didn't end up getting muggy like I thought it would, but there are storms and rain coming tonight.


Stacy - Don't ever worry about bringing us down. We are always here for you and will help bring you up. Don't worry if old man friend said something to roomy. Someone needed to. I'll be praying for Mia. She'll be fine and it will all be over soon. :xfin that you make it to the ball game! You IL's are awesome!


LeeAnn - Glad your day with the kiddos went well.


LeaAnne - I hope the ball games were fun tonight. Good idea about the sandwiches for supper.


Joanne - The quickest and easiest baby blanket I've made are: 1. Merry-Go-Round blanket. It is now a free pattern on-line. Use a thick yarn, like Baby Clouds or maybe that Hometown USA. It is a round ripple with a big hook and it works up in a jiffy. Or, 2. There is the Seija set in the Happy Hooker book. Just straight rows of dc in stripes. Super cute. Who is having a baby? I can't remember if you told us.


Vicki - Sorry to hear about the pool mess. I hope your week started off well.


:hi to Shannon, Beth, Scooby, Mary and everyone else! Have a great evening!

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Hi all!


Just getting ready to go to bed and was surfing the web.


Joanne-the pattern is called Hooded Baby Blanket, it is on the Lion brand website, I looked it up to make sure. I have made a few of them and they were a big hit!


night friends, talk to ya all in la manana!

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Good morning!


Thanks for the ideas on the baby blankets Colleen and LeeAnn! My middle DD's BF's brother and wife are having a baby boy and DD is going to the baby shower on 5/17 so she asked me if I'd make a baby blanket!


Stacy- We are here for you!! :manyheart I hope that old man friend did say something to roomie- I know it's hard to live with someone who is not doing their fair share!!!


I'll be thinking of you today with Mia- all will go well and I sure hope you get to go to the Dodgers game tonight- that would be so much fun!! Here are some extra hugs for you!!!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


To everyone- I'm thinking about you and wishing you all a Happy Tuesday! I'm going to go check out those patterns now.


Cya on the flip side!!!

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hi, friends!


It's official... I have a dragging badorkus!:lol:lol:lol by the time I finished what I needed to last night it was 11:00! Not good on a "work" night!:lol Oh well, here's the big news: No ball games tonight!:faint I know, I can hardly believe it myself!:rofl We do however have dress rehearsals for the talent show that Jamie is in on Thursday and Friday nights. Friday her group is missing a member, so yesterday they all asked Lindsey to do it. She said "yes"! ... double:faint:faint! Nothing like middle school and a big sis to knock the stage fright outta ya! After rehearsals we are going to the art show :cheer The school system does an annual art show, and picks different works by different students to display....should be a nice and relaxing time. Just what the dr. ordered!:tup


Stacy - :hug:hug:hugsorry you've been down, friend! I hope things are looking up soon... and don't forget: You got us besties to come out there and straighten a certain slob and her offspring out if you need us! :tryme:lol


Colleen - So glad that you had a nice quiet day!:c9 You sound so rested! I am happy for you, friend! Enjoy your day today!


Joanne - can't wait to hear which pattern you picked! :drool... man, you are really getting fast!


Vicki - Here's hoping you have a great Tuesday! :hug


LeeAnn - good luck with your ever growing class today! Enjoy!


Beth - thinking about you....


Shannon, Mary, Scooby, and Sarah... Have a wonderiferous day, friends!:hug


extra hugs to you all... I just saw the clock, and need to move!:eek


Wishing you all the Bestiest Day you can have:manyheart:manyheart

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Hi gang! A migraine is not the best way to start the day, but that is how this one is starting. Ugh! I popped the Exedrine migraine at 5:30 and I am starting to feel better. I hate waking up with migraines. It drains the day and the day hasn't even started!

I actually fell asleep last night in my magic chair watching the Yankees beat up on the Orioles last night. I was all cuddled up in my blanket (I was cold with the AC on!) and just kept falling asleep! So I never got back on here yesterday like I had planned on.

Beth - Hope all is well in Ohio and your dad is doing well.

Stacy - Please never feel that you are going to bring us down. We are here for each other. That is one of the wonderful things about this group. We can vent and it is okay! Hope all goes well with Mia today. Special prayers will be said for her today and hope you can make it to the b-ball game tonight. Say hi to Joe Torre for me!

Colleen - Hope you enjoyed your quiet day! I haven't had one of those in a while! Did you get to crochet anything while you were alone?

LeaAnne - No games tonight? YAY YOU! Have fun at the dress rehearsal!

LeeAnn - Your DD looked precious in her communion dress. You must have been so proud of her. And have fun with your new kids in the classroom today. When is your other interview?

Tonight is a bowling night. The season is almost over. I am actually looking forward to this season ending. It wasn't the best of seasons. We will take a break over the summer. Hubby's elbow has been bothering him so we need to get that checked oout and see what is going on there. Hopefully nothing major and just something small.

Have a great day everyone and talk to you all later!


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:coffee Mornin'


My badorkus is dragging too, but that's okay. No rush. :c9 I'm doing groceries today and DD needs new shoes. We need a pair that aren't full of sand. It's almost sandal time too, so we'll be looking for those.


Stacy - I'm thinking about you and Mia today :hug


Joanne - 5/17 :eek That will have to be a quick one! A (tiny) giant granny always looks cute in baby colours too ;)


LeaAnne - Enjoy no ball games tonight and enjoy the art show. That was sweet of Jamie and gang to ask Lindsey. You got some great chickens there!


Have a great day everyone!

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Today is one of those days where I am getting a ton of stuff done! It has all been sitting on my desk and now that testing is over I can actually get to it! My end of the marking period updates are almost done. I just need info from one more teacher and then I am done. My principal handed me a project and that is done. He just needs to look at the last part before I mail it off. YAY ME! I can actually see the top of my desk!

Now I am off to help the diags secretary set up folders on the high school flash drives for 8th grade students. This way when teachers come to save info for their students the folders are already there!

Hope everyone is having agreat day!


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Good Evening Friends!

I am finally home! Whew! Today felt like a long day. :lol I had my interview at the Migrant program this afternoon, I am so keeping my fingers crossed. We will see what happens.

I finally finished dh's flannelghan, tada! Will hop on here later, the phone is ringing....be back soon!


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Hi all,

Well, it was a long day at work- didn't get home until 7! I'm beat!!


I stopped at ACMoore on the way home- they ave baby yarn 30% off so I bought a new yarn by Lion Brand- called Baby's First- it is a bulky yarn- but oh, so soft. They had a pattern on the wrapper called Carson City Afghan- about 28X30- Basically it is just V stitches- looks easy and should work up rather quickly (at least I hope it does)


Stacy- I've been thinking about you all day- Hope all went well with Mia and you are at the ball game!


Colleen- Yay for another quiet day- did you have luck with DD's new shoes and sandals?


Vicki- Have fun at bowling- and glad it's almost over. Funny you should mention DH's elbow- my Rt elbow has been a little sore-hope it is not from too much crocheting.


LeeAnn- Fingers crossed about the job!! And your flannel'ghan is awesome- love the colors of it!!


LeaAnne- have fun at the art show tonight- and enjoy the time off from the fields!


Mary- How are things in your neck of God's country? Hope you are well.


Thinking about you Beth and your visit with your Dad


Shannon-How's things in La?


Hope I didn't miss anyone- my brain is tired!!!


Have a good evening and cya in the AM!

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Evening friends!

Just getting ready for bed, tomorrow is my long day, have to work 8:30-6:00, hopefully the day will fly by!

Joanne-glad that you were able to find the yarn that you needed, I can't wait to see your finished baby ghan! Being around babies all day makes me want to make something soft and cuddly.

Colleen-I am glad that you had a low key day, did you find sandals?

Vicki-You go girl! you got a lot done today! WTG!

LeaAnne-glad that you were going to have an evening with R & R and an Art show too! How fun!

Mary, Scooby, Sarah,Shannon, and Beth, hope you ladies had a great day and an even better tomorrow!

:hugI started working on the hexagon ghan again, have to make myself get motivated...am itching to start another project...:D

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Good morning and Happy Hump Day!!!


Hope everyone has a great day! I started the baby ghan last night and got 8 rows done- it is moving along quick with this yarn and a "K" hook! I really did like the baby ghan in the Happy Hooker book that Colleen had recommended and may make one of those next just to have on hand- but without the pressure of a time line!!!


Stacy- thinking about you and Mia and hope to see a post when I get home! Hope she is doing fine!!!!


Everyone else- make it a good day and I'll see you all later!!!!

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