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Some good clean fun?!

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Yes, we took it off - although the sign is still there- DH is calling the realtor Monday to come and get it off the lawn.


It does make it easier = the house doesn't have to be perfect! I want to put back up some of my family photos (they tell you to take them down so the house doesn't look so personal)

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Yea, I hear you- I love sugary things- but have tried to watch it. I was able to cut back on sodium- and don't miss it- but I would have a really hard time cutting out chocolate!


How's it going with the soda pop? Still not drinking it? DH stopped and I'm glad about that- even though he drank diet- it just isn't good for you.

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I've pretty much quit it. I still have one in social situations. I don't drink wine or beer, so for example when we went to the party last night I had a coke. I am comfortable with that.

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Ok, so when the dust bunnies are all over the place, I'll just say Colleen told me to take the week off!!!:lol


I'm done with cleaning for the weekend- except I have one load of towels to wash tomorrow. And I'll be in Boston next Friday to Monday- so there will be plenty of dust for me when I get to cleaning it the following weekend:lol

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I've pretty much quit it. I still have one in social situations. I don't drink wine or beer, so for example when we went to the party last night I had a coke. I am comfortable with that.

That's awesome! I'm not a drinker either- although when it is really hot, i do like a summer ale! And I like white wine- but mostly I drink water! OH and COFFEE!!!

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That's great that you are going to Boston. Are you taking a long weekend off? That will be nice to see your DD for Mother's Day.


My DH is going to Boston for a conference in the summer and I am mulling over the idea of going with him. I'd have to leave DD for a week, though, so that's what I need to mull over. Otherwise I'd love to see Boston.

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I'm going to call it a night I think- I'm wiped out from all the crazy cleaning this morning and then being out in the heat all day!


I'm glad you were on to chat with- Sweet dreams!!!!


I've missed chatting with everyone- this is a busy time of year!

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Sounds like a good plan, Joanne. My pillow is calling my name too.


Have a good sleep! Thanks for that chat. You are so fun to chat with as always! :hug

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Oh, You have to go see Boston- it is an awesome city!!!!! I LOVE IT


Yes, my 2 DD's are coming up with me so I'll be with all my girls on Mother's Day:manyheart


I am very excited- taking off work Fri and Mon- just have to be back for DD's last class at 4:30 on Monday- she just has to present her final paper- the paper gets handed in this week.

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Good morning Glories!


Happy Sunday to one and all!!!! Slept late (for me) so I guess being outside in the 90 degree temps wiped me out!!!


Hugs to all for a wonderful day!

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Happy Sunday to you all! I actually have the laundry started and one of the loads of towels folded. I need to get up and fold the other one. DD needs to get her clothes off the drying rack so I can put the new ones on there. I even know what I am making for dinner - SHRIMP! They were on sale at the grocery store yesterday for $3.99, but the man at the fish counter gave them to me for $2.99! I love it!


I want to go shopping for pillows today. I need new pillows for my beds. Maybe I will do that today. I ordered two books off Amazon yesterday to try to teach myself Tunisian crochet. Yeah, I need another book like I need another hole in my head. But I look at it this way. Hubby can pay for it for my Mother's day present!


I will talk to you all later! It is bright and sunny here so I need to get my badorkus up and moving. I really don't feel like it, but I need to!



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Hi, everybody!


Hasn't the weather in the Northeast been fabulous? I just took a peek at our forecast, and other than tomorrow, the week looks glorious!!!


Vicki - your post this morning made me smile... I could hear how happy you are today! I hope that you get some really awesome pillows!


Beth - How was the performance lastnight? Are you doing ok on your packing? I will be praying for you tomorrow for safe travels, friend!


Colleen - glad to hear that the party was fun, and Congrats on the soda-quitness!:clap:yay:hug I am proud of you! When is DH's trip to Boston? You know, you do have a bestie who lives very near there!:devil


Scooby - thanks for stopping in! It's always nice to hear from you!


LeeAnn - You are so sweet, and a perfect-ness addition to our gang! I am so happy that you are here! Your posts are very uplifting and motivating:manyheart


Joanne - do you have Friday off? I am so happy for you to be spending Mother's Day with all 3 of your girlies! :c9 ...and I love that your DD keeps your hook nice and busy! That is very cool :tup... maybe you should keep a list of what you make for her, and make some more of them to sell! I think I agree with Colleen... there IS a Joanne category!


:hi to Shannon, Mary, Stacy, Sarah, Frogger, C4J, and anyone I am mistakenly missing


Yesterday was a lot of fun! Boy, what a long day though! We ate dinner last night at 9:15. We didn't even get home until 8:30! The Hit&Run clinic was adorable! the girls had fun showing the younger girls how to slide and run through first base. After that, we stopped at home to get everyone's uniforms on and we were off! Pete played at noon, Jamie at 3, and Krissy at 5:30! There were 2 wins and 1 loss, but all good games! I didn't :crocheting at all, but instead spent my day :blah:blah with parents I would not have been able to chat with if I was coaching:lol... Oh! and I O.D.'d on vitamin D! :rofl.. (otherwise known as got a jump on my tan:wink)


Today, I need to do all of my laundry, go food shopping, do yesterday's and today's cleaning, change my shower curtain, and make some time for me to :crocheting later on.


I hope you all have a wonderous day! Enjoy your families, and the Sabbath... We are blessed!



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Top of the morning to ya friends!

I woke up early, thinking about all that has to be done today. This evening is dd's First Holy Communion, have to get her hair and nails done. lol isn't that just so funny? She's only 9 and have to do her nails, last week we had polished her nails avocado green, so going to remove that and go for a pale shimmer and then going to put sponge rollers in her hair. I am not much for curling her hair with a curling iron, it's so fine, I don't want to damage it. But before that, we have to bake bananna bread, dd is going to do a demonstration for her class, complete with pictures and step by step directions. How fun!

I finished sewing the panels together for the flannelghan, just working on the edging, I hope that I can finish it today too! dh just loves it!

Quick question, on the flannelghan, has anyone tried connecting it as you go? Or do you think it is better to connect it when the strips are already done? Just wondering because I want to make another one. :lol

Joanne-you are amazing! I love hearing about your completed projects! I have to put up our family pics too, dh painted the living room yesterday, some time soon I want to make a wall of photos, I bought all black picture frames, just have to make myself get to it. Will you take a pic and show us your water bottle cover?

LeaAnne-:wavingYou sure stay busy, how do you have enough energy? :yes

Colleen-glad to hear that dd is feeling better, it is tough when our babies are sick.:lashes

Vicki-the new pillows sounds like :c9 will you get a chance to :hook

guess I should get myself motivated, I was missing chatting with you guys, so had to stop in!

:hugmust get to work...:eek

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LeaAnne- sounds like you had a blast on the sidelines yesterday- good for you!!!! Happy to hear the weather is going to be glorious- hope it holds out all next weekend too when I'm in Beantown!!!


LeeAnn- Happy First Communion Day to DD!!! Around here First Communion's are on a Saturday. I'll bet she'll look like an angel- and sponge rollers bring back memories of how I used to curl my DD's hair!!!

When I made the flannel'ghan I sewed the strips together when I was finished, but I bet you could do it as you go- LeaAnne is the one who turned us on to RoseRed's flannelghan pattern and she has made quite a few!


Well, off to grab hook and yarn and finish this ghan-


And yes, once I finish the handle on the water bottle holder I'll post a pic. But #1 priority is to finish the ghan.

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LeeAnn - Happy Holy Communion Day for DD! With regards to the join as you go on the flannelghan... yes, it does work to join as you go! Isn't that pattern addicting? I haven't personally did the join as you go on it (I still have yet to try that method for any project:blush:lol) If you go over to that CAL, and scroll through the posts in the February-ish time frame, you will find notes from someone who did it.


Joanne - Happy stitchin'! I can't say that I am not just a little jealous that you are already at it today! :lol:lol ...just kidding, friend! I hope you get to finish that 'ghan!


ok...enuff procrastinating... I gotta get busy! :devil



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:hi everyone!


LeaAnne - Your day at the ballgames sounds fun! Good for you catching up on the chat-ness with the sideline parents. I think DH's conference in Boston is in August, so a ways away yet. I have always wanted to see Boston, so we'll see. And trust me, you were one of the first things that popped into my head when we talked about going.


LeeAnn - Hooray for your DD and her First Holy Communion. Tell her congrats and God bless from me. I hope the day is special for her.


Have a great day everyone! I am not feeling too well. Too many parties this weekend I think. I did walk to the store this morning for bread and strawberries. I've done 1 load of laundry and the kitchen is clean. I have a small chicken out of the freezer to roast for supper. Otherwise I have plans to sit on my badorkus today.

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Colleen-August, huh? That is when my DD's birthday is and I could plan a trip to Boston then.:devil Are we twisting your arm yet?:lol Enjoy your Sunday on your badorkus!!


I did 3 more rounds of the ghan- they take longer and longer- I'm thinking maybe 3 more then border and then weave in the ends- At least 1/2 of the ends are already weaved in since I was weaving as I went, but then got lazy the longer each round took!:lol



Yankees are winning 5-0 so back to the game and this ghan!:hook

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Hi friends!

I am waiting for my nails to dry so that I can straighten my hair, wavy hair is the pits! :lol Dd looks adorable, she's walking around in her robe and rollers, she doesn't want to get dirty.

Bannana bread is done, yummy! We used a different recipe, it calls for heavy cream, what a difference! It is so soft and moist, delicious!

Joanne-you are on the ball, I always think of you when I am cleaning and think, you have a lot of spunk! Your personality is so genuine and easy going. your family is blessed to have you.

Colleen-I am glad that you are getting time to :hook, you deserve it!

all my other friends, have a wonderful afternoon!


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Colleen - Hope you feel better... make sure you relax today, dear friend!:hug Keep us posted about Beantown... that would be fun!


LeeAnn - enjoy the rest of your day... sounds like you and DD are making the most of it! Thank you so much for sharing it with us:hug


Joanne - :cheer:cheer:cheer 3 cheers for 3 more rounds! You can do it, girl!


:hi to all of you besties out there! I hope you are having a terrific day, and that all is well in your corner of the continent!

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Hi everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful Sunday! I got the laundry done and the towels folded. DD and I went to Anna's Linens and I got new pillows for everyone and I finally found a new comforter for the bed! I have been looking for a new one for such a long time and could never find one that I liked! So I bought that and the pillows. I needed fabric to have a friend make a pillow for me for the graduation present. I am going to cover the pillow to match the green afghan. I figured I was cheaper to make the pillow than to buy the pillow form. I tried to vacuum the pool today, but I ended up making it really dirty. All the diry that was sitting on the bottom over the winter began to float because I didn't cover the pool. Not to smart of me.

LeaAnne - You had a great day at the ball fields! Glad the base clinic was a success and the games were good!

Joanne - How is your hook doing? When I turned off the Yankee game to go clean the pool they were up by 12. Hopefully they kept their lead!

LeeAnn - How did your DD look after her hair was curled? I hope she looked how you wanted her to! Many congratulations to her and God bless!

Scooby - Glad you were able to stop by! Hope things slow down and you get to hook a little soon!

Colleen - I hope you are feeling better today. Did you get to relax a little? Enjoy the rest of the night!

The dinner dishes are done and the dish washer is washing away! I need to go take out clothes for the morning. I hope you all have a great night and I will talk to you all on the flip side!

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Hi all!


For the first time in a week, I'm alone!! :yay:yay:yay:cheer:cheer:clap


So to celebrate, I'm inviting you all to a last-minute chat. 7:15, my time. (8:15 EST) I hope to see some of you here.


I'm off to get some chores done real fast!!


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Dang. I can't stick around for chat. I'm between last-minute chores here, and decided to jump on the pc real fast for a bestie fix.


The performance was lovely. I am very proud of my girl, matter of fact, I stopped all the moms coming in late (i knew them all from working at the studio) and pointed out my dd. They don't know her, because their daughters are a lot younger.


The a/c was broken at the auditorium, and I'm still too hot. I really pity the dancers, but they poured their hearts and souls into the dances, and gave a top-notch performance.


Well, I'm in the midst of getting the kitchen clean, like it will be that way when I come home. My dh is taking the dog to his sister's for doggy sitting, which is a huge relief. I need to write up instructions on the care and feeding of the other pets. And I need to flip some laundry. I do have my crochet bag packed. It's got my SIL's afghan, my vest, and a scarf. How to tell when you have too many WIPs -- it takes half an hour to decide which ones to carry on a trip.


I probably won't be stopping on again until I get home. Have a great week, ladies!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Hi all,


I finished the ghan- I finished the ghan- :clap:clap:clap ends weaved and all- just have to wash it one evening this week and wrap it up!!! I am so happy that is done!!!!


Vicki- The Yankees won 12-3! Hughes pitched awesome- speaking of pools, i can't imagine what mine is going to look like- it's been covered since last winter-not this past winter- the one b/4- We didn't end up opening i last summer since it rained all of June and by the time the rains stopped, we were going to be going away a few of the weekends and then for a week- didn't seem worth it. But we are opening it this summer so we'll see how much of a project that is going to be!!!


Shannon- Yay for alone time!!!! Sorry, girlfriend, but I don't think I'll be around at 9:15 my time- It was very hot /humid, and I didn't turn the AC on since the temps are supposed to go back to normal after storms tonight. And I was crocheting all afternoon with an afghan on my lap!!! :lol I am planning to go up to bed and lie under the ceiling fan for a while with a book and then go to sleep!!!


Beth- Safe travels tomorrow in case I miss you in the AM- Hope Amanda's performances were spectacular!!!!


to everyone- have a good rest of the evening and I'll cya in the AM:hug

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