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Some good clean fun?!

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HI all,


DD and I went to Rutgers Day @ Rutgers- We opted to go to the Cook campus- where they had Ag Day festivities and the Folk Fest. It was awesome weather today- perfect for a day outside. Listened to some music, walked around and saw the exhibits by the environmental science majors- there were some really neat rain barrels- that were painted by artists. You place it by your down spout and they had spigots at the bottom so you can re-use the water- really cool. They also had lots of plants to buy but DD and I didn't have anything to carry them in but we did find out that every Friday there is a farmers market starting next Friday- I pass by Rutgers Gardens where they have the sale on my way home from work. We did buy some home-made jam- I got raspberry, DD got raspberry and strawberry rhubarb.


Got home around 4:30 or so. DH was watching the Yankees- so I joined him- Great game and great pitching and they won.


After dinner, I fell asleep on the couch -and just woke up a short while ago.


Yes, I have tons of spring cleaning to do still! Tomorrow is supposed to be raining, so the plan is to go to the attic and bring down summer clothes- going to go through the remaining winter clothes and as I unpack the summer clothes, if they weren't worn last summer, they probably won't be worn this summer either so we'll be making a trip to Goodwill in the afternoon.


Have fun at the parade tomorrow LeaAnne and good luck to all the teams!!! Yes, I am heading to Boston May 7- and my other 2 DD's are coming with me. Ill be with all my girls on Mother's Day this year!!! I am very excited about that. This year, Mother's Day is May 9, the anniversary of my mother's passing (first time in a few years that May9 and Mother's Day have been the same and my mom passed away on Mother's Day- can't believe it will be 11 years) The Yanks/Red Sox are playing each other at Fenway that weekend- DD is trying to get tix- but I'm sure they are sold out or prices will be too high!


Colleen- Sounds like you had a nice day today- and yay for almost being officially a SAHM- and the granny sounds nice- very colorful! I've been working on a large solid granny for stepdaughter that I need to finish by May 7.


LeeAnn- Congrats I knew you'd get your homework done!!! Finish line is almost here!


Vicki- How did DD do at the TKD tourny today? I was thinking about you!


Mary- Thanks for popping in to say hi


Shannon- I saw some nasty weather was in LA and Miss today- hope it spared you!


Stacy- How is Jorge doing? Is he having a tough time following his diet? Thought of you while I was at Trader Joe's today- it seems I always do when I go there- especially when I stock up on my favorite Joe's Dark Coffee!!


Beth- how was your day? Did you say your DD's ballet recital was May 1st-2nd weekend? Are you making more of those bun covers?


Scooby and Sarah hope you are doing well. And Scooby- those roses are beautiful!


Good night all!

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:waving, Good Morning, friends, and Happy "family day"! ...at least that's how we in my house refer to Sundays!:) I am up enjoying a quiet cup of coffee before I need to get everyone going, so decided to drop by :manyheart


Joanne - So nice to hear that you will be with all of your girls on Mother's Day this year! I know that you girls will all have the best time!:c9 Rutgers Day sounds like a lot of fun. Good luck with your cleaning today. We have a 50/50 chance of rain today, and the temps are supposed to be mid 50's. I am hoping that the showers hold off until tonight, when we are back at home... think :sun.... think :sun! :lol



Donna - thank you so very much for doing some spring cleaning on our cleaning CAL! It will be nice to have things running more quickly! Thank you, also, for all you and Amy do for everyone at Crochetville! You have blessed many lives by giving us all such a wonderful place to be! :ty:ty



well, friends... I hope you all have a fantabulous-ness day! I will try to drop in later on, and let you know how it all went!



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Quick good morning and as LeaAnne said "happy family day":manyheart


Hoping the rain holds off for you today- with the baseball parade and the games today- we don't want it to rain on your parade!!!:lol

Here some:sun and hoping that the smiley does the trick!


Unfortunately, the rain did not hold out here- it is raining and supposed to rain through Tuesday:(- the positive is that DH put down some grass seed yesterday so we using mother nature to water it!


I'm going to finish up my coffee and then get started on the semi-annual switch the clothes around.


I'll stop by later to see if anyone has popped on by!


Thanks Donna for archiving and I second what LeaAnne said- thanks to you and Amy for this place called the ville!!:manyheart

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:hi Everybody! :morcoffee


LeaAnne, welcome back! It's great to hear from you. It sounds like you are about to get very busy, but your family seems to thrive on it. I hope you have a :sun day today!


Joanne, good luck with the clothes switch. How smart to sort out what you don't wear while moving things from place to place!


Donna, I'm with LeaAnne, THANKS SO MUCH!!! I love the 'Ville and appreciate all you and Amy do for us.


Colleen, it's so nice that your dd and dh take a woodworking class together. That's so sweet! I'm glad you took a nice, long walk. It sounds like you got so much accomplished. :hyper can't wait to see a pic of the granny. Good luck weaving in ends. I'm planning to do that on my sil's afghan today.


LeaAnn, good job finishing your home work! Isn't it great when it's done? Are you graduating this year? How wonderful! I admire anyone who can be a full-time mom and accomplish anything beyond that. :nworthy.


Mary, so nice to hear from you! :hug I hope everything is good in God's country!


Vicki, how was the TKD? How's dd? How are you? How is dh? When does school end there? The public schools go until the middle of June here, but they don't start until after Labor Day.


Stacy, is Jorge feeling any better? Is he sticking to his diet? How are the girls? Any terrible Terror stories to share?


Shannon, I hope things are going well for you. It's always so nice to "see" you when you pop in.


Scooby, I was sick, and my oldest son brought me a TY Beanie's baby Scooby doll to make me feel better. Of course I thought of you!


C4J, Sarah, Tena, and Frogger, and all our other friends. I sure miss hearing from you, and I hope you are all well.


Yesterday my dd had dress rehearsal. I stayed in the ballet studio, and worked on my SIL's afghan. (I also played with the 3-year-old daughter of one of the ballet instructors.:c9) I am connecting the squares with slip stitch, and I'm so much happier with how it is coming together. Personally, I like the ridge.


My kids are all doing well. My dd is very happy with how her back feels now that the doc has her on anti-inflamatories. She showed me that she can arch her back pretty far without it hurting.


Today I do the grocery shopping, take the boys to their volunteer activity, make up my lesson plans for the week, and the usual laundry, cooking, and animal care. I hope you all have a great one. I think I will!:manyheart

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Good morning :suns!


It is raining here too, Joanne, but I'll wish for sunshine for LeaAnne's parade too :xfin.


I am really hoping for a :crocheting day. I mentioned it to DH and he mentioned a half dozen things that need to be done :angry. Talk about raining on my parade. He's in a real get-things-done mood and I've already been there. Now I want to relax. I even told him I really wanted to watch golf this afternoon in hopes of getting him on the same page :rofl


Joanne - Happy clothes switch day!


Beth - Happy end-weaving day!


LeaAnne - Enjoy the parade (rain or shine :wink).


Donna - Thanks for archiving and I'll add to what the other ladies already said. THANK YOU so much for all you and Amy do! We love this place!


Off to church here shortly. Have a great day everyone!

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Hi gang! I'm here this fine Sunday morning! The sun is bright this morning! I have the first load of laundry in the washer. It just beeped that is was done, but DD is eating breakfast so I need to wait before I do the second load since it's her clothes that I need!


The tournament went well for the most part. DD took a bronze medal in sparring and a silver in forms. I'll post pictures of her in her match. The girl she was sparring was a better fighter than she was and I don't think DD was as aggressive as she was in March, but she still held her own very well against a better fighter and that is a huge step for her.

All the matches were really good. The girls did a terrific job. One of our girls got knocked out in her match. That was not fun. Watching her lay on the floor and NOT get up. She came to and was fine, but she was not feeling well last night. I'm going to call or text her later and see how she is feeling. She may go to the hospital today. I have her match on video (we recorded all the matches) and the first thing she said to me when she got back to her seat was she wanted to see the vidoe of her fight. I just looked and her and told her no, she didn't want to see it. She just looked at me and said "Mrs Vicki, I want to see the video. Let me see it." I showed it to her. It was a good, fair fight until she got knocked out. Once she's feeling better she's going to be teased about this for months! She's never had this happen to her before.


I need to do some cleaning today and pay some bills. The floors need some attention and I need to get the sheets changed on the beds. I have to go to the grocery store today and get some rolls for dinner. I think I am going to make sausage parm and a salad. Nice and easy!


I will come back later and respond to everyone. I will also post pics of DD in her match. Have a great day all and talk to you later!



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Vicki, :eek about the girl getting knocked out! I can't believe she wanted to see it. I hope she's feeling OK today. I'm proud of your dd. A bronze and a silver are very good!!!:cheer


Could you please tell me how to make Sausage Parm? My ds eats it at work all the time, and really likes it.



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Oh isn't that pretty! I will try to download it and print it just in case Shannon doesn't make it on here today.


Colleen, it's copyrighted. You can't print it out for Shannon. She needs to get it herself. If any of you text her, could you please bring it to her atttention? Thanks!:manyheart

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Hi girls. Beth, thank you so much for the link. That fleur de lis is beautiful. I'll look at it more later. We're going through some things right now. Prayers would be greatly appreciated. I'll fill you in more later. I don't really want to talk about it right now.


I love you all.

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:hug:hug to you Shannon!!


Well, the clothes switching is done!!! :clap And I'm so proud of DH! He finally went through all the clothes that he has been saving and actually got on board with donating those he hasn't worn in a few years!!! We have 3 empty totes now!!!


We went to Goodwill and dropped everything off (wanted to make sure we did it today before DH changed his mind:lol)


I dusted and vacuumed, and changed the sheets- the laundry is in the dryer now and I'm going to sit and crochet!


Colleen- Hope that your DH lets you have some :crocheting time now that you got your mojo back!! I liked your thinking about offering to watch the PGA Golf Tournament


Vicki- WTG on DD's silver and bronze- that is awesome. Can't believe the girl wanted to see herself getting knocked out. How is she doing today?


LeaAnne- It's been kind of drizzly here- the hard rain stopped hours ago-and I'm hoping it didn't rain on the parade or the games!!! Did you bring any:crocheting with you?


Beth- Glad to hear that DD's back isn't hurting anymore. How's the weaving in of ends coming along?


LeeAnn- How are you doing today- are you getting any relaxing time in?


Mary, Scooby, Sarah, and STacy- HI and hope you are having a good day!


Time to work on stepdaughters ghan!

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Beth - Sausage parm is the easiest thing in the world to make! I bake the sausage in the oven at 350 for about 30 minutes. Then I turn it and finish baking it for another 30 minutes. Take it out of the oven and cut the sausage open length wise. Don't cut all the way through! Put your sauce and cheese on each of the sausage links and return to the oven until the cheese is nice and melted. Take it out of the oven and voila! Sausage parm is done! Get some good hoagie rolls and a nice salad and dinner is done! You could even do french fries with it if you wanted to! Let me know how it goes when you make it!

I went to go visit our friend who got hurt yesterday. She is still feeling dizzy. I texted her and told her I was going to Target and did she need anything. She texts me back pasta. I tell her I can't exactly get you pasta at Target and what else do you want? So I brought her a pretzel and some chocolate chip cake. She was happy with that. She is sleepy, but I remember when hubby had his concussion he slept a lot too, so I guess it is part of the territory.

I got the laundry done and the sheets changed. I cleaned the toilets in the bathrooms and washed the dishes and loaded the dishwasher.

Joanne - YAY for getting the clothes switched out! And yay for getting DH to donate stuff he doesn't wear anymore! That is great!

Colleen - Did watching golf help you get a relaxing day? I hope so. That was a good idea to do that.

Shannon - Hugs and prayers to you. I hope everything is okay. We are here for you girl!

Mary - Is the hook still flying to get the sweaters done for the show in June? How many more do you need to make?

LeaAnne - Welcome home! I hope you had a good trip and have a great day at the ball field! What did you bring to work on? I never crocheted a stitch yesterday at the tournament. This one went so fast I didn't have time! And then when our team mate got hurt I wasn't in the mood to do it anyway.

Leeann - Hope you are having a good weekend and are ready for the kiddies tomorrow! Let us know how it goes!

I am getting ready to download the pictures from the tournament yesterday. I will be back so you can see them!


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Here are the pictures from yesterday! DD is the one in the blue chest protector. She did a great job! The girl in the first picture with the green back pack is her coach. She is getting last minute instructions before the match started!




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Good Afternoon Friends!

Looks like the weekend is almost gone.:think but I did get a lot accomplished. This morning we took dd to her last Sunday school class! yeah:cheer next weekend she makes her First Holy Communion. Then we had to stop and buy her shoes, and groceries for the week. Came home and cleaned, bathrooms, floors, laundry and re potted a few of our plants and planted more flower with dd. She loves gardening. Her veggie's have come up, we are getting the yard ready for the garden. Yesterday dh took the truck down to the in-laws and had it filled with soil. Now they have to till the ground and then build up the soil...sounds like an awful lot of work, but I am sure it will be worth it. I am waiting for dd's nails to dry, I gave her a mani and pedi-neon green nail polish! :lol we are going to add little flower decals....how cute!

be back in a few to address everyone individually. Hugs!:hug:hug

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HI I'm back, finished with dd's nails...too cute!

Vicki-Oh my gosh! I hope that your friend feels better. Thank you for posting pics, it is always neat to put a face with what you read. The sausage parm sounds delicious! Can you add pasta to it? Or do you think it will taste wierd?

Joanne-:clapWTG!!!!! Switching out clothes is a daunting task! I have to get to that soon too. We have our extra clothing in totes in the shed, just mine and dh's. The kiddos have enough room in their closets,...hmmm....I think that means I have a lot of clothing. lol I love clothes! Your upcoming Mother's day sounds like it is going to be just wonderful! So happy for you.:hug

Colleen-did you get time to :hook and relax? I am going to do that for just a few, my aunt invited us over for dinner, I am happy to go but feel tired...whew..

Shannon-:hug:manyheart extra hugs and warmest wishes!

Mary-are you having a sale in June?

LeaAnne-how ya doing today?

will chat with you all soon, going to :hook I have 4 panels for the flannelghan done, now I am itching to finish it and the hexagons. The hexagons are taking over my living room! Help!.:hug

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Hi everyone


Well, Vicki- the Yankees lost- why oh why did they bring Vasquez back again? What was the reasoning?

The pics of the tourny are great- thanks for posting them!!! And thanks for the sausage parm recipe! I hope that the girl will be ok- she should avoid any kind of contact sport for at least a week:)


LeeAnn- you got a lot done today- good for you- and not having to cook is a bonus!


Shannon- here's some more :hug:hug


Everyone else, I'm going back to crochet- have a wonderful rest of the evening. I need to de-stress after that Yankee fiasco!:lol:lol

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:hi, friends!


:yawn.... what a day! so much fun, but boy, are we beat! I am the last one up!


just wanted to stop in and wish you all a goodnight, and to let you know that the rain did stay away all day! The parade was fun. Jamie's team won, and so did Krissy's! All in all...it was a wonderful opening day! We finished it off with banana splits for dinner:P


Shannon :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug and prayers for you and yours, friend!


Vicki thanks so much for sharing pics of the tourny yesterday! DD looks like she really loves TQD! sorry to hear about her teammate, and hoping she recovers quickly!

I didn't bring any :crocheting with me today. I was too busy being all excited. I do need to pack a travel project to go to the games with, though. That will be my special job for tomorrow! :tup


Colleen - I sure hope you got your :crocheting time in today... did DH "get the hint" about watching golf?


Beth - I guess we love this time of year so much because we have been all cooped up all winter. It's nice to get out, see people, and get some air and exercise:clap

did you get your end weaving done that you wanted to do?


LeeAnn - Good luck at work tomorrow... I will be thinking about you while I am minding my 1 four year old friend! You sure did get a lot done this weekend! :nworthy!


Joanne - WTG on the wardrobe switch! and good luck at work tomorrow! I hope that it goes swimmingly for you, friend! Oh...and sorry about your Yankees! We are a little worried about our Sox this year...We'll see how it goes!


Hi, to Stacy, Mary, Scooby, Sarah, and any other GoodClean Friends who are out there!


I :manyheart our gang!


:hugand sweet dreams, besties!

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Oh! I almost forgot....


hey, Joanne, are those 3 totes for:devil .... YARN?! :rofl


just wondering!:hug


I was thinking that they would be good storage for my yarn:lol:lol- except that they are not clear- and I want to see what yarn I have!:lol:lol


It is kind of a gray day here- not raining, but supposed to off and on. So happy that the rain held out in MA- sounds like LeaAnne and gang had a great day! WTG Krissy and Jamie- a win to start the season is always good:clap


Shannon- Thinking about you and sending :hug:hug


Happy Monday to everyone! BBL!

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Happy Monday all! Glad you all liked the pictures I posted. There are more on Facebook. Go check them out!

Our friend wo got hurt is doing a little better. She went to the doctor and was officially diagnosed with a mild concussion. No jumping for 48 hours and no computer work at school. She actually wanted me to post the video of her sparring match with the knock out. I told her there was no way I was posting that.

I did some more cleaning yesterday! I took the garbage out and I cleaned the garbage pail in the kitchen. That was dirty! I put all the dishes in the dish washer. I took chicken cutlets out for dinner today. I don't know what I will make with them today. I depends what time I get home. We have to meet about some of our students today. We need to go back and redo their placements for next year since we will not have co-teach classes. This will be fun!

Hope everyone has a great day and I will talk to you all later!

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