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Oh, I forgot. What if we just get on at 8 on the nights we have time to talk. If someone else is here, fine. If not, fine. We can even mention it during the day to give a head's up. Just a thought!

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Hi all,

Lots of activity here today which was nice to see!!


Stacy- I don't have the heart to frog- I'm thinking I'll just start decreasing a bit with the next few rows I do and see what happens. I'm going to use this to store yarn or whips and maybe it'll just end up being some sort of basket? No handles...we'll see- I can totally relate to what Jorge is going through with school- it is not easy working and going to school- I did it for a lot of years. Please tell him to hang in there- I did and am so glad! (And I am quite a few years older than him- LOL). One semester I took 10 credits (3 classes- 1 4 credit course and 2 3 credit courses) and i thought I'd never make it through- to say it was tough is an understatement, but I really wanted to get finished- so I went to school 4 nights a week after working all day! Keep supporting him like you do!!!


LeaAnne- thanks for the update on Scooby- that was great news to read!! DH is loving his new job- actually he has been working more hours- I have been getting home before him this week -- but he really likes the people, the place, the job- I am happy for him! Enjoy Friday night! Sounds like fun---after the long winter.


Mary- So good to see the red writing again!! So sorry you hurt your neck---take it easy- and so glad that spring is coming to your beautiful part of the world! It really has a way of perking everyone up!


Colleen- Busy, busy, busy- and I'm glad you enjoyed your lunch break with Parenthood. I forgot to DVR it! It was on last night, correct? That is the night I watch NCIS and NCIS Los Angeles, and last night, my chair overtook me and I fell asleep watching the second show only to wake up at 12:30 AM- luckily I was already in my jammies and went up to bed and fell back asleep!


Shannon- Glad you are ok today- and DD is really a sweetheart. Hope that Ireland will be ok. Give Janna a hug for being so sweet!!


Beth- that is a bummer about the museum. I agree with LeaAnne- I would call and find out why there hours are posted that they are open when they are not? Free admission may be in the works! Hope your day went ok today and that lessons were over early so you could rest!


Vicki- How was your day at school today- only 2 more days till your spring break- lucky you!!! Hope you had a good bowling night!


Sarah- thinking about you and hope all is well with Keith, DF and the 2 kids and the mom.


Well, I see it is 6:00, DH isn't home, but I better figure something out for dinner.


As far as chat, I'm up most nights- till about 10 on work nights. Friday actually works well for me since I don't have to get up early on Saturday (even tho I usually do- LOL), but i'm up for whatever works out for most of you!


Hugs to all!

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:waving Colleen! You have been busy! How nice that you had some time to yourself this morning. :manyheart I don't think I've heard of "Parenthood." :think The temperature was below 60 when I complained, I promise. :lol It was about 55, but I kept thinking of you all with your windows open and laundry hanging out. :lol I should be ashamed for thinking that is cold! I'm afraid I have to admit that I've become quite accustomed to our Western weather.


Shannon, how sweet that Janna-ness took care of Ireland. :manyheart What a caring little girl you have. As for Mia's cast, she is doing quite well. Yesterday she had art class and brought home an adorable drawing of herself. It looks pretty good for being the wrong hand. :yes As for the shower, I'm thinking next time I will use electrical tape around the edge. :lol Dh says it's waterproof. :shrug


I can be on around 6 (my time) for a chat tonight, if anyone will be here.

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Hi Stacy!! I probably won't be here tonight. Storms are in the area, so I shouldn't be on the computer.:(:(:(


Colleen- I've been meaning to thank you for pointing out the tutorial on the pillowcases. What a great idea!! I may have to try it.

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:hi guys!


Stacy - How great that Mia is making artwork with her wrong hand. At least she gets to go to school. How is Isabella doing, by the way, with her confidence? Has she made any good friends at her new school? Parenthood is a new TV drama-dy that started last week (or at least it did here, sometimes we get things later in Canada).


Shannon - How sweet about Janna pulling out Ireland's bed. What a cutie! How is the dog doing? Glad you saw that pillow tutorial. I forgot all about that.


Joanne - :nworthy to you for going to school while working and being a mom! Amazing! I'm glad to hear your DH is enjoying the new job. What did you have for supper? We had chicken noodle soup and salad tonight.


I haven't said anything because I'm afraid to fail, but I am almost pop free! :clap We had take out the night before last, so I ended up having Root Beer (we got A&W, you kinda have to have the rootbeer :shrug), but otherwise I haven't had any pop for 8 days.


How was everyone else's day? I am officially on March Break and I am happy! No school, no volunteering, no pizza days, and I don't even have to work for 8 days :clap Best of all, I've left tomorrow completely open so we can stay home and catch up on laundry and cleaning and stuff--a much needed catch up day!

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I'm freaking out right now. My mom is sick, and DD is over there. My sister is watching her right now. But my dad is stuck at work, and I can't go get her because of the storms. Please say a prayer for my mom. She's really sick.

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I get neck pain too and I believe it is sometimes stress related. I have arthritis in my neck, but it is definitely worse when I'm stressed. I think that is where I feel my stress, if that makes sense. Hang in there Mary, all things pass eventually.

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I know my sister can handle DD. But my mom wanted Dad to come home. It sounds like the stomach flu. I pray that DD doesn't get it. We stayed over there Monday, and Mom's only been to the vet since then. I wonder where/when she got it.

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I know my sister can handle DD. But my mom wanted Dad to come home. It sounds like the stomach flu. I pray that DD doesn't get it. We stayed over there Monday, and Mom's only been to the vet since then. I wonder where/when she got it.


You just never know with a bug like that. :hug I will pray that everything works itself out. What kind of storms are you getting? Heavy rain?

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