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Some good clean fun?!

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Good morning, :tired


Last night we left the rehearsal at 10:15. My dd's bedtime during the week is 9 p.m. She has to be back at 10 this a.m. And the rehearsal wasn't over when we left -- just her part. This is on top of 12 days of dance in a row with no break. It's hard on these kids. And they wonder when the performances don't go as well as they'd like.


Anyway, it was good to see Mary, Shannon, LeaAnne and Joanne had chat last night. Hi everyone!


Stacy, Vicki, Colleen, Scooby, and Sarah, Hi! Have a great weekend.


My goal is strictly survival today. I'm contemplating talking with the mom whose daughter has been picking on my daughter, but Amanda is handling it pretty well, just ignoring the girl, so I may let it slide.

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Good morning Glories- the sun is shining, it's Saturday and it's supposed to be 50 degrees today!!!


Beth- IMO, I wouldn't say anything to the mother. If your DD is handling it and ignoring the girl, I would probably let it slide. How old is DD again? 15? I don't know the circumstances, nor do I need to know, but at that age, its probably best to let it be- unless it gets really bad. I remember all those practices from when my DD was involved in dance- she was in competitions too- and my middle DD was on a gymnastics team that practiced 20 hrs/week. It is rough, but I think it also made them more disciplined and organized. It also made them tired! Hope you have a better day today!!!


Shannon- first the skunk smell, then the smell of pipe? LOL- the pipe smell was probably someone's fireplace like LeaAnne said.


Colleen- Hope that DD is doing better today and that you have a relaxing weekend


Stacy- How's Mia doing?


Mary- it was good to hear from you last night- hang in there---spring IS coming!!!


LeaAnne- It was nice to chat for a bit last night- missed you around here and now you are back!


Vicki- good luck to DD!! Let us know how she does!


Scooby- thinking about you.


I better get hopping to get ready for the trek to Long Island. Oh, LeaAnne, I am probably going to give her the never ending square ghan I made for DD and then just make another one for DD (it wasn't going to go to her until either her birthday in august or christmas)


Have a fabulous Saturday!

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:waving, and Good Morning!

Happy Saturday to everyone!


I will be quick because it is :c9gorgeousness outside... :sun and WARM!:c9

I want to get us all out and to get some fresh air.... there are lots of sticks and twigs that need to be picked up:yes


Beth - Hang in there, girl! It sounds like you are all putting in a lot of work:tired.... rest as you can, and tell Amanda I am proud of her! For working hard, and for the ignore-ment of that bully girl! :hug:hug:hug to you and your family today.


Mary, Joanne, and Shannon, it sure was fun chatting last night, even if i could only be here a little bit.


Mary - :hug:hug sending some extra :sun your way! I hope you get out to get some vitamin D today!


Joanne - Safe travels to you and DH... enjoy that party! And I am sure that your GodMom will :manyheart that 'ghan!!!


Vicki - sorry again that I missed you!!!:( I hope you got some good rest and that DD has much success at her tournament today. Oh! I wanted to tell you that our school system also blocks C'ville from their list of "approved sites"... you are right, it's because it's a message board. I can go and view, but cannot sign in and post from school.


:waving and :hug:hug to Stacy, Colleen, Sarah, Scooby, and anyone else I am missing...


I gotta run... hey, did I mention that it feels like SPRING????:c9:yay:clap

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Hello and Happy Saturday to all!! I hope you all have beautiful weather to enjoy like we do!


Vicki- Good luck to DD today!


LeaAnne- What you call spring we usually call winter here! Enjoy the nice weather!


Colleen- I hope DD is feeling better and that you've all been able to get some rest.


Joanne- Have fun at your Godmother's party! I know she'll adore her 'ghan!


Mary- It was nice to see you here. I'm sorry we couldn't catch up. 25 days 'til April!!


Sarah- I hope everyone is continuing to heal and feel better! You all are in my prayers.


Scooby- How'd the move go? What did you decide to make for yourself?


Stacy- How's Mia doing with the cast? Are her sisters being gentle with her? How about the Terror?


Beth- I'm sorry you guys have been so busy lately. When is the show that DD is rehearsing for? Will you get a break once it's over?


I did my little bit of cleaning today, and exercised for the first time in a long time. We'll be heading outside in a little bit. Yesterday DD fell in a hole in the front yard. When I picked her up I just happened to notice all the ants on the crotch of her pants. I got them before they got her, thank goodness. I'm trying something new for dinner tonight, Tater Tot Casserole. Sounds good. I'll let you know tonight! Love you guys!!:hug:manyheart

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Hi everyone- Had an awesome time at my godmother's party- she is a very special lady in my life! she didn't open the gifts--I just hope she likes the ghan! WE got there with plenty of time to spare- Coming home on the other hand took longer w/traffic. It took us 2 hrs to get there, 2 3/4 hrs to come home. But I am soooo glad we went! The place where they had the party had a spectacular view right across the street of Lake Ronkokama and it was a gorgeous day --sunny and 50......perfect-ness after all the cold and snow!!!


I feel a cold coming on- NO!! I will not be sick!!!! took some cold-ease and going to head to bed for an early night!!!!

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Good morning-

It is promising to be another sunny:sun 50's kind of day!!! Just checked out Trader Joe's hours and they open at 8 so I plan on heading out early - I used the last of my coffee on the pot this morning- and I will not be without coffee!!!!:coffee


I'll check back in later! Have a splendid Sunday!:manyheart

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Joanne, are you SURE It's morning already? :tired I hope your trip to Trader Joe's goes well.


Shannon, I'm glad you got those ants before they did any damage to your poor little one. Ants fight dirty!


LeaAnne, Did you and your chickens get to enjoy the lovely spring day? I have a pic to post for you. This was taken in my weedy side garden. Spring is coming. You live about 3 hours north of me - it should be there in a week or two, right?


Vicki, Mary, Stacy, Colleen, Scooby, and Sarah, I hope you are having a sunny Sunday, too!


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Beth- thanks for the burst of springtime- love daffodils!!!! And I think I live about 3 hrs north of you! LeaAnne lives about 4 hours north of me!!! So the daffodils should be popping up soon around here!!!!!


Off to finish getting ready for the trek to TJ's!!

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Beth - Thank you so much for the pic of daffodils. :manyheart I needed that. We're probably a few weeks off daffodils yet, I should think, although it has been beautiful! We do still have snow on north-facing lawns and shady spots. The birds are coming back though, so that is nice. We are planning to open up barbeque season tonight :D (I believe you Americans will call that "grilling season"). We shoveled off the deck so we could get to the BBQ :wink I hung laundry out yesterday, but I had to put the sheets lengthwise because the snowdrift under the line was too deep. I think I'll wait another couple weeks before I try that again. :lol


Joanne - I'm so glad you enjoyed your godmother's party. Enjoy your Trader Joe's trip.


Shannon - I'm so glad you got those ants before they got Janna. Yikes!


LeaAnne - I hope you enjoyed your nice day and twig picking.


:hi to Stacy, Vicki, Mary, Scooby, Sarah & all our friends. I hope you are having a good weekend.


I have a sore throat :( DD is still coughing. We are planning a quiet day at home to get healthy. DH has been working 6 day weeks, so DD has announced that she is spending the entire day with him today. Been missing her Daddy. So, I might get some time to myself and I might try to crochet something today. We'll see.

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Back from Trader Joe's and I stocked up on coffee- bought 3 cans of Joe's Dark and one can of Joe's (medium roast for DH). I am having a cup of the medium now- not as good as the Joe's Dark, but DH likes it! Stocked up on their greek honey yogurt (Stacy have you tried it?) It is delish!!!


After treking in with the groceries, my back is a little sore, and the sniffles are here- although I am willing them away!!! Plan to spend some time in my comfy chair with hook and yarn.


Colleen- I call it BBQ season too!!! And firing up the ole grill sounds like a fabulous idea!! I have chicken breasts thawing, so maybe some BBQ chicken will be in order for tonight!!!

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Another quiet day in some good clean fun-land. I hope that means you are all soaking up some family time :D We just finished our bbq - steak, salad and buns. I crocheted 3 snowflake ornaments today. I will share pics when I get some. DH had a little shadow all day long and they both loved every minute of it. I even had an hour with the house to myself today. I spent it with a bowl of ice cream for my sore throat and a hot bath :c9


:hug to everyone!

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Oh, Colleen- ice cream and a hot bath- true delights- that's the way to take care of yourself!!!


We had chicken on the bar-b-que with salad and sweet potatoe french fries. Ice cream sounds like it would be a great dessert!!


DH and I decided to take a ride down to the bay today- we brought our e-readers and sat on the bench overlooking the water- it was delightful- although a little cooler than I would normally like, the sun was shining brightly and it was about 55 degrees-it just felt so good to be outside in the sun!!


I also did about 5 rounds on the attic24 Lucy tote that I'm making- each row is a different color and it is fun because of all the color!! Also did a few squares for the ghan that was supposed to be for my godmother and will now be for DD (since I gave the one I made for her to my godmother) They'll never know I did the ole switcheroo-LOL


Hope everyone is having a wonderful Sunday! Hugs to all!

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Hello to all my besties!!


I hope you're all having a wonderful weekend! Mine has been/still is just lovely!


Colleen- A nice hot bath and ice cream.... a mom's perfect day!:c9 I hope your throat is feeling better. And I must know, what flavor ice cream?


Joanne- Your weekend sounds dreamy! I'm glad you had such a nice time at your Godmother's party. I wish I had the choice of going down to the bay. Glad you and DH enjoyed it!


Beth- Your daffodil is gorgeous! I saw some in a neighbor's yard down the street this morning. Made me :U!


Sarah, LeaAnne, Stacy, Vicki, Mary, Scooby-:waving! I love you all! You're always in my thoughts and prayers!


So, the weirdest, potentially greatest thing happened to us today. There is a building in the next town that they have been renovating for a while now. It used to be the town's bowling alley, and we figured it was going to be a restaurant. DH was on his way to McDonald's for breakfast this morning and they had put a sign out front. It's going to be a Montessori school!!:eek Just what we needed!:D So I'll be calling for some information tomorrow. I couldn't believe it!!


Love you guys!:hug:manyheart I'll try to be back a little later!

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Hey all!


Shannon, how wonderful about the Montessori school! Good luck! :yay


Leanne- so good to see you are back!!! :hug Hope you enjoyed a nice family day outdoors.


Joanne, :cheer for a trip to Trader Joe's! The Joe's dark is sooooooo good. The regular Joe's is good, for a medium roast. :wink:lol And the Greek honey yogurt- yummmmm! I have it almost daily for breakfast, with granola. How did I not add that to the list? Spending some time by the bay sounds like :c9. Glad you had fun at your godmother's birthday party.


Colleen, ice cream and a hot bath sounds wonderful. It's always nice to treat yourself. I'm glad that dd and dh had fun together. :hug


Mary, it was good to see some of your red font here! :hug I'm so happy that you are feeling better. :xfin that spring hurries your way.


Beth, thank you for the picture of the daffodils! We had some in our yard last week, but the Terror tore them out. At least we know spring is on the way! :clap How is Tulip today?


Vicki, how was the tournament? :hug


Sarah, I hope everything is going well, out your way. :hug


Scooby, how is everything? I hope that you are well. :hug



Whew...what a busy few days! On Friday, Mia had an appt. with the new dentist. I knew it would be trouble, when the receptionist tried to get me to write down dh's name, birthdate, and ss # on a post-it note, instead of the insurance forms. The tech refused to take x-rays, because he "didn't want to scare her." After I assured him that she would be fine, he took 2 hasty x-rays of her front teeth. The dentist came in, took one look in her mouth and claimed that every single tooth had a cavity and that she needs to see a pediatric dentist, asap. He told me that she obviously only drinks juice and soda all day. :angry I told him that they are allowed 1 cup of juice per day, no sodas, etc...and he shook his head and said he didn't believe it. There were NO cavities on the 2 x-rays that were taken, and she has been brushing and using an anti-cavity rinse since her last visit (in October.) We walked out. I felt so humiliated. Jorge is going to switch dentists with the insurance but now we will have to wait until the first of the month to go again.

I also went with Roomie to see the Vagina Monologues. Excellent performance! I had never seen it before, and I am glad I went. :yes

Yesterday, I worked. It feels funny to say that. But I made 5 hats!! 3 were for customers, one for Jorge, and one just to have. I've been working on building up a supply and possibly opening an Etsy store. I'm also working on a little something else, going to wait to see if it works out before I show anyone. I'm pretty excited, though.

This morning, I worked on a hat for a bit, then Jorge had some studying to do, so I took the girls to the IL's and went to Wal-mart. Went back for Eva (they will only watch 2 at a time,) ended up leaving Eva, and bringing Mia home with me instead. :lol Busy, busy...we are planning to watch the Oscars tonight. I also have to figure out how to keep a plastic bag on Mia's arm long enough for her to shower. :lol


Well, I've :blah your ears off long enough, better get going and finish some things before the show starts.

Good night, besties! :hug

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Joanne - Your day at the bay sounds lovely! Good for you! It made me think of the song my DD loves to sing, "Down by the Bay, where the watermelons grow, back to my home, I dare not go, for if I do, my mother will say.....have you ever seen Joanne e-booking with her man? Down by the bay". :D


Shannon - Hooray for the Montesorri school! I hope you find out some promising information. :xfin It was mint chocolate chip ice cream. Yum! I am feeling better this evening (must be the ice cream :wink).


DH and I are just watching some HGTV and they were talking about master suite remodels and quoted the "average" remodel at $100,000. :faint Oh dear, us poor working folk must have missed something in school about the value of a master suite :rofl Good grief, how some people live. :ohdear

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:(I see a lot of green lights, but I can't stay.:( Oh, how nice a good chat would be right now!

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Stacy- wow have you been a busy mama. And lucky you getting to watch the oscars. Cablevision and ABC did not come to an agreement- so abc is blacked out- so I can't watch the oscars, unless I watch on my computer. It is really crazy- If I went out and bought rabbit ears I would be able to get ABC- This is getting so frustrating lately- first Food Network and HGTV- took 3 wks for them to work out an agreement and now ABC. What's really bad is their is no competition- there should be more than one cable company in a town. FIOS isn't in my area yet, so the only option is a dish. But since we are selling the house, don't want to do that.


Sounds like a pediatric dentist would be best and sounds like that dentist was not very patient friendly!! And yes, honey greek yogurt and vanilla yogurt are my favs. I had vanilla with a cut up banana today for breakfast. I'll bring a honey one to work tomorrow with some granola! And I already set up the coffee pot for the morning (with Joe's Dark!!!)


Have a great night everyone.

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Colleen- I love those HGTV shows, but yes, wonder what I did wrong that I can't have a 100,000 master bedroom suite or a gazillion rooms or a gourmet kitchen....what do these people do for a living?


The bay is lovely- it's a small little beach area- in a section of our town- about 10 min drive from our house- very relaxing. And I love DD's little song!!

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Well, I guess I should be responsible for a change and get some crocheting done anyway. It took me 40 minutes to do the first three rounds of a granny square the other night. And I thought it had only been 15 minutes! Maybe I was a turtle in my past life!!:)

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