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Quick good morning - i'm going to attempt going in to work today. We have 2 birthday's to celebrate at work and I'm bringing the bagels! We'll see how it goes.


Stacy- hugs again to you and Mia and Eva (what's with the throwing up?) You have a lot on your plate right now. Hopefully the orthopedist can get her in sooner. Is it a pediatric orthopedist?


Well, gotta run cause it takes me longer to get ready. Cya on the flip side.

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Shoot! I got big hugs, little hugs, bear hugs! I even have some Janna hugs I can spare. You can have them all!!





I hope your day gets better! Love you!:manyheart

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Ahhhhhhh! Much better!!!! Those were some awesome hugs! I really liked the Janna hugs. Been a while since I had a hug from a girl that size!


I had to take my favorite cat to the vet for an emergency visit. She has seizures where her brain shuts off, but her body keeps going. She gets herself in predicaments. Today, she got stuck climbing over something, and it seems that she cut off her airflow. My son found her. She was limp and gasping for air. It was very scary. She's at the vets now, getting observed.


Thanks for all the hugs! I'll take more if ya got 'em!!!:devil

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I was supposed to tell you all that today is Dr. Suess' birthday! They have a holiday called ReadAcrossAmerica to celebrate it. LeaAnne told me and thought you girls would like to know!


I'll be back in a little while to write to you all individually! Love you!:manyheart

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Stacy - :hug to you and Mia (gentle ones). I was the same way when I fractured my left ring finger, I went all day at school with it thinking it was just jammed and it wasn't until after school let out and my grandparents took me to the doc before we found out it was fractured. Hope she heals quickly and you can get in to doc soon.


Beth- :hug for you and hope your cat is ok =0)


Joanne - :hug hope you're feeling better


Vicki - things are going good. Fiance's step-sister is alert but still not 100%, and the kids are doing great (more info in prayers post) We've been able to stay home for the last week and a half, though I've been working my tail off this whole time trying to undo the damage of a week's worth of neglect. I'm almost done...


Colleen - hope you got some rest and things are going good for you today.


Shannon, LeaAnne, Scooby, Mary, C4J, Frogger and anyone else I missed hope you all are having a good week.


Fiance had the day off for a state holiday so it's helped with getting cleaning down. Keith has been being very cranky lately (and I've got the bruises to prove it LOL) which is to be expected cause of how his routine got thrown out of wack and it'll take about 2 weeks to get him settled back down. Now that I've got things straightened out that'll help too cause he's got room to play... But I've gotten our bedroom straight, Keith's bedroom mostly picked up (as picked up as a 3 year old's room ever gets), living room cleaned and vacuumed and all the laundry caught up. Just got the desk and cleaning some clutter off the couch and loveseat left...

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Beth - Sorry to hear about your kitty. I hope she feels better soon. :hug:hug:hug:hug I've got lots of these! Please give one to the kitty too.


Shannon & LeaAnne- Thanks for the heads up about the Dr. Seuss day. We're up to 4 storybooks so far today. :cheer Poor DD is sick. Her cold has turned into a cough :( But, lots of storybooks, a couple games of Crazy 8s, and lots of cuddles are making the day go by.


For Shannon and Stacy and anyone else who reads to young girls, I recommend Princess Hyacinth. It's a fun little story that makes DD giggle.


Stacy - How is Mia today? And how is Eva doing? Poor girls.


I have been cleaning up a storm here! It is sunny and above freezing and I think I've got a spring cleaning bug. I vacuumed the top two levels, cleaned the upstairs bathroom, mopped the kitchen and bathroom floors, washed the living room windows (inside only), washed my living room and kitchen valances and hung them out to dry (the snow by the clothesline is deeper than my boots, but it works ;)). I'm going to try to clean out the shoes in the front hall closet yet today too. I've got chicken defrosting in the fridge and need to think of what to do with it soon. I'm scraping the bottom of my "pantry" this week. With DD sick and me working I haven't been able to get grocery shopping yet. We manage fine and it is good to clean out the cupboards, but we need some fresh fruit.


Hugs to all of you!

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Tulip update:


My cat has seizures. DUH!!! I've told the doctor this at least 3 times, but this is the first time he saw her having them. It's like her brain misfires. She's home now. I'm supposed to keep her confined so she won't get herself in trouble during a seizure. He is going to prescribe medicine, if he can find it locally for me.


Well, I need to get ready to go to work.


have a good one, folks!


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Good afternoon!

I am too frustrated to think, but I had to check in and see how my besties are doing!


:hug:hug:hug Beth!!! :hug:hug:hug I'm so sorry about your kitty. Best of luck to her at the vet.


Colleen, thanks for the recommendation. Mia would probably like it. :yes WTG on your cleaning spree. You are on a roll! :cheer I hope your dd feels better soon.


Joanne, :hug to you. I hope that you are okay at work. How did dh's first day go?


Vicki, best of luck to your dh on his first day! :cheer


Sarah, thank you for the update! I'm glad that your fiance's sister is responsive. :yay


:hi to Shannon, Leanne, Mary, and Scooby! Love you guys! :hug


I just got off the phone with the nurse in orthopedics. Now she is telling me that the urgent care dr. was supposed to schedule the appt.! Uh, hello?? That's what I told them yesterday! :thair The dr. is booked for the whole week, and I explained to her that my daughter is missing school because she can't go in a splint. The nurse was very nice (it couldn't have been the same one from yesterday) and explained that the doctor has to give the approval for seeing her in between patients. So now I have to play the waiting game again. I am just so frustrated!! What happened to the days when a cast was put on when the break actually happened? Ahhhhhhh...okay, rant over.


On the brighter side...I bought the gravel and found some seed-starting mix at Wally World, so we are ready to plant the veggies when Isabella gets home. :yay


Okay...I better get going and fold my laundry. BBL! :hug

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Beth- Sorry I wasn't here to give you:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug earlier- but hope its not too late:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug Hope they are able to find the medication that Tulip needs


Stacy- Hope by the time you read this, an appt has been made with the orthopedist. They usually wait for swelling to go down after a break b/4 putting the cast on. So not doing right away is the best thing- but not to have to wait a week. And:yay for having everything ready for the "garden"


Sarah- thanks for the update- glad to hear that she is getting better each day and glad that you are getting done what you need to get done. Sounds like you have been on quite the cleaning streak.


Colleen- speaking of cleaning streaks- Here you go with the spring cleaning! Valances washed and on the line to dry! Can you take a quick trip down to NJ and do my curtains:lol. A realtor called and they are showing the house toorrow while we are at work. :eek So DH ran the vaccuum. And I just straightened up- no heavy duty cleaning for me. Either they like the house or they don't:)


LeaAnne says hi to everyone- I just got through texting with her- wanted to let her know and you all know that my back is feeling much better today- not 100% by any means, but much, much better. I went to work today and did ok. It hurts less when I walk and I've taken Beth's advice and am not using the heating pad. The muscle relaxer I took last night helped, but made me very sleepy so I didn't take one this AM. I'll be taking another one shortly and will then have another early night!


Shannon- thanks for the Dr. Seuss Day reminder- I love Dr. Seuss books- even at my "young' age. my DD's loved them and I got each one of them "Oh, the Places You'll Go" by Dr. Seuss when they graduated college- favorite line- Will you succeed? Yes, you will indeed.


Vicki- I guess you didn't have internet at work again today. How did DH's first day on the job go? No more elf for you!:lol Good luck at bowling tonight-


Mary- How are you doing? Do you still have a houseful?


Scooby- Hope you are settling in nicely to your new digs.


well, off to figure out something for dinner. OH, yea, that's right, I'm doing pancakes tonight!!!


Hugs to all:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Hi all! No, I still can't get on to see you all from school. Now for some reason the site is blocked. Don't know why. Very disappointing!

Anyway, hubby's first day at his new job was a good one! He is beginning to learn all his new procedures. He looks so hansome in a tie! DD is going back to before school care tomorrow since hubby is going back to work early. All has been arranged! Things are getting back to normal!


Joanne - Glad to hear your back is feeling better. Hope you had a great day today!


Colleen - Are you going to work part time at the school? That might be good.


Stacy - How are the girls feeling? Did you get the appointment for Mia? I can't believe the doctor's ofice gave you the run around like that. That is not good. Especially with a little one. They need to get that taken care of as soon as possible.


Shannon - How are you doing? I hope you are having a great day!


Scooby - I hope you are getting settled and things are calming down. Do you have your yarn yet? I hope so!


Sarah - Glad to hear that things are looking up for you. Hope things continue to get better.

Beth - How is your cat feeling? I hope Tulip is feeling better. How often you need to give him the medicine?

Bowling tonight and tae kwon do tomorrow. Have a great night everyone and I will talk to you all on the flip side!

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I'm back! Thanks for your input, Joanne- I had no idea that they try to wait until the swelling goes down. Either way, it seems like that wasn't the problem here- the dr. was just "too busy." The nurse finally called about half an hour ago and told me to be there tomorrow at 4:30. The dr. is triple-booked, so the nurse told me to expect to wait a while.


Joanne, I'm glad your back is feeling better. :hug


Vicki, :clap for things getting back to normal! I'm glad your dh had a great first day. Good luck bowling tonight.


Dh came home and we walked to the store. My stomach is a bit upset. Hope I'm not getting whatever Eva had. The girls are playing a game and after dinner we are going to do the plants. I'll take lots of pictures! I'm sure at least 2 of the girls will not want to get their hands dirty. :heehee

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Stacy-Can't wait to see the pics of the planting and fingers crossed your not getting what Eva had- at least if you do it is short lived!!


And I'm joining you on the purse CAL --now to decide which one to make. (and when to find the time to make it):lol:lol

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Oh and glad that the cast is going on tomorrow- bring your crochet with you- a triple booking does sound like a long wait.


Vicki- so happy to hear that DH's first day went well- and that things are getting back to normal- you must be so happy!!!!!!

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I ended up going for groceries after DD went to bed. She's not well, not sure if it is more than a cold at this point or not. She flirted with a fever all day, but it never got above 100. Now she's been moaning in her sleep for an hour or so :( My poor little sweet pea.


Stacy - Good news about the appointment tomorrow. Have fun planting the veggies.


Vicki - Have fun bowling! I'm so glad DH had a good first day at work.


Joanne - I hope your back continues to improve. :hug


Sarah - I'm so glad you stopped by with an update. :hug


Beth - I hope Tulip is doing alright. What an interesting name for a cat, do tell.:yes


:hi to everyone else!

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Aww Colleen, your poor little girl. :hug to you and her. I hope that it passes quickly.


I might be able to take a project- MIL offered to watch Isabella and Eva. I may just take her up on it. While my kiddos are rather well-behaved, long periods in the waiting room are never fun.

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Good evening, all!


Stacy- :hugGood luck to Mia tomorrow. Is her arm bothering her much?


Colleen- :hugI hope DD feels better soon. And I hope you all get a good night's rest.


Joanne- :yayI'm so glad your back is feeling better! I know how much it can mess up your day.


Vicki- :(So long, elf! :DHello, yarn $!! I hope DH absolutely loves his job!! :yay for getting back to normal!


Beth- :hugHow's Tulip doing tonight? I hope the new meds help her.


Scooby- :cheerHow's the new house? Are you settling in? I hope the move is going well.


Mary- :hugThinking about you and missing you around here.


LeaAnne- :hugHang in there, girl! Just a couple more days!


Sarah- :hugI'm so glad you're able to get stuff done. Is Keith getting settled back in to his routine?


Not much to report here. The highlight of my day was that I didn't get the piercing pain in my back after giving DD her bath tonight!:yay:yay:yay And I've only gotten adjusted twice!

I'm looking forward to tomorrow. Getting a back crackin', then my mom is meeting me to help me pick out clothes. I should be the poster girl for What Not to Wear! Hopefully that will start to change soon!

I hope you all have a wonderful evening. I'm getting ready to watch Brett Favre on Leno! Nitey-nite!!:manyheart:ghug

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wheee got some yarn now so I can finally start on blankets for the kids, just doing a rectangle granny, one in 2 shades of purple for the girl (what I got today) and varigated blues for the boy. printed out a pattern and will probably start tomorrow since I've gotten enough cleaning done not to feel guilty if I crochet instead of clean.

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Good morning everyone!

Fell asleep early -and of course up early!


Colleen- hope that DD (and you) were able to get some sleep and that she is not too sick today.:xfin that she has a speedy recovery!


Stacy- Good luck with the appt for Mia today. That was very nice of MIL to offer to watch Isabella and Eva while you are at the doctor. It will make for a much better wait, even if it is a long one. I remember those days well, three kids in tow at a Dr appt- and yes, as well behaved as they were, they were still children and got fidgety after a while. Hoping you'll get to work on a :crocheting project. I think I have the pattern you were thinking of doing in the purse CAL- I had a wrapper of Loops N/Thread that had a white purse w/brown handles on it. Is that the one? It is very pretty- but where do you find the handle- or were you just going to crochet one?


Beth- Hope that Tulip had a good night and that you were able to get some sleep.


Sarah- :yay for :yarn- the blankies you are planning sound so nice! And yes, my friend I think you have more than earned some :crocheting time!!!


Vicki- hope you had a good bowling night and good luck to DD at Tae Kwon Do tonight. She has her belt test Saturday, right? Hope DH has a good day at work! (doesn't that sound nice):yes


LeaAnne- can't wait till you have a new modem and are back on the 'net!


Scooby and Mary- thinking of you both and sending :hug your way!


Well, the coffee is ready (I forgot to set it up last night-so had to wait longer than usual this morning)


Have a great day- and only 2 more days of work for me since I'm off Friday- originally planned to head to LI for my godmother's party which is on Saturday, but since DH started a new job, he is not taking off and we'll just leave early Sat AM- but, since I already scheduled the day off, I am keeping it.



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Good morning, :tired


There's some very wet snow here today. It's turning to slush on impact with roadways. Looks like a very slippery commute to my ds's job. Unfortunately, he misplaced his wallet, so he can't practice driving in it with me in the car. Yeah, scarey, but when else can he learn?


Tulip is an SPCA cat. She came with the name. She has splashes of color, and one around her nose looks like a tulip that is just opening. I will try not to write a book about her -- I absolutely adore this cat. She went to sleep near my feet, but when I woke up, a different cat was there.:think


Joanne, I hope your back is better. Enjoy your second-to-last day of work this week. Enjoy your godmother's party.


Shannon, so glad to hear that your bone cracking is working for you! How good to do what you need to do without pain. And shopping for new clothes :c9 please let us know what you get. I'm actually trying to switch over to wearing long dresses. I've made so many cool wraps. I feel odd wearing them with jeans and t-shirts, so I'm going to wear dresses, so I can toss one on, and look a little less odd.


Sarah, enjoy some crochet time. You've earned it.


Stacy, I'm glad your MIL offered to take the girls. That will make the wait a lot less stressful for you, I'd imagine.


I'm sorry. Im' running late today, so I can't say HI to all of you. Big :hug:hug:hug:hugfor everyone!

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Morning girls! Yes, morning! I got on here at school! Can't stay long. GOtta get ready for state testing! Just wanted to tell you all that hubby had a good first day at work (yes, that DOES sound nice!) and he is already at his his second day!

Have a great day all and I will try to come back later and respond to everyone! Bowling scores were horrible! NOt even good enough to post!

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Very quiet day here- where is everyone?


Had a good day at work and DH is loving his new position! My back continues to improve every day- though not yet @100%, it is getting better and better!


Glad that DH had a good first day Vicki and that you were able to get online at school.


Stacy- How did it go with Mia and the casting today? Ive been thinking about you!


Colleen How is your DD feeling?


Beth- how is Tulip today?


Shannon- sounds like you had fun celebrating Dr. Seuss day- a real kid at heart!!!


Mary, Scooby, LeaAnne- missing you around here and sending hugs


My company is going to start a once/month bowling league- very low key- from Apr-Aug- 1 day a month- just for fun- 3 of my co-workers and I are going to do it- it should be fun.


Well, I'm hungry and haven't started dinner- DH said he had a big lunch, so I think it is going to be soup and grilled cheese for dinner.

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:hi DD is doing fine. It was a rough night, but she's okay today. Just a bit of a cough left over. She went to school and did just fine. I'm happy.


Joanne - I'm so glad your back is feeling better each day and that is fantastic that your DH likes his new job. :clap for a day off! You deserve it!


Vicki - I'm glad your DH's first day went well too and hooray for getting back into the routine.


Beth - Snow? :faint What crazy weather! You've had snow in March and we've had a mild winter (I'd call it Ohio-ish :wink). We had warm and sunny here today. The snow is starting to melt and we are moving into the muddy season. :D


Sarah - :yay for new yarn! Good luck with the blankets.


Stacy - I'm thinking about you and Mia and guessing that you are waiting at the Dr.'s office as I type.


Shannon - I'm so glad to hear your back is feeling better. That bath thing is a back-killer. I struggle with it too. Sorry to hear about your hopeless aspirations to be on What Not To Wear, because I think I've already been cast in the spot :lol I hope you had fun shopping!


Scooby, Mary, LeaAnne - Missing you girls!



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