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Some good clean fun?!

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Hi all!


Yesterday was sooooo nice. Dh got most of his studying done, and Eva took a nice nap. I went to Target (alone!) for my seeds, and Starbucks for a hot chocolate. Then I came home and :crocheting for the rest of the day. The "dress" is long enough to be a shirt for now, but it is quite heavy. I am worried that it will be too heavy and stretch once I make it longer. :think Maybe I'll stop where I am right now, wash and dry it, to see if the fabric tightens up a bit.


Vicki, your tickle fight sounds like fun! We have them every once in a while and the girls laugh so much. WTG to dd's team for coming in 5th! That is awesome. Good luck with your paper revisions.


Joanne, sorry to hear your back is still sore! How nice of your brother and SIL to bring you lunch. :manyheart


Beth, good luck grocery shopping. Sounds like the puppy has worn out her welcome. :heehee She sounds cute but chewing on yarn= :2nono.


Leanne, have fun at the tryouts.


Shannon, hope you and dd are enjoying having your dh home! :manyheart


Mary, how's it going with dd and the dgk's? How are you feeling? :hug


Sarah, how are things going on your end this Sunday? :hug


Scooby, hope everything is okay in your neck of the woods. :hug


Colleen, did you and dd enjoy your girl-day yesterday? What is on the agenda for today? :manyheart


Last night I fell asleep at 9, and slept through until 7 this morning! :clap Klaus didn't get up to go to the bathroom and he didn't go on the floor, either! :whew The sinus pressure is gone but I am still stuffy. Today will be another :crocheting day, although I do need to clean a bit, because dh is going to pick up a tv from his friend today, and they will come back here to drop it off. The living room is a bit of a mess, and I need to dust where the tv will be going.

Better go get dressed- bbl!! :hug

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I don't know how much yarn the tote took, but I'll bet it was over 2 pounds. I'm sorry I can't be more specific. I had a Joann's tote full of balls plus a Caron pounder that was almost all there. I used almost all of it.

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Guess what I did! I bought yarn today! It was yarn for an afghan for DD's TKD coach who is graduating this year. She like neon colors, so I was able to find Caron Simply Soft in Limelight, which is as close as I can find to neon green. I also found a nice pastel yellow to make some squares for another project that I am working on. Since I was afraid I was going to run out of that, I bought another skein of it. And the best part was that the Caron was on sale! YAY! I had a rewards card from the electric company so I didn't even use my money! Double YAY!


I just had to come and tell you all this. I know it is silly, but this is my first yarn purchase in months! I still need to buy yarn to make an afghan for hubby. I guess that will be my next big yarn purchase!


I am sitting here watching the hockey game. GO USA!


Talk to you all later!

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:cry Tears of joy today :D:clap :cheer:yay Hooray Canada! What a game! Team USA played so well and it could have been anyone's game.


No other news for today. That is all that is important! :lol


Vicki - Congrats on buying yarn. I'm so happy for you.


LeaAnne - I'm so glad you had a good sleep and I hope you feel all better soon.


Stacy - Good luck planting your veggies. I'm glad you slept well too and it sounds like you are on the way back to health soon.


Joanne - I hope your back feels better soon. :hug


:hi to Mary (thinking about you!), Shannon, Beth, Scooby, Sarah, and everyone else! Have a great evening!

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Stacy - YAY for getting to go to target by yourself and hot chocolate =0)


Vicki - tickle fights are fun =0) glad you got to buy some yarn for projects that didn't cost out of your pocket =0)


Joanne - hope your back is feeling better


Hope everyone's weekends are going good...


Have spent the weekend cleaning... have gotten the bedroom cleaned up enough I can walk to my side of the bed w/o tripping over anything. Now on to the living room...


Keith and fiance have been having picnics outside the last 2 nights for dinner... It's really funny seeing fiance sitting in a folding chair at Keith's little plastic picnic table... of course I had to get a pic.


I've been dealing w/ my bad knee giving me trouble (left) and a pulled muscle under my left boob =0( The pulled muscle is really bad and making it fun trying to do things...

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Great hockey game- tears of sadness here Colleen! It was a great hockey game though- they are saying this may be the greatest moment in Canadian sports history! I was happy to see Ryan Miller of USA get the MVP! Both teams should be proud- especially the USA- who b/4 the games started were not supposed to do anything- and they ended up with Silver!


My back is still sore- I've never experienced this before and I'm not liking it! I don't know about tomorrow yet. I'm fine when I'm sitting but after a bit of walking/standing, it starts hurting again.


Vicki- YAY for new YARN!! And YAY for not having to spend your own $ and double YAY for it being on sale!!! That's exciting. How did DH's first day on the job go? My DH has his clothes all laid out for tomorrow = it's kind of like the first day of school- LOL

He's excited to be starting a new chapter!


Beth- thanks for the info on the tote- I definitely have enough yarn to make one of those- It's been added to my ever growing list of projects!!!


LeaAnne- hope softball tryouts went well. It seems wierd to be thinking of softball while there is all this snow on the ground!!


Mary- hope all is well with you and the family!!


Beth- It must seem quiet in the house now that your puppy sitting is over- only one dog to care of again!


Stacy- Don't remember if I posted or not- had the meatless meatballs last evening. DH was making pasta and I said Oh, I bought some frozen meatballs. I'll heat them up. He didn't see the package- and he said they were good! And he never knew they were meatless!!!


Scooby- Hope the move is going ok! I'm so happy that the housing situation worked out for you.


Sarah- thinking of you and the family- hows the mom doing? Hope you are taking care of yourself through all of this!


Shannon- Hope you had a great weekend with DH home and that Janna and DH had a wonderful pancake breakfast date yesterday!!


Enjoy the closing ceremonies! Can't believe 2 wks of Olympics are coming to an end- I really enjoyed them and Canada did an awesome job of hosting!!


USA wins the most medals, Canada wins the most gold medals- all in all- a very good Olympics:clap:clap:clap

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Sarah- we posted at the same time- Hope your knee and your muscle feels better. It is no fun trying to get things done when body parts are hurting!!!!


That is so cute- DF and Keith having picnics outside- here we can only wish for those days- too much snow on the ground now- but hey, tomorrow is March 1, which means spring is coming!!!

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Joanne - Hubby's start date was pushed back to Tuesday. He has a store he needs to go to for training that afternoon and another store he needs to go to for a class. He will miss bowling, but hey, what can you do?


So sad that the Olympics are over. Vancouver did a wonderful job hosting and the last event of the games, the gold medal game, was AMAZING! I felt bad for the American goalie after Canada scored the winning goal, and it would have to be Crosby that scored, but it was a great game.


I think I may have enough red yarn in my stash to do the tote :yes. I need to look to see how much I have.

I did my laundry and changed the sheets on the beds today. DD did hers and I did mine. I have one more day of my house elf so he will fold laundry tomorrow :lol! I already have pancakes for dinner planned for Tuesday since he won't be home! I can't do that when he is home because he hates breakfast for dinner!

Have a great rest of the night and enjoy the closing ceremonies!


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Pancakes for dinner- I love breakfast for dinner!! Good luck to DH on Tuesday and enjoy your elf for one more day.


DH was helpful here- he cleaned both bathrooms yesterday and folded and put away the laundry today. He also cooked dinner tonight- and has cleaned it up- the dishwasher is humming along now! The dusting and vacuuming will wait till my back feels better. A realtor wanted to show the house today, but DH told them they couldn't since I wasn't feeling well.


Next weekend is my godmother's 80th birthday party in LI- I hope this back gets into shape by then! I can't wait to see her! (but I don't think her ghan will be done)

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Joanne - It broke my heart to see the looks on the American players' faces when they got their Silver medals. They did amazing! I am so sorry to hear your back is bothering you that much. Take it easy. Lots of rest. :yes:hug


Vicki - Nice to have your house elf for another day ;) Hooray for tickle fights. :manyheart


I was glad to hear you say Vancouver did a good job. It is hard to tell what the world thinks when you only watch Canadian media. It was great for Canada's national pride to host those games and we loved it. And for Canada to win the most gold medals for one country ever. Canada?! :faint How awesome is that?!


Sarah - I'm sorry to hear that you are hurting too. My shoulder is really hurting me, even when I sit and do nothing. Hurting is no fun. I love your story about the picnics. How cute! I'm glad you got pics, because that is a memory to treasure. :manyheart

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Joanne, are you having muscle spasms? That's what I had, and heat made it worse. I had to use ice for a couple of days. It helped so much. I'm very sorry that you are in pain. Very tender hugs your way, sister!


I'm :tired, so lots of hugs. take them if you want them!!!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good morning,

Back still sore- It is ok if I'm sitting or laying down, its when I'm walking that it hurts- I don't feel any muscle spasms- it's not like anything that I had before. I had felt a very sharp stabbing pain when I was shoveling so I must have pulled something. I'm going to see about working from home today- and I'll probably put a call out to the doctor. Maybe it is in spasm and I just don't know it! LOL


The coffee is ready- so I'm going to go get "fueled" up!!


Have a good Monday!

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:waving all, and "happy Monday", if there is such a thing...


It's going to be a busy one, so in case I don't get by later, I wanted to say :hi, and have the best day you can have!:U




Joanne... hope you feel better & DH's first day is a great one

Vicki... enjoy your last day of having your elf! I am so excited for your family!


everyone else... thinkin' boutcha!


I gotta run! It's time for school and work already:eek

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This morning has been hectic already. I got the dh fed and lunch packed and out the door, did my daily Christmas afghan crocheting, got the oldest son out the door (I drove him,) I stopped at a store on the way home, dd and I did our volunteer thing and ran to a grocery store, I cleaned up after a cat being naughty in my bedroom (thanksfully on a car parts magazine that my dh didn't need any more.) and I posted the scores for stashbusting, because my Shoot the Moon winner didn't come through. Now the twins are getting their school work done. We have the sheets in the dryer, and whites in the washer. I need to pay bills. I pick up ds from work, get him finished with school, go to work, and pick up my dd from dance, then I'm done for the day.


LeaAnne, enjoy your busy monday, and I'll enjoy mine.


Joanne, so sorry your back is still hurting.


Colleen, Shannon, Sarah, Stacy, Vicki, Mary, Scooby, Tena, C4J, Frogger, and all our other buddies, Have a great day! I'm thinking of you, and hoping it's a good one!

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It sounds like it is a busy Monday all around. Is it nap time yet? :lol I stayed up a little bit late watching the closing ceremonies last night. DD is sick with a cold, so she was up at 5:30 sneezing. She fell back to sleep but I didn't. I worked this morning, volunteered this afternoon and haven't gotten to my errands yet. Now I have to magically pull something out of a hat for dinner.


Joanne - I hope your DH had a good first day at work. I hope your back is feeling better or that you got in to see the Dr.


Beth - Wow! What a day you have today! Quicksilver will be feeling well-loved today.


LeaAnne - Happy Busy Monday to you too! I hope your day went smoothly.


Thinking about all of you!

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Wow, Beth, I'm tired just reading that! :whew No wonder you need coffee to get going in the morning! :hug


I have been at the urgent care all morning- Mia broke her arm. :( Last night, the IL's took them to the play area in the mall, and she fell off one of the toys. When they brought her home she was sleeping, when she woke up she cried some, I gave her some Tylenol and she went back to sleep for the rest of the night. Well when she woke up this morning, her arm was huge near her elbow and she wouldn't move it. The dr. sent us for x-rays and there is a small fracture near her elbow. I can't believe she didn't make more of a fuss. :think Anyway, her arm is in a stint/sling right now and we are waiting for the orthopedist to call. He is booked today so we may not even get in until tomorrow.


Dh came home early, just in case. I need to run to the grocery store, call Mia's teacher (we missed yet another Monday class,) and when Isabella comes home, we will plant some seeds. The girls are super-excited.


Anyway, I am :tired and hungry, so I will scoot and come back when I am feeling a little more normal. Hugs to all! :hug

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Stacy, :hug:hug:hug for Mia.


I'll bet you're tired. Planting seeds sounds like such fun. The girls will enjoy watching things grow. Are you doing anything super fast, like beans?


Colleen, you should be proud of your country for hosting a great Olympics. Congrats on the hockey win. My dh watched the game.


Big hug :ghug to all my besties who are hurting right now. I'm so sorry i can't come take care of you. Try not to injure yourselves worse as you are healing.

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Thanks, Beth. Thank goodness it was a fracture, not an all-out break- if there were bones sticking out, I would have :faint!!!


We are planting carrots, peas, peppers, cherry tomatoes, and radishes. From what I've read, the harvest time for radishes is about 28 days. Not that the girls will eat them, but it will be cool for them to see the plants grow. :yes

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Stacy - :( Poor little Mia! What a brave girl! Here's a :hug for her and one for you too :hug I hope she heals quickly. Good luck with your planting! What a great experience for the entire family.


Beth - I am proud of Canada. I really enjoyed what I saw of the closing ceremonies - what fun! And for there to be no major security problems in this day and age is just a blessing. I just wish I lived closer so I could have seen some of it first hand.


Good old spaghetti for dinner. I'm glad I found something :yes

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Hi besties! I tried to get on to the 'ville today and the internet has been SO uncooperative at school! It just doesn't want to let me on to see you all! Very bad of it!

Anyway, I was able to register for a class today to learn how to teach ESL students today through the department of education. A whole bunch of us in the building are going! Two days of a class to show us how to teach ESL students and pass the ESL supplemental exam! I had to pay for the class, but when I finish it the school will pay it back. Not too bad! The only thing I have to pay for is the test!

Dinner dishes done. We had chicken tonight and veggies. The dish washer is getting started now and I have some laundry that I need to put away, courtesy of the house elf. I am going to do some research tonight for my paper and relax a little bit.

Joanne - Did you get in to see the doctor? I hope you are feeling better today. Did you get to work from home today at least?

Stacy - How is Mia feeling? Did planting seeds help keep her mind off her arm? Wait till she goes back to school and all her friends see her arm in a splint! They will be all over her! Just a warning to you! That is what happened to my DD when we thought she broke her wrist in June. She went to school the next day all wrapped up and everyone was all over her going "What happened?!?"

Colleen - How are you doing without the sleep? I hate when I wake up early and can't go back to sleep. Especially when someone else wakes me up! Go to bed early tonight and rest up girl. Hope DD feels better tomorrow!

Beth - You got a lot done today. Hope you have a relaxing night!

Sarah - How are you doing today girl? Did you have a relaxing day today ad get to stay home? I hope so. How is everything going? Hopefully there is some good news coming.

Shannon - Hope you had a great day today! How is Miss Janna? Still spelling backwards?


Mary - How is your back feeling? Hopefully all is well in your neck of the woods!


Off to do my research tonight! Have a great night all and talk to you all on the flip side!

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Hi everyone

This will be quick- but wanted to check in. I did work from home today- and I did get to the doctor this afternoon- started me on a muscle relaxer which is making me very tired- but seems to be helping some.


Stacy- hugs to Mia- (but make them gentle hugs)


Everyone else- I'll try and respond to everyone tomorrow- but for now, I'm going to sleep!


Hugs to all of you!

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Hi girls!


I'm very sleepy, so this will be quick. LeaAnne's internet is down until Thursday, but she sends lots of :hugs to everyone!


Sarah- She (and I) is so excited about the good news!! Thank you for keeping us updated.


Stacy- She (and I) sends lots of tender :hugs to Mia.


Joanne- Tender :hugs for you too. Hope you feel better soon!


I promise I'll write to you all tomorrow. Right now it's bedtime. Good night!:manyheart

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Thanks, everyone. :manyheart I am a little miffed at the dr.s right now, so coming here and seeing all of the love really made my night. :hug The nurse at urgent care was supposed to set the appt. for the orthopedist. The dr. told me to call back at 3 if I hadn't heard from the orthopedist's office. I called back- I was told that the referral was approved but I had to call to make the appt. So I called. The (very rude) receptionist informed me that they had "lots of people in splints" that need to be seen, so we may not even get an appt. until next week! :angry:cry The urgent care dr. also recommended that I keep her out of school until she has a hard cast, since she's only 4 and won't be too careful. How am I supposed to keep her out for a whole week? I spoke with her teacher, who was extremely understanding, but when I talked to her I thought that we would have an appt. for the cast by tomorrow. Now I will have to call her back and tell her it may not be until next week. She was very understanding though, and said she also thinks it is a good idea to wait until she has a hard cast, to go back to school. So we'll see what tomorrow brings.

Needless to say...with all the phone calls, dinner, making sure Mia is comfortable...we didn't get the seeds planted. :( I promised the girls that I will have everything ready for planting when Isabella gets home from school tomorrow. :yes


Anyway...sorry for all of that rambling! You can add me to the :tired list, also. I just wanted to check in.


Joanne, I'm happy that you went to the dr. and worked from home. :hug to you. I hope the muscle relaxers help.


Vicki, WTG on taking that class. It's nice that the school will reimburse you. :hug


Shannon, thanks for letting us know about Leanne. :hug How is smarty-pants Janna-ness doing?


Okie dokie, I'm off to dream-land. No way can I stay up for dh to come home! Good night, girls! :hug



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Hi everyone!


Lots of :tired after a busy Monday! Lots on my mind. It looks like continuing to work mornings could be a long term possibility (nothing official yet), so DH and I have to decide if it's worth it. My initial reaction was Yes! Now I'm leaning toward not worth it, but I guess there are two of us. :shrug We'll see. My back is hurting a bit too Joanne (must be the snow shoveling last week). It was beautiful here today. Spring is coming! (please)


Has anyone heard from Mary? Thinking about you Mary :hug


Stacy - I hope you get an appointment soon.


Have a good night all!

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