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Sister doesn't care if she's ready or not. She just wants to go.

that sounds right... it's that "ages and stages" thing again! I hope she stays close enough so that when she realizes she misses you, you can go get her!

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speaking of :tired... I keep :yawning and my eyes are all teary... I think I need to go to bed...

You have sweet dreams, and enjoy having DH home for a spell...


Thank you, as always, for the :lol:lol:lol! You are a treasure!


Love Ya!:hug:hug

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Yes, I guess that's what's wrong with me. At least, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.


Have sweet dreams, hun. It's been fun. And I needed to laugh too!:hug:hug

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...while I am thinking here...


:hug, Joanne, sorry I missed you, and hope your back is ok:(


:hi, Vicki! Sorry I missed you, too! Hope you had a great night in your chair!:lol (just kidding:hug)


and :hug:hug to Sarah, Scooby, Mary, Beth, Frogger, Tena, Chaya, C4J, and anyone else I might have missed! I missed you all, and think of you always:U

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Good Morning and Happy Saturday to all!


My back is still achy- but I think with rest, heating pad, and crochet it should be ok. I already told DH I am not up to cleaning or shoveling the front steps so if a realtor calls and wants to show the house, the answer is no, not this weekend!


Nice chat you guys had last night.


Colleen- my DD and a couple of her friends order produce from a farm co-op and they share it. They also have a co-op here run by Rutgers- my youngest DD and I are thinking of joining- splitting the cost and the produce between us. Since it just her and her DH and me and my DH, this may work. It starts up in April. I use frozen most of the time for the same reason as LeaAnne- use what you need. I hate to throw out food and with 2 people its hard to use it all up! I will have to google you later (LOL) and look for the brown house !


LeaAnne- HS already? Latin is cool- my oldest took Latin and French. I often wondered why they did away with Latin in some schools? Fingers crossed she gets in. Hope you are feeling better and that with more rest this weekend, and DH's help cleaning, you'll be back to your old self!!


nonnahS - I just couldn't resist spelling your name backwards! Enjoy the weekend with DH home- and pancakes w/ yddad sounds like great fun for Annaj!


To all my other besties- I need to move my position and sure wish I had Beth's massaging chair!!! Also need to get another cup of my Joe's Dark coffee.


I'll be back on later...

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Good morning! Chat was fun last night! DH is gone to work and DD is still sleeping for the moment, so I'm enjoying the silence. :c9


Joanne - I am so glad to hear that you think your back will survive.


LeaAnne - :faint high school! :eek Wow! I will pray that she gets the classes she wants. Sounds like she's a smart kid, honors classes and latin. :tup Good job mom!


Shannon - :faint college! :eek Wow! At first when you said Northwestern I though she was going to Chicago :lol What does she want to take? Your church isn't still in Latin, is it?


:hi to everyone else! Happy Saturday!

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Good morning besties! I couldn't get on to see you all yesterday at work and when I came home yesterday I ate dinner (leftovers) and after that I just crashed! I literally fell asleep in my chair before 8! I didn't see the end of the gold medal curling match and I didn't see the beginning of the Team Canada hockey game! I knew I was tired, but I didn't realize I was that tired!

I need to go back and see what I missed yesterday. Talk to you all later!

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The dogs both wanted out at 2:30 this morning.


Then I had a major "power surge" at 4:00.


I've been up since then.


Don't expect much from me. I have mama brain compounded by severe lack of sleep.


Love you all. Hope you have a great Saturday. I'm planning on taxiing, taking dogs out, and working on my poncho.

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Morning, all!


Beth, the photos of Allie are soooo cute! Sorry that the dogs woke you up so early. At least they let you know! :yes Klaus has been sleeping in our room the past 3 nights, and has gotten up between 2:30 and 3 to go to the bathroom. I am just happy he lets me know. :lol Sounds like you have a low-key day planned- enjoy it. :hug


Colleen, enjoy your day with dd. :manyheart As for your produce problem- I hear you! I've been trying to buy lots of fresh veggies because of dh's health issues, but it mostly goes to waste because we are the only ones who eat it. I know a few people who "container garden" and I am going to try starting that today. :D Maybe you could try that and see how it goes? That way you can grow as little or as much as you want. I found tons of info on the internet and would be happy to share some links if you want.


Leanne, high school already! :eek Where does the time go? It is neat that she wants to take Latin. In my old h/s, we only had the options of French, Spanish, and German.


Shannon, good luck to Sister at the horse show. College already! What does she plan to major in? Hope Janna and dh had a great time on their pancake date. :manyheart


Mary, Scooby, Sarah, Vicki, Joanne...have a great Saturday!


Apparently the people across the street had a crazy-loud party last night, and I didn't hear a thing! I was soooo tired. Woke up this morning with sinus pressure in my right nostril and behind my right eye. It rained a bunch last night, though, and the moisture in the air really helps. :yes

Today after I drop off the girls, I am going to come home and :crocheting! Mia is really pushing me to finish her dress. :lol I love it that she wants me to make stuff for her, but she's really pushy. :rofl

Okay, gotta scoot. BBL!

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:hi everyone! A nice relaxing Saturday here. The neighbour brought over her 2 kids and we had a 2 hour snowfort building marathon this morning. It was great! We even had a little snow picnic snack. I had to have a nap this afternoon after all that fresh air :lol


Stacy - I like the idea of growing produce, but I can't keep a plant alive and our growing season is only a few weeks long here. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who throws stuff out. I thought everyone else was eating so many veggies that they successfully used them up :lol I know I'm not the healthiest duck on the block, but how can one small family possibly eat so much?


Beth - I hope you had a good Saturday after your early start.


Vicki - Is today DD's TKD tournament? If so :cheer I'm cheering her on. I need a chair like yours, sounds great!

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hey, hey, my Peeps!


Happy Saturday! I just finished all of my cleaning duties for the day (well, except for laundry which is Never really "done":lol). I got a lot of sleep last night:clap right after I signed off of here, I :out passed out, and didn't get up until 10:15:eek... I guess it's what I needed, cause other than the stuffies and drippy nose, I am feeling MUCH better!

I am playing a little on the 'puter, and have just found Pandora Internet Radio. Have you heard of it? It's cool!:tup I made my own "radio station":clap right now I am listening to Little River Band, Supertramp, Fleetwood Mac, the Eagles and Ambrosia! I need to get some Billy Joel in there, too. (Can you tell I am a 70's throwback?!:lol Well, for today, anyway:devil!)



Joanne ~ how are you today, hun? I hope the snow has stopped, and that your back is feeling better:(.. here are some cyber :hug:hug...those can't hurt you!:D

Is DH ready to start his new job on Monday? I bet he's excited! If for nothing else than the commute:wink


Vicki ~ :yes I suspected that your chair got ahold of you last night:heehee.. Good For You!!! :hug I hope your Saturday is wonderful!!!


Beth ~ Were you able to catch a little snooz-er-roo today? sorry to hear that you were woken so early for a "potty party"! ...:eekYikes! Power surges in the night? Don't you hate them? I know I do... It's like your blood is boiling or something, and then the sweat... :yuck. I don't know why we women have to go through this stuff :shrug...it's not like we don't already go through enough! Well... please know I am thinking of you, and hoping that you got a nice day today:U:hug


Shannon ~ How did DH and Janna's "date" go? :) I bet they had an "awesomeness" time! :c9:clap So, what are you up to today, GF? Hope it's lots of fun and laughter, whatever it is:yes:hug


Stacy ~ Sorry about your sinuses, Jorge, and George:( That's funny that you missed all the ruckus across the way... you must have been TIRED~!

Are you nearly done with Mia's dress? ? ?:devil ...just kidding;)


...:yes Jamie is off to High School in September. It goes by way too fast:(

I am proud of her, though... and she is wanting to follow in Mamma's footsteps and take Latin. It kind of cinched the deal when I explained how it improves vocab, English, Science, Math, SAT's, and Spanish (and many other foreign languages for that matter)! What's not to love, right?:devil


Colleen ~ Sounds like you are having a funtabulous and wonderful day:clap:cnine... I am so happy for you! You have earned it!!! :hug


:waving Mary!!!! I miss you!!!!! How are you? I hope that you are ok, and that you are just having too much fun with your IRL family!:yes

Love ya, Sis!:manyheart


:hi, Sarah! How are you all holding up today? Did Keith have a fun playdate? Have you and DF had a chance to relax at all? I am thinking good thoughts for all of you down there!:hug:hug


ScoobyDoo!!!!!!! How ARE You???? how is your new place? Are you guys getting everything moved ok? I am thinking of you, and sending along prayers of peacefulness, relaxation, and good health for you, DS, and your new home! :hug:hug



...and a big :hi to any friends we haven't heard from in a long while, or that we just haven't met yet! :U


I need to go pick up my current project... it really needs to get done ASAP, as it is for someone else. Oh, did I mention that it is Knitted?! It's kind of fun for a change... something new to wrap my brain around:yes

See you all later on...

Luv Ya!:manyheart:hug:manyheart

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Hi everyone!

My brother and sister-in-law from PA called this AM- they were heading to NJ today to visit with my SIL's sister (who lives in a group home- she is deaf/blind). After their visit with her, they came over and we had a lovely visit. :c9 They just left. We were going to go out for lunch, but honestly, my back is very sore and I was afraid to go in a car with the bumps on the road, etc;. So they stopped at my local deli and brought lunch to me!:clap


It was a great visit this afternoon and a very pleasant surprise.:manyheart So glad I wasn't at work-and was home!!


I am trying to get comfortable. I probably should be lying down, but then I can't :crocheting! My SIL was impressed with the projects I have and the :yarn! I admitted I am a yarn-a-holic, but that I'm set to make lots of Christmas things and gifts. She really liked DH's flannel'ghan so I think I'll be making one for them for Christmas!


Colleen- sounds like a fun day up in your neck of the woods today!! Snow is fun with little ones!


Beth- The pup you are watching is so cute!


Vicki- Let us know how DDs DI competition went. And, glad your magical chair took care of you last night!!


Shannon, Stacy, Mary, Scooby, Sarah, and anyone else I may have forgotten, enjoy the rest of your Saturday!:hug

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Good morning and happy Sunday- Last day of February- so this means spring is coming soon--20 more days!!


My back is still sore-I don't ever want to shovel again!!!:lol


It's going to be another lazy day spent in the chair with the heating pad on! Can't wait for the Hockey game this afternoon! Go USA:cheer


Have a wonderful day everyone!!:manyheart

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Good morning,


I haven't gotten much done but taking dogs out. The puppy is a retriever, and wants to retrieve my yarn, then run off with it, so I am constantly taking yarn out of her mouth if I'm trying to crochet. Ewwwww. I take her home at 3 this afternoon. it's been rather nice, but I really don't want another dog!


I need to get my grocery shopping done this morning, so I'm going. Have a great Sunday!

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Mornin' everyone!

Just wanted to stop in and wish you a wonderful Sunday!


Joanne - hope your back feels better as the day goes along


Beth - Your puppy post this morning made me chuckle... you sound like an auntie who is ready for the "darling neice" to go home:heehee


I am going to softball tryouts at around 11, and am hoping to get home in time for the hockey game.


Meantime, I am thinking good thoughts for all of you!

Have a wonderful Sunday:hug:hug:hug

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Good morning to all my besties!

DD and I had a HUGE tickle fight this morning. We were screaming and laughing and generally having a good time. Hubby came out to see what we were doing. He said it sounded like I was tearing her lungs out we were being so loud! But we were having fun!

I have the towels done and the first load of laundry done in the washer. DD needs to bring me her clothes, but she is eating breakfast so the clothes can wait a little bit. I need to work on my paper this afternoon a little and I need to put clothes away.

Colleen - TKD tournament is next weekend. I get to make all the peanut butter sandwiches and the kids are going to bring all the snacks. Hubby will help me pack the cooler. He is better at packing the cooler than me.

Joanne - DD's DI tournament went well. Her team came in 5th out of 24 teams in the challenge. They were the highest placed team in her school. She was very happy. She had fun at the tournament and I think she learned a lot from the experience. How is your back feeling today? That was nice of your SIL to bring lunch in to you!

Stacy - How was the day without the girls? Did you enjoy a nice, quiet day?

Shannon - How was your day? Did you do anything fun?

Beth - I have a question for you about the tote pattern. About how much yarn does it take to complete? I want to start one, but I need to know how much yarn it needs. Let's see if I have enough in my stash!

Okay, off to see if my professor sent my paper back and do more laundry! Have a great day all!

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