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Sensual Crochet: Luxurious yarns, Alluring Designs.... A good investment?


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So I've been wanting to crochet some really nice garments lately.... and I was doing some research on Amazon and was wondering if this book:

Sensual Crochet: Luxurious Yarns, Alluring Designs (Paperback)


by Amy Swenson


would be a good investment. It looked like it had some beautiful designs that would be tons of fun to make, and challenging at the same time... but its hard to tell on the internet. I thought I'd check it out from the library and look at it before buying maybe?

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I would check it out of the Library and read it over to see if the patterns are easy to understand. I looked at all the pictures and everything is beautiful. I know how much you love fashion so it looks perfect for you.

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thanks all! I love this place... everyone's so friendly and helpful...:)

I hadn't thought about reselling it when finished with it, but that could definitely be an option... It doesn't actually cost that much so my inkling was that it would be a good investment...but I think I'll probably check it out from the library.:P

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I like to check out books from the library too, to decide if I really want to invest in them. I have done that with this book. I didn't buy it, but if i were younger and had the figure to wear the designs, I probably would have. (As i recall, a lot of the clothing is revealing enough to create a bra dilemma.) It has some great patterns for really good-looking garments. None of them are run-of-the-mill stuff that we've seen before. Be prepared to make substitutions on the yarns; some of the suggested yarns would be literally hundreds of $ even in the small sizes.


While you're waiting to get it from the library, you can see some of the garments on the Amy Swenson's flickr


The book is on googlebooks, apparently without the photos but you can see quite a bit of text



Robyn chachula also blogged about it http://crochetbyfaye.blogspot.com/2007/12/sensual-crochet-behind-scences-and-book.html

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey! I got this in the mail from the library! And within like 5 hours I ordered it on Amazon! I absolutely Love the patterns, and though some of the yarns are super expensive I have done some research and found some less expensive yarns with basically the same fiber content.... I can't wait to do some of the projects...Yay!

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