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Joining granny squares

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I have 3 unassembled granny square afghans. How do you get motivated to sew your squares together? I have to sit at my kitchen table to do it, as I like a flat surface. I get comfortable at night in my recliner or on my lounge chair on the deck and end up working on other things. Help :eek Motivate me please!!

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I confess. I HATE GRANNY SQUARE BLANKETS! Or any blanket that needs to be sewn together like that. However, I've commited myself (to myself) that my leftover scraps will be made into granny blankets to donate because it's the easiest for me with the random scraps I have. Here's my tip for future square blanket making:


I make up the scap parts. Then when I get a pile, I get the edging color and work them up one row at a time. (If I'm going 6 rows across by 8 down, I'll edge ONLY 6) Then, I go ahead and sew the row together. When I get the second row done, I'll sew the completed rows together and so on. I found it's easier than getting a huge pile of squares and then have to sew them ALL together. It kind of breaks up the repetitiveness.

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I like to crochet them together as I make them.


With 3 chs in the corner and 1 ch between dc groups it's easy to crochet them together as you make them then there's no sewing at all.



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I have always sewn mine together - and I dread doing it. What do you do in the corners for those who are crocheting the squares together. - I'm definately going to try this with my 12" square exchange pieces.

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My corners usually have 3 sc in them. So I will join like I previously posted. When getting to the corners I will join the first stitch and the middle stitch of the three in the corner. then when attaching the next square I would join in the same middle stitch and then the one remaining stitch. Hope thats not too confusing.

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Oh, I have gotten to where I just love doing squares now, since I started crocheting them together.

Thanks - that makes sense. I will definately try this - I may actually find that I like working with squares.




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