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Calling All Boy Scout Mom's!

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I need your help! We have been invited to a ceremony for a friend who's son is making Eagle Scout. There is a dinner reception afterward. What is the proper ettiquette for this? Do I buy a gift? Do I get a card and put money in it? I've just never been invited to anything like this and not sure what to do. :think

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We've been to a few of these ceremonies. They are very well planned and really talk about what boyscouting is, the child who is receiving the Eagle Award and the project he did. Bring tissues because they can choke you up a few times.


As for gifts, we have done gift cards, or cash in a nice card.


They usually have a dinner afterwards and we've had everything from subway sandwiches and chips, pasta meals, and a sit down dinner. It just depends on the family.


Enjoy. They are really fun to go to.



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I've only been to one Eagle Ceremony, and nobody brought actual gifts to the ceremony. BUT I wasn't a close friend or family member, either. Just one of the parents of another scout in the troop....


If I were invited to a friend's son's ceremony, I'd give a card with money, and give it to the Eagle Scout after the ceremony, along with a hug and best wishes. I do remember seeing a stack of cards that his mother had set aside.

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Bring tissues because they can choke you up a few times.....

Enjoy. They are really fun to go to.


The one I attended really was nice. They had a reception afterward with cake and snacks, not a dinner, but that was fine. I'm sure the family did something else for themselves later. The ceremony itself was very moving. I wouldn't pass up the chance to go to another.

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Around here (florida) it is cards only. I have not ever had to give a gift. If you are very close to this young man cash or a gift card is appropriate.


Around here the ceremonies are very nice but the receptions are informal.

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