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Getting smoke smell out.

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Hi friends,


At least 20 years ago, my grandmother made my parents a nice afghan in brown, orange, white and tan. My mom had bought her the yarn, and she made this lovely twin size afghan.


Well, since my folks retired to Tennessee 17 years ago, the afghan has been on a shelf because it didn't match any rooms of their new house.


Mom smokes up a storm and the beautiful afghan just stinks.


I want to use it on my son's bed, so if anyone has any hints on how to get smoke smell out, please let me know.


Grandma's pattern was as follows: 10 dc, 3 shells, 10 dc. etc. She did this one all the time. Kind of her trademark crocheting.



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I've had good luck with washing things, by hand, in castile soap (you can add baking soda, too, if the smell is quite bad)


I then rinse the afghan in vinegar, squeeze dry, and roll it in a towel to get most of the water out. And then, lay it flat on a laundry rack outside, to dry in the sunshine.


Once in a while, I've had to go through that procedure twice, or thrice, to get something really smelling clean.


I've washed afghans in the bathtub. It's nice to have another person to help with squeezing the afghan, before rolling it in a beach towel. I've sometimes rolled them in beach towels and left to dry overnight, rolling in a dry towel in the morning.


Good luck!

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I'm sorry I'm not washing an afghan by hand.

Do you know if it's washable? If so, wash it and use baking soda or vinager in the wash.

If not, try Fabreeze. They make one for smokers.

Or just hanging it out in fresh air.



I had to chuckle when I read this one. Hanging it outside would make it a popsicle. It's only 30 or so out today.


I'm trying baking soda in the wash. We'll see if that works.

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Vinegar is good for removing smoke smell. You can flap a vinegar soaked towel in a smoky room to get the stench out. I used to do that in our den when I lived with my parents cause that was the room my friends and I used and they were allowed to smoke in and it just about killed me to sit in there sometimes.


Just machine wash (if the item is washable) using vinegar instead of fabric softener in final rinse, it will remove odor and soften, too. You may have to do this more than once.

Baking soda in wash water helps, too.


For non-washable items, you can put them in a plastic bag with baking soda or activated charcoal in it to absorb odors.


If all else fails, try spraying till damp with a smell removal spray, and let dry in fresh air outside (not in sun, just a nice breeze).

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I had to chuckle when I read this one. Hanging it outside would make it a popsicle. It's only 30 or so out today.


I'm trying baking soda in the wash. We'll see if that works.


Yes that would be funny if you put it out wet. I should have been more clear, hang it out dry and let the fresh air and breeze clear it. Although in 30 degree weather it still might stiffen even if it's dry. :lol

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I agree with the vinegar, but I use it on the rinse cycle. I've had more luck letting the items soak in the washing machine with borax for a bit before running them through a hand wash cycle with the vinegar. My husband has very bad asthma and this method has worked wonders for us.

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Ammonia in with the detergent will take out smoke smell and stains too. Use water as hot as the fabric can withstand. If it's really bad, wash and rinse it twice in a row. On the final rinse, you may have to do a double rinse before it is really clear.

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Believe it or not, I have used Febreze on hanks of yarn and thread. I had to put it in the utility room for a couple of days, but it worked gread on the smell of smoke.:hook


I agree with Tampa Doll...I had a friend who smoked, and my clothes would just reek after spending time at his place. Some febreeze took the smell right out.

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