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suggestions on crocheting with tendonitis in your wrist

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Ok I made a hat in a day the next day I did the same thing again and this time the tendonitis returned I've had tendonitis for over 5 years and it hurts does anyone have suggestions on how to crochet with this yesterday I told my fiance that I would die with a crochet hook in hand now please don't misunderstand I am not dying my point was that I will continue to crochet with the pain even if it hurts but just want suggestions on how to continue and what you all do when you get pain in your wrist

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You've got to stop! At least until it feels better. Trying to carry on will only make it worse and worse.


Your doctor can give you suggestions. Mine told me to stop until I got better and told me to stop when the pain started again. She also gave me wrist braces to wear at night, and told me to take doses of ibuprofen when necessary. Of course every doctor is going to prescribe differently for different patients.


There are special gloves that some knitters/crocheters wear, and they may help some after you are ready to take up crocheting again. There are also ergonomic type hooks you can try out. Like Provocraft's hook, or that Eleggant hook for instance.


Oh yes, and I've heard that how you hold your hook can make a difference. I believe (I'm not swearing to it though) that holding your hook like a knife instead of a pencil is supposed to be easier on your wrist.

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I have carpal tunnel and before I start to crochet I do dishes or take a bath the warm moist heat helps relax the muscles and tendons. Also the braces at night help and motrin or alieve help greatly. I also try to find hooks that have a bigger handle. They seem strange to hold at first but they help.

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I have fibromyalgia and crochet for a living, so I crochet all the time. I have learned a few things. When I feel a pain or cramp in my hand or wrist, I shake it out. That has really helped. Also, I alternate between larger hook-heavier yarn projects, with those that used smaller yarn and smaller hooks. Lastly, I have all kinds of wrappings for wrist, elbow, etc. These take the strain off whatever spot may be hurting. Good Luck!

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Tendonitis and arthritis in my hands here too. I soak them often in warm water baths, braces at night if I overdo (sometimes that deadline just HAS to be met :lol) and mostly importantly, I crochet in shifts. Crochet for 30-60 minutes then rest just as long. Flexing the muscles and shaking it off helps a lot too like Rainbowrider said :yes

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Sometimes you just have to take a break. My mom has tendinitis as well as carpal tunnel and spins and weaves. Sleeves and "mitts" might help, but if you ignore the pain, it will just make things worse.

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