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What am I getting myself into?

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My brother saw the potholder that I made, so he wants a couple of them in different colors. I don't mind making them but he gave me a deadline! I told him it takes me atleast 2 days to finish those and I need extra time to get stuff done. I'm doing a special one for Tuesday because that's the 1 year anniversary of my brother John's passing.

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Good Luck! I personally don't do well with deadlines. Now if it was 2 weeks for something that took me 2 days, then I might be able to get it done. But I know how life sometimes gets in the way! I do get more done if it is something I really enjoy making. Good luck, and I will say a quick prayer for you for peace on Tuesday!


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My brother saw the potholder that I made, so he wants a couple of them in different colors. I don't mind making them but he gave me a deadline!



well here is my opinion... he is your brother...and brothers can wait :lol... but in all seriousness dont overwhelm yourself... give him one at a time if need be... and when he harps on you about getting them done... let him know that the more he bothers you about them...the longer it will take!



im sorry to hear about your brother John... my thoughts are with you and your family... i will keep you in my thoughts on tuesday.

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When someone gives me a deadline for doing them a favor, it is no longer a pleasure - it's work! :angry The only deadlines I'll accept for my crochet are self imposed ones. :hook Just tell him you'll do your best and then work on them on YOUR schedule. :hug

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Here's what I say now: "I don't do deadlines."


If I'm being nice enough to make an item for someone, it has to fit into my life, my schedule. I no longer half kill myself to please everyone but me.

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It's very nice that he thought that your potholder was nice enough that he wanted one too. However, I've found that when you hop to it on the little items they want, they expect the same kind of 'service' for bigger ones. Sucks the fun right outta it!


Unless he's wanting them for a gift for a set day and he's paying you, he really has no right to give you any sort of deadline.

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I told him. I will give them to him when when I am finished with all of them. These are for both him and his partner ... they are both chefs and do alot of entertaining. Another thing is, I've always got crochet gifts from family friends and my grandma.. and I still have those because those are my inspiration to get creative, plus if I wanted someone to make me something, I paid them or bought the materials they needed to make it.. but I won't do that anymore because because it's much more fun making it lol.

SO today I said I don't do deadlines, if he wants me to make gifts for people then tell me way in advance, so that I don't have to rush it. I'm making a special potholder in memory of my brother (actually he's my brother in law I just think of him as my brother if that make sense) it's going to be apart of the memorial that we have for him. What happened was, he passed away suddenly in his sleep and then later on we found out that he overdosed on his medication. Then tommorrow is the 4 year anniversary that my grandma passed away and she loved to crochet.

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