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Gumball Machine Potholder/Hotpad Pattern

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Gumball Machine Potholder/Hotpad:


1oz red cotton worsted weight yarn

1.5oz white cotton worsted weight yarn

small amounts of gumball colors: pink, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple

small amount black cotton worsted weight yarn

H hook

tapestry needle


Note: ch 3 counts as first dc. Cotton or other natural fiber/heat resistant yarn must be used for a functional potholder. Black yarn can be substituted for gray.


Base (Make 2):

With red ch 25.

Row 1: dc in 4th ch from hook and in each st across. Ch 3, turn.

Row 2: dc2tog, dc in next 17 sts, dc2tog, dc in next st. Ch 3, turn.

Row 3: dc across. Ch 3, turn.

Row 4: dc2tog, dc in next 15 sts, dc2tog, dc in next st. Ch 3, turn.

Row 5: dc across. Ch 3, turn.

Row 6: dc2tog, dc in next 13 sts, dc2tog, dc in next st. Ch3, turn.

Row 7: dc across. Ch 3, turn.

Row 8: dc2tog, dc in next 11sts, dc2tog, dc in next st. Ch 1, do not turn.

**sc around with 3 sc in each corner. End off, weave in ends.**


Globe (Make 2):

With white, make an adjustable loop.

Rnd 1: Ch 3. 12 dc in loop. Pull loop taut and join with sl st in first dc. Ch 3, do not turn.

Rnd 2: 2dc in each st around. Join with sl st in first dc. Ch 3, do not turn.

Rnd 3: (dc in next st, 2dc in next st) x 12. Join with sl st in first dc. Ch 3, do not turn.

Rnd 4: (dc in next 2 sts, 2dc in next st) x 12. Join with sl st in first dc. Ch 3, do not turn.

Rnd 5: (dc in next 3 sts, 2dc in next st) x 12. Join with sl st in first dc. Ch 3, do not turn.

Rnd 6: (dc in next 4 sts, 2dc in next st) x 12. Join with sl st in first dc. End off, weave in ends.


Gumballs (Make 2 in each color, plus 1 extra in color of choice):

Make adjustable loop. Ch 3, 12dc in loop. Pull loop taut, join with sl st in first dc. end off, leaving 12"+ for sewing. Weave in beginning end.


Red top (make 2):

With red, ch 11.

Row 1: dc in 4th ch from hook and across. Ch 3, turn.

Row 2: dc across. Ch 1, do not turn.

**sc around with 2 sts in each corner. End off, leaving 18"+ end on second one for sewing. Weave in beginning end.**


Dispenser Backplate:

With black, ch 11.

Row 1: dc in 4th ch from hook and across. Ch 3, turn.

Rows 2-6: dc across. Ch 3, turn.

Row 7: dc across. Ch1, do not turn.

**sc around with 3 sc in each corner. end off, weave in ends.**


Coin slot:

With black, ch 7. sc in 2nd ch from hook and across. End off, leaving 12" end for sewing. Weave in beginning end.


Coin crank/handle:

With black, make an adjustable loop. Ch 1. 6 sc in loop. Pull loop taut and sl st in 1st sc. Ch5, sc in 2nd ch and in next 3. sl st into next st of circle and next 2. Ch 5, sc in 2nd ch and in next 3. sl st in next st. of circle. End off, leaving 12"+ end for sewing. Weave in beginning end.



With black, ch 8.

Row 1: dc in 4th ch from hook and across. Ch 3, turn.

Row 2: dc across. Ch 3, turn.

Row 3: dc across. Ch 1, do not turn.

**sc around with 3 sc in each corner. end off, weave in ends.**



1. Lay 1 white circle flat and place 1 base on top as shown in picture. With any color yarn other than white, loosely weave yarn (will need to remove for step 3) in and out of stitches across top of base or just above base, where base will end and gumballs will begin.

2. Sew all but 1 gumball to same white circle as pictured or where desired, weaving in and out of edge of sts. Secure each with knot and weave in ends.

3. Join white circles: Working with wrong sides together and in both circles. sl st into top center of circle. Remove piece of yarn marking where base will be placed. Ch10, sl st into same st, sc in same st. sc in next 4 sts. 2sc in next st. (5sc, 2sc in next st) x 11. 10 around ch 10 from beginning of row. sl st into 1st sc. End off, weave in ends.

4. Secure all ends with a knot and weave in ends after sewing: Sew dispenser backplate to 1 base, with right sides facing out as shown in picture. Sew coin slot across bottom and sides only as shown in picture. Sew crank/handle to backplate as shown in picture. Sew 1st row of flap only to backplate as shown in picture. Sew the extra gumball to the backplate under the flap.

5. With wrong sides facing each side of globe, sew top as shown in picture, sewing through all 4 layers (2 layers of top, 2 layers of globe). Secure with knot and weave in ends.

6. With wrong sides facing each side of globe, secure base to globe beginning with row 8. Sew around entire edge of base, secure with a knot and weave in ends.

**If desired, place small coin in coin slot for display only. Remove coin before use to prevent burns.**

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