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Kitchen Dish cloth and Swifter Set


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I just got this finished up. It's for my step-mom's birthday and it matches her kitchen decor! :) I'm including the patterns for them and a ball of matching cotton for her so she can replace them as they wear out. There are two dish cloths and one swifter shrug.





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Nope I found it online here: http://gherkinsbucket.wordpress.com/patterns/

It's the middle one called Biffer Shrug. I had to change it somewhat to fit my Swifter, as these were a little small but then I crochet very tightly too! :hook


I figured giving out the pattern now will save me later. I get worn out making all this stuff for everyone else and not much for me, so this way I'm making sure that if something they get they really like, they can make themselves and I don't end up with huge lists of requests. :D


It is awesome to find matching decor yarn! My dad even helped pick it out.. HEHE



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