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Paging Gloria M from Ohio State Fair! UPDATED with a bit of a rant (Sorry!)

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This is a long shot--BUT--by any chance is Gloria M. a member here--or does anyone know her? She would be from Ohio, probably the Columbus area.


So here's the story--some of you may have seen that I won the Best of Show at the Ohio State Fair and I just got a call from the director there. Apparently when they released my blankets to my husband there last night, they switched the ribbons somehow. The State Fair has my BOS ribbon and I have hers.


So they called me and wanted me to mail back Gloria's ribbon, which I will as soon as I get the right one back. I just want her to know that it is here safe and I'll get it to her ASAP. I don't mean to seem like I'm holding it hostage, but two years ago the State Fair mailed back my best of show blanket and ribbons to the wrong address where it was dumped on the porch and left in the rain for several days. Now I make the two hour drive to Columbus to pick up my stuff. Unfortunately I couldn't go myself this year to pick them up since I've just had surgery and so my husband was nice enough. They're not real dependable there it seems and I want to make sure they don't get them screwed up again--that mine comes here and then they can get hers to her in a timely and efficient manner.


So Gloria--your ribbon is safe! I would prefer to mail it to you directly with a tracking number and confirmation to make sure you get it. I'm not so sure they'll get it right mailing it back to Columbus and hoping they get it to you!


What a mess!!


:hook Colleen


PS Oh, and your work was stunning!!

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I've not heard from Gloria. Like I said, it was a longshot.


But I got my correct ribbons from the state fair today. Mangled and creased! I am quite peeved! I really don't know what it is with them down there!


However, I am trying really, really hard to be a good person. So I carefully wrapped Gloria's ribbon in white tissue. Rolled the long edges around a cardboard stuffed tube to try to maintain it's shape and placed it in a padded envelope for it's return trip to Columbus. So it should arrive in very good shape (UNLIKE MINE!!!). Hopefully the idgets there won't undo the wrapping and stuff it into a flat envelope folded over and nasty for Gloria to receive.


But if they do, I'm so sorry Gloria! (Not that I expect her to see this obviously. Just throwing it out there on the crochet winds hoping she'll feel that a fellow crocheter somehwere has a respect for her work and her award!) I was hoping someone knew you so I could see personally that you get it!





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That REALLY REALLY REALLY stinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkksssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I wasn't a pasifistic Quaker I'd go over there and kkkkiiiiiiccccckkkkkkk some ***.!!!!!!!!!!


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That REALLY REALLY REALLY stinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkksssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I wasn't a pasifistic Quaker I'd go over there and kkkkiiiiiiccccckkkkkkk some ***.!!!!!!!!!!




You make me laugh!! :lol:lol:lol Thanks!!!!!! That helps SO much!!!:D



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I am sooo glad you did the right thing and tried and took oh such good care of her ribbon - i would definitely get ahold of the fair board and explain you dissatisfaction with the way your ribbons arrived and you demand a replacement that is worthy of hanging - it should look every bit as nice as what you won it for and handled with kid gloves.


dang idiots!!!

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So happy you got your BOS back home safe and sound, really a shame that had to happen again though. I think somebody needs to complain to the fair board since this is the 2nd time it's happened. Somebody is definitely not paying attention there.

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Colleen: I saw the entries at the fair, and the work displayed was fabulous! Which were your entries? I hope I'm able to enter next year, myself. Congrats on the ribbons!





Mine was the plum colored afghan in the main case with the beading and the christening blanket in the other crochet case with the crystal beading. That one didn't place. There were so many great entries this year!


I hope to see you there next year!



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They're both at the county fair right now, but as soon as I get them back I'm going to take better pics. You can't see the detail and the beading in these. They're camera phone shots through the cases at the fair.


pic?id=5490riuOQ5BDyJX5xAhydcm9ah-asPlDRnYt&size=mIt's the white blanket in the front. It's a christening blanket for my sister and has crystal beading. It didn't place.


pic?id=5490riuOQ5BDyJX5xAhydcm9agKs6H-C7SIC&size=mYou can't see any detail in this pic, but it's a fan pattern with beads on the tops of the fans. The edging is a pineapple style with picots and the picots are all beaded heavily. It weighs a ton.


Better pics soon, I promise! The county fair is over this weekend and I'll be getting them both back.


Thanks, everyone!


:hook Colleen

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your items are very nice i know what you are feelilng i had to make up my mind on what fair i wanted to go to this year for the gas prices do i go to the high prize money or the pretty ribbons i did the pretty ribbons for the only reason really i do fairs is the ribbons and if they mess they up i get peeved so you go girl ribbon power

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