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Frustrated to tears

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I really thought after all the years I've been crocheting (self taught) I could tackle most projects. The most recent is bringing me to tears and I'm ready to throw it away...good yarn and all. I'm working on the LilyChin Lace dress....I can't seem to figure out the pattern for the decrease lace shells to save my life. My fiance is ready to throw me out and I'm dissapointed in myself for not being able to figure it out. I'm amazed at how much this has challenged my mood and desire to crochet at all.:(

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I understand exactly what you're saying. When a pattern fustrates me that much I wonder why am I doing it. I crochet to help my sanity not make me lose it. Sure, we should all challenge ourselves, but not when it makes me want to stop crocheting.


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I can't help you on the pattern sorry, but I can offer this. #1. Take a deep breath. #2. Put it away! Far, far away. #3. Take a break from crocheting, or crochet something easy, fun , low keyed. #4 Go have a massage, get your nails done, go shopping, do something fun and forget about the dress. The dress is not worth all the tears and frustration. :hug:hug:hug

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Also, there could be an error and that is why things are not working out for you.


I tried a baby bootie pattern several times and the directions just didn't make sense. There was an error in it and they had forgotten a step, so that the next row didn't work.


It can be very frustrating as you read it and try over and over. I would also check on the website to see if there are any error corrections in this pattern.


Good luck. I hope you figure it out.



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Bless you all! I would go insane without this website.

I do have the updated version of this dress. I'm sure it's just my interpretation that is holding me back. Many have completed it and I feel downright stupid because I can't figure it out. I've frogged it twice already and started over. I'm going to post the stitch in the help section.

Thank you for the website, but I don't think I'll get a response...but ya never know.

I'm going to work on something simple today, as suggested.

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