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What's a prayer shawl?

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Well a prayer shawl is just a shawl of any pattern that is made while the person is thinking about a sick person, whether it is a known or unknown person. The shawl is made for a person who is sick, dying, has cancer, long stay in a hospital or any other reason. The point is that it is made from a giving heart, wanting to give back to those who are in need.

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Prayer Shawls and Prayer Blankets are wonderful gifts of love!!!!

I've made several shawls for sick and grieving family or friends!

some pray over the yarn before they start the project... some pray through out the crocheting or knitting of it.. or some pray over the finished item.

They are a very heart warming gift... both for giver and receiver!





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I made a special shawl for a young lady I knew as she was entering adulthood. I filled it with prayers and thoughts and good wishes for her as she passed the milestones of graduation, 18th birthday, and first job into full time work. I've also made ones for unknown persons, also filled with prayers for peace and health in their lives. Another one, actually my first was a huge one for a friend facing many trials of health and family, it was a big hug for her when I couldn't be there in person to hug her; and the whole family loves it.

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I made a couple of shawls for two wonderful lady co-workers who were very nice to me while I was sick and in the hospital last year as a way to thank them for their kindness. As I made them I prayed for them to have peace and health for the new year. And I made one for my wife and she actually uses it while she is praying sometimes, not just to keep warm with.:hook

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