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the shells are in my brain!


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i've been trying to get shells out of my brain by doing projects that have nothing to do with shells.. and the FIRST thing my hands make when i put the patterns away is THIS...


ya, its clickable. i named it Patria, after my grandma Patria Ameneiro, who i was thinking of as i made it




also i thought i'd throw this in too.. it's supposed to be an In Bloom clutch from the SnB book but i dont have a flower loom.. i made two but the other one got stolen lol. it was in an orange-ish pinkish melon color.


:hook thank you for stopping by!

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thank you! :D

i love shells, they are very super pretty. but after having made a trillion shelly things in freehand i was hoping to kinda change the channel in my brain a little bit. apparently the shells are trying to say something lol

maybe like "heck no! we wont go!"? :P

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I love both of these - especially the first one, it's just beautiful.


I also love to make that particular stitch and bitch bag - it's so fast to make! I have a flower loom, you can get them real cheap off ebay, but they also look good with artificial flowers pinned on. Or, as yous does, sans flower!


Great bags lady!

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Good job!

How are you liking your In Bloom? I'm thinking of making one form my daughter's ballet teacher. However I've read they're flimsy. Is that an issue for you? I don't really want to do plastic inserts.


yep! unless your yarn is either thick or stiff :P it will be pretty floppy. but for me by now my bags look like hobo sacks lol cuz i tend to stuff the bujeezus outa my bags :D


also thank you all for the nice comments i really appreciate it, my brain thanks you :hook

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thank you! :D

i love shells, they are very super pretty. but after having made a trillion shelly things in freehand i was hoping to kinda change the channel in my brain a little bit. apparently the shells are trying to say something lol

maybe like "heck no! we wont go!"? :P



Maybe they're trying to tell you it's time to go to the beach!:lol LOVE the purses.

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